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@FINDarkside that's an unnamed function, not a lambda
or well, depends on who you ask
in js, for me and various others, when you say lambda, I understand fat arrow functions
Yes? And you asked for an opinion. I mean not everywhere, but if the function is not going to change it makes more sense to do function doThis than const doThis = () =>
so you need to think about hoisting, named functions, and similar? meh
if I see function, I assume that it has a this in it
@towc wut?
don't take that assumption away from me
@rlemon a joke about typeof
mhm, well you're wrong
to show him that typeof isn't a legend of naming conventions, but something else
!!> typeof []
@towc "object"
[] is an array
which inherits from Object
sure. What you witnessed there was some form of sarcasm
I should have said "according to that logic"
> What you witnessed there was some form of sarcasm
but then I didn't want to get into that argument
It's literally called arrow function, so it's function. Only difference is the syntax and how this and some other things are bound to it.
@FINDarkside did I say anything against that?
I disagree with everything which has been said up until this message.
I was wondering if anybody could help me with a pesky miniprofiler problem on node
basically it seems to me that mp does not really work when there's ton of concurrency
IOW when I wrap db calls (say) in a miniprofiler call, since they are async, the final continuation has no access to the initial miniprofiler instance
and so it nullrefs
so pass along the ref
There's gotta be like a whole gaggle of referees which are really peeved about being passed around like this.
if you were to shorten middleware to 2 letters, would it be md or mw?
I chose mw, but a colleague is fixed on md and I'm confused
@Sklivvz what are you actually trying to profile?
m8e is 2 letters, 1 number
pg calls
and I did try to pass around the ref, but it just fails down the line
@BartekBanachewicz you're not wrong
@Sklivvz I'm not sure, it's pretty easy to profile it with the async_hooks API or pg's own hooks
Although in my opinion the better place to benchmark postgres calls is the server typically
OK, but that's not what I need for a series of reasons
perhaps async_hooks is a good approach, but I don't know anything about it :-)
@Sklivvz Running with --profhelps?
what would that give me?
Information about the performance of http requests etc
no, i need specifically miniprofiler or something that works the same way. it's important that every request is watermarked with its performance
@Sklivvz so the goal is to add a header indicating the performance of the postgresql query?
By the way, most APM tools probably do this - I guess that's not an option either @Sklivvz ?
I need all sorts of performance data, pg being one of them
but not a header
How do you want the watermarking to happen?
Is there anything prohibiting the use of off-the-shelf APM?
no, if they do this
i just haven't found any. most are, frankly, pretty bad
It's literally the point of APMs
We use DataDog, there's NewRelic and Application Insights which were pretty decent when I used them at my last job TipRanks
we use newrelic
it's really terrible
(in my opinion of course)
I don't think it's terrible - I agree it's basic and doesn't give you the info you want a lot of the time.
it's more a "set the alarm" kind of app
To be fair - as someone who deals with Node.js performance issues I usually debug them by either profiling and/or writing hooks manually or even running a benchmark with --trace-deopt and looking at what happens.
Man XKCD 1988 hits the target on its head
@Sklivvz well, it does show transactions and how long every asnyc_hook took (or at least I hope). If you'd like I can ask the diagnostics team what they all use - but there are plenty of APMs that are supposed to be fairly decent.
Understood. This is not for dealing with issues (although it can help). This is to prevent issues :-)
Keymetrics does transaction tracing too.
What specifically do you find inadequate about NewRelic's APM offering?
right, i just wanted to fix a miniprofiler extension...
not discuss APMs
@BenjaminGruenbaum like, he he, Dynatrace /cc @Sklivvz
@Sklivvz does "not really work when there's a ton of concurrency" sound to you like a problem that's easy to fix?
I haven't used this, but this looks nice: getglimpse.com
If it was easy I would not be here
@Sklivvz Well, for starters have you been able to create a reproducible failing test case?
Dynatrace's Node JS agent deals with perf on segmented callstacks
more asp.net related actually.
I know that because I wrote it
@BartekBanachewicz oh yeah, lol
@Sklivvz here is how we can help you: if there is a test case isolating the issue I can take a look and if you have concrete requests from core then I can get you in front of our nodejs/diagnostics team pretty easily. minoprofiler for Node looks pretty dead (and I never used it for non-.net anyway). We changed some pretty fundamental stuff too - so one thing might be to use an old version of Node.js but that's also meh. Other than that we can't guess what's wrong with it :D
miniprofiler has < 100 downloads a week - that's usually an indication that no one is actually using it and it's just downloaded by a few bots. I realize there might be a relation between StackOverflow, you and miniprofiler but I would not recommend it in this case :D
@BartekBanachewicz nice - how does it compare to other agents?
@BartekBanachewicz also, if you would like - the diagnostics node team always needs more help :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum other Dynatrace agents or other companies' nodejs agents?
@BartekBanachewicz compared to other agents I've used
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh I don't know, I don't think I know node well enough
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think that by now it should have a pretty solid coverage of those weird special cases of native libraries introducing their own asynchronicity
Here's the thing - we have async_hooks which could always use more feedback - and APMs do things that require quirky things like overriding require or that and we want to make sure their use cases are addressed when we ship es modules unflagged.
Also, a sit at the table means that you get to ask for changes for things you dislike or a say at the direction tooling is added.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not on the Node team anymore btw, but I think you know that. I could bring someone from there to you, though. They might be interested in getting some of our hacks untangled a bit
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hey Benjamin I tried to implement your solution but it returns me just the items rather than the entire array + the items - any idea?
I do this :
this.forecasts.list = this.forecasts.list
.filter(item =>
item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1 ||
item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('rain') > -1 ||
item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clouds') > -1

.map(item =>

if (item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1)
return item.imaging = 'https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/country-flag-1/744/Australia-512.png';
if (item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('rain') > -1)
return item.imaging = 'https://www.istockphoto.com/il/photo/man-with-tattoo-embracing-his-dog-gm5330
Afterwards I want to access this.forecasts.list.imaging
hello guys i just unlocked this privilege on Stackoverflow,
How can i use these chat rooms..
@akaMahesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
sure, Thanks for sharing this
@akaMahesh Just like you are now. :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum A simple test case is create a node/express/ejs application and install miniprofiler with miniprofiler-pg (and pg). Create a route with a db call (or more to trigger more easily). then ab -c 10 -n 1000 http://localhost:3000/ usually brings it down
Ignore the earlier one.. what's the syntax issue here?..
do you need a complete solution?
currentImg2() {

    this.forecasts.list = this.forecasts.list
            .filter(item =>
         item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1 ||
         item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('rain') > -1 ||
         item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clouds') > -1

            .map(item =>

  if (item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1) {
     item.imaging = 'https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/142-mini-country-flags-16x16px/32/flag-usa2x.png';
@makat well, once you fix your indentation it's a bit easier to see
@Sklivvz can you put something I can npm install on GitHub?
@BartekBanachewicz well, if you're interested I can make the connection - only if it helps you basically.
@rlemon yes sorry:
@makat maybe you meant to have else if instead of a if nested in an else here:
  if (
because the end of that block is missing a }
but would make sense if it wasn't nested
@rlemon I tried, now it wants me to add "," at the end of the function...
if you can't figure out the chat formatting, use an off site paste service
crazy indentation rules, or inconsistency, is probably causing you to introduce these errors.
@rlemon Got it, thanks!
1 message moved to friendly bin
Please format your messages like @rlemon suggested - otherwise it fills the chat and makes it hard to help you
morning everyone
got a fancy new keyboard for work
@BenjaminGruenbaum How come every time I paste my code, click CTRL+K it indents but the actual formatting doesn't work when I send?
I tried even manually making sure they have 4 spaces
that's why I said use an off site service which is much easier to edit and format the post before linking it here
wasn't trying to be rude, it's usually the fastest way
@makat that message had two lines without 4 intents chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/42479568/history - you can practice as much as you'd like in the sandbox chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/1
@rlemon No your'e absolutely right, I am going to do that from now :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Didn't manually do it on this one, just yesterday, let me try it there and see
Hi all
@BenjaminGruenbaum could you checkout my message in the sandbox - I manually did 4 idents - why didn't it forget
How can I convert this string "['a'],['b'],['c'], ['d']" to ['a'],['b'],['c'], ['d']
I am passing this as parameter into function
@Exception you mean an array of arrays?
you mean [['a'],['b'],['c'],['d']]?
No just simple ['a'],['b'],['c'],['d']
I have string "['a'],['b'],['c'],['d']"
['a'],['b'],['c'],['d'] is not a value
in 4 different variables, you mean?
he's passing those as arguments
foo(str) => foo(a,b,c,d)
@rlemon correct
so let val = [['a'],['b'],['c'],['d']] and then foo(...val)?
but it's a string
well right
but parse it to that
const foo = (str) => bar(...JSON.parse(`[${str}]`))
I know you are saying about spread operator
this should work
you can't parse ['a'] tho
!!> JSON.parse("['a']")
you can eval it :P
@rlemon "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data"
yea, I don't think there is another choice
or you can replace ' with "
unless you write some regexp
oh, right, quotes :/
replace ' with " and stick it in [], JSON.parse and away you go
I'm assuming he can't change the input by hand
What's the X in the XY though?
Why do you have data that looks that way to begin with?
@rlemon So am I
guys what will be final solution..
we don't do that
we guide you through it
you haven't specified the problem well enough to know
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
replace ' with " and stick it in [], JSON.parse and away you go
please guide me through this
so far this is as far as I got
@Exception do you want a final solution?
const foo = (str) => bar(...eval(`[${str}]`));
I mean what can I use to make that string as array
now, bad things may happen
and it's up to you to figure it out
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
replace ' with " and stick it in [], JSON.parse and away you go
!!> "['a'],['b'],['c'],['d']".split(',').map(a => a.slice(2,-2)).reduce((a,b) => (a.push([b]),a),[])
@rlemon [["a"],["b"],["c"],["d"]]
I am writing a paper about TCP and its further developed versions.
Does anyone know if there exist a source where I can see which version of TCP is used how much at the moment?
I appreciate every kind of help :)
There are different versions of TCP?
Hi there, do you know any package to convert html into docx in nodejs ?
I tried this one but I have only blank documents https://github.com/evidenceprime/html-docx-js
Hi guys, I've just started working with reactjs - can anyone have a look at my question and let me know if it has all the relevant info pls?

@littlepootis well, there exists the original TCP as a standard since 1981. Then many optimizations follwed like TCP BBR, TCP ECN, Multipath TCP... .
i do not know that design @ndugger
Where can I find more information about it?
At your local grocery store
Is this an acceptable comment on a terrible answer?
Why would you recommend using q, which is just a poor version of native promises (especially considering that he's using async/await)? This doesn't answer the question in a straight forward manner, instead you injected your opinion and pushed OP in a different route altogether. — ndugger 1 min ago
He deleted the answer, so I'm gonna say yes
I mean, if it made him realize what he was doing was stupid, then it's good.
So, I have essentially an hour of down time until our morning stand up, because none of the people I need to get answers from are available until then for my testing.
learn about tau
pi * 2
pi * 2 / 2
for placeholder purposes
is there a way to copy a property value into another and also break the reference so changing one doesn't affect the other?
you mean a deep copy?
yes but not using object.assign (I know that works but it doesn't in IE)
and only for simple property..nothing fancy
Mar 31 '17 at 17:40, by rlemon
gist: Object.extend, 2013-11-12 15:48:00Z
if (typeof Object.extend !== 'function') {
    Object.extend = function (d, s) {
        for (var k in s) {
            if (s.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                var v = s[k];
                if (d.hasOwnProperty(k) && typeof d[k] === "object" && typeof v === "object") {
                    Object.extend(d[k], v);
                } else {
                    d[k] = v;
        return d;
there s polyfill for object.assign?
actually that wouldn't break the ref
@erotavlas yes
ok I'll try object.assign and get the polyfill for IE...I guess its easier
It's standard, which is the important part
ergh. dragend event is never firing :|
dragend is supposed to be on the element that is being dragged; did you try to apply it to the drop zone?
the MDN docs have it applied to the document, which seems odd
someone should make a malicious browser npm package that listens for all (non self-)fired events, and plays a recording of trump saying "you're fired!"
@ndugger nah, tried applying it on a div and on the window level
that's every mouse movement, every scroll...
every time some resources load
oh man
malicious? You mean my website isn't supposed to do that?
@towc that's not malicious. That's just a dumb package to include
Is usage of wrapper objects Number, String deprecated?
that's amazing
@rlemon well, use any of your typoed packages
@overexchange No. I can't think of a valid use case to want an instance of a String vs using a primitive, but you certainly can
I mean, I can't think of a good reason to box it with new, but String(num) is pretty legit
a bit verbose I guess, but clear
I guess if you wanted to add properties to the string
Instead of creating str='abc' and update the properties of str. It is better to use strWrapper = new String('abc') and update the properties of strWrapper.
new String() creates a string object
String() converts it to a string
what do you mean by "properties"
they do different things
strings shouldn't have properties
you might want an explicit wrapper
shouldn't, but can if you box them with new String
Am not talking about String() explicit conversion
const stringWrapper = { string: 'abc' }
const foo = new String(123);
foo.bar = 456;
foo; // String { "123", bar: 456 }
I wouldn't recommend that, but it's the scenario I can see wanting to use new String on
and there's pretty much never a reason you'd actually want to store something in a string
that's what objects are for
In using primitive type, when you update the properties of str, it internally wraps into String object and then apply that property
to my understanding, new String returns a object
it isn't a primitive.
so that's fine.
As primitives are immutable, there are problems in applying the properties on str
@overexchange why would you want to apply the properties to something that is explicitly meant to only store string data?
yes, that's the main difference I just said. however as has also been said, there shouldn't be a reason to do that
it's like saying "here's a box of cookies. Now, let's add some ram to it so I can play games on it"
I'm not saying there is no good reason, just that I can't think of one.
so if you have one, enlighten us
objects of String type are mutable objects. That is the main advantage
Isn't In-place updation better?
{ toString() { return this.value } ... }
should also solve that
I did not get the above point but you can stick to a specific paradigm(say OOP) by using wrapper objects.
interface PersonDetail{
    name: String;
    age?: Number;
    gender?: String;

class Person{

    name: String;
    age: Number;
    gender: String;

    constructor(details: PersonDetail){
        this.name = details[0];
        this.age = details[1];
        this.gender = details[2];

let a: Person = new Person({name: new String('Name1')});
let b: Person  = new Person({name: new String('Name2'), age: new Number(20)});
Am sorry let me paste in playground

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