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<- Generation X, the coolest sounding generation
@ndugger I hate target :(
@SterlingArcher I hate you >:{
> we don't bathe
not true
I'm 1991, I don't think I'm a millennial
yes you are
@Luggage 😬 fucking right? we got this Millennials bullshit. the next guys get Generation Z?
look it up, noob
I'm rioting
Better than generation Y tho
@towc it comes down to this: don't do something because you "feel" it's not your path. Do something, and make a change based on what you learn
> Demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years [for millennials] and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
@ndugger depends. he's post-millennial according to certain metrics. :/
go away
> Generation Z (also known as Post-Millennials, Plurals, or the Homeland Generation in the United States) is the demographic cohort after the Millennials. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to early 2000s, and as of yet there is little consensus about ending birth years.
You're too young to have the right "feelings" about things like big companies
Source: I felt the exact same way
I think we all did
again, I think my priorities are very different, but that's probably just because I'm a teenager going through a phase :/
one of my main concerns is being able to pick up and leave in maybe a day with no real repercussions
@towc hands above the covers mister~!
When you're smart and talented, you often feel like you're too good for certain things. It's not wrong in some cases, but this thought can cloud your judgement from what's actually real in many other cases.
Also remember you don't have to listen to us at all. Follow your dreams, learn from your mistakes, and always push yourself to do better
towc is too good for showers
You risk becoming the brilliant jerk at your company
pft, don't follow your dreams if your dreams are dumb, though
I think I might be really really ok for remote corporate work, but still
@Luggage gee thanks
brillant paula bean
@SterlingArcher I don't have to, but your arguments make a lot of sense, and ignoring them would be stupid
package test;

public class paulaBean {

  private String paula = "Brillant";

  public String getPaula() {
    return paula;
I really do appreciate you (except vapor) giving me suggestions, don't get me wrong
er.. ok
So. Salty
@Luggage welcome to todays lucky 10,000 thedailywtf.com/articles/The_Brillant_Paula_Bean
Just do your research, and don't be arrogant. I always go into every interview thinking I'm unqualified. It makes me study harder and prepare well. I've never bombed an interview because of that mentality
I said the same shit everyone else said I just didn't give you the "feel good" Maury moment you were looking for
@SterlingArcher don't you feel like that mentality makes your life a lie?
I don't care if you're Elon Musk smart, be humble. Nobody likes a smart jackass at the office
I can see that in the end it's profitable, and there's probably no right balance
@rlemon I don't care if you're Elon Musk , be humble. Nobody likes a smart jackass at the office (source)
damn, that needed a $
@towc not at all. I know I'm good at what I do, and I push for jobs I think are above my skill level, because if I get the job, I know I can learn at an incredible speed and improve myself that much more
oh, fair enough
so you are actually underskilled for your jobs, but in the end it doesn't matter because you're still what both you and the company are looking for, right?
@towc the secret is 90% of people are underskilled, and generally those 90% of people don't even care
you will surpass most of them in your career
Correct. I wouldn't say underskilled though, that means I do not have the capacity to perform my duties. It's being able to show the company that maybe "I don't know react.. yet" but I will know it in 2 weeks after I start
you're in the JS chat, and have been for years, using new technologies and understanding them, you're already so far ahead of the curve honestly.
sounds good
I think I know what I'll try to do
I'll keep an eye open for contracting gigs, but mainly actively look for remote company jobs
Statistically speaking, here in my area, freelancers make about 65% of what a FTE makes, until they have 10+ years experience and a high clearance
We should make July 4th an international holiday
Take that with a grain of salt, because I can guarantee it's not the same for your area
yup. I know people making 6 figures that you can code circles around. That doesn't mean you'll get hired for that right away. These people have other things you lack. They have experience with the business and know the industry and have learned from past mistakes about what not to do.
subtle American jihad
!!afk @ndugger @rlemon for future use
@SterlingArcher how ironic
I know maybe 3 clients that can pay me 450€/day for 2 days each, but then I don't have much more than that. It might work out, it might not. I'm going to get their offers, do that for the first few days, then apply for remote companies. If they reply within a month I shouldn't be at a loss, and still have actual production stuff on my cv
Best of luck @towc!
I might be able to keep on going with that, but one of the things that I really lack and that is fundamental is connections
450E per day?
so you earn in 2 days what i earn in a month, nice
can postmessage work if you don't know the domains?
@Proxy but I wouldn't be doing it for the whole month. And it's just those 3 clients, I don't know if I can get more
still thats a lot of money
@JoshuaLonganecker you can find out the domain
@towc Something went on fire; status 403
also, when am I actually a jackass/arrogant?
I think most of it is from stuff that happened years ago. And now words I say are associated in that frame of mind already
I hope
if not we should have a safeword
like "@towc stop being a jackass"
does anyone know of a good way for a parent element to save the last route in local storage?
is this command "safe" `sudo rm -rf /usr/local/{lib/node{,/.npm,_modules},bin,share/man}/{npm*,node*,man1/node*}
` - what does it do?
@corvid are you assuming react?
rm -rf is inherently unsafe in some sense
It's not necessarily a willful arrogance. More like one of those "does this guy really think it's easy street?". Can't blame you too much for it though I fell to the same pitfalls at your age
@BenjaminGruenbaum they didn't replied on my e-mail about how they were handling it
@towc yeah, I want it so I can load it up fresh with the last route saved
@corvid the goal is to uninstall node
and go back to an earlier version
eventually, I passed it on the government's "economical inspection"
@towc what are you using for routing?
@Vap0r I'm not taking life advice from you, for reasons I hope the room agrees with
they were going to investigate that. Didn't have been following it up tbf
@Thaenor which OS are you on? People usually use package managers for this
@towc get that chip off your shoulder dude
such as brew for mac
@corvid mac OS
then the answer is: install node via brew, works way easier
@towc I can't speak for the whole room, but you are coming off as a jerk toward vapor.
but I need to remove it first. I have node v8 installed, but it's breaking some of my apps. I need v6
also "you remind me of when I was your age" might be very right, but it's a bad argument because it really doesn't teach me anything, other than other people have gone through similar routes
just ignore him if you don't like his advice
he'll stop giving it if you don't respond
@towc not true because I'm not present in the routing tables.
don't want it to be interpreted as "acknowledged in silence. Now thinking about it" like most of the other suggestions
There's also a maturity clause here. @towc advice is advice. You'll find in your life that some of the best advice comes from people you don't like or get along with
Straight up ignoring advice and rejecting it like you just did on those terms is arrogant and immature
I'm not arguing. I don't know if anyone could have helped me avoid the pitfalls I hit even if they had told me about them prior. I'll stop offering advice. But I never did it with any intent other than to help you.
even from the people who give you advice while not actually trying to help you? Maybe, but unlikely
Take it how you will bruv
@Vap0r well, if you really did mean to help, thanks. It just didn't seem that way
now hug.
he stinks
uninstalling node with brew didn't cut it
@towc we both stink
@Vap0r vue :P
@towc is pepe-le-vue
  componentDidUpdate({ pathname }) {
    if (pathname !== this.props.pathname) {
      window.localStorage.setItem('lastInbox', this.props.pathname);
@Thaenor brew list
@corvid that is terrifying
do you have node@<some version> and node ?
That's the opposite of how you should write react
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, it is, and I am completely aware; pretty naïve solution... but how should it be written?
This is the parent of a couple of routes that look like this:
some non-react code can manage that state and know when to save into or read from localStorage. props are for passing down known state to render, not to update state
@towc I know I came off as harsh or brash. That's how I learned. The IRC chat with hackers where I learned programming was tough love like this but without any of the love. Not really an excuse but I'll keep it in mind if I ever try to give advice to you again
@corvid what are you managing your state with?
@Vap0r you mainly come off as a troll
The component updating being saved as local app state... what if a component above it has a shouldComponentUpdate and the hook won't be called?
<Route path="/inbox" component={Inbox}>
  <IndexRoute component={AllInboxItems} />
  <Route path="saved" component={SavedInboxItems}>
  <Route path=":id" component={InboxItem} />
@Luggage precisely, updating state in componentDidUpdate hooks is terrifying.
@corvid so really what you want to do is to hook the router state to your app state?
@towc I understand that. I am very careful not to take anything too seriously
Yeah but that part is already done with react-router-redux, I am using the withRouter decorator on my container to pass down the pathname
@corvid right, so your redux code that also has this info should update it in localStorage or you can do it with middleware.
yesterday, by iLiveInAPineappleUnderTheSea
@Jhoverit help?
Put it in a store and then use github.com/rt2zz/redux-persist
That doesn't mean the advice isn't true though, satire and sarcasm should come from places of truth for the best impact :)
Lmao love those random pings over the weekend
const mapStateToProps = (state, { router: { location: { pathname } } }) => ({
  // ...
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(Inbox));
Also, redux is terrible.
@Vap0r that is barely an excuse for making it harder for the others
you didn't do too much damage because I just ignored you, but still
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, but I don't have control over which state management system we are using, but out of curiosity, you use mobx?
if you're honest about the way you feel, you should know this
Weird cause I'm not very helpful lol. I'm sure I haven't helped him in the past or anything
@towc you are extremely arrogant :)
@corvid obviously
I'm gonna ignore ya for 10 minutes so I'm not compelled to respond. These guys shouldn't be subject to either of us right now
I still love you @towc wish you the best
@towc is love
Also, I tried the middleware path, but the problem I am having with it is that I don't have access to the router within the middleware
@Jhoverit you have, and I've been grateful when you did
!!afk working for a wee bit
the rest of the time you really haven't been fair though
@corvid welcome to react router and redux
@corvid you don't need access to the middleware since you have the route state in the redux store.
@BenjaminGruenbaum did your new place use mobx, or did you introduce it? if you introduced it was it new project or existing?
Also, react router is terrible :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum you don't have to remind me of that... I just can't find any better solutions
@Luggage I introduced it in TipRanks in several smaller projects but I never had the audacity to suggest a rewrite in the current apps.
Mar 3 '14 at 15:32, by Jhawins
I'm waiting on coffee... I don't do anything till that savory shit-maker-sauce hits my lips.
@BenjaminGruenbaum pffff I introduced it
The problem is that I want to only respond to a subset of routes. This means I have to re-roll my own router.isActive or get access to the router
import { LOCATION_CHANGE } from 'react-router-redux';

export default function navigation(store) {
  return next => ({ type, payload = {} }) => {
    if (type === LOCATION_CHANGE) {
      if (router.isActive('feed')) {
        window.localStorage.setItem('lastFeed', )
@rlemon hahah
@Mosho to TipRanks? Not that I recall - what project did you introduce it with?
perfect hat
@rlemon Bahahahaha
You wrote MobX and you wrote builds for things that did mobx, but I don't recall you ever introducing it.
Mithril on the other hand...
and systemjs, and a bunch of other stuff.
@corvid I don't know how redux works with react-router, but I was using react-router, ended up having to wrap the class in a withRouter(). Then I could access the router from within. I was catching a navigation attempt while form state was reporting a change.
Mr Weststrate would like a word with you, @BenjaminGruenbaum
I remember nitzan came in the one time and we talked about mobx way before it was cool
Yeah, but that was when it was very young
!!afk for real this time
@Jhoverit I really don't remember that convo, but I think I had a point. You explained the fact that you were waiting for coffee, and I didn't say anything else
@BenjaminGruenbaum was already a couple years old actually, previously named mobservable
also, I acknowledge that the past me was a dickhole without repair, but I'd like to think I've changed
anyway, doesn't matter who introduced it really :P
all that matters is we all know @Mosho did
@Mosho yeah, but when Nitzan came it wasn't a couple of years old as the same concept.
@Mosho I didn't think it mattered - I just wanted to state the facts :P w
You introduced a lot of tech at TipRanks, just to be clear.
Also, Sahar is back to Israel
Meeting with him later today.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think it was like this, I told you about it, and was pretty thrilled about it (by my standards), and eventually you looked into it and liked it and we used it for optionhouse
so lets say we both introduced it :>
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw, I opened a trading account and am using tipranks
it's pretty good 😛 sent Shay some bugs ^^
@Mosho optionhouse was the third project to use mobx at TipRanks, but it doesn't really matter.
@Mosho nice, I hope TipRanks does well :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum when did you say you start
Hello. How to bring dependencies into a React native project ? Tried to install redux and react-redux with npm install --save redux react-redux and it removed some stuff dunno what. Now when I try to run react-native run-ios I get the error Command run-ios unrecognized. Make sure that you have run npm install and that you are inside a react-native project.
metalheads are usually so chill
I don't get why anyone wouldn't wanna hang out with one
do people use pm2 in production? What are the alternatives?
do you ever just rely on the thing not crashing?
@KendallFrey Betelgeuse captured by ALMA
maybe wrap the main script in a try/catch? 😛 (I know it's horrible and I mean it as a joke)
Betelgeuse looks gloopy
@rlemon Who is ALMA? Are they a hostile foreign power? Are they demanding ransom?
i've heard of forever github.com/foreverjs/forever. I'm using pm2 for some chatbots .. guess it's not really production i just ran it and forgot about it
@towc I use pm2 in production. It's just nice that I can put all the services from my app under a process manager just for them. And as I move between different init system (e.g. upstart -> systemd) I only need to tell pm2 to install itself and all my own services just have pm2 configs
but using the OS-provided service management is legit, too.
pm2 also has a few other handly things, like you can have it monitor your db server for certain situations and notify you (if you pay for their service)
but meh.
I have a loading spinner hooked up to an IsLoaded state variable in React. If I'm trying to run the spinner, send an ajax request, and stop the spinner this is fine, correct?
    IsLoaded: false
}, () => {
        $.get(endpointGetOffer, {Id: this.props.offerId}, (data) => {
                IsLoaded: true
As opposed to say this.setState({}); //AJAX; this.setState({}); Which wouldn't be wise because there is no guarantee that the AJAX fires while loading spinner is visisble?
It just looks funky with 3 or 4 callback nestings
@towc Wait what
That wasn't directed towards anyone lol
Anyone but the void of SO
@Vap0r so don't nest it
1. Data fetching is tied to the react lifecycle 2. No need to listen for the etState callback to fire your request (why wait?) 3. It look slike you are giving getOffer.Send() a promise as it's argument?
brb, work
@Vap0r wouldn't recommend doing it that way tbh
1. Does that mean that an AJAX request fired from a component will abort when that component's componentWillUnmount fires?
2. Good point, I was thinking of it programmatically rather than from a UI/UX standpoint where it would be desirable to have the request fire immediately.
3. You are correct. The viability of the getOffer.Send() is likely up in the air depending on your response to question 1.
you can keep it simple
1. display load icon
2. send data in meanwhile
3. on answer: do your shit and remove loading icon before adding new things to the view
yeah like if I have a crane nearby
@KarelG if you don't just make them jump up for every word
@Vap0r, you using any form of state management?
And yeah I agree I'll do it that way @KarelG @corvid
@Vap0r you can say that it's at least healthy
@corvid we are using context-based state management.
@rlemon so this is a meme now?
not like a library or anything, custom-made
I dunno with redux you would have an action that dispatches and updates the state with loading or not... like:
export function getOffer(offerId: string) {
  return async dispatch => {
    dispatch({ type: REQUEST_OFFER });
    const offer = await fetch(`/offers/${offerId}`);
    dispatch({ type: RECEIVE_OFFER, payload: offer });
then you would just pass it down as props, no?
We do a much more simplistic form of state-management. So while you may be right, we don't have a way to do that necessarily.
Does anyone understand what Luggage meant when he said "data fetching is tied to the react lifecycle"?
I do.
@SterlingArcher did you get my text of a dating profile I saw?
react is for making html and your app state should not be tied to that, when possible.
@ndugger I did, but I didn't really get it lol did they expect it to work?
that must be a funny dating profile if you have texted him about that
I have no idea. I just thought it was funny
What would be a better pattern in this case?
Eh. Ended up doing this:
            IsLoaded: false

            $.get(endpointGetOffer, {Id: this.props.offerId}, (data) => {
                    IsLoaded: true
Which is what karel and corvid recommended (in my situation)
well, and luggage too
Oh? Thought that is an anti-pattern since setState is async ? Though in real life there's no way it would finish after an Ajax request.
setstate is async, but there is no reason to wait until isLoaded is set to false before kicking off another async process.
in fact, this may let react batch them both if it's that fast (unlikely)
With Service Workers and Cache API, does cache.add() always request the resource before adding it to the cache (and if so, where does it request from if it's already been loaded on the page or from the cache)? Trying to get started with Service Workers and the tutorials I've found (while great) sometimes don't cover specifics like that.
heh, there's a neighbourhood called "old grunt" (stary grunt) in bratislava
grunt doesn't seem to have a translation
471px equals to ? %
@VJRagavan 471px equals 471/(width in pixels) of your viewport or bounding box
@VJRagavan pixels are relative
Yeah what vapor said
@Vap0r @William i need to give in percentage(%)
Unless you are making a font size
Ok you can't really
background-color: white;
display: inline-block;
margin:0 -2px;
width: 471px; }
here i need to give width in percentage
If browser is at 941px, 50% is 471px. But if the browser is expanded to say 1280, then 50%=640px. Do you see why you can't use percentages to express width?
no that is 2x image
so it will be around 25% ?
@VJRagavan yes
so most of the container width will be 990px? @Vap0r generally i'm asking
@VJRagavan do width: 471vw
@Jhoverit :-)
@VJRagavan English is not your first language (I'm assuming), let me know if you don't understand anything I say
Percentages will never be able to replace a static pixel range. Percentages are for things that change
@Vap0r dude i understood what you have said earlier about my doubt.....
a specific width in pixels cannot be converted to a percent width.
do you guys think it's bad practice to ship components as connected containers via a decorator? e.g.,
do you want the image to be the full width of it's parent? use 100%. half width? use 50%.
now i'm asking that giving container's width 990px will be advisible?
if not then what i'm supposed to give?
@connect((state) => ({
  currentUser: state.auth.user,
export default Login extends Component {
  // ...
471/990 = percentage.
Or 47-48%. Please note: If your container will always be 990px. It is better to use pixels than percentage anyways.
i will fiddle it then you will clear
@VJRagavan You assume a lot of me
#If your container will always be 990px. It is better to use pixels than percentage anyways. this advice exactly what i want dude @Vap0r
Anyone know where on the google analytics dashboard I can see the info from user timing requests? developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/…
thanks @Vap0r
I tried looking in behavior->site speed->user timings but it says no data
@VJRagavan no problem glad I could help somehow :)
@ROODAY It seems from the page you linked that you would have to set them up. Have you set up user timings on your site?
Do i have to set anything on the dashboard? I thought I just fire those requests in my code
@ROODAY that's all you should need according to this. What are you using to track user timing? The Navigation Timing API?
1 message moved to Trash can
@ROODAY Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Sorry about that, here's it fixed
   ga('send', {
      hitType: 'timing',
      timingCategory: 'Messages',
      timingVar: 'timeForResponse',
      timingValue: (performance.now() - window.userActionTimings.lastBotResponseRequest),
      timingLabel: 'Bot Message'
@ROODAY the code has Math.round() around performance.now(). Have you checked to make sure your timingValue is an integer? It doesn't accept decimal numbers.
Aha, that might be it, I just tried it in the browser and it gave me a decimal
there you go. Hopefully that fixes things
Hmm, still nothing under the user timings tab
@ROODAY last thing I can think of is to put this on your page:
ga('send', {
  hitType: 'timing',
  timingCategory: 'JS Dependencies',
  timingVar: 'load',
  timingValue: 3549
Ah just to see if it works?
Yep. Google says that's the most basic request. So if that doesn't work something is probably very wrong
Still nothing
I wonder if I have to enable something somewhere
Jumping into this a little late, but that User Timing report is not a real-time report- it won't show up immediately.
Ah. How long would it take to show up?
@GreatBlakes oh wow thanks for the info I would have had @ROODAY trying all sorts of stuff!
!!afk lunch
I've seen it take anywhere from an hour to 4-6 hours. What you could try if you needed to test it is send an event along with the timing, and check your real-time event report to see if the event shows up
Yeah I do have events for the timings as well and I have been seeing those, so hopefully everything's there in a few hours
Thanks for the info!
God dammit I hate meteor's one way binding
So I'm loading pragraphs (just number references). Each paragraph has X corrections that I don't load yet. When I click "close paragraph" it marks each correction as closed. So now when I go to reload the page, I have to take the para_id, iterate the corrections and check and see if they're all closed. However, since I have no reference to the corrections before hand, I have no Session variable set to make sure I can bind. So by the time I have the true/false closed flag, it's too late
I hate meteor so much
And the way the db was designed (by not me) I can't just mark closed on a paragraph level. It's all stored on a correction level
Meteor is the best jquery framework ever made
I told @Jhoverit this earlier
> Meteor is the worst thing that's happened to JS since JS
@SterlingArcher do you have the Meteor toys tool
@rlemon wow that is pretty frickin serious
Red heads are taking over
bow to your ginger overlords
does anybody else feel like once they come to the chat, everyone else runs away?
lol no the chat just gets dead sometimes
Whenever ndugger isn't shit-posting and Sterling isn't meming we kind of fizzle out
@GoJavaAndCSharp do you mean like Java and C# in unison?
@taco probably not lol
Q: SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' at declaration line

lucai'm getting this error: SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' article.js:5 i've searched everywhere but i van't find a solution that fits for me. i can't get why, can u help me? article.js: $(document).ready(function() { $("#advancedSearch").click(function(event){ //q...

> responseText = eval(responseText);
good god
omg @Jhoverit @HatterisMad haha i.imgur.com/FymIYCv.jpg
the issue is obviously trying to parse what's more than likely a 404 HTML page as JSON
beats safety squints I suppose..
@Vap0r that was an accident sorry
I was an accident
ndugger >:(
apology accepted
@ndugger ^ plz insert memes here
@ndugger a couple of your memes might do the trick :)
I'm kidding of course nick, you're my favorite person from Minneapolis, period.
but you are :)
Why are you so scared of my love @ndugger?
@rlemon Wut
@Jhoverit I think it's new OSHA approved gear
Hello Guys! Does not Internet Explorer support "onChange"?
@RenatoLazaro it does
IE 7-8 support is kind of spotty though from what I've read
I have is code, not work in IE when clicking the screen is left blank. echo "<select onchange=\"window.open(this.value,'_self');\">";
are you sure it's because onchange? there's two things there that could have not worked
Does not really work in IE
What errors are you getting in console?
@Vap0r One minute

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