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out of the blue
@rlemon compiled languages... pffffffffffft
...and now everything's working
@SomeKittens lol
GitHub, Y U NO proper update?
GIF KILLER Bookmarklet to replace annoying gifs on the page.
Replaces all gifs on the page with this
$('img').filter(function() { if( this.src.substr(-3).toUpperCase() === 'GIF' ) return this; }).replaceWith('<img src="http://i.imgur.com/vMgrL.png" />');
or just run that in the console.
Hate that Chrome won't let us install scripts outside of the Chrome Webstore now
Pro Tip: if you goto chrome://extensions and drag and drop the userscript to the page it will install it. — rlemon Aug 11 at 3:16
works for extensions too
@rlemon u might wanna add a $(document).on('load','img',function(e){

so that it also kills dynamic gifs :$
@Abhishek nahh, I wanna see them
I just also want to replace them when i'm done loling the first time
ah :-)
@rlemon Thanks!
I wrote a doc generator yesterday to write my documentation easily in markdown
and I still haven't written a single line of doc
Isn't that how it always works?
you're supposed to write it then automate it
I automated it a little too fast ;>
I meant in general. Write code to avoid doing other things
I write code to avoid real work.
so far, so good!
@SomeKittens This should help you get that badge
They've already got enough votes
The vanilla script
hey, leave my gifs alone!
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.getElementsByTagName("img"),function(a){if("gif"===a.src.substr(-3).toLowerCase()){var b=document.createElement("img");b.src="http://i.imgur.com/vMgrL.png";a.parentNode.replaceChild(b,a)}});
Exactly. You can literally upvote all the things
I get (perhaps too much) enjoyment out of upvoting n00bs who ask good questions.
it'll take a bit longer
But more satisfying, huh?
It's not like I need the badge for something
oh hey, there are moderators on DBA.SE (@jcolebrand)
@FlorianMargaine who needs mods?
the vanilla script is going to be handy when I come a cross sites with ugly animated gifs.
@rlemon make it work for iframed gif
and swf
and become the next adblock with your snippet
maybe later I'll write a userscript. block all animated things !!!
@FlorianMargaine if you're going to do that, dataurl that image
@jcolebrand well if you're going to do that, you'll have a lot more lines
IIRC, frames don't have the same ownerDocument either, so you need to take them into account
@FlorianMargaine howso? I think like three more lines
wait, not even
<img src="dataurl..."> is valid
@rlemon can u help me a lil bro ?
A: Detecting whether a file is complete or partial in PHP

SomeKittensThe easy answer would be to upload to a temp directory, and then move the files (local copy === much faster) to their final destination when done.

Isn't this one of those generic Interview 2.0 questions?
Hi everyone !It's my first time here,
has anybody got a clue how make a "writing" effect with canvas ?
@jcolebrand I'm not talking about just dataurl, but more getting all the frames + iframes in the document
my big task of the day:
Boss: "can you fix this?"
Me: "what is the matter"
Boss: "Server no longer supports PHP"
Me: "ummm.... ok???"
Boss: "Can you make all the pages static and not rely on PHP"
Me: "umm... ugh. ok"
opens up pages.... there is no PHP in them....
Me: do I pretend to work? or tell him i'm done.
@rlemon pretend to work
@Abhishek like writing on a canvas? or stylus? or timed typerwriter text on a canvas
@jcolebrand and dunno what else has its own ownerDocument
@rlemon stylus
just want HTML5 appear as if its written (xD)
@FlorianMargaine the issue is I didn't want to do iFrames :p
ahh.. goodluck
@Abhishek You want the user to be able to write?
i know its possible using paths but i am too novice with canvas
@Amaan no
@Abhishek uh, just make a gif
Make normal text look like it's handwritten?
@Amaan no.... make it appear as if its getting written in realtime
@Amaan no, having the text appear little by little, somehow like it's handwritten yeah
/// start wrting on a paper
@FlorianMargaine too much work (x
way more work using canvas :p
@jcolebrand Dude! That is so epic!
Quick question: I suddenly find myself actually considering putting HTML markup in xml datafiles (CDATA). My gut tells me I should go out for a cup of coffee, and I'm being silly. Is my gut right?
Q: Efficient algorithm to sort html list of players

Nikolay FominyhWe have list of players, which is represented in form like this: <div class="players_list"> <div class="player" data-points="500"> <div class="name">Player1</div> <div class="position">1</div> </div> <div class="player" ...

@FlorianMargaine its beautiful
@Abhishek wanna make some css for it? :D
@EliasVanOotegem when the gut says coffee.... listen to it.
and get a muffin too
@FlorianMargaine after i am done with this presentation , sure!
Who upvotes an answer with a clear mistake?
A: Toggling the background color of buttons

Liam McCannfunction colorchange(id) { var background = document.getElementById(id).style.background; if(background = "rgb(255,255,255)") { document.getElementById(id).style.background = "rgb(0,0,0)"; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.background = "rgb(...

@Amaan You've got 2k, fix it!
@rlemon, thanks... I'll pass on the muffin, just a big mug of extra strong and a cigarette will bring me back to the realm of the living, I hope
Oh, yeah!
> I use JavaScript. And a few other web programming languages. No libraries. Ever.
I keep forgetting that I can edit posts
How To Not Get A Job Through StackOverflow, Lesson One: use @Amaan profile's info.
less code. cleaner
I wrote that long ago
Should probably remove that
well, you're 16, so it's not like you really care for now
And I managed to get a job anyway! :D
lol have you seen mine :P
@rlemon is 10 years older than you
There will be no more kittens.
going for the unicorn revolution?
ask rlemon lol
no it is in direct reference to my old profile. (above)
@FlorianMargaine FINE THEN
@rlemon k
@Esailija lol I just noticed that
I have 118 rep on askubuntu with just one question
I'm so good
and your starting 101 rep?
Q: Macbook Pro 8,1 - wireless interface not showing up

Florian MargaineI've installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my Macbook Pro 8,1. Everything went fine and everything installs fine except for the wireless interface. I've installed the b43 module according to these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-1/Natty#Wireless I've tried compiling the module, ...

@rlemon lol
so if somebody has 98 rep on askubuntu :o
don't reveal everything :(
@Abhishek either he started at 101 rep and got downvotes, or he started there
wow, now that I think about it, I've added quite some articles to my blog recently
2 in 3 days
ok, afk guys
cya, love you all
Hi again.
7 upvotes for such a simple answer
Could please someone try that in Chrome or Safari and tell me the yielded result ?
Which reminds me; this should help you, @Abhishek
Yo babiesss
a = document.createElement('a');
@Amaan call me a satanist i used SVG :3
@Abhishek Hahaha, why? I don't know anything about SVG, but why a satanist?
@Amaan just saying :3
btw svg is a pure overkill for what i am using
@rlemon I love your GIF killer.
frick it i will just use my lovely CSS 3
Re: satan - winnie the pooh (audio NSFW)
@dievardump hehe it's nice
You know, I'd figure that Visual Studio would eventually learn that I'm not trying to "start" a project that can't be started. I'm not trying to directly run my code library. I'm trying to run my web app.
oh. my. god
@GNi33 My day has been made
haha, i love the part around 01:40
dumbest thing i've heard in a while
Honestly, though, that guys voice embodies a major complaint I have about most hardcore singers. There's no tone to it. There's no variation.
i don't like his voice either
like the one of the singer of bring me the horizon
there's absolutely nothing in it compared to, let's say August Burns Red or Parkway Drive
even though they don't have too much variation in their screams either
(listening to Bring Me the Horizon now)
This guy's better than Arbiter
@FlorianMargaine wb
my sofa's finally there!
@FlorianMargaine ...I had to read that several times. At first I thought you were talking about a metal band.
Congrats :D
@FlorianMargaine Ooh, looks comfy
I keep forgetting you're French.
Isn't @dievardump French also?
@Amaan programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/157078/… this is my "most upvoted answer" on programmers.se... on SO it's even worse, the most upvoted ones are like "how to split string"
@RyanKinal it is!
A: Create an array from a string

Florian MargaineWhat you're looking for is the split() method. "4~2,6~7".split(',') // ['4~2', '6~7']

@FlorianMargaine boy that looks royal!
this is my most upvoted answer on SO
Q: Most popular JS game engines (2d)

DeletemanI'm trying to create my first JS/Canvas game and after looking around for a while on the internet, I found a LOT of JS libraries/engines/whatnot that help you in this task. I was wondering what are the most used ones? I know the answer probably depends on the type of game, so lets assume that I...

A: How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery?

NealYou can also bind to contextmenu and return false: $('selector').bind('contextmenu', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); //code return false; }); Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/maniator/WS9S2/ Or you can make a quick plugin that does the same: (function( $ ) { $.fn.rightClick = functio...

@Neal your questions are more upvoted :-)
A: Why does ",,," == Array(4) in Javascript?

SomeKittensTry using ===. When using == in Javascript, it will attempt to cast the variables, thus leading to issues like this one. The console is casting Array(4) to the string representation (i.e. Array(4).toString), which is ",,,". The reason the commas are there is that the .toString() function adds ...

@FlorianMargaine haha true true :-P
And it's not even accepted
@SomeKittens neither is my most upvoted :-P
Q: .prop() vs .attr()

NealOk. So jQuery 1.6 has the new function prop(). $(selector).click(function(){ //instead of: this.getAttribute('style'); //do i use: $(this).prop('style'); //or: $(this).attr('style'); }) or in this case do they do the same thing? And if I do have to switch to using pro...

I just got really lucky on that one
Thats mi pride and joy ^_^
@FlorianMargaine yep yep ^_^
@user1608656 so what? It is still correct.... — Neal 3 mins ago
11 stars. For a "general" troll, that's not bad.
@dievardump eh?
@Neal I try to play with you at " Who has the biggest? "
And the only thing I can show, is my " eleven stars message "
@dievardump I am still confused? 11 favorites on what?
ok :-P
Aug 17 at 13:52, by dievardump
It's Friday. Right to troll. Right to say that jQuery is a library for PHP developers, RoR a Hipsters toy, Java a language for people who suffered from schizophrenia and who are looking for something more wasted than their own mind, Sencha is the best Italian restaurant for JavaScripters.
@dievardump I do.
@dievardump I always win against @Neal in that because my part of NY is way better
@FlorianMargaine Maybe. Idk
dunno either, that was just trolling :p
@SomeKittens ehhhh
@Neal Oh look! Trees!
Stop your effing inception
@SomeKittens LOL
Why did someone flag that? lol
You can see flags?
@SomeKittens yea
@SomeKittens 40.7K :-P
you can see flags at the 10k limit?
the rep doesn't do the skill though
@SomeKittens eh?
as you can see, noobs like @Neal can get a lot of rep
@FlorianMargaine I've noticed
but he's not the worst
@FlorianMargaine pffft
Somehow, the whole noob lots of rep thing didn't work for me
I think this guy is pretty good too (right, @Esailija?)
very noob, but lots of rep.
on the other side, you see awesome people like me with not even 7k rep
@Neal :p
well, the guy is spamming answers
lol, it's kind of funny when you get the "Sorry, but we can't quite tell if you're a bot or a human" error.
I'm both!
Oh crap a replicant!!!
I have no idea why this question was tagged CSS3:
Q: Alternative method of labeling divs

NormanCan I label my divs in another way to achieve what I'm trying to do here. I have this main div called errors that'll display all error messages. Problem is, my forms input areas and other instruction text need to go in between because the error messages and text need to appear below them. When I ...

hey guys
Look I from the rival faction C++ :D
And i need anyones help
rival faction?
Rival faction, lulz
:D Can someone help me out? I have no idea of Javascript and there is this thing that i need to do
Hi guys, what would you suggest to use for code highlighting in a web page?
@MohamedAhmedNabil Ask your question, then we'll know if we can help you
For example there is a website, Where there is a timer. I want when the timer goes to 00:00:00 for it to make a noise so i know
@TomShreds highlight.js

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