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you're using mongo, they're equally predictable
why not?
I mean I like mongo just cuz it's shiny...
but seriously I feel like having my application's server parsing ~1000 YAML entries then pushing that info to mongo is a terrible idea...
probably. You could use a cron library and a worker, or a real cron and a worker.
1000 yaml entries doesn't seem wrong
it'll probably go through it in a second
or it could lock your cluster for an hour
no way to tell, really
that's the power of mongo
I highly doubt node would be able to parse this file
and serve my webapp...
unless it's more powerful than I thought
well, let's see
nodeca.github.io/js-yaml can parse it in less than a second
I was trying to use python then fork a child process and time it :[
thanks bro!
if you're on the command line (if you have python, you probably have a terminal), you can just time node whatever.js
you just saved me from thinking in the context of tuples for json data
@ssube i was talking about ruby
apparently, YAML isn't that difficult to parse...
or the python lib I was using was just ass
even you could do it
all the apis should be in Yaml
strongly disagree
This USGov project only uses yaml and geojson stored on git repos...
they aren't making it easy on me
did my name update?
it can take a while
The doordash fucker forgot my frosty :( 1 star
@MadaraUchiha do you know anything about an account called sharontipranks at gmail dot com?
Everyone knows sharon
who's sharon?
@ogtega it's your mom's pornstar name
Sharon MaDiq?
@Loktar I don't share.
communism is good
@A__ Care to explain, or are you just flamebaiting?
@KendallFrey he's a commie
Morning, fellow comrades
Yes, it's real
Just had liquid poops
But in German we don't put spaces between nouns when multiple nouns form a single thing
a logical approach to grammar, compound words, no verb forms (?) each letter always pronounced the same, no contractions, just stick words together
is that right copy?
Just compound nouns, the rest doesn't sound sensible to me
Many verb forms
I need a cigaretter after that waterfall of butt acid
Brb babes
"Beef labeling monitoring job submission law" beautiful
which key makes eyes?
holeeee shit
@KendallFrey FO4 VR is great dude
only stopped since the vive was hurting my head from wearing it so long
welcome back
I tried out the new rallycross mode in iRacing today
FO4 made me sad
it had such depth in the gameplay but the story was so meh
Just had more liquid poop. I bet it’s all this mountain dew code red that I’ve been drinking
that stuff is sickly
its not sold here but i got a 12 pack from a usa food shop
anyone got experience with postgres
I'm trying to migrate a table and while it takes 30 seconds locally, remotely over ssh it takes 30 minutes+
> Generalstaatsverordnetenversammlungen
might be my favorite
@Webster in english we uses dashes which is a much more logical choice
2 hours later…
I have a page with a lot of input form elements. With lot of dependencies on each other.
Example if I change LOV x. It should default a value y and if it defaulted a LOV z should be filtered. Are there any design patterns which help in cases like above?
Any opensource example of complex forms is also welcome:)
Kon'nichiwa (´・ω・`)
@Mosho Yeah, lol
It's the account you put for mailing when a deploy is complete
Nitzan tried to deploy last night from his PC and got an authentication failure, I'm guessing you got a security warning to your backup email
oh man this is stupid
var arc = d3Arc();

  innerRadius: 0,
  outerRadius: 100,
  startAngle: 0,
  endAngle: Math.PI / 2,
  padAngle: 0
this is all fine
var arc = d3Arc()
    .endAngle(Math.PI / 2)

this is not
You sure you can do that?
Those are not the same thing
@BenFortune I mean why not, this is all the info you need to build a proper arc through d3.
The comments on trump's mars announcement are frightening
also, their docs say you can.
fake docs
How can docs be real, if our eyes arent real
I have a home-index.js where it has codes
export default vuetestingpage = new Vue({
    el: "#app",
    data: {
        message: "Vue Testing Page Here (Webpack+Babel Vue declaration)"
I called it in my app.js
import vuetestingpage from "./modules/home-index.js"
and enter the "webpack" in command line
in order to bundle a javascript file.
in my index page, I have this code
<div id="app">
But I'm having an error and it says, "Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined
any guess why I'm having this error?
I'm new in using webpack :/
Where did you import vue?
import * as Vue from 'vue' or however the npm package is named / should be imported
what does * means?
Doesn't * capture all of the named exports
or just import Vue from 'vue'
You want * in something like fs
depends, if you need lotsa stuff from vue
like in case of react
Also depends on whether youre imporing CJS or ES
after all, importing of stuff in ES does not really work partially does it? Makes no difference whether you import * from X or { a, b } from X, it will transfer and load all of X in any case
Modules execute once, only..
it hooks either the whole set of functions or partially. However, the partial selection is a tad slower. But that is only during that import
I still got the error
even I use this
    import Vue from "vue"

export default vuetestingpage = new Vue({
    el: "#app",
    data: {
        message: "Vue Testing Page Here (Webpack+Babel Vue declaration)"
what is Vue?
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
lol wait
@SterlingArcher what are you doing there
by the way, Story of the Year has released a new album "Wolves"
hello guys. I'm in my webpack.config.js
what if I have multiple entries?
Delete them
I'm thinking. Maybe it is good to just create a modules folder where all my javascript is stored there
so, my app.js will be the only entry point
@Neoares he is clearly comming back from his friend-who-tried-to-murder-everybody's New place
do I need to import something in app.js?
like from one of the files in modules?
I only use now app.js
and I use this code: import "./modules/home-index.js"
import "./modules/home-index.js"
why it's working? :/ I wonder why
any good libs that override the XML http on the client?
for mocking?
Does any one have idea about safari developer certificates?
hi guys i am checking yarn run prod....while checking it it says error like this
ERROR in js/app.js from UglifyJs
Unexpected token: name (Item) [js/app.js:10542,7]
@BasheerAhmedKharoti If you need one, you need one
there's a lot of people with problems, why don't you help between yourselves?
Q: how to call onclick function from anchor tag by click on image using MVC?

Ivin RajBased on the database value status will be Y or N . If it Y means it will active.png will be display. it is working fine. when i click active.png image then anchor tag id="activeStatus" onclick function is not working. <script> $(document).ready(function () { $("#DomainID"...

Is anyone here also in javascript slack ? I need an invitation.
@OliverSalzburg Do I've to pay for the one? :p
i am getting hands-on react.js and i have created CRUD operation .i have dashboard.js in the component folder in which i am stuck on update operation. when i click on update Modal i have to get the saved values.currently, it is not getting also when i replace with new values and save them thanks.codesandbox.io/s/p29x6y1jjm
@BasheerAhmedKharoti If the website says that you have to pay, you have to pay
When Oliver is right, he is right.
Can anyone guide me for ReactJs Update operation in form?
@KamilSolecki Nein!
@OliverSalzburg It doesn't even say that.. :/
@amarghodke Take a look at the docs reactjs.org/docs/forms.html
@BasheerAhmedKharoti Here's a crazy idea: Try creating a certificate
@BasheerAhmedKharoti : in my update function i need to set state like  this this.setState({value: event.target.value}); on update function ?
3d printer in a backpack
For printing something "real quick" while you're on the go
@OliverSalzburg are you not already "3D printing" something when sitting on the toilet?
any suggestion for vue.js modal?
do i need to set state in each form field this.setState({value: event.target.value}); for getting values in form ?
The quality of the conversations in this room has degraded noticeably in the week I was gone
Could also be the quality of participants
@OliverSalzburg lots and lots of new eager devs (eager to code, not google)
What a shame!
@OliverSalzburg don't blame us, we've grown dependent on your guidance
Q: how to pass ID value onclick function from anchor tag by click on image using MVC?

Ivin RajBased on the database value status will be Y or N . If it Y means it will active.png will be display. it is working fine. when i click active.png image then anchor tag onclick="GetRecords1(' + item.ModuleID + '); Function the ID value is not passed to the event. How to pass the active.png image ...

@IvinRaj Didn't you just post the same question?
it's a different one
Regardless, you don't have to post them here, because they are garbage and nobody cares
it's the same question, but it's a different one
I know, it sort of contradicts with your "don't ask to ask" policy, but I don't like it when people simply throw a link in the room without any further message
...moments after they posted it on the site
And the quality of the question is abysmal
I think we should make a petition
For a warning to pop up everytime jQuery is about to be downloaded
ah, the good old "jQuery is the devil" circlejerk?
saying: "unless you have a legitimate reason to use this, consider using pure JS"
Actually jQuery makes downloading JavaScrip faster
How the hell do I link an image :|
by providing a valid link
I'll use as much JS as I want!
Also, I'm using a CDN, so download size doesn't even matter anyway!
Also bundle and HTTP 2.. FTW
I only get my apps to prod when they depend on at least 100 npm packages
Right. I first bundle all my files into a single package and then I use the HTTP2 ability to push additional files with the response
It makes sense if you think about it
@KamilSolecki Transitive or direct?
Who needs http2, when you can send every user an email link with a docker image for a desktop version of your app
hey guys whats up ?
@DeepakRaj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@cswl bundle and HTTP 2?
you mean these 2 things that don't work well together?
I meant bundle as a fallback :|
et al HTTP 1
Nested if loops are awesome if you ask me
> if loop
find the mistake
you'll realize it sooner or later
first of all, those nested if statements are very hard to read
in your case, it'd probably be good to just use switch ... case
as you break early
I want to create an admin panel with color scheme option, user can choose any of given color scheme
So I wanted to ask, do I need to switch CSS file or there is any other way to do this
switching the css file will be your best bet, yeah. At least it's the easiest way to achieve this
there are a lot of ways to do this, but I think this is the cleanest one
well, isA, isB will certainly come from somewhere?
okay, thank you :)
@ShaU it looks wrong?
if (isD) { return "D_NOT_FOUND"; }
that won't work though
in your case, you don't even need to nest the ifs really, as you return anyways
that alone will make the code cleaner
if (!isA) {
    return "A_NOT_FOUND";

if (!isB) {
    return "B_NOT_FOUND";

if (!isC) {
    return "C_NOT_FOUND";
^ this
@FlorianMargaine maintenance hell
@KarelG at least it's correct, as opposed to his own example.
(see this in his example.)

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