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4:00 PM
my knee feels like a slime :P
note to self: don't wear the compression band all the time, expecially not during your sleep. Might be a good idea when running, sure
See a doctor
And stop eating apples
maybe look into bodyweight squats if they don't hurt your knee
build up some muscle
Then delete Facebook, right?
well, the slime feeling is becasue I just took it off and now it has to adjust to the lack of pressure, I think
but yes, I will see a doctor
there's muscle there, alright :/
4:07 PM
yes, muscle !== the right muscles.
I have joint issues. building up muscle around the joints helps both my shoulders and knees
I can do about 10 one-legged squats (the kind where your bum hits the floor and knee goes up) before it starts getting hard. So it's not those muscles
Tru dat
Physical rehab was so good for me lol those guys find your weak spots and make you fix them
@rlemon lol holy crap
4:09 PM
@rlemon I like it
I thought my shoulders would be perma fucked (they were for so many years) until I got a good trainer who understood my problem and helped me build up the right muscles.
direct flights now* available
Lol I would step weird and my ankle give out resulting in me either collapsing to protect it.. Or not and hurting it
You'll learn to walk in heals, eventually. Don't fret. :)
I daily drive my boots ever since
4:11 PM
going to try a run
> My knee is gonna blow up
> Time for a run
All this talk about exercise is so exhausting, I had to have a bar of chocolate
@towc you need to rest it if there is inflammation and/or pain
not use it more
at least until it goes down
4:12 PM
there's no actual pain
until the pain begins
and I haven't let it in over a month
@OliverSalzburg I'm running 10km each 2/3 days. Go get a large sack of candies and eat 'm up
I actually brought 2 sacks of candy into the office today
We were shopping at some factory outlet thing and I invested into sweets
> two for me, none for you
Well, they were paper bags, not sacks. But the thought counts!
I bring plants into work, not candy
4:18 PM
I'm planning to eventually do ~12km every morning
improving dat air quality
would have so been on it if I didn't fuck up with this :P
@rlemon I do that as well. I have a seedling and a cutting growing on my desk right now
@towc 12km what
atm I have a spider plant runner growing, some german ivy, an almond tree, a lilac tree, and a cypress lemon tree. and some hen and chicks
but I'm out of window space in my office.
gotta take over someone elses window or try to build some stands and multi-tier them
4:21 PM
@towc three things: don't forget to build up your process if you haven't been doing such runs before. Two: don't do it each day. Give yourself at least a 24h break between two sessions. three: don't to that if you knee cannot support it.
use a training plan. There are enough on the internet
4:39 PM
@rlemon lol weird
@rlemon someone could have reported it as that too
@Loktar yea, posted it and got a single answer than got a notification it was deleted
@Loktar bastards
I mean would be dumb, but otherwise seems odd
maybe upload to FB instead of using imgur
I usually just paste in the image data from the clipboard, but I had the link in my clipboard from posting here.
yeah I wonder if non fb images have a higher chance of triggering the spam
anyways, guy on fb said my issue was overextrusion and my nozzle is too close to my bed
any merit in that?
4:47 PM
idk seems like he said random stuff
why would overextrusion cause that?
over extrusion usually causes scarring in the top layer
but you wont have line gaps
I can see it being maybe dipping in those areas. (too close)
and dragging the head over it causing the ripples?
4:48 PM
dragging the head causes scar marks if you see those it's over extruding for sure
it could be scars. hard to tell because my top level is pretty rough.
you can tell for sure if it's scarring
you have nozzle marks
but I don't think it's scars, I fucked with the settings because it's a planter holder and doesn't need to be pretty
just functional. (the top layer uglieness that is)
what are you top layers looking like?
sometimes when I make large circles in tinkercad and slice them with cura it makes the stupidest decisions on when to print where.
gives me all sorts of fucked up directional lines.
I know it's a setting I can tune, just weird that only tinkercad prints I see this on
4:53 PM
what r u up to?
@KarelG I was doing 6km every morning for about a month before I thought about it and was going pretty well, but yeah, I'd have started with some caution
good news: I didn't stop because of the knee this time
bad news: fucking rice
and asthma
ah yeah @rlemon that's a setting in simplify.. I know it's in Cura somewhere
it's external fill pattern in simplify
and setting it to rectilinear makes the nice top surfaces
iirc it's top/bottom layer pattern
but doesn't appear till you have top/bottom layers > 3
or something like that
5:01 PM
I do 5 top layers anyway
@rlemon I got that as well, isn't a tinkercad thing. There's an option that should disable it.
Combing mode or something
concentric is what I used to have and that looked gross
on a print I want a nice finish, iirc, i have it set to 6 top layers
If anyone could give me more incite to solving this problem? stackoverflow.com/questions/47386154/… I lost the code @KarelG showed me
yeah I mean that's a top layer height of what like .8 mm only if you're printing at .2
5:02 PM
@KendallFrey yea, I'm not complaining about the top layer
did you see my bottom layers?
so doesn't seem unreasonable
strange zigzag in it in parts
What do you mean by bottom layers? Like, layer number 1?
the underside
oh wtf
5:03 PM
but as I watched the print, it persists the entire bottom layer before the supports start
there are huge gaps there
yea the initial layer is not great
but the gaps I'm pretty sure I read how to solve. just need to play with it
the jitters/zigzags I have no idea about
never seen them before
Do they show up in the gcode preview?
good call, lemmy check
gcode shows nice straight lines
man, the gcode viewer really shows off why the initial layer sucks
half the density of the 2nd and 3rd layers (I only do 3 bottom layers)
up it
my first layer is 120% higher
and 130% wider
5:11 PM
Smart move to put your shit in a folder that is under file history control by default
And Windows refuses to clean up files from excluded sources unless you also clean up other "old" versions
Also very smart
Hi, in jQuery, can we calculate an already-outputted calculation?
I.e. <span id="foo">1+2+3</span> [button onclick=to run calculation of foo]
eval() got it! Cheers anyways
5:29 PM
@Loktar yea mines set to 150% width. Line height of .2
5:44 PM
good morning peepholes
@rlemon can you set your first layer higher at all?
@Loktar yea, mines set to .2
aren't you printing at .2?
mostly at .14
5:47 PM
that print was .2, but usually not
so the print it looks poor on is set to the same height ;p
is javascript date.toString always provide the ISo standardized string format?
weird you can't set it as a percentage
so it auto adjusts
@erotavlas use moment.js if you have to support more than one browser
@Loktar why?
because not all browsers handle date time the same way
5:49 PM
are my standard settings atm
@SterlingArcher The worst part of this is that you had to google summer of 69.
<shame> // unending shame
but layer height I change depending on what I'm printing
!!afk back to work
@Loktar it was my impression that the toString would output the same format regardless of browser i.e.

"Mon Nov 20 2017 12:44:52 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)"
Chrome 62 has top-level await operators, is super convenient for doing stuff in the console
5:54 PM
@Loktar I don't know, maybe I have to use this instead and it will come out the same always Date.prototype.toISOString()
stackoverflow.com/jobs/154020/… They are paying California money for remote positions. Cool company I talked to with open React jobs. This listing is for a previous Sr position but they are accepting Jr/Mid too (that listing was secret so I can't share it), same job description.
That's not California money
not bad money
The listing I got is :)
90-125 is about spot on for sr in the midwest
5:56 PM
+ equity
oh 165 in your listing?
That's a hell of a spread lol
Lol yea well my listing is for all pos
Mid/Sr/ possibly even Jr
I assume the 90 is Jr/Mid
Equity isn't "real"
5:57 PM
It can be. And if you're making 150K with it, that's a fine gamble by me
yeah if you get 150, but not if you fall in the 90 lol
We have some React guys here that would like to score remote jobs I think. Some of the more rural guys. Posted for them anyway lol
$90k-$120k is considered mid-level on the East Coast :| (I think)
Some guys here are making like 55K as senior...
@corvid I wouldn't doubt it
esp in the DC area
5:58 PM
Look these are remote jobs lol. Work in the midwest remote for 120k, that's awesome
I took a huge pay cut with my new job :(
Especially for some of our friends here that are severely underpaid.
I had people in mind when I posted it lol..
@Jhoverit if there are seniors here making 55 they need to move
maybe they aren't real seniors lol
@Loktar Tell that to people like @Trasiva
5:58 PM
he isn't a senior
Boston area is flooded with React-based jobs
@Loktar but is he a señor?
So anyway. Those jobs exist and the guys I talked to were really cool sounded like a good place to grow
haha @Shmiddty
Would be a great gig for any of our underpaid friends and they can stay home.
5:59 PM
@Jhoverit that listing said they weren't accepting applications
Tbh I might take a pay cut for actual opportunity for advancement someday heh
@Shmiddty I explained in the message :P They sent me a private one
> Quiet working conditions
Lol Idk why I shared
Can't even pin
6:01 PM
Oh well.
oh that listing doesn't even say remote
hence the quiet working conditions I guess
Ah the one they gave me says they'll pay relocation or allow remote, and will sponsor visas
Oh they have a Lead pos covered in that pay range also
That's why the spread.
oh man there are talks on that, the h1b program being redone, makes me so happy
6:02 PM
It's prob like 90 Mid, 130 Sr, 160 Lead
raising the level to 90k
I been getting a lot of like actually good quality contacts on SO careers the last few weeks tbh lol
@Loktar Good.
They all make silly products tho lol I'm not ditching my current for anything less than "fuckin badass" and a dick ton of cash
I think everyone expects you to leave fast after going remote anyway
6:04 PM
I mean I'd hope not to lol
It's not like there are jobs where I'm going.
remote opportunities though
At the worst (in the near future) I can see something falling out with these guys and having a job hunt
ANd a gap
I deff don't see myself picking up a remote op like early on next year
6:08 PM
I'm gonna have a lot of life going on so would be nice to keep this up where I already know the process and my co workers etc from when I was for real here. And my management etc.
@Loktar I'll get a second remote gig
Lol just tell company #2 I am a Jr and I work slow
... for 3 hours a night
nice, fans are here
they're so ugly.
6:17 PM
haha yea
the noctua ones right?
so gross man
but they work so well lol
Yea and I bitched to them about the late delivery. They refunded the fans
the full fans?
yea, both 40mm fans are free I guess.
damn that's pretty badass
the email I sent to amazon even said "I don't plan on returning them, because I will use them in future applications, but I am disappointed in the service.. yada yada"
email they sent back was "we're refunding the full price of the fans"
6:27 PM
shit man that's really awesome
costumer 4lyfe
(if they can ship the rest on time)
usually when they screw up prime delivery times they just give me a free month of prime.
which I'm okaay with. only like 1/10 doesn't come on time
yeah I get a credit usually
this is the first time they've comped items
i get like $2 off groceries
my wifes like send me all the clothes, ill try em on and send 90% back
apparantly theyre fine with that
Fuck amazon
They've never had problems delivering to me before
6:31 PM
just leave the liquor and porn out by the gate
what were you getting?
oh for vapes?
Should last me a couple years
ah yeah that makes sense
6:32 PM
I've never seen that before
my son was telling me all of his classmates just order from Amazon
wonder if they are starting to clamp down now
They've always required a signature and ID
rosin on a tiger coil
Just for whatever reason this time they couldn't find a way to get it
6:33 PM
And they know it's a business address, we collectively order from them about 20 times a week
weird to have a restriction on coils. they're just wire wrapped up for you.
can totally understand restrictions on ejuice and mods.
but coils?
Yeah, it's fucky
My Kylin keeps getting stuck too, any RTA suggestions
@BenFortune talk to them
@Zirak To who?
@BenFortune the coil people
6:43 PM
Can't be arsed, I've just ordered from somewhere else
we call them lizard people
Are they half lizard half people, or is it another weird blend of herbs and spices?
^ really good documentary on it
lots of sourced articles
tldr lizard people will eat your children
what's the title
Alex Jones really is the pinnacle of hard hitting investigative journalism
He is thorough and unbiased in his dealings.
6:44 PM
yeah for sure
the aliens dont eat children
they molest
according to jones
jewish aliens
lol he's way too over the top for me to take him seriously even a little bit
he does make me laugh though
he's fucking hilarious when you remove his nose tho
alt right
6:46 PM
@Loktar holy freaking timing man
LOL yeah it did the same to me lmao
I clicked play on yours and it started and mine synced up the same fucking clip
it did it as it was playting it in your vid
6:47 PM
jebus that was creepy
yeah I heard it echoing on my machine and I was like wtf?
The Alex Jones Lizard affect
"I like to have Children"
Something tells me that's not rooted in something nice.
@hilli_micha the worst part is he loads them with ketchup
Moving sucks so much i swear to god
they broke my tv stand and sent a 70 year old man to do heavy lifting
6:54 PM
@SterlingArcher was he a good looking 70 year old?
Asking for a friend
No he was like excessive christian old
"lord jesus thank you" etc
I tried asking for friends once, it didn't work.
They were really nice and I tipped them really well, they needed the money
Or they were acting
Well if they did they hustled real good and earned it either way

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