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In react, what is the best way to await completion of some dom event on an element before setting the state atomically? For example, say I wanted to seek in a video
listen for the seeked event and update it then
> the a team
I streamed the creation of a video player in React on Twitch not so long ago. got a handful of followers from that; people were interested in seeing development that wasn't game related
@Mosho the b team
no I liked his better
no it's the a team
the lower case A team
that's the joke
thanks for making us explain it
@rlemon I like you
why are midgets pants so weird? Like, does nobody make properly fitted pants for little people?
the fuck did I walk in on
what the fuck
looks at title bar oh right, javascript.
@ndugger I'm 99% sure those are dwarfs not midgets.
same thing
@ndugger not really.
it's all greek to me
similar, but different.
@KevinB got me man
dwarfs doesn't give me red underline
so I rolled with it
both might be right? i dunno now
@ndugger omg did you see the It trailer but it's the cat in the hat
The moment when someone uses both midget and little people...
I think dwarves is only for the middle-earth kind
@SterlingArcher nope
@ndugger i can't even get properly fitted pants
@Gemtastic I hear they don't actually like being called "little people" and actually prefer midget, so I was being tactical
little people is accurate though
@Gemtastic I didn't use little people because that term describes both midgets and dwarfs. it would be confusing.
@ndugger You heard it from whom? A little person, or someone who just wants to call them midget and justifies it with "I heard one say they were fine with midget as long as there were no ill intentions"
although, in a social context, I would say little people.
@rlemon watch the trailer D:
@rlemon I'm swedish so I just refer to them as people
@Gemtastic I think I heard it from one in a video, but I don't recall when. Just imagine being in their shoes, though. I would find the term "little person" to be extremely demeaning, personally
@Gemtastic I see. so you just skipped past the entire conversation that led up to the term?
@SterlingArcher Meh. I've never seen the cat in the hat movie, nor have I ever seen It or the trailer for the new one
how is it demeaning
We have this weird idea that we should not separate people based on what makes them different but accommodate them in the areas they need and treat everyone the same apart from that.
when you're literally a little person
by definition, you're also a midget
so what's your point?
@Gemtastic and medically, dwarfism and midgets differ.
how you treat them doesn't change that
@ndugger how does that pertain to it being offensive or not
@rlemon Indeed they do. But we're not referring to people with their medical terms, or are we? :S
It doesn't, it just invalidates your argument
@Gemtastic I was pointing out to nick that those are not midgets, but drawfs.
we're probably not the right people to decide whether or not it's offensive. i don't see the point
you're saying midget is also demeaning?
"Hi! I'm a hypothyroidism!"
> drawfs
fuck my hands.
@rlemon I wasn't referring to that part though
@rlemon do it yourself
Does valid JSON require that I assign a value to a property?
or null
@Vap0r what would not assigning a value look like
ok. In my JSON schema I want to specify "read-only" and "hidden" properties
does json schema have those such things?
this.schema = {
	"title": "Notification",
	"properties": {
		"ID": {
			"type": "int",
		"Message": {
			"type": "string"
"read-only": true
@Luggage ummm I wasn't using the plugin you provided so I figured I might have some artistic liberties as long as I kept it valid JSON
no, that is not valid
where in the spec does it talk about read-only?
ohh, i see.
Well, you can kinda add additional validation rules, but read-only isn't really applicable..
since it describes static data..
Why would that make it non-applicable?
JSON schema describes what properties an objects has. Once you parse the json (or have a JS object) then json schema's job is done
it doesn't care about how you mutate an object. it's to validate a schema.
> This is not the dev you're looking for
dude, recruiting season is upon us
I've gotten like 4 emails this week
tell them all to meet you at a really sketchy strip club
then don't go
I mean, let's analyze that... out on a limb, ok, it's pretty common for characters to lose a hand in star wars...
let them prey on each other
is he claiming to be Darth Vader?
It's bad man, they're actually giving me followup pings
or Luke Skywalker?
@SterlingArcher I just ghost them
@Luggage then how would I specify that I want a dropdown with a certain selection of options for a particular property? Elsewhere?
Vap0r: some options:
1. Make a smaller schema that validates the properties that are writable and disallow other props.
2. Use the full schema, but then white-list writable properties after it validates.
I'm exclusive to my brother
He works for me lol
I am assuming this it for some "patch" type operation.
I uh...yea.
I'm thinking I might need to start doing something different, 'cause I've never been pinged by a recruiter, lol.
@Vap0r ohh, jsut read your message.
the dropdown question.. was that related to the read-only thing?
holy fuck i forgot about this song
my god i was so edgy in middle school
Kind of. I need something that describes my data by type so I know what kind of input to use for the form.
But in doing that I realized that I had 2 types of "strings". The first type of string was just that, a string
The second type was a string as well, but was meant to be a dropdown so the user could only select one of the preselected options
is there any legit alternative to express nowadays?
eh, an "enum" property can kinda specify that. it'll validate that the value is one of the possible options, at least.
@SterlingArcher I legit listened to britney spears in middle school
not mad nor ashamed
If I'm dictating how my form is structured via this data type, I figured it would also be the place that I specify whether something is hidden or read-only (to the form, not in general)
@Luggage so something like this?
@Mosho honestly, the http API with a decent router library is all you need...
someProperty: {
    type: 'string',
    enum: [ 'Fooooo', 'Baaaaaaar' ],
    default: 'Fooooo'
@Mosho dude, I had a spice girls tape (maybe cd)
		"NotificationType": {
			"type": "dropdown",
			"options": [
grade 6 was all about that spice world.
@ndugger that's interesting
I don't know the "options" validation, if one exists.
@Luggage yeah exactly
what do you mean, "if one exists"? I thought I was making this up?
@rlemon I was all up in that too
I stared at MTV for hours
no, json-schema is a real thing. it's not made up.
I can't believe my mom let me
@Mosho I had a baby spice poster
it was nice
I currently have 777 unread emails at work
Oh crap I didn't realize. I was thinking the JSON schema was the "schema" of the object that I'm passing to the form, not a standardized way of doing this
@rlemon here is where we part ways
everyone had a favorite spice
@Vap0r are you using github.com/jdorn/json-editor ? or writing your own?
don't hate. appreciate
My own
@ndugger dude, chmod the hell out of that
my CTO is trying to get the biggest number of unread emails
currently at ~30k iirc
(lots of automated ones though.)
I can't stand email
that's mine
my personal gmail is a shit ton
that's my personal
@Mosho you sicken me
I want to do this part on my own because it's the first part in my application where I can really appreciate the power of React -- build one component tree for selecting from object collections and editing dynamically and you have all your CRUD operations for all data models complete, essentially.
do you actually delete shit out of your inbox? i dont.
@Vap0r you could make up your own "schema" if json-schema isn't right for you. It's a schema definition, which means it cares about the shape of data, not what you can do to it later. no read-only, etc. But you could make up your OWN object to describe those thigs, if you like.
8 years of jquery forum moderation emails in there
wat, my personal email says 124 unread... I must have some sort of auto-bin feature enabled
I archive them
I love Inbox for this very reason.
I archive them too
by letting them drop from the first page
never to been seen again
All clean
@Luggage Alright thanks, I'll probably need help once I get to my "dropdown" and "date" types. But maybe only the "dropdown" :/
I had a nice thought today
I'm going back to school and I checked and it's tax deductible
$12k a year
i paid a fraction of that per year, including books
I didn't pay anything
UofW is expensive
I got paid, instead
but it is a great uni
@Vap0r take a look at that library. I use it. It works. It's got options for dropdowns, lets you override with your own, and out of the box lets you ask it to use bootstrap (and some other libraries) classnames so it'll style itself.
much better
@rlemon I think it's the same tuition everywhere
God I hate listening to Trump talk, it's so inelegant.
unis at least
u of t is cheap af I heard.
don't listen to him talk
@KevinB I try to keep up on what's going on.
listen to him play the accordion, instead:
he never says anything new, and it often gets walked back anyway an hour later
@rlemon I would have gone to UofT over UofW without a second thought
@Luggage ok, I'm thinking when I present react I'm going to use this part as the crux of the presentation so I might want to make sure it's hand-coded and if not that I understand every inch of it.
Also, PS, that's ridiculous and hilarious
but they wanted me to take chemistry (not mandatory in HS in israel) and try applying again next semester
hildiculous? ridilarious?
Ok fam
app.directive('authenticatedSrc', ['authenticatedHttp', function (authenticatedHttp) {
  var directive = {
      link: link,
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: false
  return directive;
  function link(scope, element, attrs) {
    var requestConfig = {
      cache: 'false',
      responseType: 'blob'
    authenticatedHttp.get(attrs.authenticatedSrc, requestConfig).then(function(response) {
      var reader = new window.FileReader();
      reader.onloadend = function() {
<img class="profile-pic" authenticated-src="user/{{ userId }}/profilePicture">
@Mosho nvm, just checked. same price.
Any idea why {{ userId }} is not injected?
I remember people flocking to UofT for cheap tuition when I was out of HS tho
@rlemon yeah I would expect it to be standardized
maybe they were mistaken, or it changed.
@Mosho it's competitive, not standardised afaik. again. could be wrong.
@Allenph because it's not in the code above?
@Vap0r Huh?
@Allenph where does userID get set?
There's a controller wrapper over the top.
The directive inherits scope.
When I console log scope within the directive... I can see my variable in there.
@Allenph sorry no, no clue.
When I log attrs.authenticatedSrc it's the right string with nothing in it. Not even the {{ userId }} If that changes anything.
Actually my initial question still stands, where does userId get set?
Is userID part of the FileReader response?
@rlemon I see
@Vap0r userId is a variable set on the parent scope. I want it to be evaluated before the string is passed to the directive.
Because it makes up part of the request URI.
@Allenph I'm sorry I was hoping my knowledge of JS would help but I believe this is Angular and something fucky is going on
anyone used sockets/pipe with a node server?
@Vap0r Indeed.
@Mosho pretty much everyone who's ever done node?
all I ever did was use express really
Srsly @Trasiva I keep seeing it in my notifications. What a raunchy message lol...
but I think I'll figure it out
@Vap0r If you were curious...
I'm surprised it wasn't flagbait lol
app.directive('authenticatedSrc', ['authenticatedHttp', function (authenticatedHttp) {
  var directive = {
      link: link,
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: {
        requestUri: '@authenticatedSrc'
  return directive;
  function link(scope, element, attrs) {
    var requestConfig = {
      cache: 'false',
      responseType: 'blob'
    scope.$watch('requestUri', function() {
      authenticatedHttp.get(attrs.authenticatedSrc, requestConfig).then(function(response) {
        var reader = new window.FileReader();
Figured it out right after I asked.
@SterlingArcher I was here earlier, I told them I got fired lol
@Jhawins Haha, I thought it'd get your attention.
I mean, and it's Nebraska, so 80/20 chance it's accurate.
@Allenph huh. I still think it's fucky but that's probably because I know next to nothing about Angular.
Glad you figured it out
@Trasiva Actually I haven't seen a pig in the state. Just cows
Hello. Does anyome knows an answer on stackoverflow or on another site which explains this better: www.netzgesta.de/mapper
@DerLauskop Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins ...I wasn't referring to the livestock.
@Vap0r It is fuckery. Slightly older me knows I should have used React.
I'm preparing it for Angular 2. That's the best I can do.
explains what better?
@Trasiva We have lots of beautiful girls actually lol I was thikning that just yesterday
@Jhawins were you happy we were all worried so much? <3
Compared to the kind of people you'd find walking around in Fort Wayne area I mean..
I sent you messages on 3 different platforms fam
Wait, 4 I think
did i hangouts you?
Dude my whole life was a lie for like 5min
shakes fist at Fort Wayne
I have this coworker whos into like hax0r shit and well thought out prank type stuff
And he showed up at my door to wake me up
And I was damn sure he had somehow snuck into my house and changed all the clocks and was playing some huge elaborate prank on me
@KevinB I mean how to really use. The explanation of the usage isn't understandable...
that's... a web address. they typically point at online resources.

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