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3 way booleans are 50% more efficient
true, false, yourMum
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true, false, cyka blyat
y so salty boi @ndugger
No one !!urban that.
!!urban cyka blyat
!!urban that
@Zirak [that](http://that.urbanup.com/2864706) A universal measurement, can be used for almost anything.
A way of measuring the extent of adverb.
that wasn't bad
it isn't bad
no, it wasn't.
are you russian?
Be we don't like @CapricaSix saying flaggable things
cyka blyat is about 80% of an average russian's vocabulary
thats a lie
you clearly have never met one
You guys should see the PPAP parody: "Cyka Blyat Idi Nahui"
vodka vodka cyka blyat vodka putin vodka
the definition I thought was coming was worse than what Cap said.
Cyka = Bitch. Blyat = faaak
ooooohhhhhh, that perfect fit
yea but I hate the way she cuts the dovetail grove
just buy a router bit ffs
lol, it looked fine to me
maybe slightly more work
but great outcome
slightly? like 5x more work
for the same outcome
sometimes it's about the journey
I obviously like the build. just nitpicking on that hand tool work for the dove groove
is that a new javascript framework??
I really enjoy the breadboards on the end.
makes the surface really pop
wtf cocacola stealing our water
to cater to indian demand
coca cola is like the worst tasting thing in the world
It's like drinking liquid tooth-rot
i prefer sprite
I don't drink any soda
It's so gross
who needs anything else?
well, wine is good too
and mead
i don't drink alchohol
and cider
Your loss.
Well not drinking alcohol is just silly
alcohol > soda
Alchohol is too bitter
soda is too sweet
im banned from alchohol
gingerale on occasion is nice
both from religion and gym
gingerale is pretty much the only soda I'll drink now
You, personally?
your gym banned you from drinking? wat?
that makes no sense
do they pay you?
they design my diet
that does make sense
im too fat
so they've recommended you don't drink
my bad
@rlemon i haven't ever even attempted to make joints
saying they've banned you sounds more serious than "yo, do this and we'll help you not be fat"
im 17, almost 6ft and almost 85 kg
just too bulky..
I'm 30, 5'9" and 85kg
all of my grandfathers stuff is filled with intricate joints but..... i wont even try one lol
I've done lap joints and simple finger joints
smoking and drinking
something I don't like
I didn't know buddhism has a prohibition on alcohol. Then again, I know little about buddhism.
@Luggage Buddhists can drink. I'm a Muslim
the Buddhists i know drink like fish
lmfao ikr
every buddhist friend i have drinks
I just assumed since Wikipedia said Sri Lanka wat 70% buddhist.
!!afk :sandwich:
you could have googled my name
with the word "origin" next to it
I don't approve of any religion banning alcohol. If everyone got intoxicated occasionally, the world would either be much more peaceful, or it would end swiftly. Either way sounds great.
i would never drink
even if my religion allowed
hangovers don't sound good
they aren't
You don't get hangovers from a little casual drinking.
If you drink enough water before you drink, it's usually not bad
I don't drink much anymore, it gets boring after a while
i didn't drink much but hangovers were never really a problem
why pay $50 for a bottle of liquid
puking.... that was the problem
because that liquid gets you schwifty
u can get healthier liquid from
your tap
unless you are in flint, michigan
i don't know that they are chasing health
lol, It's not about being healthy, it's about getting fucked up because life sucks
Also, most of history.
just play counter strike
best drug
that..... that would make me drink
@HassanAlthaf then you are missing out on drunk counter strike
It's gonna fuck my advanced level exams over.
video games are boring to me these days
I prefer to be outdoors and go camping or hiking
Video games are boring for me too.. but Counter-Strike is an exception.
@ndugger thin mints help them get more immersive.
@HassanAlthaf why do anything you enjoy when there is a less enjoyable cheaper alternative (relative to the person)
personal choice, that's why :D
@Luggage I tried, but I tried too much, maybe, because all I wanted to do was laugh at the game and then go lay down and watch youtube videos
I respect not drinking, but I also respect drinking
you be you
I did not get that one @rlemon
i don't get giggly.
I'd like to agree with you but I get what Hassan is saying.
Play some Stanley Parable on thin mints.
Alcohol should flow freely from our taps
@Luggage depends on the... kind... of thin mints
@HassanAlthaf check out Titanfall 2, if you like fast shooters
lmfaooo @Vap0r
oh jesus christ titanfall?!
@ssube I dont like that shit
@Vap0r making your own is pretty cheap and legal in most places (<18%abv)
@Luggage duuuude, I've seen so many people do that now, it's great
I have done it myself
the game that had a lot of potential for fun but they ruined it by putting mechs into it?
I only like Counter-Strike
@rlemon How do I quote?
I have ONLY played stanley parable while stoned.
> blah
I play less. I mostly scream: "Rush B Cyka Blyat" and claim to be a Russian.
@HatterisMad the mechs make it better. I never ride mine, just let it go around distracting people.
> (<18%abv)
Heh, I like the Mechs and the running mechanics of Titanfall 2, but hate the shooting.
Hearing people rage is the best feeling.
@ssube lol i forgot you could do that
@Vap0r well, that's all you'll get without a still
freeze distillation can get you to like 26%
the grapplehook was the most fun part of titanfall
but that's a best case thing
also the most fun of one of the james bond games on playstation iirc
I'd kill for the Titanfall 2 movement, the mechs, but something more like Halo or Overwatch in terms of guns/damage.
My parents live 5 minutes away from where popcorn sutton lived in NC
you can make nice strong 12% cider
So stills aren't hard to find
Console peasant?? This is the PCMR boi
PC Master Race
@Vap0r you only need a still to bring anything above the point where yeast kills itself.
personal computer masturbation rockstar
polymerase chain mitochondrial reaction?
@HatterisMad they added a bunch more stuff in the sequel and made it even faster
Park City Mountain Resort?
cider, wine, mead, beer, etc. all non spirits are just fermented
It's where people who think computers are the only way to play games compare themselves to Hitler.
LMFAOOO @ndugger
@HassanAlthaf people can enjoy gaming on both.
I play many pc games and many console games
sometimes at the same time
wtf multi-threaded?
yeah i play computer genres on the computer and console genres on the console
@rlemon hands and toes?
yea man. waiting for bosses to spawn on eso on the ps4 is boring so i sometimes play rimworld.
I never liked gaming on a console.
I play computer games on my wiiu
and I can pause rimworld.
oh, I was hoping for two controllers at once
especially the controller
i mean i can hook up a controller to my pc and make it good for console genres too
I like my mouse and keyboard pair.
@ssube sometimes I'll just take it down to 1X accel and let it play out
Space Engineers on the PC with a controller for flying and the keyboard for building <3
well that is good for you then, but i wouldn't play tons of games with a mouse and keyboard if thats all i had
I used to hook my PC up to my TV and play that way... but I've found having a PS4 is just a lot easier.
I just play counter Strike.
on the pc I use the controller for like 30%? of my games
yeah i don't play fps games on the computer
I code with a controller.
fps and racing games on the console
You can't play counter strike with a controller.
moba's rpg on a computer
You'd get rekt hard
@HassanAlthaf yes you can
Yeah, you'd get kicked straight out of a game
for winning too hard
winning so hard that
you set an example of mahatma gandhi
not a single bullet hit anyone
rip recoil control
I bet a few of my teammates might get hit by my bullets...
That's for sure.
you have just 3 chances. After that, you get competitive cool down.
can you shoot yourself in the foot in CS?
More games need that.
You cant
if you play a game for a few thousand hours with a kb or a controller, you're going to get good with the hardware you have.
But you can shout Cyka blyat and rush everywhere to get killed
there might be benefits to the kb/mouse in a fps, but that isn't to say you can't be good with a controller.
You won't get past with silver with a controller
I can see there is no arguing with you
Who cares.
good day
I remember they came out with a keyboard mouse setup for xbox 360 with practically no lag
@Vap0r wot
practically no lag?
jquery is better than pc gaming
The guy put up his best game team deathmatch, guess he was a pro, he got 40-1 on nuketown
@Vap0r yeah it's called you plug in a keyboard
at least 2, maybe all 3 xbox's have supported usb mice and keyboards
They support if for navigation but seldom supported it for games
but now we can look at porn with the kinect, so that's unnecessary
Anyways, I put up 40-0 the same day with a controller
@ssube Uhh....
I played way too much and it's still anecdotal, but the point is what rlemon was saying, enough practice and I guarantee you can't differentiate between a skilled console and skilled keyboard player, at least in performance
I want it to be 4pm so I can go home without feeling judged by coworkers
This week was so bad
I'm already at home
@ndugger tell them your child is coming down with the itis
They know I don't have children
Tell them you are pregnant
and about to give birth ;)
So you can use the child excuse later.
I have to poop, so I guess that's the same
Which is why you really have to go
more points if you had a burrito at lunch
I had middle-eastern food
hummus, chicken, veggies, hot sauce
@KevinB can Object.assign create a deep clone with no reference passing?
i don't think so, but i don't often use it so maybe wrong
as much as I despise lodash, it does a good job of doing a deep clone
what he's wanting though isn't exactly a clone... it's a partial clone
destructuring would work, but that would require hardcoding the keys he wants to pull out of it
Can't you just spread?
for you, bb, sure
gist: Object.extend, 2013-11-12 15:48:00Z
if (typeof Object.extend !== 'function') {
    Object.extend = function (d, s) {
        for (var k in s) {
            if (s.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                var v = s[k];
                if (d.hasOwnProperty(k) && typeof d[k] === "object" && typeof v === "object") {
                    Object.extend(d[k], v);
                } else {
                    d[k] = v;
        return d;
ohh whatever.
@SterlingArcher ^ :D
const bar = Object.extend({}, foo);
should work.
Is that a polyfill?
wait. nvm. you'll have to change the d[k] = v stuff
otherwise it is reference
but it's deep bro
@SterlingArcher utility
Object.extend isn't official
Q: One-liner to take some properties from object in ES 6

kirilloidHow one can write a function, which takes only few attributes in most-compact way in ES6? I've came up with solution using destructuring + simplified object literal, but I don't like that list of fields is repeated in the code. Is there an even slimmer solution? (v) => { let { id, title } ...

I knew you could spread it!
Did you just take the answer you posted in a duplicate and post it here? — Sterling Archer 12 secs ago
oh for the love of crap
flag it
@HassanAlthaf do i make them feel bad about themselves at least?
hmm I ran out of shit to watch
it also erupts into a fireball 4 times as big
in your pants
lmao, pornhub has switched to HTTPS in light of the ISP data selling bill
legion could have been an okay show
bruuuh fuck that bill
but it tries so hard to be psychological
@Luggage relevant (see bottom right corner) i.imgur.com/m0Ykfxe.jpg
@Mosho RIGHT I very much enjoyed the first episode, but then it dove too deep into his brain
In react how should I be doing forms with multiple input? React docs have an example like this: codepen.io/gaearon/pen/wgedvV?editors=0010 but I just want to make sure that's up-to-date and still considered best practice
like, I'm here for the superpowers thanks
@ndugger lol
@SterlingArcher hahah
my daughter played(s) that game
shes 10
that guy is a pussy
So I just watched the original Ghost in the Shell... does it just kinda seem like a slightly lamer version of bladerunner to anyone else?
but I'll admit she gets scared when they come at her sometimes still she hasn't beaten any of them :p
i mean, that's how most movies now days are
I can't wait to see if IT lives up to the hype
Does react have a way to intelligently build a CRUD form for me based on the PropTypes of the object I'm trying to use?
That book single handedly scarred my childhood
original ghost in the shell was released in like 1994 or something, apparently a lot of people say it's great, just seems kinda meh
it was nice
but its main selling point was the animation
it was mind blowing at the time and still looks pretty great
yeah the backgrounds seem like they had a ridiculous amount of effort put in
watch akira too
I dunno anime just seems pretty meh 90% of the time
it's more about the shows for me
for most I guess
some anime are better than anything HBO ever put out
what if HBO put out an anime?
React, Forms, Help?
What's the problem? I can try to help
@Vap0r don't generate forms
it doesn't work well
if you have to do it, include all the data you need (propTypes is not enough)
Alright I just won't do it then lol. Does that mean the controlled component approach tried here is still acceptable?
@corvid 99.7%
controlled component?
that's just normal react
@Loktar still leaves around 10e8 animes
Sweet thanks
@Vap0r what's wrong with that? Other than the fact I would make a <Field> component representing an input+label
@Vap0r if the value/onchange thing gets tedious, you can wrap than in a high level component
yea, I do the <Field> thing, too
Do you have an example of the <Field> component?
<Field label="Is Going" name="isGoing" component={"input"} valueProp="checked" type="checkbox" />
<Field label="Number of guests" name="numberOfGuests" component={"input"} />
@Vap0r I can mock one together real quick
@corvid I appreciate it but I'll build it myself. I like to make mistakes, I was more just wondering what all you guys tried to pass to it
@Luggage thanks
define epoch plz
what's component={"input"}
@BrianJ ask a full and complete questions, plz
i'll strip off the typescript and mobx stuff. might make it easier to read.
@corvid @Luggage thanks guys
my understanding is that epoch is the number of second since a certain date. But what date?
@BrianJ have you tried looking that up?
I'm certain wikipedia has a very thorough article on this
yes it just says a period in time,not what time. I remember someone saying it was the crustaceous period?
@Luggage if it's gonna be some work you don't have to strip it. All the type stuff with the colons and <> is typescript and I'm guessing the @ stuff is mobx?
no, pizza time is measured since the crustaceous period
updated. these two lines explain the component={}: gist.github.com/luggage66/…
oh I was looking for Unix EPOCH
In my real code component={DateEditor} or StringEditor or CurrencyEditor. I have a compoennt for each type of input
if using plain <input> you'll want to change handleChange(newValue) to use event.target.value instead of newValue
not Pizza Epoch
anything interesting in js frameworks recently
@Luggage the //bindy bindy you have
@BenFortune still better than many of the real things they sell
what about my bindy bindy?
... is that a generic method you use in all of your components?
Alright. It seemed unnecessary in this instance because there is only one but it makes sense to bindy bindy (lol) like that
well, yes, it makes more sense when i have many
ohh, that version doesn't do value or checked, always value
but I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.
value or checked?
for checkboxes?
In my code, I use a <BooleanEditor> to make checkboxes behave the same as everythign else.
Oh ok yeah leave that one to the reader :)
!!afk cig
hmm what to do for the evening..
going hard for april fools is for schmucks
What an annoying day.
at least the term "fake news" won't be as mis-used.
I'm pretty sure all news is fake, regardless of what day it is
Only the news you don't like.
I don't like any news
so, yes
ok, then
Should I buy beer or mixer stuff for this weekend? Not gonna have a party, just gonna drink my life away on my couch

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