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@Luggage then JS has every possible feature in any language
anything can be imitated
with enough effort
you're being pedantic for no reason
JS has no concept of non-prototype inheritance
but it does
@Cereal Thank you!! I don't know how many times I was gonna look at it and not realize code was running before it was ready. That was the problem.
@nick show me
i use a classical inheritance pattern in JS all damn day.
syntactic sugar
You Thought You Were Smart But I Proved You Wrong
nah its not quite syntactic sugar
and ES6 makes it an actual language feature, so..
yes, it's sugar, but so many things are
its not like it "compiles" down to prototypical inheritance
it's still not classical
unless you use a transpiler for ES5 support
it will expose the exact same API as prototype inheritance
I mean.. its close?
ok, fine, back off.
back off? lol
not quite I don't think
es6 class is exactly a sugar over classical prototype
can't even atlk about a programming pattern without someone "technically its..."
there is nothing new
do some more reading
"that's not a cat, it's apile of atoms"
Dang this map method is cool as fuck. Gone are the days of my stupid loops.
@Luggage but it's also a cat.
hey loops are still perfectly valid
> JavaScript classes are introduced in ECMAScript 6 and are syntactical sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance. The class syntax is not introducing a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript. JavaScript classes provide a much simpler and clearer syntax to create objects and deal with inheritance.
That's MY point.
@rlemon is that from someone's blog
@Luggage class in ES6 is not classical inheritance
at all
@nick I just didn't know there was a better way of doing what I was trying to do. Always learn something new in here.
@AmericanSlime same
ok, fine.. @SterlingArcher It turns out you can't use any form of classical inheritance
also, that's not really a cat.
@SterlingArcher @rlemon hmmmmmmmmmmm I think it could have been a moderator who flagged the message as spam/offensive
basically yes
I was also present during this period, and no flag was ever raised (visible to me) on said message. — rlemon 5 mins ago
@BoltClock which is why we were confused
there was at least 4 10K users present and no one saw the flag
@Luggage BUT IT IS
@ton.yeung what are you talking about lol
Plausible it was a mod, then
@nick no, naming things it not allowe.d you must always speak of the lowest level component
probably a glitch in the matrix
@ton.yeung the Lounge?
@BoltClock is there any way to verify this? does a single mod "spam flag" suspend?
@rlemon Yeah, spam/offensive flags from mods are binding
But I don't know if I can verify it
because if that was the case, couldn't this be considered an abuse/flaw for mods to not be accoutnable
Whoever it was, the mod abused his/her power, and I demand recompense
A few upvotes on my answers would suffice
@Nick I'll give you a blowjob
in the form of back rubs
because a mod single voting something without being accountable seems kinda shifty
i've been out-done.
@BoltClock I know you cannot, but someone with DB access can
and I'm assuming you have more pull with them than we do :P
@Cereal Ok deal
@Nick votes on your answers in a way that they all get revoked tomorrow
@BoltClock thank you for following up on the matter :)
@SterlingArcher chat moderation tools are still as ass backwards as ever
Vote for me and I'll strictly mod the chats :D
@SterlingArcher new meta issue, if a mod stamps a spam flag their account is the one that deletes it, not feeds.
(I said ass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
yeah the fact that you can't see who brings up flags is cancer
@BoltClock inb4 flag
@Mosho sorry for getting upset, but we were talking about a pattern. It wasn't helpful to say "that pattern doesn't exist" just because it was implemented with some other language feature.
@nick mods can see flags while they are still pending
so it's only like 70% broken
why was that Lounge flagger such a big issue then, if that's the case?
@nick which one
@Luggage sorry for making you upset :P
month or two ago
when someone was flagging like every message in Lounge
could be that the flags were all being invalidated before mods were there
once validated / invalidated the records of the voters are buried in a db (as is my understanding)
The Lounge is the source of all flags
@Mosho especially since we started the conversation about how to imitate classical inheritance and there wan't any confusion about JS really having it or not.
Anywho.. :)
@Luggage yeah, I kinda joined in the middle/end. And I may have misread. I directed my comment directly at @SterlingArcher's 'wow, I didn't know JS had classical inheritance'
which raised my pedantic alarms :P
I've been trying to teach my girlfriend some code so she can do help me with my freelance work. Anyone else got their boo involved?
my ears perked when someone said "classes are not just sugar"
because they are
deal with it
they are.
@ton.yeung I started recently - it's more active than C# and there's lots of smart people to listen to here
@AmericanSlime not me ahaha
but that sugar really helps you follow classical inheritance-like pattern
I usually lurk because people say smarter things than me ;)
@Luggage ohh yea, but nothing 'new' is offered (I think one of the nicks was claiming such)
@AmericanSlime I have tried to get my GF to do web design classes... if she could design and I could code we could get some serious freelance chops
@Codeman people hang on my every word
I use my GF for rubber duck debugging
she hates it
@nick you're worth listening to, you're just going to have to deal with that fact
nick is the most important man on earth
true, it can't be helped
I have to use a rubber duck :(
I have a stuffed pig thing on my desk
@Luggage you're /u/fuckswithducks, aren't you?
guys quit posting pics of me you're gonna turn everyone gay
man, you're young
@Luggage you're just old
:/ my gas bill is 2 days late because they changed the due date this month
Only $19 bill but that's the first late payment ever :(
Jason C dropped out of the race. Interesting.
@SterlingArcher auto-pay
@SterlingArcher One late payment shouldn't hurt you too bad.
especially under 30 days
@SomeKittens I wish I was that talented
at anything
If it's under 30 days? Yea, don't even sweat it.
Yeah it was only 2 days, not worried at all. A late charge on a $19 bill is nothing anyways lol
@Cereal ?
dude does awesome metal covers 24/7, that's how he got good, not "talent" or somesuch.
!!youtube ice nine kills someone like you
@SomeKittens ^
So...hurray for the midwest. We have six to nine inches of snow coming our way today.
It's a figure of speech ._.
I wish I could do that
@SomeKittens not true, talent is your starting point
"anyone can be anything" is pure bullshit, 24/7 or not
@Mosho science sez nope
what science
@SterlingArcher YUS
My fav band
@SterlingArcher Did you start reading that book?
anyone can improve, but at different rates and to different levels
Interesting read, no?
this is as much fact as anything, don't see how anything different can be argued
@Trasiva which book?
@Mosho improvement rate is more related to how the person is studying, not the person themselves.
I'm loving it. I'm definitely getting a DE blade and kit
think of "10 years of experience, or one year of experience applied ten times?"
Shaving will no longer be a hassle for me
make everything equal, people will still differ in improvement rates
@SterlingArcher Same here!
though this is hypothesis since you can't make everything equal
here's a bazillion words on the subject: waitbutwhy.com/2015/11/…
@SomeKittens @Trasiva kindle loaned me a book on wetshaving that I'm reading. It seems much more pleasant. If I could enjoy shaving.. I'd love it
@SterlingArcher I don't shave!
I hate you
@SomeKittens no thanks :P
@SterlingArcher I still prefer not shaving, but lathering makes it a little more fun
you people actually shaved without lather?
Coming from the guy with the epic beard, that makes sense
@rlemon my kid brother does. I don't understand it.
My facial hair is rather slow-growing, so I've never had enough to need lather
I have an awesome beard atm
@SomeKittens here's an actual study: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4073543
But neckbeard requires maintenance
it grows to about an eighth of an inch, then stays there for months
musical ability in twins
I never knew about lathering really. I always used a can.
@SterlingArcher You near Tyson's Corner?
@ShotgunNinja yup, about same here
@SomeKittens Oh, I didn't realize you can click on the image :P
couple months in I go full billy-goat
I put mustard on my fries; fuck your mayo
@OliverSalzburg yeah, that's always annoyed me, whole category of jokes go out the window
I bet hummus would be good on fries
@SterlingArcher You don't need to get the Royal Shave, but go get a proper barber shave at The Art of Shaving. You'll understand the difference immediately.
@ShotgunNinja ^ GIMP magic
The Royal shave is $80, but it's pretty fantastic.
god damn you grow a beard fast
How much does the DE blade cost? (not the actual blades, but the handle)
@SterlingArcher Ask for Tom.
@nick No, you're looking at the gif wrong. His beard is retractable.
Hey if it makes shaving great I'll drop fucking $200 lol
@SterlingArcher Depends what you want to spend. You can get a nice starter razor for about $20.
I don't plan on ever going to the middle east, but if I do, I'm gonna eat enough hummus to explode
dem chickpeas n shit
Cool cool, so even the initial cost of the wetshave is cheaper
@SterlingArcher Well, somewhat.
Well in the long run regardless it's cheaper
!!> [ []==false, !false, ![] ]
The initial cost can be a bit more.
@crl "true,true,false"
Long run, you'll literally save hundreds of dollars.
wat ^?
yeah, that last one
!!> ![] == []
@crl "true"
well [] is the neutral element, of the Array field
@Nick mind blown
stop explosing flaws in our beloved javascript; it's rude
they are not flaws
It kinda makes sense
@Nick they're not flaws, they're virtues
2 tr00 m8
Negating an empty array results in an empty array
no, == is fucky
although that's not what's going on under the hood
== is a bug
it's trying to convert them into booleans
under the hood, == is fucky
!!> ![] === []
@Cereal "false"
![] results in []
![] results in false.
!!> ![]
@Luggage no you're not, yet
@Cereal "false"
I stand corrected
!!> !([].toString())
@rlemon "true"
!!> !!![]
@ShotgunNinja "true"
@ShotgunNinja "false"
@rlemon I just use =
good shorthand
ok nvm guys, I just wanted to test if some x had a children array empty or not, so !x.children is actually cool
!!> [!![]]+[]
@Cereal "true"
I still check .length
likely faster, and more concise
x.children && x.children.length
@rlemon could be undefined
so test for it
or that ^
prefers !!x.children :p
@SterlingArcher Top items on my list of things to buy: a better razor, some samples, a new soap and brush...and a fucking treadmill.
and Axe body spray
Why do you want a treadmill that fucks you?
@Trasiva heavy bag is a) more fun and b) burns more calories than jogging
@Luggage Absolutely not.
@rlemon I don't think I can have one in my apartment is the problem.
It might be too much weight.
well if you ever more, I highly recommend getting one
I fucking love mine
@SterlingArcher more fun, I would assume
@rlemon I used to have one!
I just bought a 80lb bag and bungee it to the floor
so it doesn't move much
@SterlingArcher You know what I mean, haha.
Maybe I'll stop by the mall tonight and get a starter kit
I jumped on the scale for the first time since getting out of the military. 265 : /
@SterlingArcher If you're doing that you better fucking text me and let me look at what you're thinking of buying before you do.
How are your joints?
I'm 185 (average)
I'm 210lbs
I'm also 5'8"
@SterlingArcher Besides my spine and knee? Fine.
@rlemon I'm 5' 10", but even when I was in great shape, I was never under 210.
@Trasiva I suggest an elliptical if you can find one. I have a horrible knee, and treadmills hurt me
5 years ago I was 118lbs
3 years ago I was 170lbs, but absloutely no muscle
I was severely underweight.
@SterlingArcher Ellipticals aren't much better for me. The idea with the treadmill is once I get my knee replaced, I should be able to start running.
I have about 25 extra lbs of muscle on me than I did then
It's my fault, I've been really letting my depression keep me down.
I'm prone to depression, so I've made a lot of changes to my lifestyle, lately.
Perk up brah :) Make that change
@Trasiva Try having depression and being a small and undernourished person
@BoltClock You're like...16, aren't you?
eat more, noob
i will send u food
and love
I'm prone to depression and addictive behavior.. best day of my life was when I woke up, started crying and never took another drug again.
@Trasiva @BoltClock Regular exercise has helped me enormously.
@SterlingArcher Once I get paid, the fridge and freezer will stocked strictly with protein, veggies and a few starches.
I eat drugs for brunch
I've been clean... 9 months now.
@SomeKittens Yea, I need my own workout equipment is all. I've tried gym memberships around here, and dealing with the idiots have gotten me kicked out of....two gyms?
And I'm not talking about weed either.
Brugs for Drunch?
@SterlingArcher well done
@SterlingArcher Depression is the only time crying is a good thing
@Trasiva I don't even work out. Intense walk every day. ~20 minutes, 1-2 miles.
sup @BoltClock
(though I walk really fast)
@ShotgunNinja :( that's what
@BoltClock it really helps just... release. It's hard to explain
@SterlingArcher Touch another drug and I hear about it. You won't worry about having to get clean again, 'kay?
I've done longer, slower walks now that we have a treadmill at work that I can work at
@SomeKittens If I could get in a mile on my knee without failure I'd love it.
@Trasiva no worries man, that part of my life is gone. I removed 100% of all the toxic people from that category.
That's my plan, slow walking, but over time.
See if I can't build the knee up naturally.
@Trasiva ouch, yeah, that'll do it. Try an elliptical? I've used those too and they really worked.
I have a good life now. I work hard, got a good job, and hang out with professionals lol
cut your leg off and get an exoskeleton
less of an impact on the knees (I have bad ones too, thanks dad)
> professionals
I'm a professional java scripter ninja
@BoltClock god dammit I was about to post exactly that
Thankfully alcohol isn't addictive to me. The thought of being booze sick keeps me in check (I HATE throwing up)
@SomeKittens I'm not a terribly huge fan of the elliptical, but my hope is that the VA will call in the next two years or so and tell me it's time to get the knee replaced.
@BoltClock lol.. to be fair most of my friends are recruiters
@SomeKittens dark theme, noob!
@SterlingArcher couldn't stand it
@SomeKittens haha
I love the format and .gifv support of dark theme
@Trasiva I wasn't either but it did the job (in terms of building up knees)
the orange buttons kill me though
!!afk vape-a-diddly-ding-dang-dong
vaping is awesome
good way to cut bad habits
@SomeKittens Yea, I'm the kind of person though that likes to use the pain to motivate me. Pain makes me angry, angry makes me motivated. Motivation means I push harder and longer.
its just another habit though
^ vaping helped me quit cigs
helped my girlfriend as well
@nick SO is a habit
@Trasiva one thing I really like about treadmills/ellipticals over walking outside is the numbers. I can track how I've been doing and always push myself to do one more than whatever my average is.
@BoltClock true
just a personal thing. Fighting my past self.
ok, learning node :D
oh gawd
@SomeKittens Yea, my biggest thing is winter here is officially starting. We have six to nine inches of snow inbound tonight.
@nick better than cigs
anything you wish you had known before you started? (nodejs)
When I expain to the customer that their SDK is broken
@Trasiva JEALOUS
@towc javascript
@SomeKittens yeah
@nick not sure if I should cry for you or laugh at you
@SomeKittens Soon it'll be time for me to break out the skis and hit the slopes, haha.
@Trasiva Where at?
Guessing Nevada or Colorado
Eastern Iowa.
not quite as good of slopes, but whatever
I'm in southeast Wisconsin, wishing for slopes
Wisconsin is the worst
Minnesota is the superior state
my dad used to live in Breckenridge and North Lake Tahoe
Breckenridge... home of my first girlfriend... no thanks
@Nick probably, but the only worthy comparison to me is Milwaukee vs Minneapolis
@ShotgunNinja I don't complain. I can go ski at Sundown for free whenever I want.
I want to get back into snow sports. It's been a long time.
I just don't go often due to the knee. Three or four times a winter is about it.
Then I have to stay off my knee for about two days, haha.
I dunno if any of you guys every played adventure quest or other artix games, but they're trying to make a 3D mmo for the first time: kickstarter.com/projects/artix/…
Artix was like half my childhood
The other half being jagex
adventurequest is worse than run escape
honestly, Wisconsin's top winter sport is snowmobiling
which is about as athletic as driving a golf cart

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