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@SterlingArcher nah of course not. Takes like three showers for being back to normal
Oh thank god haha
i think i get what you're saying now!
You were so orange I almost cried
@Brogrammer chyeah brah!
becaus i didnt write for each element input
i will try again but thank you so much!
Absolutely brochacho
much easier to understand from you than my professor
!!afk these pretzels are making me thirsty
That's because we love JS and know how to teach
Your professor is no bro to me
@jAndy jfc
was the gig being a statue?
you won't think how much contrast the color makes creates in difference
black face
@jAndy There's no color
true story, but if the athletes (me included) wasn't tanned, it would look so soft in comparison
Damn that's some matrix level bhudda saying
I wanna see how orange
Why are they starring lol
darker darks and brighter highlights makes things look deeper, optical illusions to win muscle contest, why not
@Brogrammer stackoverflow.com/questions/8829030/… this might help you too
is that a photo of you guys?
damn the transaction thing didn't work :/ I made a loop(5 times) in the console (client) and it wrote 5 records in the transactions table :/
@Webster If it was a muscle use contest they'd be lifting not posing
a photo of you guys before you became programmers?
No I was fatter
that was with the full orange
Here's a photo of me before I became a programmer:
is that you?
yeah me, 10 days ago at contest stage
@KendallFrey i made an audible noise thanks for that
sporting wood?
Can anybody help me to solve how to set a checkbox as checked in a HTML form when I clic a table row that has a value "PHP"... for example if I have a <input type="checkbox" id="php" value="php"> PHP in the form, this in the table <td>Snow</td>? I've tried document.getElementById("php" + this.cells[15].innerHTML.trim()).checked = true; but no succeed
@Einnerlink Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Webster oh god no why did you have to say that
@jAndy Dude. You're in space
Come tf back down lol
I need to proof a point here, so.. on to the moon
How to set a checkbox as checked in a HTML form when I clic a table row that has a value "PHP"... for example if I have a <input type="checkbox" id="php" value="php"> PHP in the form, this in the table <td>Snow</td>? I've tried document.getElementById("php" + this.cells[15].innerHTML.trim()).checked = true; but no succeed
is id the same as name?
im working on becoming a moon
@Brogrammer no always
white and completely ropund
@Einnerlink please dont double post
that's easy :P
@Webster are either of those criteria for moons
Sorry my bad!!
so i can give something a name and id?
just stay in your cellar for a year straight and eat cookies and stuff
i saw this line of code:
<input type="text" name="items" >
@Brogrammer correct. The ID corresponds to the DOM, the name typically is used for form values.
goal of becoming a champagne colored, cratered and pock marked oblate spherioid
@jAndy such dank. very cookie.
so i could do something like:
<input type="text" name="items" id="hi" >
ids must be unique though
actually... they announced that the DOM originally was called Document Object Oriented Model
if you ever find yourself making ids like id_1 id_2 just use a class
right but otherwise is my line good
but.. they didn't like DOOM as shortcut
Make sure you start your IDs with numbers
call to the DOOM!
<input type="checkbox" name="skill1" id="php" value="php"> PHP
Yeah you should be fine, the validator seems to map to the input name field
Which makes sense since it's an input validation
But name is not nacesary for what I need, right?
name is what the value is named when you send to the server
I'd love if the DOM was DOOM instead. So fitting
@Einnerlink sorry homie I'm addressing Brogrammer's issue
<input name="MyName" value="20"> from a normal form post is going to come out like ?MyName=20
the thing worked but it got rid of my input box
when i put 0
ik i wasnt clear
ill try again
because u gave me a working example
My freelance rate is $155/hr. This job request will take me about 5 minutes, so if you pay me $12.91 I will do this for you. For an extra $5 I'll do it in both languages :O — Sterling Archer 39 secs ago
so sassy
@SterlingArcher Tagged for both java and javascript lol
Hmm. What if it takes you ten? Will you charge 25.82 or leave it as the 12.91 you’re quoting? — notyou 29 secs ago
Why did some totally random person say that lol
@SterlingArcher your bill rate is not very competitive brandarts.io/pricing.html
Lmgdao this kid from back home..
> $25 hour for forms and for more complex website functions
Now that's advertising hahahaha
> Hold up this part sends to XHR, better raise the meter
hours that I have to be sober cost more.
I think it means javascript vs static lol he's weird
Oh man they want a responsive design? Better raise the meter
CSS: $18/hr
CSS3: $25/hr
"per graphic"
Media Queries: $20/query
$1 per loop iteration
@SterlingArcher lol
Setup a swear jar and they have to pay me every time I swear
@Jhoverit I would charge more for legacy css, tbh
I'd be fucking rich
@Shmiddty But buzzwords
I mean shit, I have 32 pages of "fuck" in this chat chat.stackoverflow.com/…
@Shmiddty I mean fuck, I have 32 pages of "fuck" in this chat chat.stackoverflow.com/… (source)
you're a frequent fucker
!!s/fuck/fuck fuck/g
@Shmiddty you're a frequent fuck fucker (source)
Dec 19 '13 at 16:53, by RUJordan
haha oh the good ol' memory lane
@Shmiddty Dec 19 '13 at 16:53, by RUJordan NO FUCK COLDFUCKION (source)
it's the word of the day
Jan 6 '15 at 19:42, by Sterling Archer
Fuck yeah new office wifi reaches the bathroom
What a glorious day that was
Apr 22 '14 at 19:56, by Jhawins
I just almost told you guys "I love you" and my girlfriend "!!afk fuck this shit"
I didn't have any good F word messages lol
ok i dont get why when my jquery message appears, it overrides my input textbox
Nov 3 '15 at 18:35, by Jhawins
Fuck yea I wanna juice you
Dec 7 '11 at 20:17, by Loktar
/me punches setInterval
Dec 7 '11 at 20:18, by rlemon
/setInterval punches back.... punches back.... punches back.... punches back.... punches back.... punches back.... punches back.... punches back....
LOL juicing the lemon
@Brogrammer I got an example here: jsfiddle.net/einnerlink/u8znf59e
routers have come a long way
is that real? 0.o
we have sith routers now
does having more antennas actually make it better?
covering multiple channels at once with more precision?
antennas are pretty useful for wireless communication I think
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/17?m=23926306#23926306 @SterlingArcher ur jus a lil bit methed up
but it may just be a style thing
@Mosho but... why not one?
I genuinely don't know if it would help
who knows
i think something is up with my html file
@towc most wifi thingies have more than one
so I would assume there's benefit
@Brogrammer use a virus scanner
@Mosho wait, really?
i hate routers/modems that don't stand upright
too much space
oh, they do
btw, I bought a bidet
Anybody know any good tv mounts (55")?
> So what’s the deal? How do these high performance external antennas help to keep your devices connected with stronger Wi-Fi coverage? A number of factors play a part. First and foremost, the AC3200 Router features Smart Beam Forming to send focused beams of bandwidth directly to your devices rather than simply emit a donut-shaped ring of bandwidth.
thought you guys would want to know
@Mosho oh man that's a luxury most don't even know
well done sir
can someone take a look at my html file(ive made some changes) but idk why my program removes the input box if i put an illegal input that jquery tells me about
haven't used a bidet in a while
@Mosho My life is vastly superior now that I have that piece of information. Thank you!
@Brogrammer please indent your code
or it just makes it hard for us to help you
@SterlingArcher You got arms dontcha
@Brogrammer wtf
<html><head> .... the body ... </html></head>
@Jhoverit I will slap your redneck all the way back to kansas I swear to god dorothy
hopefully this is better
Oh. Oh wow
better, but rlemon has a point
@Mosho nice I own one as well
@Jhoverit lmao
@Loktar do you actually use it?
I might have completely misunderstood their purpose
they're there so you can clean your butt, right?
They're for drinking
to clean your ass
@towc did you drink from it
@Mosho well, I did use to fill them up with hot water, put my feet in them, and read a book while sitting on the toilet
with the lid down
why are you the way you are?
meanwhile i changed my javascript file to:

            required: true,
            number: true,
            required: true,
            number: true,
            required: true,
            required: true,
well, my parents suggested it
I think
they trolled their kid. nice
@rlemon he's from europe
tbf I have no recollection of them doing that
dude just take a bath and read a book like a normal person
Just take a shower first so it's not nasty bath water
or after. whatever works.
sometimes I like stewing.
there were no windows in the toilet with the bath. And the boiler would take a long time to heat up, and then the spiders and centipedes... urgh
M3U is not specified anywhere :/
like, the bulky hairy spiders
not the daddy longlegs
we didn't have coacroaches, but plenty of those
either way, I can't imagine myself using a bidet now
Everyone and their dog seem to have their own idea of what M3U is
@Loktar @KendallFrey gfycat.com/GrandioseBeautifulBream someone.. someone made a KSP shotgun, and it reloads.
this is what my output looks like:
the input text box should not be hidden once i put an invalid input
@rlemon neat 0.o
that's some nice wood
wait wut
could make a lot of tables from that sucker.
biggest wood I ever did see
@towc trees get big
the confusing part is that it was brought by the sea. I guess it makes sense with tides...
but jeesh
@SterlingArcher ohh man, if you ever get the chance to see the old growth forest in bc
SUPER big trees
@SterlingArcher im missing the custom method?
but yeah, also haven't seen a tree that big with my eyes :/
anybody knows where that picture was taken?
like. super big.
one of the things I really look forward to in america
why would you do that :/
I mean, cool, but urgh
It was ded
I guess you have a lot of those
Dude I don't
Those are not common in america either
Only a handful of places you are going to see trees that big. I have never
many of them are endangered or whatever the tree version is
you get in a ton of trouble for messing with them
That pic is prob Redwood
@Jhoverit seriously. next time any of you are in BC
it's an amazing visit
@rlemon I will prob never be in BC in my life lol
@rlemon will you take us?
@rlemon I've seen a bunch of big trees out there, although not the record holders
that is really a picture which demonstrates the stupidity of the human race
even the sorta big ones are awesome
But yea west coast right?
destroying a what.. 1.000 years old tree?
@jAndy It was ded. Totally ded. It's part of the national park
It's a stump
let's make a statue out of dead bodies
alright, that brings my rage down slightly
I am perfectly fine with fucking up whatever dead plant life you want.
it's not a dead body
Dead animals also
it's wood, same as your house is made of
lmao remember when everything died
that's like saying "don't make statues from dead rocks"
A: How to check if a list is a sublist of another list with order?

Peterfunction check(l1, l2) { return !!~l2.join('').indexOf(l1.join('')) }

no context, no explanation... wtf
anyways it demonstrates the humans of no respect of nature whatsoever
I thought it was cool af I didn't even have the thought that that was some horrendous sin. So.
@SterlingArcher is that a reference to something?
axios.com/… @KendallFrey idk... looks kinda like a space ship to me
you don't modify or drill holes into natural things which exists for thousands of years
why not?
@Jhoverit well, the fact it was dead didn't make it nearly as bad
I got a cowboy mindset
If I need the damn tree Imma cut it
by those rules, no sticking your toes in the sand
@jAndy tbf that's where we get marble
beavers are terrible people
@towc that's where we get literally everything
For fun? Nah. For utility anything goes
idk, something about that tree still upsets me
it all comes out of the ground
but I agree I don't know the reason
@ssube because you don't own the thing, you didn't create it and you could not possibly re-create it. It guess its just a matter of respect
so I won't argue for it
@jAndy Don't you eat plants
@jAndy eh. That makes some sense, but it was an already-dead tree and they protect the remaining ones quit well.
Idk about that word in other cultures lol
for one, it was more beautiful when it wasn't cut
@Jhoverit yea but the people who did that to the tree would not die for not doing it right
I don't understand?
like, people have been arrested for "poaching" redwood trees
@Jhoverit I'm not e vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I freaking hate plants.
that price
for a lifting platform
albeit world class
@Jhoverit not eating at all would kill you I'm pretty sure
@towc I agree, but that's subjective.
I was simply going to suggest eating more critters
If you don't want to kill as many plants
you see all sorts of things in parks with fallen large trees.
it's cheaper to carve it up than it is to pay to remove it
and it "looks nice" to some people
I think I stand for the principle of not killing complex things
That walkway was purely a tourist attraction lol
by eating plants/vegan you at least cause the least possible damage to nature, that's how I look at these things.
*if you don't want to kill yourself
ie trees, humans, big animals / animals with complex social behaviours
@jAndy livestock can be just as easily reproduced as lots of plant life.
So I don't follow that specific reasoning.
but go nuts with small plants, insects, and chicken, because screw chicken
dude, those are dinosaurs.
@Jhoverit no it can't. Because life-stock needs a shitload of plants before it grows for you to be eatable
I could never associate a chicken with a personality, but that doesn't mean they don't have one :/
@jAndy And I can grow those plants as well
You're talking to a farm boy
Oh we're back to this again?
@Jhoverit you're talking a logic thinker
!!afk nah
@towc what about people who have such a bad personality that you'd rather spend time with the chicken?
@Jhoverit what's something you can wholeheartedly say you care about?
We aren't out buying more land year after year because what we have can't sustain both plant and animal life well beyond what's needed
Human [ eats animals -> water -> plants ] < Human [ eats plants ]
@ssube hmmm depends
@towc What kind of a loaded question is that?
@towc so you're ok with eating chickens, small plants, and some people, but not trees?
@Jhoverit no hidden meanings or followups, just genuinely curious :)
You make the implication that I care about nothing. That's such a ridiculously illogical thing to say. So I don't know how to reply
@ssube depends if the trees are fucktards or not
redwoods? nuh-huh
unless they're clearly fucktard redwoods
so you're ok eating the mentally impaired?
that's a great way to make the news
@towc any tree can fall and kill you
100% self defense
@rlemon I see
@jAndy what percentage of your intake do you actually grow?
@towc less flag bait.
@ssube great point, could come from me. It makes make very hard argument to answer: What is actually the difference of killing a cow over a human for eating
Low percent? I'm just making hints. i have no solid point to give back
@rlemon not on purpose, but woops
because you end up in the question, what defines the licence to kill
@jAndy it does, which is part of why I don't care
@Jhoverit I'd guess around 50%
humans die, animals die, animals are just more delicious
@ssube I mean, have you ever tried a human?
yea but then again, why don't you eat the mentally ill or babys
why not crap where you eat?
If you're raising your own cattle, growing your own feed for said cattle. Where am I going wrong? It's sustainable. I'm actually destroying less than I create and overstocking the cellar by years and years this way. Producing and selling grains that you're eating, How are you better than me for eating plant matter?
@jAndy who says we don't?
because some people prefer not too
does there need to be a better answer?
Producing meat that others are eating at a much higher rate than I am consuming other natural resources (other than sunlight/water)
@Jhoverit no, not at all! I just can't think of something in particular, which is why I ask. I guess you care about fairness in some way?

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