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when everyone can agree, we all know nothing, it will get much better imo.
the end times
@Luggage don't get me wrong. like you 100% know more than I do.... but what does that get you if you're going to hold it over me. you realistically know nothing, and I know even less.
programming is new.
we're all idiots.
^^ not truly accepting that is what brings in imposter syndrome
not that you ever held it over me.. just an example
and makes you question why you don't know this and that, and that person knows this
@idjaw idk. I'm full blown imposter if you ask me.
I think the bullying comes from "Why don't you learn?" vs "Why don't you help?" back and forths
but we all know something that the other person doesn't
but I admit that I'm falling into that.
and through discussion and helping each other
we both learn a bit more that day
I know a bunch of js
@rlemon oh me too
i can feel my JS slowly slipping away through the workday tedium
@derp yeah like I've been in IT for 20+ years, but a developer for not very long
I'm fighting off the "why don't I know this" as I am diving back in to JS right now.
I just wasn't in a position in all the other stuff I did where I was doing a lot of JS stuff.
btw, I turned 40 last month :$
I'm officially fucking old :<
@taco and who's to say that your experiences in non dev work are less valuable
I just have a hard time keeping up. at first I coped it out as "well, this wont' be stable in 2 years"
now I'm realizing I hurt myself.
I'm going to gamble and see if you guys are still chatting by the time I get home
@taco, belated happy birthday xD
@taco age is but a number
says the 30 year old
@derp it's not that my experience isn't valuable. It's that even in person, people don't know my depth of knowledge.
@idjaw probably a good bet
its hard to gauge. If I talk about things, people sometimes get the wrong idea (is he bragging?)
i like to start all my talks with an invitation to tell me that i'm wrong
because if i'm presenting something and someone corrects me
then we've both learnt something
and it helps with working on my own humility inviting people to corect me
@rlemon just got back, was afk. Um.. I just said "the end times" in response to your "when everyone can agree" as a joke. I don't know where that turned into me holding anything over you..
lol. not in a negative way
@derp thanks :d
I look up to you for knowledge.
all I meant.
ohh, well ty.
is there any way i could get the a list of data from abc.js file and populate in a html file ..
@Smple_V Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@derp that's a sound idea
except I'm always right
start a talk with that line :P
i dare ya
i mean i am getting a list of items from abc.js file i would like to populate those information in fileds a, b, c respectiively
good talk ^^
Is abc.js executing?
like repeat in a for loop till the data that came from the abc.js file is exausted
Can you paste a short / simplified example of abc.js? I don't follow your question.
@Luggage its a lengthy file
I want to determine if it's really JSON, or you have a module that returns data, or .. lots of things.
If you can answer that without showing me the file, then do that.
having html made from .js is what web apps are.. so you may not realize just how vague your question is.
well that was much faster than I thought
watching hockey, might as well multi task and internet too
yes i am getting data from a json file in abc.js file it seprates each section of the js file and puts few conditions if the data is not found in the json file and finally gives out a arranged list that i am using to get element id "abc" and the entire list is given out there . what i really want to do is to get each element and update it their boxes in the html file instead of one big list
he wanted to populate an html file.. does jq do that?
are you doing this on the server or in a browser?
on a browser
ok, so I think you just want a "template" library. are you familiar with any? mustache? react? vue? knockout?
@rlemon does this look like an ok seed app for React+Pug github.com/fixate/gulp-react-pug-webpack-hmr
yikes no !!
You don't need a library. You can just loop through the data and use plain DOM methods.
@Luggage ohh okay can i get some refrence material that i look into?
you want to, say, add rows to a table?
Eh, seems like a clean enough seed app
Why woudl you need pug with react? I'll have to look at this.
That's like buttering your bacon.
@Smple_V MDN, a good reference, has this example: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLTableElement/…
Why wouldn't you? Honest question. I like buttered bacon, btw
@Smple_V here's a super simple example
This is plain vanilla JS.
i want to break the list and populate the given data into their respective fields
but a very small lightweight template library can make it look a lot easier, like:
like...super simple
@taco no clue
Luggage works in mysterious ways
actually, that's just a template literal.. but that could be anything
When running this in chrome, it says forEach is faster than a for loop jsperf.com/for-vs-foreach/293 -- how is that possible?
@ndugger, all the hoisting stuff and scope working out for the function inside the for loop?
wait ignore that
Seems like it's pretty random which one is fastest
I ran it twice and got forEach being the fastest both times
I got "cached, in for"
i got same as @Meredith
though this is an old version of chrome
I'm on 57
I think my concern is unwarranted anyways. Just did a really quick test of my own in jsfiddle, and iterating through a Set is really fast, regardless
44 :(
Sets were really slow for a while I think
for...of is definitely slower than a forEach
which is the question I was trying to answer
Idk if it really matters
I closed the tab but I'm assuming they're all roughly the same speed
okay! lunchtime and javascirpt allonge
well, with a set of 9999 items, forEach was consistently 3ms, whereas for...of was like a consistent 12ms
That's surprising
I agree
A set is faster than an array?
now, I was just curious about both methods on a Set
I doubt it's faster than an Array, but it's possible
I would assume that usually a set would be faster than array
Sure, but in JS, where arrays have existed for so long, and have had time to mature and be optimized vs a Set, which is a new object, you never know
@Luggage well, yes. There was an increase of 100% in my app's frame rate.
after using set instead of array.
Is that using sets vs using arrays as sets?
Or just replacing every array with a set?
well, we'd have to be careful with that, because of the nature of set
it would have to fit the use-case
@Meredith replace every array with a set
What if you have duplicates
I dont have any
Do you need to enforce uniqueness though?
Or do you naturally not have duplicates
^^ agreed.
also, how big is this data structure?
is it really worth it?
arrays are the simpler data structure and preferred in JS-land
With that in mind, I would argue for a set if you are dealing with large data that is going to be accessed frequently
(unlike c#, for example, where you may use a lot of List<T>s instead of true arrays.)
Just finished my first Marathon game in Civ V. Fucking hell that was an ordeal.
How long did it take
@Meredith 1200 turns maybe? idr, and dunno how many hours
I won in 2020 AD, that's all I remember
Kendall 2020!
Nah I'm still voting for Kanye
> It all came to me in a game.
They did all come to me :)
actually I was pretty much getting my butt kicked in everything but science.
I'm gonna guess poland
no, poland was probably the wimpiest civ in that game
In 5?
Or in your particular game
Would it be correct to say that react-router is to React what ui-router is to Angular?
react-router isn't built into react in anyway so it's a bit different
it's just the defacto that most people use with react
I'm trying to use it with a NodeJS/Express app. All I am asking for is to to handle view routes via React-Router and server API routes via Express routes. Is that too much to ask?
Apparently it is.
1 hour later…
Is there any way to get idtext working ?
<ng-container *ngFor="let item of items; let index = index; let idtext = 'grid' + index;">
  <tr class="clickable" [attr.data-index]="item.num" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#idtext" class="accordion-toggle">
    <td> Demo </td>
      <td colspan="4"  class="hiddenRow">
      	<div id="idtext" class="accordian-body collapse">Demo3</div>
is there any tutorial on facade pattern with angular2?
why does it need to be Angular specific?
@phenomnomnominal just to get an understanding
I am learning Node.JS
Which IDE should I use for the development in Node.JS
you can use whatever you are familiar with
i personally use VS code or SubLime text
those has some cool extensions
Don't I need to add plugin there for auto complete kinda features ?
I suggest sublime as well ^^ I have only ever used notepad++ other than that though so I don't have the biggest array of experience in text editors o.o
^^g is missing Morning :)
let me try VS code
@Williams cool! go ahead! it requires some memory though :)
Okay I have 16 GB RAM, I believe it should not be a problem
I have 16 and it's never been an issue for me
even with two instances of visual studio running alongside
yeah then no issue :)
it works well with above 8gb
Morning ^
I am awake for 36 hours now o.o
:O how can you be?
its morning here, am still feeling sleepy after sleeping for 8 hours
I don't know I guess it's a special occasion
I ran out of my sleeping medicine and couldn't get it until the next day so I decided I would just program all night.. and day..
you must be kidding
I turn to a blubbery mess after about 28 hours with no sleep
though 99% of times Ive stayed up all night I have been out on the turps
Ha maybe if I had been drinking I could have fallen asleep
I am a blubbery haha
I've gotten a lot of work done though
Been there done that
not very good for your body or your mind
not sleeping for 36 hours that is
I've done that for 48 ish max.
@Sajeetharan I installed this extension
Can you suggest what more extension I need to install to code in Node.JS
ah, that reminds me of that flight issue for my work that I got before. Didn't slept for 72 hours and had a huge jetlag of 7 hours
@Williams you don't need an extension to Code in Node.JS
you can code in node from cat if you want to -_-
@SterlingArcher oh... well, I got thought to rest my left feet in that open spot left to the clutch pedal when I'm not shifting. But thanks for explaining
@KarelG SterlingArcher is afk: home thyme
@Shrek Okay. will it detect typo errors, syntax, auto hint ?
fileArray = readInCSV(csvFile); the filearray contains 35 values i want to display only particular 15 values ..how to do that???
@Williams i think using VSCode editor will be good for you, you can install jslint plugin to auto hint. VSCode is very good for JavaScript developers.
@MohamedAbbas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MohamedAbbas Okay, Thanks
^ :-)
I cant wait to test WebAssembly!!
I just wish we had DOM access...damn
@abdul filter it out during the read or filter the array. (best performance is to do that during reading)
@Royi I want a huge res image of that xD
@Cerbrus there is a git page with insects for on webpage me think
Why does that not surprise me
text1.contents = test+test1 the test print one value and test1 prints another values but both are in single line so how can displat test1 value in new line
You have admin access - PTAL, cheers
What the fuck windows
license key issue ? Or is that for your VM ?
My work PC
@BenFortune linux is patiently waiting for you
I promise, no licensing issue.
@FlorianMargaine Definitely considering it, though I'd still need a Windows VM
Unless wine works
depends on what you need it for
@BenFortune eh, KMS activated ?
@KarelG Yeah, it's one of the free 7 upgrades
@FlorianMargaine Come to think of it not much, there's always alternatives. Teamviewer/VNC
youmightnotneedwindows.com should be a thing
check if the KMS server isn't down
I can't even check for updates, come to think of it I haven't updated in a while
Might just run the creators update
if you ask me, there is an issue with your KMS server
keys and update data comes from there in KMS activated windows OS
(no connection ? no access ? ... )
Hi there, I have a question that I've already done a bounty for but it still doesn't have an answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/42616727/…
What can I do at this point to raise it's profile?
morning strangers
@BenFortune is it not something to do with the creators update coming?
(just a guess)
@BenFortune you got a custom build
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, just realised I'm on the dev preview, forgot I'd installed it for the ubuntu integration.
It hasn't been updating though
@BenjaminGruenbaum sweet
@Mosho feel free to pretty things up
(Angular2/4) — Does observable subscribers run in angular zone ? (I mean - isn't async operations run in their own zone ? ) I know that angular hijacks some async operations like addEventHandler setTimeout , but it doesn't talk about observables
@Royi they're run in the zone you schedule them in.
And only trigger change detection when appropriate.
You should really just test these things instead of ask them though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What makes you think I didn't ? I just didn't know that the rule is : zone is relative to the one you declare them .
(because of its async nature)
Isn't this an apples to oranges comparision
@Royi the fact you asked...
So now it's not ok to ask about things which you're not sure about ?
data = prompt()
that doesn't exist in nodeland
The closest thing to that in node is
actually, in node it could just be something like data = await require('read-input')()
I wish
or ...
await process.readlineAsync();
well, why not? I'll make a module like that if there isn't already
Hi. Would anyone know how to issue say a large but finite amount of requests per second to a server?
No-module solution
oh wait, process.readlineAsync() is a thing?
Say in the order of 500 requests per second
it isn't
it should be though
we need something similar though
a sync and async solution
without having to npm install shit
now on the npm from there are multitudes of libraries
tha make writing a cli bliss
well, you can have a core module, like fs
@deostroll You have no guarantee of processing time or rate of firing with Node.
You'd think something like setInterval(fireRequest, 2) would do that, but it won't. JS is still single threaded, and you can't guarantee that sending the request (even without waiting for return) would take under 2 millis.
(In fact, you can't pretty much guarantee that it would take longer)
You can try with workers/forks, but you'd have to code the scheduling and rating logic yourself.
I wasn't looking for a node specific solution here...
there was java code...but it was written in for loops...each iteration started a thread which issues the request...
I am unsure of that approach...
@MadaraUchiha ?
wondering if there was a better way here...
@deostroll you just need some kind of object that manages the number of started/finished/in-flight requests, no?
like, if (in_flight > 500) { queue.append(); } else { fire(); in_flight++; } and pop from queue every now and then
I want a review on a java code I am about to share...it claims you can reach 500 req/sec executing it...
reaching 500 reqs/sec is not the problem.
500 reqs/sec is nothing.
(also, ew, threads.)
  for (int j = 0; j < Integer.valueOf(args[0]); j++)
  { //
  for (int i = 0; i < Integer.valueOf(args[1]); i++)
  {	//
    MyThread t=new MyThread();
    long threadEpochID=new Date().getTime();
    MyThread.WriteToFile("___New\t"+threadEpochID+"\tschuduled:\t"+new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS").format(new Date())+"\t"+new Date().getTime()+"\t"+t.startTimePart1+"T"+t.startTimePart2+"\t"+t.endTimePart1+"T"+t.endTimePart2+"\t"+"MailboxID :"+t.mailboxid1 +"\t"+t.uid);
it is creating threads in batches...each thread is started with a sort of think time
in other words between threads there would be a time difference of 50ms or so...
between batches there is a difference of 500ms
The question how can we reach 500 req/sec with this model?
you don't?
that's... I don't know, terrible?
I am thinking we need to run this distributively across many machines...
this way, you don't need to "wait", you just set the semaphore at 500, and you have maximum 500 parallel requests
(which is not necessarily "500 reqs/sec")
the tester is reporting "connection to remote host refused" kind of errors...however I don't have any application logs pertaining to such refusals...
Wonder if I can actually identify the problem...
eh deo, just fyi, there is a typo in your write to file string ( it's not breaking the code tho )
How do this kind-of url nesting works?
hulu.com /tv /genres /action-and-adventure
@Paz Depends on what you're using to serve your content
What do you mean?
Node, Nginx, Apache?
Lets say normal html content
Just noticed, this room's URL works the same..
Yeah, but what are you using to serve that HTML?
Again, what do you mean?
3 mins ago, by Ben Fortune
Node, Nginx, Apache?
hey guys, my question got marked duplicate even though the duplicated questions doesn't really help me. Anyone of you here to help me out? stackoverflow.com/questions/43468165/… thanks so much!
A regular webserver with plain html-css files
@Torben Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What web server?
Stackoverflow uses a seperate rewrite rule for every section? (one for rooms, one for room number, one for topic, etc..)
no. Each section stands for something. like /rooms/17/ means "?dbName=rooms&id=17" (just an example, idk the right names) .. it's just fancied.
same story as questions/43469254/ which means search on id 43469254 in the table that contains question data
Got it. thanks!
I got a conflict. I am designing an rtl site (in hebrew), so the logo need to be on the right side of the screen. The problem is.. it looks wierd with the menu (written in hebrew)..
Have a look:
What do you say?
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Mosho @whateverOtherIsraelli's
maybe they can help you when they've time
@Paz RTL looks weird in general, what is the problem?
The menu, it's an rtl language and the menu aligned like it's LTR
This is my design before I knew the logo needs to be on the right side:
Looks more natural as for the RTL
My point is that an RTL layout will always look weird to someone who isn't used to RTL layout, even when it's done proper :P
And "it looks weird" really requires more definition
Ok, ill try to make it easy for you. notice the 2 images I sent.
Imagine them both in English. The first one looks more natural because the words are aligned correctly as for LTR, but the logo is misaligned.
The second picture though, the logo is alinged like it should, but text positioning looks wierd, like it was meant for RTL..
hi there, any experience with chart js?
for those who have, I have to send dates from the server, formatted according to the currently selected language, and the chart has to present the exact same graph, as the values are the same, just formatted differently
it isn't, and I can't find anything else that might help
@Paz No, please don't try to make it easy for me. I like a challenge when trying to give people free help
i've tried changing the display formats, the unit, the round, the callback which uses moment js to display the date, etc, etc, etc, and nothing seems to work

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