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> The file in question is /usr/share/cowsay/cows/sodomized-sheep.cow
> sodomized-sheep.cow
@GNi33 I can't LOL about that. It is just sad
I'm now going to hunt down German government boxes and check if they have cowsay installed. Then I sue them for hosting ASCII zoophilia on government IT systems
well, law is a complex subject, it's hard to have stuff like that excluded from the get go
> This depiction of a sodomised cow is not illigal in germany, because it is a work of art and so it is even protected by german law.
not sure if that applies
Excluding Germany doesn't invalidate the whole point though.
> You people are beyond me. Why in the world would you want a picture of a
sheep (?) being forced (??) into sex (???) it quite likely does not want
(????) in a distribution of computer programs (?????) even if there was no legal issue whatsoever. If you can judge by the number of question marks, this is a serious question. I'm looking forward to the attempt of a serious answer.
and this guy just shit the bed
@KendallFrey of course not
Also the "work of art" loophole seems like a pretty big one
The solution of putting it to suggests is fine for end users
but the point about mirror operators is a very valid one
@GNi33 It's ASCII art. Nobody cares
If you would show that to a judge, the judge would rip your balls off for being so fucking stupid
as I said, I'm (very, very) far away of knowing enough about applicable laws here
but I doubt that they would outright dismiss it
court rooms are weird places
If people are searching your computer for illegal shit, you probably have worse stuff to worry about than cowsay ASCII art
can't think about anything aside from maybe stuff in the browser cache, which I have very little control over to be honest, and which has already been denied as evidence in a german court once
and I say that because you can never be sure, just to clarify
okay, I just looked at what cowsay-off actually does. Well, I think they could just rename the file and be done with it
in bash, can you do
rm -rf ../client
uhm yes
not sure what happens when you're in the client dir though
I've never been curious enough to try stupid things like that
I just will run an update on cron job
del node mods update git etc
webstorm auto complete doesnt help here
No surprise there
@GNi33 Usually still works. Has very funny implications afterwards
IMO there is nothing wrong with it
but it is very easy to solve the "zoophilia" problem...
By realizing that there is no real problem?
@OliverSalzburg if it is a problem, she can edit the file herself.
you still talking about zoophilia?
It's a new subject of interest
I just came in the room after my lunch?
trying to look for a function that follows this pattern:
I just installed cowsay, there's no zoophilia lol, these guys are sick
ideally the corners would be armonically rounded, but there would still be some parts where the derivative is constant
where the derivative is constant?
@towc looks a bit like the devil's staircase
closest I've gotten is a few variations of sin(x)+x
@KendallFrey not a fractal
You're gonna have to be more specific though
yeah :/
@Neoares Read the thread. It's in cowsay-off, not cowsay
yes I saw it
how do I use cowsay-off then
I am free this weekend and want to create something opensource + useful on JavaScript/React. Any idea or suggestion what should be worth to do.
ok, this might help:
looking for a function that describes the radiant of the dots along the vertical cross section circle
to me, that intuitively feels like the integral of a very high even power of sin(x)
why all bug pages are ugly AF?
for example
So it doesn't matter if the function is constant or not?
@KendallFrey not really, but would be ideal
just like the dots in that give don't seem to be moving noticeably between turns
You don't need a constant value to have no noticeable movement
yeah, but should still be noticeably unnoticeable :P
which is why sin(x)+x doesn't fit it
but sure
A piecewise function is definitely the easiest way
also, the derivative of the function has to always be positive
@KendallFrey sounds reasonable, but can't find something with a continuous derivative that I like :?
😒 *
it's for a graphics thing, so can be approximate
and should also be somewhat easily computeable
@towc You mean non-negative?
@KendallFrey actually positive, but again, it's approximate
but ideally positive
I thought you wanted it to be constant at some points
well, the derivative should be constant
I thought you also wanted the derivative to be zero at some points
can someone explain me real quick what a constant derivative is?
it doesn't happen in that gif, but imagine the points also turned very slowly while they were not being turned in the big turns
@GNi33 a straight line
@KendallFrey don't care too much about that
yes but...
BTW, what do you mean by "a continuous derivative"? Like, a differentiable-everywhere function, or an infinitely differentiable function?
function should be (approximately. It's graphics, so even if it's very very close, it's fine. Descrete steps) differentiable everwhere, and the derivative shouldn't jump around
@KendallFrey so basically a first derivative that is 0
wtf is "approximately differentiable"
@GNi33 second derivative
ah, yeah
@towc Sounds to me like a piecewise function can do that
well, if I picked up a pencil and some paper, maybe I could find it, but hoped it would have an easier intuition :P
some other function that I maybe had completely forgotten about
@towc now this is how you plant window. notice how they're all alive.
their aliveness is noticeable
mine haven't gotten much better
live and learn
@towc That's just as simple as a straight line for the flat bits, and some transition function (cosine, bezier, etc.) in between
yeah sure
@rlemon I got new plants yesterday! Got a real rose of Jeericho :D First one I ever had
Pretty exciting!
now, what's a straight forward way to implement something like that :P
typing in your keyboard
I'd like to use state and modulos the least possible
Post a question on SO and copy&paste
but now I'm just putting the bar higher
2/10 needs more slackery
@towc state?
@KendallFrey one-line lambda without curly brackets
ideally, but meh
You mean you don't want a state machine?
state = one-line lambda without brackets
I don't blame you, discrete math doesn't belong in continuous math
by the way what is a lambda? @KendallFrey
@Neoares That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: lenny
@Neoares a greek letter
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
i cant get React to work in codepen.  i've seen dozens of purportedly working examples that look like thisL
    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>,
i have babel and react setup in settings
@towc oh, I used to call that half-life symbol
but nothing renders
the main way I can think of a piecewise function actually involves infinitely many pieces
like what?
which are somewhat easy to define in JS, but urgh
@AlexBollbach show link
sin(x)+x   , x < a
bx + c     , a <= x < d
sin(x)+x-e , d <= x < f
gx + h     , f <= x < i
@OliverSalzburg nice, yesterday I picked up the cypress tree
gonna keep it dwarf
@KendallFrey ^^^ if that makes any sense
@AlexBollbach you have an error in the console.
Uncaught TypeError: React.render is not a function
and you can define all the parameters as functions of x involving modulos and similar
you need ReactDOM for that
everyone uses React.render() in examples i see on the internet
but it's somewhat messy. Still, it's something I can fall back to, sure
and i don't get errors in my console
no, they use ReactDOM.render()
i've seen like 5-10 examples that use react.render
okay, have fun then
not have fun
im just saying what i've seen
and i'm not getting a single error in my console
something is messed up with my codepen environment
well you should because React.render is not valid.
i know i code react apps but i'm going to wind up spending all morning debugging codepen : ( : ( : (
use something else then
if the error persists, codepen is not to blame
!!eat or skip
@towc eat
not seeing anything in consoole
no errors
your syntax isn't valid on that one
there is an error in the js pane
you see one in that last link?
i do not see anything
then find a new environment if you can't figure out codepen
@rlemon Yesterday I was thinking that there should be an app to keep track of all your plants, which reminds you when you have to care for them and shit. Do you know if that already exists?
probably does
I wanna put sensors in all of mine
but how to hide the wires
that is ... clever. not bad.
@rlemon solar-powered zigbee/BLE sensors?
sounds expensive
more than wire and thermostats
but I've already got all the sensors and wire
@rlemon hide the transmitter in an elevated pot plattter/disc / whatever that is below the pot
@AlexBollbach yes
you haven't added ReactDom
i did add it in js settings
ReactDOM not ReactDom
ah, yeah, you misspelled it
@AlexBollbach you do know that JS is case-sensitive?
read the docs I linked above
your middle vase has a hollow space below it
my console wasn't helpful
i think the compile errors aren't working
please don't rely too heavily on the console.
not in a sandbox anyways
So today I came into posession of 150 000 PLN
Its a money block!
eat it and gain its powers
yea, become Super Diarrhea
I'll always love this selfie
where's the selfie stick?
it doesn't look a selfie
it's a composite of multiple smaller images
you can see the camera arms shadow, but the arm is cut off in the pic
it's a rover, not a tourist, it doesn't need a stick
is that Mars, by the way?
I like how you can see how beaten up the wheels are
@Neoares yea, that is Curiosity rover on mars
@KendallFrey next rover needs a 3d printer on it.
print experiments on mars
no selfie stick, curiosity is fake confirmed
but who will load the filament
we'll get another rover just for clearing the bed and loading the filaments
we can ship it more filament
Amazon delivery should make it there right?
@rlemon there's a gunshot wound in the front left one!
@rlemon Two-day shipping for sure
we can afford the $3.99 and make it one
order more than $100 and it's free
why the Nasa haven't sent more people to the moon since 1969?
ugh, my last few prints stopped partway through with an I/O error from the printer, something about multiple readers.
@Neoares Because they sent the exact number they did
@Neoares cause the cold war was over
@Neoares They have
now it's back, so we will again
@KendallFrey who
> There have been six manned U.S. landings (between 1969 and 1972) and numerous unmanned landings,
just from googling manned lunar missions
@Neoares James Lovell, Jack Swigert, Fred Haise, Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, Alfred Worden, James Irwin, John Young, T. Kenneth Mattingly, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt.
lol xD
you asked
yes, and I thank you
so why they stopped
it's like there is nothing interesting there
Because they were done
sent people until, what, 1972? 73? At that point americans were already jaded and bored.
4 mins ago, by ssube
@Neoares cause the cold war was over
but yea, mostly that.
what does cold war have to do with science research?
and expensive and not much purpose (besides science, I am glad we are going back even if it's wasteful)
it had to do with funding
@Neoares everything
I see
showing who is better
who is stronger
who is more advanced

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