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All good, but it's enough. Please stop posting unless you have an actual issue.
What do you guys think about working for a Electronics manufacturer company as a fullstack developer?
Python and node
Do you think you will last long?
ewww python
i wouldnt do that
Umm... having fun folks?
I like python but just consider it is a electronics manifacturer
not me
Network switches and stuff
was looking for a mod to talk to
@JonClements no
I'm so pissed off with an issue in my project
and I'm about to destroy the keyboard
@JonClements yeah apparently solved, at least for now.
why is (0 / 0) * 100 giving me NaN?
shouldnt it be 0 * 100?
Dividing by 0?
0 * 0 = 0 though
why do i hate JS so much?
Almost every coding language
nothing to do with JS
0 * 0 = 0 wtf
it's math
0/0 is not 0
!!> 0/0
@Neoares "NaN"
0 / 0 has to be 0
no, it's not
or else math identities are contradictory
a division by 0 is undefined in the world of maths
@Dr.Sam You iz in mindjail
this is not the fault of JS
ah okay
@KamilSolecki I hope you can remove the "almost" here?
yo @GNi33 your name is pronounced 'genie'?
that's what GNi33 stands for?
it doesn't stand for anything really
he punched the keyboard
I don't even know how I came up with it anymore
@Neoares precisely
il just call u genie
that's fine
that's pretty cool though
If you take a limit of 1/x as x -> 0, you get +inf from the right side, or -inf from the left.
Hence, undefined in the real plane
And complex infinity in the complex plane
but we're not talking about limits
so x/0 is undefined
I'm just explaining why 0/0 is not defined
@KamilSolecki I'm actually really happy that I now know what you're talking about here :)
then why is 0 * 0 = 0?
because multiplication is not a problem
It's literally 0 times 0
the problem is that you can not divide by zero
you can not split x things into 0 groups
or 0 persons
@GNi33 since we are on the topic, one of my favorite math quotes is "complex infinity is where santa lives on the Riemann sphere"
but that action is equivalent to nothing/0
not being able to split things because of 0
means theres 0
just watch that video
and then come back
or don't, who cares
0 and 0 as part of divisor/dividend
are still 0 so = 0
if i say 3 / 3, theres two things considered, a 3 and 3
ever mathematician ever disagrees with you on this though
time to win an argument here
That's exactly 007-like logic. Approaching topics with subjective logic, not relying on concrete things
@GNi33 interesting starred list there... are you sure you really want some of those so predominately displayed in chat?
i have a formula, x * (y/z) / a
ima give you math
not opinions
let y = 3 and z = 1
x = 2
@JonClements tbh, we had worse, but I'll clean up a little
2 * (3/1) / a --> 6 / a
who cares what 'a' is
@GNi33 appreciate that - thanks :)
@JonClements I think they're K
here's where it cant be NaN
the '3' is 3 apples
and '1' is orange
in the real world, those items got stolen
so you are left with 0/0
you will not win an argument, where your argument is "division by 0 has to be 0"
Hide, we are doing fruit math
now u cant even get an answer
how is that even an argument
I'll give you math
I have a pen
I have an apple
because 2 * NaN / a = NaN
Im not even sure if it's a troll or not lol
if 3 and 1 are gone, why not make them equivalent to 0?
@Traitor why are you dividing apples by oranges in the first place?
3 represent '3' objects
answer me that first
just as you use a formula to represent objects , i.e. for physics
yo know what, no, don't answer, this conversation is ridiculous
if your objects get removed
you get 0, NaN is not useful here
@GNi33 it is
im just saying NaN is not useful, we should use '0' so our formulas can go on
@GNi33 aren't you a RO?
NaN may not be useful, but it's correct
0 would just be plain wrong
@Neoares I am
but the real life example tho
then use your powers
I'm still not on the "kick for being ignorant" level... yet
@Traitor watch the posted video and stop this argument. It leads to nowhere
!!ignorant or troll
@Neoares troll
there you go
indeed, watch the video
trust me im not trolling, just hate that i have to write some JS code to handle the NaN i got
i was venting
There is a reason why maths is placed alongside programming
@Traitor Consider me summoned
Yea why am I being summoned
hey cool, i feel like kabuto
hey um if you scroll up, towc was trolling me hard
i almost said bad words to him
not sure if he wants to bait me into gettin banned or something but can u take a look?
Uh while this was classic towc, he wasn't trolling you.
@towc pls don't do that to people :)
he likes to joke around but i felt like he went out of line
Okay, so I got called in for something any of the Ros could deal with.
!!Afk not even 7am yet
@rlemon I told them
how do yo wake up for a flag?
@Neoares He was pinged
@Neoares I'm getting ready for work
yes but
oh ok
isnt towc a RO though?
I get up at 610
@MadaraUchiha I knew that
@Traitor no
I was just wondering how can you wake up for that
sry rlemon T_T
@Traitor Room owners have italic names
@MadaraUchiha LOL
Huh, I never noticed
hi all, i have a question. can someone tell me what this type of application is called where user has 6 options for example, they select one, it goes to next screen with 3 questions, they then pick one which send them to another screen with 3 options. when they select this last screen option they are presented with a final screen
what is this "called" in jquery/javscript?
live example is this - polkaudio.com/systembuilder
@HollerTrain wizard
@KamilSolecki I'm somewhat disgusted by the fact you don't share the disgust :/
but if Madara's ok with it, I don't have much else to do
@towc Wether I do or not, I just choose not to make a thing out of that
makes life easier
for you :/
so.. i just ignore towc?
when he gets out of line?
you can ignore me whenever
I have no power over this room except for sharing my opinion
@rlemon you rock thank you so much!
and you're also entitled to ignore me
ive yet to build a jquery wizard app, so if anyone has and has any suggestions/tips i would sponge them up!
@towc okay
we all ignore him sometimes
I'd like to annouce this drama as over. If anybody has any objections, I suggest you try to solve them in private chat
but with love
@towc To be fair, users can choose whatever display picture they want, regardless of gender. It's the impersonation that I had objections with.
If he gets creepy about it, we'll deal with it.
I'd agree if it was the first time it happened
Madara is a wise man!
s/deal with it/crush him/
Totally different topic though
This is amazing.
@Neoares ah i c
have you watched the video?
not trying to open the shit box again
just wondering
im still mad about the NaN so no
@MadaraUchiha wow
at this point you become a troll to me
@MadaraUchiha lol she got hammertime'd
i want towc to say something
wish granted
is SO going to let us crop our avatars?
before setting the image? thsi avatar's face is cut off :/
im too lazy to photoshop it
this chat is dead
so you are to me
no ur not
ur playing hard to get
i get it
!!afk lunch bbq ribs
!!echo hi
wheres shrek? he owes me food
!!ban traitor
@BenFortune traitor added to mindjail.
@SterlingArcher hi
@bitten looks like we're in business together (Peer5 and mycujoo)
I need to die.
Abhi going 0 to 100 real quick
@Abhi You need to see a counsellor.
I did. Didn't help. I can't get a proper job. I've lost my mind. I'm making life miserable for my parents. I can't do anything.
Someone please tell me a painless way to die.
Or where I can hire someone to kill me
I am trying for a while now.. No one is answering. Can anyone help out? javascript chat room
Q: Could not link another auth method - firebase auth

Noman AliI am signing in user using mobile number and then i want him to enter email and password later. (after logging in) I am trying to link email,password Auth method to current PhoneAuth method. But it's giving me an error: Cannot read property 'link' of undefined Here is code: import { fir...

I don't want to come out of this. I just want to stop existing.
@BenFortune thanks
7 mins ago, by Ben Fortune
@Abhi You need to see a counsellor.
indeed, he can kill you
or at least your wallet
Should we call someone? :|
@Abhi There's probably a suicide hotline you can call. They're trained to help you.
@Abhi you dont have a reason to
just calm down and plan a strategy and move forward
I'd like to thank again whoever thought 'we need flexbox'
Thanks Kendall. But I don't think they can fix anything.
dont you know? what does not kill you makes you stronger
@Abhi It's literally their job to fix things.
@Abhi you need to learn your happiness doesn't depend on you meeting specific goals.
you also need to learn that you dont need happiness
you need power/position
which in turn gives you....?
and control
yeah, happiness. (if power is your goal)
!!nudge 30 when we talk fun stuff
@KamilSolecki Nudge #1 registered.
hey guys
the lines arent visually bothering, are they?
ofc not
what do you think about joining a company with software engineers with strong networking background but you have no networking background but you will be a software engineer
because they dont start you off with good pay
nor huge responsibility
you will have time to catch up
@JasonMarsh networking in terms of "social networking" or networks in the electronics kind of sense?
and ur peers will give you most short-cuts
they want to pay really high salary
which is strange
answer gni33 question
networks in like switches, eletronics
ah then join
ah, I see
trust me i used to work in IT, nobody trusts you with running servers
what would you be leaving for that job?
you just started why would they expect you to know deep NE stuff?
i doubt they will pay you high salary
well it depends on experience
but they want to pay me high salary
im assuming you are just starting
then they are desperate
he knows the salary already
I have around 3 commercial expereiences
yea take advantage
I don't want to risk joining another shitty job
but it pays high..
my god
and get fired unfairly after a project
nobody get's fired for that, you get fired for shitty communication skills
and if you dont have comm skills you are screwed
yeah, that's something I am trying to improve. comm skills, but I have learned the lesson harshly
I think I wouldn't make same mistakes anymore. But still have a long way to become a master
with comm?
do you talk to girls?
yeah, im married
do you lead a team?
have you?
what are you doing now?
then that's ur problem
you dont have leadership skills
so you wouldnt understand how management works
what are you even talking about?
yeah, what do you mean
screw that. @JasonMarsh what are you doing now?
to join a job where you lack a certain skill that your teammates or leaders possess
dont join if you have shitty comm skills
@GNi33 I'm finding a job now
Ironic coming from you
with good comm skills you can keep jobs that require a lot of technical requirements
I have several interviews aligned
so you're out of a job? are there other interesting offers?
Just take the job. Networking is trivial. Stuff goes from A to B and that's basically it
I just want to be in a right position
@JasonMarsh I know what you mean
@OliverSalzburg that's what im telling him
I would definitely consider joining. Taking on a job around a field you're not very experienced in can be a very rewarding challenge
if you have comm skills
but you can't learn networking with your lips (comms)
they won't make you produce routers, you'll just write software in this given environment
and you will learn a lot in that environment. They won't expect you to be an expert right of the bat
@JasonMarsh what?

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