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very different game, though, colony-sim vs 4x
yea, if it was $20 cheaper it'd be something I'd recommend to all without hesitation
but $45 cad is a bit steep for the type of game it is
i have several games on my wishlist that i won't pay full price for but want
the production value is a bit better than most survival games, but not that much
the lower level of the zoom is fantastic
I love how detailed it all actually is once you get up and close with the camera
does wind ever stop producing?
if only it was easier to play at that scale
@Luggage good question. I don't think so? I'd have to check the wiki
doesn't seem to
@Luggage Try going somewhere other than Taco Bell for lunch
batteries get expensive. i started all solar
the wind turbines look very similar to cities skylines
same company right?
I thought paradox was just the publisher?
they were the ones who ruined all the Mount and Blade games, weren't they?
they used to be one of those game farms, if I'm thinking of the right logo/company
how bad does that look
 if ((!!this.state.mousePosX && (this.state.mousePosX !== prevState.mousePosX)) ||
    (!!this.state.mousePosY && (this.state.mousePosY !== prevState.mousePosY))) {

inside componentDidUpdate()
the !! check seems pointless
do you want it to short-circuit when the mouse is at 0,0?
mousePos can be undefined
its what I do to avoid mouse snaps on camera pan
shouldn't matter
I would check for that specifically
when you release a button
mousePosX and mousePosY become undefined
!! is a matter of opinion most of the time, but it falls down with numbers
sounds like a strong opinion, with two exclamation points
yeah, changed that
it still somewhat feels like I could go about the whole thing a different way
although am not really sure how.
I mean I could check if the mouse button pressed state changed
that could be better, maybe
I'm sure there are Observables operators that can do what you want :P
meh, overkill for what I need it for
Its literally only for camera pan / movement
I could write an observer, sure
would be prettier probably
time to implement camera arcball
I was mostly joking. An observable could do this, but I doubt it will make what you have magically better.
I just rhought about it
I can skip all the undefined fuckery
it will still result in 2 conditionals, but it will overall be prettier
usually. 😃 letting undefined/null slip in is a smell
yeah, thats why it raised my attention
TS my friend
im on ts
TS is the only acceptable choice
unless you meant Luggages' den
TS is only good if you use the --noImplicit flags
imo you should always have all of those on, unless you're just starting to add TS to an existing project
I just turn strict mode on by default
and opt-out of the dumb ones
I use the coffeescript version of flowtype.
yay got rid of undefineds!
// Only manipulate canvas size if either width or height has changed.
        if (this.props.componentWidth !== prevProps.componentWidth ||
            this.props.componentHeight !== prevProps.componentHeight) {
                this.sceneController.setSize(this.props.componentWidth, this.props.componentHeight);

        // Only run when our mouse actually moved.
        if (this.state.mousePosX !== prevState.mousePosX ||
            this.state.mousePosY !== prevState.mousePosY) {
            // Only run during drag, and skip instances where we start / stop dragging inside canvas.
shame you can't inspect calc props like
left: calc(50% - (var(--width) / 2));
in chrome
I think I hit the jackpot with this landing site
heh, mine had a similar cluster in the same spot
@Luggage do you put all of your mobx stores in strict mode?
sadly I landed on the right, on a plateau
strict mode everything!
even when your store has observables for loading state?
why wouldn't you use strict mode?
because i assumed (probably erroneously) some observables don't need actions to update them
that it would just be useless overhead
One more thing, which I have to point out
@TheOneWhoMade it is such a dick move to not credit people whose project you are forking and editing that its beyond my comprehension
ohhhhh this is going to be my next landing zone after I get my first dome in
!!giphy money money money monnneeeyy
@rlemon wait is that a mars survival horror game?
well i was close
I agree with some of it, but overall its' a fun game if not a bit expensive
are there spooky martians that destroy your colony if you don't build defenses quick enough?
it's a base builder. you're surviving the environment
Surviving LV-426
> SM is a game that strives so incredibly hard to make a good first impression. And it manages to do that just fine. However, it seems that nobody thought much, if at all, about the next step - what to do after giving a good first impression?
so much yes
@NathanJones It has minimal casualties
> It is missing so many fundamental features that it is in no better shape than beta games I have played.
- no way to view statistics or graphs
- no overviews, at all
- no tutorials
- inconsistent control features
- no multi-select
- no way to 'set edicts' to change colony behaviour (like to prevent birthrate runaway)
it feels like EA, not a $45 game
I agree with the last two points so much
@rlemon the lack of multi-select sucks ass
graphs like Sim City would be cool, but w/e
multi select and control over behavior would be so much better
graphs I don't care about, overviews and tuts are over rated.
I thought the hints were pretty decent, at least good enough
some of the buildings are unclear (tunnels, f.ex)
the hints are annoying mostly now. I disabled them but they won't stop
@rlemon thats the official release, not a beta, right?
Then hopefully they address the issues quickly
it should have been a beta release
the game is pretty, the UI is polished, it seems fast and stable, but...
@ssube lmao I always wonder how come you arent comming back from work around this time like most of so chat peoples in eastern US, then I remember you are remote
most of the time, plus I'm an hour behind the east coast
oh welp
-6 UTC?
you can tell when I'm in the office or have deadlines/prod changes, I don't show up in the morning/all day :P
-6 usually, depends on daylight confusion time
@KamilSolecki that sounds cold
@Luggage speaking of, we just got hit by a cold snap again
was +16 C
now its -7 again
can you do anything in the pits left behind from the concrete miners?
like build shit in them? solar panels or something?
I was already looking towards spring
i thought the pits were fine to build anything in
cool. in my last game I never got the tech to destroy buildings
so I had a bunch of abandoned miners
I've been destroying my mines and placing another one at a different angle
you can do that 6 or 8 times per deposit, it looks like
yea. you need to do that to get it all. kinda annoying
Guess I gotta wait until the game gets to a reasonable stage until I decide to get it
yeah, why can't it rotate?
!!grind or chop trees
it clearly rotates while running
@Neoares grind
@Neoares what game?
black desert online
just to cover the entire ground that has stuff to harvest
@Neoares ah. It never got to me.
need a shitton of logs (more than 10k) to build a ship
I spent like 3 hours in it until I decided I dont like the combat system
I wonder why print screen button makes the world shake for me :P
both of us, wink
the hex world does make for interesting maps
I like it so far
you have to think a little bit more about where you place buildings, especially with the pipe-connection tiles they have
@rlemon because prtSc stands for Perturbate Screen, duh.
but being able to branch out in 6 directions easily makes up for it
the pipe connecting can be annoying because you have to select the tile then the building for single spaced pipes
estimating long pipelines out to a deposit, however...
@KamilSolecki don't worry I will credit them.
it took me a minute to figure out that you can still place buildings even when they say "No pipe connections" (or w/e the message is)
@KendallFrey nice
I accidentally built powerlines through a metal deposit and completely blocked it before I found that out, though :(
DirectX 12 is adding a raytracing API
I fit 9.
outsourcing science is way too op
@SterlingArcher wow, awesome!
@Luggage surviving mars?
with any luck, yes
ha! spoiler @KendallFrey (Surviving Mars)
Down goes Skeletron :D
That wasn't too bad
now you get all that sweet dungeon loot
Cerbrus congrats. Go into the dungeon. Byebye dungeon guardian!
ssube you beat me to it!
you say that, but you need golden keys to get the good stuff
@Cerbrus watch out for buttons on the floor
Hm, traps?
buttons, spikes, burning wheels
the dungeon is mostly traps
Did see the spikes. do those work on mobs?
do any damaging blocks? (hellstone, spikes, etc)
no @ssube
Heck if I know
I see a rotating spike balll.. can I loot that somehow?
Don't work.
MIne the block it's attached to, and it keeps spinning.
avoid them if you can
w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=FPHMDL2673V4 I have succesfully created a NN. But the question remains: how would I go about saving the state of the NN? KamilSolecki suggested that I make my own method, but is there any other way? The documentation for the library I am using is here
@ssube Figured as much xD

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