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10:00 PM
we do ouija
@AngelLuis sometimes Dramatic is the way
@AngelLuis !!afk <reason>
like I said I needed to step away.. but I just checked my prints and came back 😛
@AngelLuis no, you hang up first
never leave without going afk. you'll get in trouble.
10:00 PM
@Knu have you been in here before?
I think I like you, but I don't remember you
yup I know luggage
and you have a fair amt of rep.. I assumed you were some sock account (based on your default avatar)
it's a chat room. you come and go as you please. It's also normal to not get a response when the other person had to go deal with work/real life without a word said.
@Luggage as my operator I'm not sure you can either.
10:01 PM
(weird) rlemon as well
Loktar doesn't respect generated avatars. :P
yeah I think that's what it is lol
!!afk a Dramatic hang up quietly
that's OK
they all just blend together to me
10:01 PM
nobody should, they're blocky and unnatural
you can tell the email from the gravatar you know that ?
:42293663 then you're color blind
well at least used to
sorry to break it to ya
@Knu so lets you upload now
10:01 PM
you don't have to use grav
yeah I just use SO now as well
I use gravatar since it's just automatic at many sites.
Gravatar did something with auth years ago I remember being annoyed with
I like easy.
10:02 PM
so I just switched to SO at that point
maybe it was a simple password change lol who knows
after that blog post I want a hacker to change every SO user avatars to be 20yo black girl
that would accomplish nothing and would just make their point stronger.
probably but I want to troll him back
gravatar has always had a really weird site
10:05 PM
it was better when it was stupid simple and confusing
yes, it was both.
it's still all three of those with commas
!!afk washy washy
i like it
@Loktar if you were active during the documentation you probably saw me around
10:06 PM
s/documentation/black death/
@Zirak yea so the error that was thrown, you click on the script and it just brings you to the /leave/:roomid page
if I had to point at one thing that really brought the bar down, it was docs
well, a view-source of it
the site hasn't really recovered since
10:07 PM
@rlemon Is it a nice html page?
it has some js, and apparently a parser error?
you know, I'll try updating ff when I get to work. lord knows I'm probably behind on that
I dunno when but suddenly the homepage wasn't relevant anymore that's when we ended having to hunt for good questions if you were in the mood.
5 hours ago, by Caprica Six
https://i.imgur.com/Qv1t6kZ.png ...
5 hours ago, by Caprica Six
this is why I sometimes decide to lag out, or respond to things a half hour later
Well anyway there are tons of topics about that on meta :)
this might also cause problems, but not while I was testing and seeing it happen
FF likes to hog memory and sometimes 100% cpu
10:10 PM
@KendallFrey this looks like a language only you could love: github.com/Microsoft/dafny
@ssube Its selling point is... something that's pretty much standard for any language
in name, maybe. The implementation seems quite different.
small poll: anyone wants a cross-browser module for the creation of document from a serialized string source ?
@Knu you mean a browser?
@ssube that reminds me. When my cousin was 6 she said to her brother: you look like a criminal whom only his own mother could love (actual line from Winnie the pooh IIRC)
10:12 PM
nah :)
"module for the creation of document from a serialized string source" sounds an awful lot like "parse elements," which is what a browser does
iow, you're talking about document.createElement
here's an example of something recent:
(new DOMParser()).parseFromString
but cross-browser
jquery is cross browser
10:14 PM
here's an example of something old: div.innerHtml =
it's multi browser
browsers have a dozen ways to do it already because it's all they do
not cross browser
eh, no, it's cross-browser
10:15 PM
I don't understand the need
where does (new DOMParser()).parseFromString not work?
OK @KevinB
here is an example of something even older:
that's Kirk Douglas btw
prime is going up to 119$
k the poll is concusive
there's no need :)
10:17 PM
@ssube That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
but only at speed
you dropped this /
I blame my enter key, it has a heart on it and was included too soon
!!race in VR or work on a bot
@ssube work on a bot
that's bias ^
10:19 PM
> Aaaand Rossi is currently in poll position!!
> 74% yes
> 26% no
10:32 PM
rossi as in valentino?
oh my god why is my playlist playing a moaning mixtape
silly google, accidentally shuffling Lords of Acid into your decent, sfw music
virt-install --location <some ftp uri>
^ what does this do? net boot?
> can recognize certain distribution trees and fetches a bootable kernel/initrd pair to launch the install.
10:37 PM
> recognize
so it digs through your directory listings until it finds something vaguely OS-ish?
seems like a nice counterpart to curl https://evil | sudo bash :P
well, yea, but this is just a helper. It also takes ISO's to mount or explicit net boot
also, you should only do it against a rep you trust
like my local redhat repo I am using
I've never really used netboot
but yea.. it just recognizes many popular distributions and then grabs the kernel from it's file structure
10:39 PM
Stashing packs with 1-2 cigarettes each was a great decision for when I just run out
I don't know how it boots the VM with that kernel, though. Like does it make it's own ISO?
but i guess it doesn't matter.
live disc ISOs just set up the loader you need to extract and copy the kernel, don't they?
I think libvirt has its own bootloader for that
a few, maybe? I think I had to switch to the UEFI-compatible one for VR
10:41 PM
hello helpdesk, I'd like to report an ink combustion
> a what
@BenjaminGruenbaum it has been more than 5 min and I haven't found it.
the foot prints make it for me
like.. that would suck so bad, but be so funny
oh lewl didnt notice these
how do you drive home when your pants and shoes are covered in ink?
@ssube yea, something like that. In the past they were basically a floppy image + filesystem for all the other data
10:43 PM
suddently coal miner
judging from the lines on the left edge of that...
they dropped it a foot or two from the printer
@ssube I was thinking the same
judging from the large splatter.. the mist wasn't the only problem
@Luggage yeah, my gaming machine lists a firmware and the i440FX "chipset" (which I think is the part that matters)
@rlemon I think somebody was carrying a replacement and dropped it from a good height
chunks of ink.. evvverywhere
that image shows ground zero. the office for a good radius is probably inked
10:44 PM
ink or toner?
does it matter at that point?
toner, i'm sure
not really :D
just wet vs dry
some of the drops look wet
but most of it looks like toner
from the crying after
10:46 PM
@NH. that's not toner, that's what happens when toner explodes near someone after lunch
the starburst also makes me think toner
I've never gotten it on my skin, but does it stain as badly as ink?
I would think no but it's a fine powder and they can stain
it does stain as hell
I'd think the small amount of moisture on your skin would make it stick
10:46 PM
it stains as badly as baby powder
think about koolaid powder
that shit stains for dayyys
^better exampe
I did clean the printing tube thing once
10:47 PM
@NH. ({ toJSON() { return undefined; })
koolaid powder has dye in it
toner powder... is dye, but not water activated
also much finer.
as a potential counter example, graphite sticks for a while but doesn't stain long-term afaik
unless you stab yourself
but pigments do
if you've ever mixed paint
10:48 PM
my real question is: did that poor sod go home and shower it off or did they come in the next day in blackface?
@BenjaminGruenbaum of course if you have invalid syntax it won't work
but that's a problem of passing a bad argument, not my method
@NH. If toJSON returns undefined then ""+it would be "undefined" but the current code would return undefined.
I honestly am more concerned with how bad these people fucked up their cars. you get dirty away from home and think "ohh that sucks, I have to go home and change" why does no one mention how they got home without making a mess in their very expensive vehicle
clothing is cheap by comparison, and skin can be washed or grow out
do you uber it?
drive naked
what are some good terminal programs for windows? git-bash and powershell aren't cutting it for me
10:50 PM
in case you weren't already
@Shmiddty conemu/commander and friends
do they support unicode/emoji?
sadly they might
@rlemon I imagine footprints all the way out to the parking garage and then a trail of powder down the road
> good thing I brought the bike today
poor drivers behind you tho.
at least the cloud won't last long
@rlemon dude, can you gimp a sparkling cupcake/goldfish into that picture?
10:53 PM
I drive a motorcycle, and I work in the docks, where they move sugar and soy, so my cleaning standards for my vehicle is probably a lot lower than yours :p
it must look just like Sterling's office after lunch
man, I could probably convert some vegetarians back to meat lovers if I showed them what soy looks and smells like when it's transported haha
convince them that soy has feelings
the rats love it, if I can still call them rats when they are almost the size of a cat..
they're rats until they walk upright
10:56 PM
I tried to scare one of the rats once, he looked back at me, and just stared at me, like he was actually considering taking the fight
When they start walking up right, then they train turtles in martial arts
the squirrels in my yard will occasionally stand their ground until you get really close
especially near the trash can
thjen you get shot by a squirrel
because it stood its ground
south park reference?
that's usually a safe bet
11:01 PM
No, just a jab at 'Stand Your Ground' laws that are in the United States.
South Park humor isn't hipster enough for me, I won't indulge.
it reminded the "World War Z" episode of south park, where Cartman uses the "Stand your ground" law to shot his friend
yeah, that's a good one
I haven't watched it in a long time, since I don't own a TV
but I used to watch it a lot on college
can someone tl;dr that blog post
at the end he shoots Token and drags him into "his ground"
@Cereal please not again, we finally dropped it
if you wanna have a civilized convo about it, don't mind me :)
11:04 PM
Well, I understand the frevor behind it.
I do think we spent more time and text discussing it than they spent writing it
@rlemon beautiful
thought those were spiders for a sec
almost noped out of my own skin
11:19 PM
@NathanJones I had a similar thought at first.
that is how you get ants
employ sterling
much better
that is a nice bit of realism
11:26 PM
I'll admit, I got lazy and took the easy out there
I was too lazy to shoop it myself, so...
incremental improvement from the community is what open source is all about :)
speaking of photoshop, when I deleted the old one I also deleted my huge, handpicked collection of brushes with it :/
And a huge library of textures
11:38 PM
just write a script that generates every possible brush
yo I think we should make a psbattle contest in here
@rlemon @KendallFrey @rest
I get bonus points for using gimp
is that a cupcake
11:39 PM
behind it
you shopped the original and only noticed the cupcake now?
do these docs make any sense? (optionally with this context)
11:42 PM
Someone really needs to come up with a way to diff images in git
there are a few
imgdiff, I think, plus git-lfs and annex do images
what is the diff between these two?
plastic (the vcs tool) had a whole special image thing, iirc (never used it)
too lazy to set up a git repo to do it :d
11:44 PM
there is a goldfish in his beard
why can't vscode sort methods?
it does in C# with c# fix format
why don't I just strap into my C# cannon and fire myself off into C# land, where sorting just grows on trees
editors were bad back in the day on slashdot but it's reaching new heights

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