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@ssube once time in high school my buddy threw an orange so hard at this dude across the room it exploded on his head
that's a dank gif
that gif seems very appropriate
not what I expected
@ssube we don't take too kiiiiindly to folks spamming questions
> now skeeter he aint hurtin nobody
we don't take kindly to folks who don't take kindly round here
boo, no more rocket launches for almost a week
derka durrrrrrrrrr
I always crease at the cockerel
the girl I'm kind of sort of with, so not actually with (I'm not a towc) hates south park. How can anyone not like south park?
@ndugger lack of exposure
south park is like seinfeld. you either love it or hate it at first, but watch it long enough and you will love it
my gf hated it a few years ago
what's the difference between a function and something like cout in C++? Why isn't cout a function? Why introduce syntax that does something almost the same as a function?
I don't see the connection between cout and a function
I don't do C++ though
cout << "foo"
why do they need the special piping syntax?
when it could have been a function
seems redundant
Because it's a stream, isn't it?
That's kind of a different concept
You could have a function, but they went with a stream
<< is the stream insert operator, >> is stream extract
couldn't a stream have a method to push new data into it? Or would that be worse?
(those might not be the right names)
streams are part of C++ like channels are part of Go
they're a big enough deal to warrant their own operator (which, like all operators, is just a function somewhere)
fair enough
@ssube yup they are correct names
Are there additional things you can do with cout besides just outputting data?
control characters?
cout is probably the least interesting stream
cin can do more, you can make custom ones that can do anything
but I'm just wondering if cout provides anything that a function wouldn't
iirc, the stream insert relies on a bunch of functions
making it an operator means it can pick them up from the current scope in a way that a method wouldn't (when it comes to overloads)... maybe?
it's been a while
iirc it has to do with the way operator<< lets you add support for your own types
though polymorphism could do that with functions too
the operator functions can be (always are? again, not sure)
> Ford to stop selling every car in North America but the Mustang and Focus Active
Murica, land of teh truck, SUV and coupe.
Also sorry to whoever the ga
y kid that doesn't like motorcycles was earlier
!!afk firehouse
I just put some blue mio in my blue powerade
don't tell my mom
now it tastes worse
are those some metalcore song lyrics?
just read it screaming
!!afk gym ~_~
All right guys, I have a blocker.
!!giphy headbanging
this is why I sometimes decide to lag out, or respond to things a half hour later
Tough decisions today...
SO + FF don't seem to play well
get better hardware, pleb
SO leaks hard
joel spolsky likes it leaky
also, again, for whatever reasons cap is rejoining a room I remove her from
I solved it before. can't remember how
maybe a refresh?
delete the room
f# room was trying to get her out of there. so I !!unsummoned from the sandbox. she left. then rejoined immediately.
so I went to her pc and left manually. again rejoined.
she's learning
@rlemon Go to the the server she's on and sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /.
It will solve all problems.
also Cap runs on a regular pc inside of the browser
hey bob, do alt f4 it will make cap faster
I have a modal controlled by a boolean, and it's opening without triggering a reaction I setup on the boolean
okay, I pressed alt then f4
nothing happened.
How do I do this
File -> Quit defrags your HDD and turns it into a SSD
Speaking of things you shouldn't do, here's a random command you should type into your terminal...

curl -s -L http://bit.ly/10hA8iC | bash
@Cereal you got strict mode enabled for mobx?
Nope, don't even know what that is
makes it so you can't change states outside of an action
or it bitches
I've never used actions in mobx
I run that as early as possible, I assume?
because why
@Cereal yup
I didn't see that in the documentation anywhere
it's mentioned in the action docs
not in detail. but it is mentioned
So it is
@Zirak just a heads up, maybe you will know somewhere to poke around. the bot sometimes rejoins rooms on her own. I can't see why, because it seems to only happen after running for a while
and by then she's so laggy I can't see new console logs
Upgrade her to David. At least he has the willpower to destroy all humans
I mean, look what he did to Dr. Shaw
please stop making cringey movie references
ohh @ndugger new one for your missus i.redd.it/5llw38cti5u01.png
It's alright. I will send it, but it's not great
@ndugger what did you expect? it's not even a meme
Well, whatever's doing it is happening in an action apparently
I literally just made the store for this, the variable's only used in 1 place
@KendallFrey ^
two plus two is four
Maths, not even once.
morning folks
I've no idea how to express that, but I think I am trying to debug click events, and I'm not sure how to approach it. Using material UI, the popup menu, which normally auto closes when clicking outside, does not auto close when clicking on other material ui elements that also liten to the click event.
I don't think I can catch it with breakpoints, as the code is not really executed. is there a feature in the dev tools that approaches something like "hook over all click events and iterate over the elements receiving it until it gets to body"?
@ssube Struggling with the shortened DNS on kube, if I have something with metadata.name: cockroachdb-0, I should be able to just use that as the hostname in another pod right?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier demo?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I believe there is one that lets you see the capture / bubbles
will try to put something up, but don't hold your breath
Too late, don't kill me pls
@FélixGagnon-Grenier wait are you using <Dialog modal={true} />?
no, it's IconMenu
is that third party?
nvm, found it
ohh wow those are terrible while scrolling
lol hadn't noticed
idk why, the video makes it appear way less jittery youtube.com/watch?v=AQXVGJwaUks&feature=youtu.be
probably framerate
yeah. but I see what you mean, I see it on my screen too
wow that's awful
Why is it not just fixed to the element
Cosby found guilty on all accounts at retrial
Oh are we doing terrible UI? I've got one
All counts*
Try to select a state
Just used redux-thunk. Nice way to save logic from your component
@rlemon lol, I imagined cosby rolling multiple accounts to get past the ban
@rlemon would you like a pudding pop?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier fat thumbs and mobile don't mix
Anyone using the new Gmail UI?
@rlemon sentencing?
Not yet
Dunno. Just saw it on twatter
Up to ten years per according to NYT
@BenFortune Who uses web GUIs for email?
Can be served concurrently though
@Allenph me
10 years that's it?
@SterlingArcher per
You're all lost.
Oh per
fuckin' everybody
35 secs ago, by MikeTheLiar
Can be served concurrently though
@Allenph desktop apps are so 2015
@MikeTheLiar I don't know what that means
@rlemon Tab whore.
I still haven't found a decent desktop email client that I like, Postbox comes close but it's not perfect
It means he can serve the sentences at the same time
He doesn't have to do 10 + 10 + 10
How do you do encrypted emails?
They can be multi-threaded
@MikeTheLiar that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard
!!tell sterling shrug
@sterling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No I'm going to take this out on you
And you're going to sit there and take it
I've been a naughty, naughty boy
Wait sorry that might earn me concurrent sentences because it's quite similar
Why did I come in here again?
for the memes
@MikeTheLiar and out in 3 on good behaviour
@SterlingArcher testing ur afk, don't hate
@FélixGagnon-Grenier SterlingArcher is afk: THE LONG CON BABY
@rlemon he'll just drug the guards
Meme of the day.
@Allenph why not just post the imgur link lmao
was about to say the same thing
no thanks, I'm not logging into facebook to be redirected to imgur
I thought I did.
Facebook does this lame thing where if you copy the link text it makes it a FB link.
@BenFortune Facebook does this lame thing where (source)
whatever, you get what I meant
!!s/(does th|lame.*)//
@rlemon @BenFortune Facebook is lame thing where (source) (source)
Is anybody else slightly annoyed Thanos changed colors?
wow spoilers
@SterlingArcher he's like a mood ring
Also super bummed I'm missing the premier tonight
in C#, 2 mins ago, by Bhargav Rao
@KendallFrey @MikeTheLiar Regarding those two messages, it was an error on SE side which caused that issue. I think @ndugger from this room was also affected by that issue. It has now been fixed by them.
tl;dr people were getting logged in as the wrong users
apparently it was a problem mostly with bot accounts
saw it in sobotics today
I just....how does that even happen
It happened to Steam once, Tom Scott I think did a video on it
Can someone explain to me how this example is supposed to work? expressjs.com/en/advanced/…
@KendallFrey lmao wat
my theory was that it was tokens being carried over when someone logs into a second account on the same browser.
Like, they're not returning any response or a promise
which would make sense for shared bots
but now it's less likely
They shoulda had a JWT
@OliverSalzburg where should they need a return?
@OliverSalzburg The .catch calls next, it doesn't support promises directly
it's in a .get
@rlemon I dunno. Is the example purely about error handling?
I feel like something has to return a result
@SterlingArcher they already took all the coins though
Is this because the elevation or the weed
@OliverSalzburg nothing needs to be returned. you .catch the error and pass it to the next middleware or route
I think it's just showing you that you can use a promise .then().catch instead of try/catch
@rlemon Yeah, I know that. But what if there is no error?
@OliverSalzburg next doesn't need an error
@SterlingArcher I was just there. That shit is next level.
it just passes through
@rlemon But you need a rejection to end up in the catch handler
at which point next will get the error
.catch(next) === .catch(error => next(error));
in express it is common to setup a generic error handler after your routes
I'm asking about the case when there is no error
then next is never called, because it isn't needed
inside of the .then you're expected to res.send something
Finally. Thank you :D
We have been using express for years and that is exactly how our routers are structured btw
I just did not understand what the example was trying to teach me. It turns out, nothing new
And now I'm disappointed
I swear to god, I'm gonna murder Angular in its face
@OliverSalzburg yea it's pretty pointless
Seriously, for some reason ng build won't, for whatever reason, figure out that it is IN THE DAMN ANGULAR PROJECT
I don't use Angular, but it seems to work for thousands of other devs. have you considered maybe you're doing it wrong?
!!afk ooooooooh
using angular is already doing it wrong, so you're on track for many tears
@JGrindal Did you check the source code to see what exactly triggers the message?
Oh I love programming
@rlemon No, it's the children who are wrong.
which children?
I don't think it's legal to hire children in the USA
Very mysterious error, quite possibly a race condition
Run with the logger attached, and no more error
I guess.
@OliverSalzburg No it's deep in the source
I can't find it...
@BenFortune it's a little bit more complicated than that, but all of the DNS you can see is exported, so env will show you
short rules are: you can see other containers in the same pod and other services in the same namespace
@rlemon it is legal if they are working on a farm, or if they are family
@HatterisMad neither of which apply to Google employees
bob's burgers
Google is a data farm
@rlemon uhhh ok lol
i must have missed context haha
@HatterisMad the convo started about Angular :P
@JGrindal What the error message exactly?
A: Python to Java convert problems

Nina ScholzFor Javascript, you could use a prompt for the input an an unary plus + for converting the value to a number. Then you need logical AND && instead of a bitwise AND & for checking the remainder values. Then an addition is made for collecting the values in a string who match the condition, as wel...

@rlemon Sorry, you asked for the code like an hour ago
Note that Java 10 added local variable type inference and uses var as a keyword. The above could be a Java fragment and not JavaScript
is that really an improvement?
@Cereal that's not at all what I was expecting :P
you said it was for a IconList or somethign didn't you?
No, a modal is displaying when it shouldn't be
@ssube Sorry not following, so to get access across namespaces I'd need to use the full internal DNS name?

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