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regarding the "How do I get 100,000 people to sign up tomorrow?" :P
You give them fried chicken
hmm, do I write some code tonight, or play Fallout 4?
For fried chicken people will sign up
Or hats
I don't care about the "how" people
or fried hats.
!!should @Claies code or should @Claies play?
I care about the "if"
bot uprising!?
@LightFlow then I can't help you
I don't think Caprica Six cares one way or another :P
@SomeKittens He only cares about results
@Zirak He's a people person
He's a man of practicality, a practical man
@LightFlow I admire you for it, whatever Skittles says
@SomeKittens never mind, thanks anyway ;)
@SomeKittens ...is that a reference to David Mitchell?
@Zirak no, Office Space
Watch that anyway
David Mitchell is one of the funniest people there is
I love his sarcasm and wit
He once did a radio game show, The Extraodinary Truth. Bunch of comedians, was funny and intellectual. Can't find it anywhere.
Used to listen to it while playing MMOs
That's my story
@Zirak I like the elbow licking one better
I have so many of those
hey guys anyone with some ionic gestures experience?
I don't even know what that is.
@Zirak Find it now
Nobody has ever used ionic, methinks
@copy I couldn't do it! I tried, really, but it was all behind paywalls when it just used to be on youtube, plain in sight.
well it is a framework for hybrid apps
That's my .. handle.
that doesn't even deserve a rimshot
i know :(
Nor a rim-anything-else
sorry new to the whole chat room thing. I would've assumed you make use of the handle to direct something at a user?
ok cool. well thanks anyhow :)
1 hour later…
All damn day:
@Luggage did you file a bug?
hello i want to resize above square by dragging black squares .but some times i can see crosshair cursor and it's look like entire div dragging .i want to avoid it..
in above gif you can see the problem when dragging left black sqare
God me this bad boy yesterday
you'll shoot your eye out, kid.
I'm officially coffeescript-free, now!
@MadaraUchiha is that a laser scope
@nick yes
how did i just get a jump of 14 points?
a promise just means it will be ran on its own thread?
Promises are an abstraction representing async flow
JS runs in a single thread (except for web workers)
so it will run as a constant scan for the objects?
what do you mean
i have this div, it flys in a set of divs through an "innerhtml" the new divs can be targeted based upon their ids
think a constant scan
that's what i affectionately call existence hell
why don't you just add event listeners
i use those
like onMouseDown, and onClick
Promise is a system for remembering "what to do when something happens" - all on single thread.
@Sheep ;) ;) what am I thinking of then?
one of my questions was locked for so long, then got deleted :-?
the only reason about why i'm asking about live scanning is because I'm writing a talk
do you know what a callback is?
and neat, for a class assignment or something?
what women never do to me
only promises :(
Hmm. Not sure I'm following you, pi, but let me try... promise is trigger based, so there is no constant scan. promise shim use event loop, for example.
hollow promises
Getting some promises is better than our desperate PM. :)
@SomeKittens for a code camp
@3.14159265358... so, yes?
ok, so yes
one would hope
no shame in taking a class
gotta learn somewhere
@Luggage yep, I got positive feedback from a meetup tonight about my rough-rough draft
here's what I'm starting from on the js side: raw.githubusercontent.com/FREE-FROM-CMS/content_swaper/master/…
that's a callback
unless you meant 'starting' to be 'code to convert to promises'
the js script
like load your page framework then load the content as needed
@3.14159265358... That can be implemented with callback. But the way you describe it, it does not necessary be (or sound like) a callback.
if you have a briliant bug fx for me, I'll test it, then implement it
@Sheepy how would I implement that universally?
aww, callbacks are function calls :D
playing with gource.io
crap, i just rebased in the wrong direction.
@3.14159265358... What are you trying to do again?
@phenomnomnominal You people lost your originality.
I wasn't caught in a Rebecca Black related incident in forever.
When I first sent it it wasn't even Friday where you are.
Perks of living in the future
Gotta try to catch people on a Thursday afternoon
@phenomnomnominal Fairly sure we're in about the same timezone right now
I'm in Japan after all.
Oh you're only 3 hours behind us!
seems madara is winning .. :D
the Fall of Naruto
@MadaraUchiha I'm trying to get JavaScript to do a live scan of the DOM for IDs to see what can be targeted, and teams like the V8 team don't get what I'm asking about
@3.14159265358... I don't either.
"To see what can be targeted"?
@MadaraUchiha targeted - innerhtml "targets"
@3.14159265358... I still don't understand :\ Example?
think hard load vs soft load
@3.14159265358... Phrasing
Also, I genuinely have no idea what those two terms mean.
hard load - natural use of hyperlinks
soft load - ajax load of hyperlinks
@MadaraUchiha does that make sense now?
So you want to scan the DOM and understand on which links you can use ajax loading, and for which you want to fallback to the default browser functionality?
if you do targets within a target the inner target won't work
i want to change browser functionality to run as a single page website (SPW)
@3.14159265358... Yes, but what specifically do you want to do?
get the javascript engine to scan the live version of the html
No, that is how you plan on implementing what you want.
I'm asking what you want.
how can i get the javascript to scan the live version of the html
@MadaraUchiha i know that already
@3.14159265358... You're not implementing it
You told me how you want to implement a solution to your problem
But you haven't told me your problem.
I asked you
how can i implement it without having an on/off feature
4 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
So you want to scan the DOM and understand on which links you can use ajax loading, and for which you want to fallback to the default browser functionality?
You didn't answer coherently
i don't want to use iframes
@3.14159265358... You are not making any sense.
Try to stop, and read what I'm asking, and what you're answering
And tell me if it makes sense to you
@MadaraUchiha what don't you understand?
@3.14159265358... What it is that you want to do.
Why do you want to scan the DOM?
What feature are you trying to implement here?
when you do an ajax call with things inside that can be targeted as well as the JavaScript engines don't notice the change, how can i get it to notice the changes so the items within the big target can be recognized as well?
@3.14159265358... Can you make a jsfiddle that describes the problem?
@3.14159265358... That... does not describe the problem.
it's the html views
should i show the bug on my own website?
@3.14159265358... No, please make a jsfiddle that describes the problem.
Something that I can run, and understand what's wrong.
i js fiddled the html of it
i'm building around ajax
in view 0 it's the initial load, but in view 1 it's the 2nd load
or ajax load
@MadaraUchiha i'm building stuff to ajax "specs"
Again, there's not much I can do to help you.
You aren't making a lot of sense.
The only advice I can offer you is to make a real jsfiddle that really shows the problem, and not just the HTML views without any sort of context
i did a live view of the html, if you go to the site i have you will see a live use of it
live views are what the client will see at step x, and y
@3.14159265358... I don't need to see your entire stack with framework and everything. I just need a small snippet that shows what the issue is. An example.
run this: swapContent("../main_swap.php", "page=homefront", body_div)
on: webfarm.io
@MadaraUchiha do you see what i'm doing wrong now?
@3.14159265358... Lets try this. Tell us the problem in the form: "When I do x, I expect y to happen, but really it does z. Why is that?"
When you get into ajax, sometimes the proper behavior depends on what you're fetching and how you're applying it, making it a bit trickier to arrive at a possible reason
ok, I can finally connect :D
had installed a new router, it asked for setting up parental control whenever I connected to chat.stackoverflow.com
no other chat.something.else or anything like that, was weird af :P
maybe it triggers on the "chat" in the url?
I'm working on payment gateways (paypalpro,paypal express and authorizenet) i have to validate the api credentials which are given by the customer. how can I ?? any help ??
or maybe you guys are not safe for children ;)
important question: vim or emacs? Not even joking
@towc Not that I'd user either, but emacs can emulate vim
I'll take note of that
another good code editor for ubuntu then? Like, extremely simple but that can at least do some basic indentation and syntax highlighting
In my eyes SublimeText fits that bill and runs fine in ubuntu
@Sanjeev Don't paypal etc have SDKs like this one?
I'd be extremely worried about anyone else than paypal validating my paypal credentials
@ivarni yup, good idea :D
you are right @ivarni but how could know the customer has given a right credential ??
In my app I have a facility for the customer that he can check his website in test mode as well as in live mode. when customer goes live and gives live credentials but forgets to change the api mode to live.
@Sanjeev Normally the API you use to authorize would return an error. I haven't used paypal's SDK but that's how they more or less always work. Check the documentation
> Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?
My boss, every. Single. Day.
@ivarni these all are while doing a payment but I'm asking while a customer gives his payment gateway info can I validate the info at that point of time ??
@Cerbrus \o
@Cerbrus DONE
How would I flag an answer that just repeats something that was said in another answer 1 year ago?
It's not copied, just re-stated
A: package system does not exist

M Alpha BaldeThe only reason you are getting Compile time error is because you typed system with a lowercase "s". You should type it with capital "S" ie System instead of system.

disclaimer: it's in a review queue, I don't normally visit year old questions
Perhaps flag isn't needed and I can just slap a DV on it and carry on with my day?
hi kindly look this question
Q: Adding one more event in JQery date picker the current adding functionalities not working

MahadevanCurrently working on calculating the year using jquery. This was working perfectly as expected but I want to add one more function into it. If the user enters a wrong value for example 121212 it should say "You have entered the wrong format. Kindly enter the correct format". $('.startDate').cha...

kindly suggest me
Since this is the javascript chat and I bet many people work with node, express or meteor, etc and I come from a django background with sql, I wanted to ask something mongodb specific. When I have a schema and I 1 to M field there. Let's say it's a post with comment's. Should I rather put a list of comment objects for each comment into the post or a list of comment Id's into that and query once again to get the comment objects?
I read somewhere that one should put as much as possible in a mongo document which would kinda contradict the separation of concerns.. What is your opinion on that?
@ivarni Low quality. Downvoted
@IbrahimApachi I prefer storing a list of ids to reduce overhead if a comment is for some reason edited, but I know opinions vary.
I don't see any reason to not normalize just because it's a document-store though
@Cerbrus Cheers, I'll throw a DV on too then and that should be signal enough. I've mixed experiences with posting low quality flags.
@ivarni and are there any huge differences concerning performance?
@SomeKittens I don't get it
can any one look my question please
@IbrahimApachi I wouldn't say huge, but you will need to do the "join" clientside. In practice that won't have much of an impact unless you're got a massive amount of entries.
@ivarni alright thank you ivarni :)!
I haven't worked on really large datasets in mongodb before so I'm not sure what the best way to handle that is
But if we're talking comments as in "blog post comments" I doubt the amount is big enough to worry about
@ivarni because that's the whole point of a document store
Yes probably. I think it wont take long to load like 100 comments or so
@FlorianMargaine Still, they implemented DBRefs
@ivarni heh
These guys are so dangerous >_>. It isn't enough that these guys have an ideology to fight for it is also that these guys have nothing to lose. Like when they die they expect to be in some kind of paradise after this. It's really scary..
@FlorianMargaine At least try to hide it ;-)
@Cerbrus not really
Q: Detect "Enter" key and paint the textarea component

Mr_GreenBefore explaining the issue, I will explain my requirement and why I chose to create this custom component. I have a requirement where whenever the user enters something in textarea, the textarea's height should increase/decrease automatically based on the entered text. Since, textarea adds a s...

^ Any help?
Hello! Someone has experience with Express.js sessions ?
I have a problem:
I'm saving data in the session like req.session.data = {}; and I want to access that session data in socket.io,
I managed to access the express session in socket.io scope by querying the memory store with the cookie id, but when I get the session, the saved data NOT ALWAYS there, or partially there...(I have several data saved, sometime req.session.data1 is there, and not req.session.data2 ...)
Q: How to restrict some special characters in url using javascript

vijay sai/(((http|ftp|https):/{2})+(([0-9a-z_-]+.)+(aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|mobi|museum|name|net|org|pro|tel|travel|ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|ax|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cx|cy...

guys suggestion please for the below question
Q: Adding one more event in JQery date picker the current adding functionalities not working

MahadevanCurrently working on calculating the year using jquery. This was working perfectly as expected but I want to add one more function into it. If the user enters a wrong value for example 121212 it should say "You have entered the wrong format. Kindly enter the correct format". $('.startDate').cha...

Anyone knows how to create an index.js file to load all the others in node.js/express?
I have to do this in my server.js to load all the endpoints in my rest api:
app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/products' ) );
app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/product-categories' ) );
app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/measuring-units' ) );
app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/inventory' ) );
app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/suppliers' ) );
in each of those paths there's a index.js which contanins:
you can read the directory content and require all the .js files.. but it's not safe
What do you mean by "not safe?"
or define an array such as ["products","product-categories"] and require with a loop
I'd like to only do app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1' ) ); at server.js
if there is an "index.js" in that directory require will look for that first
That means that at /server/rest-api/v1 there has to be an index.js
not safe because you can require an "unwanted" file...
But what will it contain?
@jcavandoli hmmmm, not clear still, how would an unwanted file be required?
usually an module.exports={}
But, how do i require the other "packages"?
other packages?
well, folders as modules @Phoenix
If I have a module structure like this, would npm update a actually update if c is bumped to 0.1.1?
a (dependencies: {b: "^0.1.0"}, version: "0.1.0")
  b (dependencies: {c: "^0.1.0"}, version: "0.1.0")
    c (version: "0.1.0")
I post a question at SO
Q: require folder as module inside another folder as module

feniixxAt server.js I've got the following: app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/products' ) ); app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/product-categories' ) ); app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/measuring-units' ) ); app.use( require( './server/rest-api/v1/inventory' ) ); app.use( require( './...

@RoelvanUden i think npm will install the greater version module unless you write to package.json to install specified version, `~` , which its pretty common since you usually want to avoid breaking your package if another dependency changes its code , it will result to your package not being functional anymore.

Update your package and add newer versions of dependencies as longs as they dont break.
@Phoenix As far as I can determine, npm only updates the top-most dependencies. So if c changes, but b doesn't, updating a would NOT get the update for c. Which is weird, in my opinion.

include everything greater than a particular version in the same major range
hi all
i am trying to create a reg exp for decimal value

I have input field where user have to enter only numbers max 10
for example
i have tried creating reg expr
from regexr
i got the regular exp

now how to check in the condition
@RoelvanUden i believe it will update "c" when npm install kinda weird problem though can't be 100% sure.
@Mahadevan check for .match( ... ) from String or test(...) from RegExp
@KarelG can you please check this link
> A father tells his son: "You're going to marry the girl of my choice"
Son: "no"
Father: "she's Bill Gates' daughter."
Son: OK then.

... the father then goes to meet Bill Gates.
Father: I want your daughter to marry my son.
Bill Gates: no.
Father: my son is the CEO of the world bank.
Bill Gates: OK then.

The father then goes to see the world bank Chairman
Father: I want my son to be the CEO of the world bank.
Chairman: no.
Father: he's Bill Gates' daughter husband.
Chairman: OK then.

That's business!
kindly check this link
i am trying
123456.123 -- true
123456.000 -- true
12345.000 -- true
12.234 -- true
@Mahadevan updated
please use consistent variable names, console for debugging (alerts can be annoying), ect ...
but requiremet was for alert
so can i remove var output = $('#output');
well ... use alert then
and i replace with alert
for example if i enter 12.23445 this should be wrong
how can i acieve this
and if i enter only 12 without entering any decimal by default it should replace with 12.000 :( so much of confusiion here
@Mosho hey can you let me know when I can CR the code?
I have a doubt reg this line of code: github.com/deostroll/bootstrap-ui-datetime-picker/blob/master/… #domevents
if ( not! check for use of decimal notation ) {
add zero's
else if ( the regex with valid decimal ) {
else {
not correct
just think a bit
$popup refers to a jquery selector that is actually a comment node...
why is it necessary to check if that contains some element?
If you folks want to follow a plunk: plnkr.co/edit/MtQK3wsHtf1hy1F9A5rg?p=preview
ok wait...that isn't a jquery selector technically...
thanks i will try @KarelG
What is the easiest way to "observe" an object (for example a node of the DOM) with javascript?
@ErroreFatale developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver, if you don't need to support oldIEs
hi guys this regular expression is wrong

after decimal it should accept only 3 not 4
but this one was accepting
hey everyone, i´m losing my mind about getting the data in succes ajax event outside the event...does anyone knows a good tutorial where i can learn how to do this?, i already tried a callback function but inside my callback fucntion i need this($this.attr("href", "http:// and $this.attr("target", "_blank");) to work but i doesnt, only outside the callback function
any suggestions or should i throw myself out of the window?
oh, and the other thing is, if i use sync...everything works great and i understand why...but i also read that we should NOT use sync...and there´s a warning saying it´s deprecated...
@Mahadevan thanks for the site, any suggestions about my problem?
@Mahadevan good?!?
sorry @Japa i don't no
@Feeds Oh that's good, now I know I need a raincoat in 5 trillion years
sorry I don't understand Farenheit
me neither
^ what he said
but from what are we getting attacked at 4th row , 4th image, and its +235f ?
"5 million year forecast"
but the 5th row is accurate
-453ºF is the 0ºK?
the sun will expand to red giant
* looks up * 0K= -459.6700ºF
= -273.15 °C
but we are safe on weekends though
hey @KarelG one small query
this was my reg exp
so, anyone here knows how to acces inside this: Object {readyState: 1} and get the response text?
but if i enter
the last was true showing as true :)
@Neoares CMB is -454.76
Although they seem to have forgotten that it's cooling.
@Japa it seems like there is only readyState property
Launched 15 years ago #OTD. Zarya was the first module for the International Space Station. http://www.esa.int/spaceinvideos/Videos/1998/11/Zarya_Live_Broadcast https://t.co/xpstnmzZvf
Happy birthday to the International Space Station!
can any one kindly help me for my question
@Phoenix thanks for answering
@Phoenix well not quite.....then you have that little button that expands and you see other properties
one of them is the response text
@SterlingArcher that was pretty fun yesterday imgur.com/5IGWtNC
i need that value
@Mahadevan You didn't say that the entire string should match, put ^ and $ at the beginning and end respectively. Also read up on what those characters do.
You should check out regex101.com, it's really helpful in debugging regexps.
arugh this is confusing
@Japa Just .responseText ?
.serialize() keeps the data from tinyMCE but formData() doesn't

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