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7:00 PM
My dad owns every star trek book ever written, has seen every movie, tv show
fallout 4 VR is fucking awesome (speaking of VR)
Got him to play bridge crew last weekend
My mom tells me he's immediately looked up what it would cost to get a headset when he got home
nice @Cereal
@Loktar fallout 4 was very overwhelming for me
way too much to learn
Dont get me started on Dark Souls lol I hardly beat the tutorial
7:02 PM
@Loktar Omg they have the whole game? That would be insane.
I want some borderlands VR haha
It's 80 bucks tho, out of my budget :(
@Jhoverit oooo that'd be dope with the graphics they use
I got gorn and pucnehd the shit out of one of my walls
7:03 PM
!!urban gorn
@rlemon [Gorn](http://gorn.urbanup.com/5518926) GORN, (N.) defined as a "woody" word from Monty Pythons Woody and Tinny skit.

This word is also told to bring confidence through its woody nature.
It's a VR gladiator game
or do you mean you were playing vr and punched a wall?
@Jhoverit yea
the entire game
it's badass
Red Dead 2 has VR coming right? I need to get a damn headset and new computer
7:04 PM
@Jhoverit not sure on that one
i thought the wii controllers broke a lot of screens and windows, 2018 year of the blind punch
but if it does it'd be ps4 only I bet
It even has cross-platform from what I read.. Seems like they said it has everything so Idk what will be real
Loktar doesn't strike me as a Rockstar games kinda guy
you put on the headset and sit on an e-saddle
7:05 PM
If I didn't have the bounds right up to a wall, it wouldn't be a problem
But I do, so I punch that particular wall a lot
@SterlingArcher I play GTA and Red dead redemption :p
Vice City was easily my fav
am loving that game right now
Vice City was fun lol
7:06 PM
Bah is that even coming to PC?
I own the original dos vs of GTA 1 and 2 boxed as well
noodling/rampaging just as fun as missions
@Jhoverit I don't think so they haven't really said
I hope they don't pull the PSNow bullshit. I am not paying $20/mo
I remember playing the OG GTAs where it was a birds eye view
7:06 PM
@SterlingArcher yeah those are the dos ones
oh ok i was like dang lol
back in the prostitute robbing days
hahah yesssss
yeah man that one was so fun
I played that first on a PCGamer demo disk haha
7:07 PM
@Loktar you have a PS2 right?
still my fav gta
i played that at my first programming job with the others
@SterlingArcher yea
this was my favorite game of all time for PS2
What's the website you just push apps to and it "just werks"
7:07 PM
never got that one, but I love Tribes haha
I feel like it had an elephant as a mascot
I played the HELLLL out of the first Tribes omg
Or what
Yall plebs I just play The Powder Toy
7:08 PM
That's the one
@Loktar man that game caused so many fights between my brother and I
Wanted to see if it still pissed me off or not
I was always the heavy armor, and he had the light armor and we would have some crazy capture the flag games lol
@Jhoverit that is very neat, i love physics games
7:10 PM
Now a days I just play Tinder but the settings are way too hard
But the graphics are dope
Populous: The Beginning is a real-time strategy video game and is the third entry in the Populous video game series, developed by Bullfrog Productions. The game was released in 1998 on Microsoft Windows, and in 1999 for the PlayStation. Unlike earlier games in the series, which cast the player in the role of a god influencing loyal followers, The Beginning took a radical departure and placed the player in the role of a shaman, who directly leads her tribe against opponents. Throughout the twenty-five missions of the campaign, the player leads their tribe across a solar system, dominating enemy...
if we're going down memory lane
populous was a great game.
@SterlingArcher sometimes it glitches tho and renders dudes as females
Or weird halfies...
@Jhoverit lmao I've never been catfished on tinder thank god
!!afk I ate a bad egg
7:11 PM
Oh no they usually just say it lmao
I played weird games as a kid
Legend of dragoon, nox
@Jhoverit I've seen a TON of weird ass profiles man
I've never met up with someone on tinder
i played putt putt
I saw somebody with like 100 pronouns
7:11 PM
@SterlingArcher I saw somebody with like 100 bronouns (source)
@SterlingArcher wait, there are profiles just for asses?
I'll take it
I was standing in the DMV supposed to prove my insurance with my phone at 5% battery haha
@KendallFrey Is that the one with the car and the moon
7:12 PM
@Cereal what
Like shit this is going to die after I waited 30min
@KendallFrey Little purple car
They charged me $10 to go out and see if the VIN on my truck was the same as the title. That was the entire inspection
7:16 PM
I share my weird tinder finds with Jordan
> There was a mountain lion loose in the neighborhood and someone on facebook posted a status saying "please be wary of any swole ass cats"
@ndugger you barely text me don't lie
I don't like texting
@SterlingArcher you never text me :(
Prepare for lots of snaps bc Im going home
I hate texting, only iMessage. When I see those green bubbles, I get real cold on those peasants.
7:18 PM
Idk if I even have your number
@KendallFrey we're in different countries itll never work
Oh wait. Everyone's numbers are in this spreadsheet
@SterlingArcher lol works for me, pleb
@Jhoverit lmao you send me so many videos half of which i never even hear because silent
Does proxying a Map here make sense, or should I create a new subclass of Map and just wrap the clear, delete, and set methods? github.com/ndugger/duluth/blob/proxy/core/…
7:19 PM
Oh you don't have audio?!
I do but I can't play them at work lol
I don't snap you during work hours :?
You know cause you're usually doin some fuckboy shit :P
Hey, I only send you illegal things by mistake!
only helps, no socials
7:19 PM
Speaking of dude where do you work that has a low security chain fence lol
lmgdao that last one was close
@SterlingArcher we are private and we are located directly across the street from the police station. Fence is overkill
It's impressive we have a fence at all.
i'm not even sure if our front door locks
good to know
7:21 PM
You can't open any external doors without your ID card
not with that attitude
SNC had some crazy security
Yea the main sec guard is perma-stoned afaict so we don't.
"thats my secret cap"
Our office has effectively zero security during the day
7:22 PM
don't you work from home
The server areas are all biometric security but yea everything else nbd
my last company told clients we had all kinds of security (HIPAA) but then a hobo broke in one day
@SterlingArcher hence why I specified "office"
We have our own PCI servers and shit
drank a bunch of booze, pissed in somebody's trash can, and didn't steal much
7:23 PM
@ssube hobo larry?
The one good thing about the winter here is that I get pestered by a lot less homeless people on my walk into work
I'm not sorry
@SterlingArcher as if jews can't love christmas
dude wandered the lobby, hung out for like 3 hours, a couple different execs walked past him and totally did the "nope, no homeless people here" things, and after everybody was gone he took a nap
woke up at like 9, slipped a card into the lock, popped it, and proceeded to drink
7:24 PM
@ndugger Do you really? I assumed worse since you all probably want the warm path
my roommate at the time was the security guy, so I got to see the cam footage
I'm only interested in christmass
When I walked around minneapolis at night I was like tripping over hobos in the skyway lmao
the holy gains yo
I don't use the skyway most days
I just dress warm
7:25 PM
@SterlingArcher s/m/ /
I drive cause I'm not a commoner
you probably already have
@Jhoverit I ride my bike to work so people think I'm cool
(it works)
no it doesn't
7:26 PM
Lol when I ride my bike peple think I'm a kid. Cause I just show up on a muddy dirt bike
that's because dirt bikers are kids
christmas dinner/day the one day of the year when i give literally zero fucks about what i eat
I hate dirt bikers
ANd the cops slow way down going by the fence and check it out lmao
Or they used to
7:27 PM
@SterlingArcher line up a curve we see who's the kid :P
every dirt bike video on youtube is them doing something illegal and damaging peoples property
Yeah. Thats majority of why I sold it
s/dirt bike/prank/
All squeakers too lol
It works great in small town. If you were an asshoe they'd know. In the huge metro you are what you ride and a enduro is a hooligan
7:27 PM
cops like the fence?
are onewheels cool?
No they think someone dumped a not-legal bike
@Jhoverit yeah, though I'm not sure what a naked sport says about you
@SterlingArcher there are naked sports?
all sports are better naked
yeah dude you've seen my bike
oh i get it
@ssube you clearly have never tried hockey
apparantly jumping cops is legal
I have not, but I'd like to
naked hockey... hmmm.
but only naked
7:29 PM
@SterlingArcher my testicles would be snuggling up next to my lungs
Bold move cotton, let's see how it plays out for him
I think naked 100m sprint would be the funniest
naked wrestling
fencing, cage fighting, tumbling, hip hop dance better naked
mud wrestling is pretty close
7:32 PM
If we're talking funniest... I'd probably have a good chuckle at naked curling
@Webster naked fencing would cheaper because you wouldn't need a sword
@SterlingArcher everything curls
naked programming
@SterlingArcher naked ski jumping
id what would be funniest the person sliding or the broom jiggles
@KendallFrey seen it, doesn't end well lol
7:33 PM
@SterlingArcher the rocks clacking into each other
naked asking jquery questions on stack overflow
@KendallFrey which rocks
7:34 PM
weren't the original olympics naked
@SterlingArcher It's pretty ambiguous
Yeah but back then nobody freaked out when a nipple popped out
Old men and 16 year olds alike ride our bike
@KendallFrey it was secretly porn
7:35 PM
@Jhoverit waaaaaaaat but mine has character
Find an old man on a DRZ lmao.... IF they have one they have a KTM or a DR650
@towc The plot was too good
@SterlingArcher So much character that it has fans from all walks of life
KTMs are only good for riding on 1 wheel lmao
@Jhoverit that's good though!
@KendallFrey it lacked consistency
7:36 PM
Yea thats the point lol
Basically 1 type of person buys a DRZ lmao
I'm just happy I got a bike with duals under the seat. Those are the best exhaust systems
holy shit, now I want to know the percentage of people who masturbated at the olympics
Not the person I need to portray to the police
lmao my coworker is doing his post lunch 15 minute snore
7:36 PM
actually wait, were women allowed in the olympics?
@towc just clarifying, that was a joke right?
Especially since I do get crazy... I don't wheelie on the street but dude I will back this thing in at 70mph on turns just outside the city haha
@SterlingArcher in greece? I haven't really heard of women warriors
I did an accidental wheelie and I almost shit myself
@SterlingArcher my Triumph is just going to make me look spoiled
7:37 PM
Like 5X as much as yours does
I accidentally shit myself and then almost did a wheelie
@Jhoverit honestly dude, Aprilia and Triumph are the least common bikes in my area
You mean you power wheelied lol
@SterlingArcher Probably in every area
The only person I know who drives a Triumph is freakin' scotty kilmer
7:38 PM
the street triples are so sexy
I just meant they look like designer bikes
Street Triples are made for people who are 5'6"
Yeah man anybody who comments to me the first question is always "waht brand?" like they think apirlia is a slogan lol
I have ridden them they're fun but they feel like a fat powerful grom
one of my coworkers rides triumph. I think most of their bikes are ugly
I'd rather get a Honda
7:39 PM
Lmao yea people deff don't know aprilia
That's why I didn't go for the monster 696
They don't even know how to pronounce it
@ndugger Me too. But not the Tiger 800
the aprilia height makes me not feel like a clown biker
7:39 PM
Meh, that's not my style at all
ugly to me, cute to you
Actual pic of me in the future
I don't like redneck bikes
You called that a redneck bike lmao
7:40 PM
As if rednecks ride the best of the best of the best. That's >$15K
of course they do
expensive doesn't make it not redneck
BWM has a bike that reminds me of the multistrada and if you take off the ugly af windscreen and junk it looks dope
are you saying all rednecks are poor? That's racist
u r poor
7:41 PM
Thats not redneck at all.
Honda actually makes good bikes btw @ndugger and repairing them is cheap as shit
i mean
it has red on it
dirt bikes are 100% likely to vote for trump
im sure you know that though
7:41 PM
@Jhoverit maybe relative to you
Same bike
@SterlingArcher Oh yeah? Like which ones would you suggest baha
still fucks its own sister
To me, going outside is redneck
7:41 PM
kinda want one of these
lol kendall
Deerrrrr buy a Honda Rebel or a Shadow
Vespa or bust
vespa is for rich people get a taotao
@Jhoverit I mean, the CBR1000rr is a classy crotch rocket (I hate the long exhaust though, shave it off)
7:42 PM
huh, is the US losing net neutrality tomorrow already?
But they also make good standard models
@SterlingArcher I knew you would mention some gay ass piece of plastic hahaha
Lovely unanticipated gift in the mail — a Core Theory work of art. http://lisadalemiller.com
this makes me slightly weepy
@towc Tomorrow the FCC is voting on it, highly likely they will vote in favor of ditching it; even if they do it will spark a very long legal fight, so it certainly doesn't end tomorrow in any capacity.
@Jhoverit ahhh humbug it's a good bike 😛 cheap parts
7:43 PM
Parts no cheaper than any other brand
You're not gonna turn heads to other bikers, but you'll look cool riding it proper
They'd have to be simpler or made of inferior materials to be cheaper :P
True, you can pair up the gixxer with the cbr
even if it gets removed, it'll be back in a few years
Meh. I wouldn't buy a gsxr either
7:44 PM
ZX is nice tho if we're going green
Me either. I'd get the S1000RR or the RSV4 if I got a full sport
I would never buy a sport bike lol
Ohh and if I didn't love the sound of engines so much I'd totally get a Zero electric
I love to ride
The engine sounds man, it's the cornerstone of riding.
Something about engines revving calms you down on the ride
7:45 PM
Is it? I thought it was lateral Gs
well, you can be like BMW and simulate it through the speakers lol
@SterlingArcher Get a sound system to do it for you
@Jhoverit it's definitely slip angle
@SterlingArcher you've only had this one tho, every one is super super different
@Jhoverit lol I'm definitely not pro enough to get corner Gs yet
Have you ridden any large single cynlinders haha
7:46 PM
i thought it was your prostate being vibrated
Nah, I've only ridden naked sports and a couple standards
Yeah the thumpers will getcher prostate goin
@Webster well yeah but that's not specific to riding
I'd love to tackle a harley vrod
@SterlingArcher oh so you haven't done any V4s and such?
7:47 PM
Not that I'm aware of
They are a whole different feeling. Feels like you're sitting on top a car lmao
I was just looking at the Honda bikes... can you tell me how in the fuck a "Passenger Seat and Footpegs Kit" costs 13k? Jesus
Yeah I'm sure lol I still don't ride with full throttle response
I really want one of those M109Rs after the one I rode lol it was like nothing I'd ever ridden before
I'm using all the CCs but the throttle doesn't go wild like it does in sport mode
7:47 PM
Ahh I have never owned a ride by wire
that's the only reason I sprung for the 750cc
I knew it would be dumb to get that much power not ride by wire
Why are the accessories so fucking expensive?
@ndugger Gayest thing available, what else?
7:48 PM
I mean, forget about the fact that the bike sucks; why are the accessories so expensive?
@ndugger dude there's no way saddle bags cost more than the bike
The fucking passenger seat kit costs 13k
@SterlingArcher Just don't flick the throttle open...
Either someone fucked up the database, or Honda is retarded
7:49 PM
I'm laughing at the 5k accessory socket.
@Jhoverit yeah no shit . LOL
@SterlingArcher do you ever ride full power
Idk what scenario you would turn it on in
I turn it on the highway
but in first gear it's still a bit raw for me right now
First barely gets used anyway
7:51 PM
After the accidental clutch up I got shook
@Jhoverit in the city bro, red lights and traffic? Oh yeah, constant
Ahah have you ever dropped the clutch thinking it was in nuetral but it was in 1st?
Should I contact Honda and tell them that their website is obviously broken? $30k for a tiny metal shelf for the rear of your $4k bike?
@SterlingArcher I'm still just slipping 2nd, but my clutch takes 1 hour to change.
Fuck no haha I'm always aware of what gear I'm in and never drop the clutch
@SterlingArcher Bro, it's gonna happen.
7:51 PM
I did have a misgear when I started and almost happened
Like it said neutral, but it wasn't
almost dropped her
You're going to be coming off the highway at 60 and slowing, let off the clutch for whatever reason and learn you were in gear haha I see it all the time and I have done it
wait, @Jhoverit I have done it
and I have video
Hahaha I figured you had to have somewhere. I did it while slightly turning once and shit myself
Do modern motorcycles have any indicator for what gear you're in or is it simply memory?
7:53 PM
@rlemon love that series
I own the original boxed on 5 inch floppy 😋
youtube.com/watch?v=nsM7bpo-VuA not quite a clutch dump but I tried to rev at him and forgot I was in gear and not clutch in lol
SNES one was prob my fav vs of it though
@hilli_micha Everything has a neutral light, most don't have gear indicators tho it's up to the maker
@hilli_micha mine shows me what gear I'm in but I never look at it
@SterlingArcher omg I seen that back when you posted that
7:54 PM
I was like so he's gonna ram them..?
I was so pissed I forgot to squeeze my clutch
At least I don't have to worry about winter weather. Underground heated garage ftw
irb(main):006:0> user.
Display all 2381 possibilities?
that video gets me a little mad, people seem to think if they turn on their signal AS they are turning/lane changing that is sufficent. but it's actually fucking stupid.
thanks for offering ruby, but why does that have 2400 methods?
worst language evar
@hilli_micha I once suggested turn signals come on automatically when you start a turn lmao
7:56 PM
@hilli_micha yes, they should have looked harder, but I was riding in their blind spot
Dec 15 '15 at 18:15, by Jhawins
Yeah it wouldn't signal intent it would be like "DUDE GTFO of here I'm running you over"
Still true.
@Jhoverit That sounds like a recipe for lots of false positives
I hate when people turn on their turn signal because the person in front of them is turning
@KendallFrey Yes, we argued over this way back then lmao
7:58 PM
@KevinB There are actually people that stupid?
i.stack.imgur.com/osaiy.jpg : lol @SterlingArcher I found this from like 5 years ago. Clutch control ftw
happens all the time down here. it's like they are taught to do so.

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