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@KevinB Two things?
onchange, and window.open
eliminate one or the other
or prove that they only fail to work when used together
function createBicycle(speed, tireInflation){
	this.speed = speed;
  this.tireInflation = tireInflation;
  this.inflateTire =
  			this.tireInflation += inflateBy; //i think this is not supposed to affect the parent property's inflateTire, but it does
  			console.log(this.tireInflation + " inside func");
var bicycle = new createBicycle(20, 10);
function Bicycle (...
Check to make sure that works in IE. If it alerts 1,2, or 3, it works and there is something wrong with how you have it setup
//i think this is not supposed to affect the parent property's inflateTire, but it does it is supposed to, if you call it as instance.inflateTire
why does this.tireInflation inside the function affect the property of the parent this. The this in function(inflatedBy) is supposed to have its own new property, no?
if you store the function elsewhere, it will fail as you expected it to.
var x = bicycle.infalteTire; x(4);
@Vap0r Does not return errors in IE Island is just blank screen and directs the option
@RenatoLazaro I'll check real quick hold up
ok..so this inside the function refers to the parent even if it's inside a function?
@Vap0r Alert Works on IE yes.
@RenatoLazaro I'm going to modify that code, and let you figure out the rest.
@Vap0r See my original code. pastebin.com/zTLD5a2t
@MichaelScott in your case, the context is the instance because it was called as a property of the instance, not because it was created in the constructor.
@RenatoLazaro make sure your code looks like this when it is printed to page
<select onChange="window.open(this.value, '_self')">
I don't know if it matters but I'd capitalize the C in onChange
@KevinB thank you very much
@Vap0r Nothing is printed when selecting.
Strange not working just in IE. I saw something about it here. stackoverflow.com/questions/18227738/…
@rlemon i think most of all i like his lift
yea rims make the best jacks
i thought as a welder you resigned yourself to small burns
he didnt agree i guess
everyone just ignoring that?
I can do whatever I want
damn, i guess so
when people discuss data service structure? do they mean JSON structure?
json would be the data format
rest would be an example of a data service structure i would think
Q: How can i design Schema for below product using mongoose?

its mecategory : shirts name : aaaa shirts type : slimline superslim fittedbody fabric : twill , denim , dobby denim , dobby dobby size : 28,30,32,36 ...

@ndugger welp, you got me like 2 times on that one I hope you're happy
twice on the same message? That's on you, pal.
I didn't understand what was happening and didn't ask myself about it until after I clicked the second one
Totally on me :(
WHY @rlemon
I'm a serial link-clicker
because you seem easy enough to fool
stop plz
@Vap0r ohh rly? riskyclicker.com
You're giving me anxiety
Because I know I shouldn't click it but I need to
Cap needs a feature that clicks the last link, waits 5 seconds and then takes a screenshot
I feel like this might ruin your competitive edge
I feel like someone would get Cap banned for posting the juiciest breats this chat has ever seen.
Would it really be caps fault though
Those are some plump, juicy breasts you have there @Luggage
@Luggage damn that's juicy ;)
@Vap0r did you click my last link?
it's a little game you can play
eventually nsfw
eventually :P
It's causing me issues not being able to click the link @rlemon, but I don't have 90 days in at this job yet so I'll wait
@Vap0r it's a game that randomly pulls images from imgur
hmm 8 clicks and tentacle porn
not bad
you have two buttons, SFW, and NSFW
SFW moves to the next random image, NSFW clears the screen
see how long you can go without NSFW
Fuck you, ok.
worst case scenario, we can post links to job sites.
8 clicks for me too.
No tentacle porn, there is that
I just got a 30 run
I'm jelly
if you really feel like punishing your memory and bandwidth you can visit /nsfw and /sfw to see every images people have voted on. ofc some people vote stupid. I don't manage it
browse at your own risk. seriously.
there is a fucktonne of images that'll load
Play scary games win scary prizes
eventually I'm going to revisit the 'game' and add in a login and do some type of scoring
right now at least I'm collecting somewhat accurate lists of NSFW and SFW links from imgur 😛
crowdsourcing :P
You should train an AI
And when they specify NSFW have them specify a category. That was your bot becomes an NSFW expert
@BenFortune could you present that link in such a way that it looks like they are stealing my idea?
If not that's cool too I suppose
honestly, I just got sick of looking for my own porn. thanks everyone :D
You look at pictures for porn? And your only criteria is that it be NSFW on imgur? A lot of things are starting to make sense.
live on the wild side my friend
In before they write a minecraft computer to play factorio with a decision tree that let's skyrim run in an emulator
@ndugger hey buddy. Are you busy today? You've been really quite
give a game logic wires and people will build a pc
quite what
I saw a Terraria pc not too long ago
quite dank
NAS software recommendations? Looking at Freenas and NAS4free
quiet my bad folks
ndugger seems to take his meming abilities way too seriously he's been sour on me since I declared fatwah against him on Friday :/
@Mosho July 1st
a fatwah IS a declaration.
The declaration was so important it needed it's own declaration.
@Luggage douche :(
F that.
dog bits you? bite dog.
@ndugger done this, it works
Eat dog.
cuba gooding jr did it in snow dogs
he bit dog on ear
@Luggage it's an expression
anyone know if it is possible to get the frames per second of a video in JavaScript? Specifically, jwplayer
an expression of a declaration
I'm going to steal the declaration
@corvid is it html5?
yep, running exclusively on chromium, the video is playing in a jwplayer
Q: Where in metadata of a video in html5 is the fps saved?

Hasan WajahatIn order to fully implement my custom html5 video player, I need the the exact frame rate of a video. However I have not been able to find it yet and am using a standard value of 25. Typically videos have a frame rate value in meta-data so I accessed meta-data using something like this: var vid ...

That might help as it specifically mentions jwplayer. From what I read though custom-implementations that have been done that are dubious in regards to quality.
> realPassword = String(user.password);
String() is the fastest way to hash
As an added bonus, it's reversible. Good for testing.
realPassword isn't declared
Nice. Here's what I gave the guys in C# on Friday when I was messing with them.
whoo, global passwords
I sent them a pic of code from reddit.com/r/badcode then when they asked for the code written out threw it into that jsfiddle
@Vap0r you gave them a fiddle with code in the html box?
@Luggage :) I was dying.
@BenFortune Whoa..
It was hard to keep my composure
i don't get it
@Jhoverit There's an aftermath photo but I probably shouldn't post it
Neither do I.
i mean, the code is still copyable, shoulda done it as an img
he thinks he's a troll
how precious
You need to drink less coffee or meth, @Vap0r
@KevinB I did
@BenFortune Pretty sure I already know what that's like
It's actually not too bad, he still has his nose at least
@ndugger while you were being quite I was trolling them bad
Extra nostrils?
You are trying way too hard, man.
@Luggage coffee I don't mess with meth it's uncomfortable
@Luggage it's all a plan I promise
> not too bad
We have much different definitions of that
@BenFortune no like this guy i.redd.it/ed83rymbhy5z.jpg
@BenFortune lemon's was worse
I'm just upset that he had a pineapple instead of a lemon
I won't be clicking on any of those.
wait, is that actually al gore?
looks like him
I love that this chat is indexed
lol so many gimps
I know right
as if I could even grow that much facial scruff
I'm getting gimped aren't I?
@BenFortune is that a young @rlemon?
wtf is wrong with you people?
@Shmiddty maybe a year or two ago?
aw what a cute baby
@Vap0r lol, that's @Shrek
it's terrifying, that's what it is
@Vap0r that is @rlemon being bezerk
i.imgur.com/drCrMLT.png and that's @KendallFrey and @Shrek's love child
He took my body and applied some random guys face on it
fucking son of a bitch
Mar 22 '15 at 0:36, by rlemon
other way around
That looks like terminator potter bowie
I like the abhi-worf
almost forgot about this one @ndugger
that's a good one
hehe yea I still got that script around
So I need to learn how to photoshop...
that tshirt was done in JS :P
cc @SterlingArcher @Shrek
@BenFortune who's the dapper looking gentleman?
That's SterlingArcher
Hmm tat was in the results for rlemon
hay budday
@Vap0r dats me!
@rlemon do you have a link to where you grew my hair in jsfiddle?
@SterlingArcher why do you have shrek ears?
@Shrek idk. but I have this one
oh no the shrek isn't me that's @Shrek
!!afk https sucks so much ass
also @KendallFrey without eye brows
@SterlingArcher nah just kidding I was talking about you
sexy af
@rlemon that's not ok at all
@rlemon you think you could collapse the image for me bud?
recognize that image, lemon? the one I pasted?
@Luggage dorvak?
@Luggage is that jan?
dorvak? That's an old member of this room right?
dvorak and yes.
@towc the irony here
@KendallFrey I don't...
was I supposed not to spell his name right?
huh I think I rememba
I guess you don't know Jan
Jan was known for correcting people. I like him, actually.
21 oxford comma salute
didn't he start getting kicked for correcting people
it got excessive
Was he right tho?
I remember when people were joking when someone suggested ndugger be a room owner :P
shit he's like me but right
He's been one for like 3 years
I said I didn't want to be one, but Jason made me one anyways. I was forced to be an RO
I remember when everyone was talking about adding Jhawins to the owners
All 17 times
@SterlingArcher wat the fuck did you say?
@Shrek SterlingArcher is afk: https sucks so much ass
He said that ^
JS room is having a stroke
JS room is having a stroke
→ 21 messages moved to Trash can
→ 21 messages moved to Trash can
→ 21 messages moved to Trash can
→ Your mom moved to Trash can
@BenFortune start kicking. :)
@Shrek ouch
nvm, that sounded kinda rapey
@BenFortune plz no
not like this
let him cum atleast
1 message moved to Trash can
Ok, I'll sober up
@BenFortune ok you're good, thanks @Shrek
I just had an anger moment
I'm hoping this vmware 20 gb image download doesn't fail before it's done...
λ barely has anything to do with half-lives :/
it's its reciprocal of a bloody natural logarithm
makes me angry
Unmap the key to show your rage
Or press F to pay respects
cmd+q to praise allah
I'll improve radioactivity physics and rename the constants
that's the only way
@ndugger it opened cortana for me
that'll show em!
@towc get a consultancy gig for 2 months at Physics.
only if they let me wear tinfoil hats
you never know what goes on in those labs
Tell them you studied under the ISS
okay so I need to buy a new shower curtain. suggestions?
right now I'm leaning on this one.
tarps are cheaper and multi-purpose
I've used a clear one meant for painting for a while.
And when it gets dirty you can just cut more tarp
it's okay.. I suppose.
everyone has those cats/rainbows/unicorns/etc in crazy scenes or space
starting to get overdone
now that I like :D
That's the size you're looking for, only 2 bucks
look at the evilness of that cute fire-farting unicorn :3
> No sellers are currently delivering this item to Canada. Learn more
ohh FFS
!!afk rage
@BenFortune I want a shower curtain with rlemon on it
Keep the mask ditch everything else
stick a big fat lambda on one of the curtains. I'll never need porn that way
anti-star if I could ^
I starred it, just so I could remove one
that was surprisingly satisfying
@towc "ohh yea bb, I'm about to sum!"
!!urban bb
@towc bb Netspeak for baby, most likely used at the end a phrase as an added emphasis or exaggeration.
rlemon he's upset that you have a shirt on in that pic.
@Luggage i.imgur.com/ElC8poI.png cc @Jhoverit

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