Yes? And you asked for an opinion. I mean not everywhere, but if the function is not going to change it makes more sense to do function doThis than const doThis = () =>
To be fair - as someone who deals with Node.js performance issues I usually debug them by either profiling and/or writing hooks manually or even running a benchmark with --trace-deopt and looking at what happens.
@Sklivvz well, it does show transactions and how long every asnyc_hook took (or at least I hope). If you'd like I can ask the diagnostics team what they all use - but there are plenty of APMs that are supposed to be fairly decent.
@Sklivvz here is how we can help you: if there is a test case isolating the issue I can take a look and if you have concrete requests from core then I can get you in front of our nodejs/diagnostics team pretty easily. minoprofiler for Node looks pretty dead (and I never used it for anyway). We changed some pretty fundamental stuff too - so one thing might be to use an old version of Node.js but that's also meh. Other than that we can't guess what's wrong with it :D
miniprofiler has < 100 downloads a week - that's usually an indication that no one is actually using it and it's just downloaded by a few bots. I realize there might be a relation between StackOverflow, you and miniprofiler but I would not recommend it in this case :D
@BartekBanachewicz nice - how does it compare to other agents?
@BartekBanachewicz also, if you would like - the diagnostics node team always needs more help :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh I don't know, I don't think I know node well enough
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think that by now it should have a pretty solid coverage of those weird special cases of native libraries introducing their own asynchronicity
Here's the thing - we have async_hooks which could always use more feedback - and APMs do things that require quirky things like overriding require or that and we want to make sure their use cases are addressed when we ship es modules unflagged.
Also, a sit at the table means that you get to ask for changes for things you dislike or a say at the direction tooling is added.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not on the Node team anymore btw, but I think you know that. I could bring someone from there to you, though. They might be interested in getting some of our hacks untangled a bit
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hey Benjamin I tried to implement your solution but it returns me just the items rather than the entire array + the items - any idea?
I do this : this.forecasts.list = this.forecasts.list .filter(item =>[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1 ||[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('rain') > -1 ||[0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clouds') > -1 )
.map(item =>
{ if ([0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('clear') > -1) return item.imaging = ''; else{ if ([0].main.toLowerCase().indexOf('rain') > -1) return item.imaging = '…
Afterwards I want to access this.forecasts.list.imaging
@akaMahesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum A simple test case is create a node/express/ejs application and install miniprofiler with miniprofiler-pg (and pg). Create a route with a db call (or more to trigger more easily). then ab -c 10 -n 1000 http://localhost:3000/ usually brings it down
15:12 Hi, I am writing a paper about TCP and its further developed versions. Does anyone know if there exist a source where I can see which version of TCP is used how much at the moment? I appreciate every kind of help :) Thanks!
Hi there, do you know any package to convert html into docx in nodejs ? I tried this one but I have only blank documents
Is this an acceptable comment on a terrible answer?
Why would you recommend using q, which is just a poor version of native promises (especially considering that he's using async/await)? This doesn't answer the question in a straight forward manner, instead you injected your opinion and pushed OP in a different route altogether. — ndugger1 min ago
I mean, if it made him realize what he was doing was stupid, then it's good.
So, I have essentially an hour of down time until our morning stand up, because none of the people I need to get answers from are available until then for my testing.
someone should make a malicious browser npm package that listens for all (non self-)fired events, and plays a recording of trump saying "you're fired!"
Instead of creating str='abc' and update the properties of str. It is better to use strWrapper = new String('abc') and update the properties of strWrapper.
I did not get the above point but you can stick to a specific paradigm(say OOP) by using wrapper objects.
interface PersonDetail{
name: String;
age?: Number;
gender?: String;
class Person{
name: String;
age: Number;
gender: String;
constructor(details: PersonDetail){ = details[0];
this.age = details[1];
this.gender = details[2];
let a: Person = new Person({name: new String('Name1')});
let b: Person = new Person({name: new String('Name2'), age: new Number(20)});