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But it was too big to fit through the hole in the jar
the jar hole? idk
I I had to grab it real tight and pull as hard as i could
then peel off the older layers
I saw a post once of someone biting into their scoby
That was too much for me
I could like the redesign if I didn't even have an account?
Just take the trash talk dude
high five
tf is a "scoby"
I almost texted a girl the word "Resilient", and then I stopped
@forresthopkinsa I could have asked that but instead I googled it.
@forresthopkinsa Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast
based on the description, it sounds like something I shouldn't google at work
wow that sounds nice
Basically what turns juice into vinegar
Usually it refers to the pellicle
Which is a bunch of dead bacteria and yeast cells
dude, scoby looks so putrid and vile
gross nasty
They feel really nice actually
that's so awful
I mean i wouldnt eat it
I think I saw that on rick and morty
You gotta understand it isnt slimy at all
It's literally just a wet piece of rubber
you are gross
I know I'm gross
hi gross im nick
I'm margaret
Hi nick, I'm brian
byyyye brian
is that from something
that polish mark walburg move
I've never seen it
c'mon it's an internet classic
there are like eight of them
I never have either, but it legitimately made me laugh
@forresthopkinsa 10
oh lol I'm behind the times
The room
@ndugger watch all asdfmovies 1-10
That is the name
yeah definitely just watch all of them through
@KendallFrey I've seen them
I know everything
I have no idea how to breathe
why is the baby on fire?

beep beep i'm a sheep
I seem to have swallowed an entire person

That would be the hotel bartender

Well that would explain why my mojito is taking so long
that's not asdf
that's okay, it's related
My spoon is too big
No such thing
time is a tool you can put on the wall
So like a clock?
I have a picture of bb-8 on my wall
@Meredith or wear it on your wrist
Watches are gay
The past is far behind us
The future doesn't exist
Yes it does
The children are the future
@Meredith you can't say gay on stackoverflow 2018
please apologize
@ndugger great day for thunder bay
anyone ever done ketamine?
or eaten oysters
yes to the latter
how are they
although not sure how those two relate
Both are things im too scared to try
chewy and salty
but very strong flavoured
Youre not supposed to chew oysters i think
it's like biting into the ocean
what do you mean? Of course you do
My dad tells a story about how he chewed his first oyster and projectile vomited into a pool
I love oysters
fortunately, never got poisoned :)
I know the travel channel gets pretentious about oysters
is there a travel channel?
THE travel channel
good to know
it's not an easy combination of flavour and texture to like if you never tried them before though
have you ever eaten snails?
We have a place here that has "angry clams"
and i love them
They're just clams that are really spicy
3 hours later…
Does everybody follow accessibility guidelines, in every project? w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref
everybody, lol, no
they're guidelines. it's not a bad idea to follow them, but at the end of the day they're just that. guidelines
@overexchange i have usually brought them up to the person i am making the website for and they say they don't care about it and if it takes more time then don't do it.
we occationally make a pass across the website making accessibility changes, but it's not something we spend time on while under a deadline. it's more of a task for idler times
Most of the Canada govt projects ask for:
Experience developing for Accessibility (WCAG)
i mean... a lot of job offerings ask for a lot of weird things
Mainly Ottawa region
Mainly govt projects ask for WCAG
gov is kinda required to follow them
How do you call a library that has almost no dependencies apart from polyfills? Self-sustaining?
Govt projects are also running in agile mode.
non-jquery reliant?
i don't understand the question
I gave examples of synonyms to help you out.
oh, "what" do you call ...
sorry typo
a library
or module
depending on what it is
a generic module may have tons of dependencies
it can also have none
yup which adjective would you use in that case?
no different
if it's a module, it's a module. if it's a library, it's a library
how many dependencies it has doesn't change that
it's a feature, I am talking from a marketing point of view
self contained?
yeah something like that
reinvented wheel?
framework-independent ?
neither that nor self contained really means no dependencies
jquery is self contained, but does have dependencies
like I said earlier it has dependencies (polyfills mostly) but it doesn't rely on a big one
that's a feature and I thought someone might know a buzz word for that kind of library
i don't think there is
yeah probably, saw you posted a link about vc live share
Iv tested it myself
it works
1 hour later…
@mymotherland free tip: don't assume everyone knows everything like the back of their hand
Learn how to communicate effectively. Write what you expected would happen and what actually happened, then ask someone to bridge the gap between the two
on the url/uri/prl naming thing: what's a name for something that can be both a prl and a url?
@towc for the love of.. we're still on this?
@Neil how is that surprising or bad in any way?
You're worse than the vamps asking for help!
I think Karel is happy to help
at least the vamps learn something or realize they can't get what they need in this chatroom :P
I think KarelG would be too, but that's beside the point
I'm confused
1 hour later…
@KarelG Abraham Lincoln created the secret service on the day he was shot.
I have a silly question... how can I call a static method from a non-static method?
class C {
  m(){ return this.s(); }
  static s(){ return 3; }

(new C()).m()
// TypeError: this.s is not a function
C === this.constructor
you could just do C.s()
thanks, that was easy
If I hard-code the class name then it breaks inheritance :p
HI everybody
I am using node js in my application. I wanted to configure debug, so I have installed NIM as chrome extension
then from windows command prompt , I have executed node --inspect start
I can see Debugger listening on ws://
and also chrome devtools opened up automatically
then I set few break points and in a separate tab, I passed localhost:8080/api
I can see my response on my page but at the break points , execution does not stop
could any one please tell me what wrong I am doing?
sorry I never worked with that :(
@MihaiAlexandru-Ionut it's a classic exercise in dynamic programming
I need a lot of nudes, but I can't found them
and I don't want to scrap them at work lol
@Neoares I'll send you some
thanks, cause now I only have 90 images
I would like to have 10k-100k at least
now I will have 90 something :P
plus, all my images are from females
Apparently there is a website that will give you an item based on price, so you can reach the minimum threshold for getting free shipping for an amazon order
> Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /var/www/filleritem/fillerfrontend/public_html/dbremote.html on line 13
Couldn't connect to server.
@Neoares I didn't get that
Oh, yeah, it doesn't work
I think I've followed wrong people on twitter
now every time i get there and read about what's happening in the world I get depressed
I used to have that on facebook and I just stopped reading facebook posts
They've found out the only two emotions that make people want to click on any links are extreme giddiness and extreme anger
Which is why youtube videos are usually cheerful or controversial nowadays
News is the same in a lot of respects I suppose
except in theory, they have to follow the facts
Good Afternoon...
@NitinJain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix I'll defntly follow
@NitinJain Caprica Six is the channel bot. She can be lots of fun.
Stop messing with the new guys Caprica Six. :D
She's not fun
No hammer time?
Please stop
Hi, my package.json has "axios": "^0.16.1", but npm update does not update axios to the newest version which is 0.18.0, any idea why?
Uninstalling and installing axios again fixed it, but I have multiple modules which have minor updates and I'd want to update.
in an unrelated note
@FINDarkside Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does anyone here use CircleCI and has already migrated to 2.0?
@FINDarkside Evidently the version 0.18.0 isn't compatible with the version 0.16.1
well, I'm just downloading a 200k image dataset from pornhub
Try ">=0.16.1" if you absolutely must have the most recent version
let's see what I get...
Doesn't npm just compare the version numbers to determine that? If it's not compatible it should increment the major number right?
but now I need a lot of non-nude images... which can be anything I guess
@Neoares how big is a 200k image dataset from pornhub out of curiosity?
idk, just downloading them
@FINDarkside Not sure how it determines whether or not two versions are compatible
I just got a 70MB file with the metadata
But it may not be automatic
242487 items
some of them will give 404, I guess
fuck, 50% of the images are comics
I wonder how many of those images would be considered SFW
I think no one xD
According to documentation ^0.16.1 should update to newest one matchin 0.x.x
well, some of them are actually sfw...
@FINDarkside So try with ">=0.16.1" and see if it downloads it
If so, "According to documentation ^0.16.1 should update to newest one matchin 0.x.x" is wrong
I don't want to manually check 240k of possible-nsfw images
Hey guys do you have any idea how I can implement in my function map correctly to assign new value to the object only if certain conditions are met? see the weather component and "currentImg2" stackblitz.com/edit/angular-gitter-erujta
@Neoares well I wasn't expecting you to
I was only curious
the thing is, I need to assume all of them are nsfw, to feed the algorithm :(
@FINDarkside Ah, you should use "^0.16"
but since I'm getting a lot of comic thing, I will have to download normal comics also, or the algorithm will detect any comic as nsfw
@FINDarkside The fact that you have ^0.16.1 means it'll grab anything between 0.16.1 and 0.17.0
also, I don't think I need to classify comics, so I'll probably delete them xD
hello guys, has any body worked on node js/?
@Neoares Ah ha.. then you do need to filter them
@SpringLearner no one ever did work on node
not a single person
@Neil it's still at 1k images xD
@Neoares Don't forget some of the stuff is also 3d modelling. Not sure how that will affect your algorithm.
this is gonna take forever
@Neoares It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it!
@New_2_Code that's ok
@BartekBanachewicz ok thanks for letting me know, I was waiting for my question to be answered here
hm.. I wonder if I can do many requests in parallel...
gonna visit the sneks, brb
@Neil No, it meant it'll grab newest one with the same major version. ~0.16.1 will take newest 0.16.x
@FINDarkside well you can see how that wouldn't grab 0.18.x
Yes, ~0.16.1 wouldn't but that's not what I'm using. ^0.16.1 should grab 0.x.x as the docs say. ^0.16.1 is the same as 0.x.x
>=0.16.1 sure would work, but that'll also update major versions which is not what I want
@FINDarkside No, not according to the semver library
~ means the last version is flexible
the .1 in this case
> ~0.2.3 := >=0.2.3 <0.(2+1).0 := >=0.2.3 <0.3.0
~1.0.0 will grab 1.0.x and ^1.0.0 will grab 1.x.x
npm uses this library to read the versions
yes, but you're using ~
therefoer 0.16.1 will grab up to 0.16.x
Again, you either need to use >=0.16.1 or ~0.16
Why do you think I'm using ~, I never said I did and then I specifically said I'm not using it.
~0.16 is exactly the same as ~0.16.0
ah, I misread, sorry
> ^0.2.3 := >=0.2.3 <0.3.0
I still see this though
The docs don't make it very clear how it works, admittedly
I need help again... I'm trying to use a method as an event listener. At the moment I'm doing it like this: document.addEventListener('click', event=>this.foo(), true);. The problem with this is that I can't remove the event listener with document.removeEventListener('click', event=>this.foo(), true); because that's a different arrow function than the one I originally registered. Is there a smarter way to go about this than to save the arrow function in an attribute of this?
Oh so major version 0 works somehow different than the rest it seems
In other words, this allows patch and minor updates for versions 1.0.0 and above, patch updates for versions 0.X >=0.1.0, and no updates for versions 0.0.X
@Neil dark magics...
@FINDarkside Glad one of us understood at any rate ;)
@geisterfurz007 labeouf_magic.jpg
Anyone? do you have any idea how I can implement in my function map correctly to assign new value to the object only if certain conditions are met? see the weather component and "currentImg2" stackblitz.com/edit/angular-gitter-erujta
map(c => condition ? new value : c)
Can't decide between Subway and Shawarma.
stay healthy bro
@Neoares You only live once. Might as well enjoy it. ;D
@littlepootis Meatball sub, baby
Do they use lamb for meatballs in India?
@Neoares for my family, I don't eat meat
@Neil Yes
// A
const getBestFrom = url =>

// vs
// B
const getBestFrom = async url => {
  const icons = await getAllFrom(url);
  return findBest(icons);
I heavily prefer A
@littlepootis what vegetarian options does subway have?
anyone thinks B is better? If so, why?
@Neil Here in India, there's cottage cheese, mushrooms, etc.
or is it sometimes ok not to use async/await in the middle of code that uses async/await?
@littlepootis They don't have any of that in the subways in America or in France
the lead wants me to port a small project to async/await, and some pieces just don't fit :/
That actually sounds quite nice
@towc me because async await everything
also, I think rlemon would tell me to use functions
@Neil You can eat vadapav
// option C
async function getBestFrom(url) {
  const icons = await getAllFrom(url);
  return findBest(url);
great, some of the functions aren't async, so now I have a mixture of functions and lambdas :/
question is whether I should make those functions as well
// actually, is this an ok thing?
// option d
const getBestFrom = async (url) =>
  findBest(await getAllFrom(url));
Anyone used the map function?
@makat big map fan right here
@towc How do I give it like several if elses / switch and in each one add a property to an object / array
@makat I'm going to need more info than that
arr.map ( item => if something then item.something[0].bla.ADDTHIS.indexOf('foo') if another thing then item.something[0].bla.ADDTHIS.indexOf('boo')
something like that
@makat you can pass a non-arrow function or pass an arrow function that's not an expression
I mean and then return like that added option: return item.imaging = 'https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/country-flag-1/744/Australia-512.png';
[1,2,3,4,5].map((num) => {
  if (num === 1) return "dont";
  if (num === 2) return "listen";
  if (num === 3) return "to";
  if (num === 4) return "towc";
  if (num === 5) return "!!!";
}).join(" ");
!!> [1,2,3,4,5].map((num) => { if (num === 1) return "dont"; if (num === 2) return "listen"; if (num === 3) return "to"; if (num === 4) return "towc"; if (num === 5) return "!!!"; }).join(" ");
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
@BenjaminGruenbaum "dont listen to towc !!!"
^ like that
You're welcome to listen to towc btw, "don't listen to towc" is just a room meme
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mind if I ask why you are using "===" instead of "==", you don't need to confirm the type of the object do you?
Thanks let me try that
@New_2_Code because == is confusing in my opinion
@makat sure
!!afk lunch
damnit, you can't get multiple values with async/await, can you :/
I do this :
    this.forecasts.list = this.forecasts.list
            .filter(item =>
         item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1 ||
         item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('rain') > -1 ||
         item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clouds') > -1

            .map(item =>

  if (item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1)
  return item.imaging = 'https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/country-flag-1/744/Australia-512.png';
  if (item.weather[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('rain') > -1)
Does that make sense?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just get the images when I console log this.forecasts.list .. heres my app: stackblitz.com/edit/…
Hi guys, how would you go about unit testing a program that waits during execution multiple times for long period?
@makat BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: lunch
the sad feels when

$ grep --exclude-dir=node_modules/ -rnu then
actually makes me kinda angry
@towc Those are functions though. typeof (()=>"asd")
Or maybe I misunderstood
well, [] is actually an object, not an array
the way I see it, there are lambda functions, and functions
both of which are part of the group of functions
which can get confusing
but you can usually understand it
honestly, I believe nobdoy should have to write function something() { ... } again
functions should be used when this matters
and you shouldn't normally write things where this matters outside of objects/classes
and objects/classes have their own syntax for that: { something() { ... } }
so actual funtion somethings() { ... }s are outdated, just like var
we still say "make a variable" when we mean "do const x = ..."
yes, but how does the async thing result in you having "a mixture of functions and lambdas"? Even const f = function(){} is a lambda
I think that declaring functions instead of using arrow functions is more readable.
that's just like, your opinion, man

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