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But I want to fire it when user mouseout from the container_ul
@ZahidSaeed Well, since #container_ul is a box, and it encapsulates all of its children, it makes sense that when you hover over a child, you also get the event on the parent.
Anyone else golfing ?
@MadaraUchiha is that called bubbling ?
I mean should I use stopPropagation() ?
@ZahidSaeed did you try?
looks like jQuery has "mouseleave" that does what you want. It's really an IE-only event but jQuery simulates it on other browsers
@MadaraUchiha not yet
@ZahidSaeed Try :)
Hey guys, I have an instance array like so: var playerCards = [new KingCard(), new QueenCard()]; and I'm trying to run it through a function to test what object it contains. This is the function:
@MadaraUchiha it still fires :(
Think well before doing stopPropagation()
1 message moved to Trash can
@KingCodeFish Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
It can bite you at unexpected times
:24937281 Highlight it all, and hit ctrl-k.
@Trasiva You don't even need to highlight
Paste, CTRL+K, Enter
Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {
    for(var i in this) {
        if (this[i] === obj) {
            return true;
    return false;
@MadaraUchiha I thought highlighting prevented over-formatting?
@KingCodeFish that's the same behavior as Array.prototype.indexOf
"mouseleave" event works perfectly
@KingCodeFish don't use for in on arrays
@KingCodeFish Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) { return this.indexOf(obj) > -1; };
@ZahidSaeed always remember you have event.target you can reference
might give you some ideas
k ill try that
1 more question
I'm using the animate()
But it slows down as an event fires and fires again :P
@ZahidSaeed jQuery is slow. Don't use jQuery.
jQuery.animate is probably the slowest animation lib out there
Is there an alternative to nokia mixradio ?
@ssube then what should I use ?
but it also sounds like you're stacking animations (and therefore timers)
ideally CSS animations. (or not)
@Luggage js animations are still faster if done right
for anything but the most simple of animations
if you wanna animate in javasscript, GSAP seems good
use closure and a boolean to make sure one animation is running at a time
otherwise, there are good animation libraries
GSAP and Velocity are more often faster than css keyframe animations
Actually I'm trying to create a navigation bar with a bar over it that moves to the li when it is hovered
Following bar :P
You might have seen it in some websites
@rlemon depends
its 50 - 50
@Abhishrek read everything I wrote
then shut up :P
@rlemon read it.
1 min ago, by rlemon
for anything but the most simple of animations
truth is most animation needs are very simple
anything complex, js still wins
are you trying to animate on canvas or dom ?
I'm not animating anything
JS can win on canvas
I prefer html on canvas
JS is the only choice on canvas..
I prefer SVG With angular
right? am I missing something?
What about my answer guys :P
dude, GSAP and Velocity both have DOM examples where they are hella smoother than CSS animations. only the very very simple "move this block here" did the performance not die on css
@ZahidSaeed we're busy arguing.
@Luggage I can see that :P
so, if he's complaining his css animations are slow, he should be using a faster library
@ZahidSaeed use not jQuery
now everyone shut up and tell me why /etc/network/ doesn't exist!
@rlemon that conman tool thing that your weird nix uses
he's not. he's complaining jQuery animations are slow and it's a simple "move" animation. so I vote CSS (but older browsers might not animate)
# which conman
because fuck you, that's why
sudo mkdir /etc/network problem SOLVED
@rlemon ls /usr/lib/connman/test?
maybe transition, even, not even animation..
root@beaglebone:/usr/lib/connman/test# ./set-ipv4-method
 Usage: ./set-ipv4-method <service> [off|dhcp|manual <address> [netmask] [gateway]]
@rlemon any of that accurate?
yea that works
the whole explanation is at/from derekmolloy.ie/…
Google Photos uses GSAP ... damn
via google's "angstrom network scripts"
see I didn't get that far
I saw /etc/networks and said fuck you to that page :P
also sounds like you can disable conman and create your own /etc/network/interfaces
Q: Auto connect to a wireless network (Ångström Linux)

eyaziciI am using Ångström Linux on BeagleBoard-xM. I have installed a RTL8188SU USB Wi-Fi adapter and configured it properly. But it doesn't connect automatically even though I have marked the interface as auto in /etc/network/interfaces file. My /etc/network/interfaces file is seen below (only wlan0 s...

all I want is to set this board up to a static ip
if you disable conman, I imagine you can just dump the interfaces file on them in some mass way
./set-ipv4-method eth0??? manual ????i don't know their gateway????
I don't know the gateway tho
these are being dumped on clients networks, but we need a static ip option for some of them
I think you need to know the gateway to set up a static IP, cause that comes from DHCP otherwise
It says those args are optional, so you could always try?
hello there !
@danialdezfooli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what is service?
it's likely .1, but you have dhcp, too, right? copy those values before you go static ip
is that my interface?
@Luggage .1 or .254
@Luggage these need to plug into a clients network without hand holding
we've been telling everyone to enable dhcp
@rlemon root@beaglebone:/usr/lib/connman/test# ./get-services
a few clients cannot.
then static ip is already a problem.
do you know a sentence like "log with smile" ? for top of the page ?
your client sill need to give you info like gateway, dns, etc
so you should be able to script something to get the service name, look for/ask about the gateway, and run the ./set-ipv4-method command
@Luggage yea that isn't gonna happen :(
basically I cannot have a solution that requires the clients to do anything but plug it in
that's called dhcp :(
well, dhcp is the only sure-fire solution.
anything else is just intelligent guesses
best you can do is a script that takes the info, disables conman, and create the network script
or just guesses
it is like 1/100 clients that this is an issue for
so I'll just tell them to get their ISP in there
make them deal with it
it's pretty close to no work
are that many NOT using dhcp? seems odd.
@Luggage these are large scale farming operations with lots of devices on static ips
so they can put us on static, or re-configure the rest of their shit
they don't like hearing that
if they already have everything on static, then they have to have a way to manage that? what abotu when they plug in ANYTHING at all? new pc, etc?
yea, the problem is my device is headless, and if it cannot get out on the network I cannot get into it to configure it
don't bother answering that if it's not helpful to do so.. just thinking out loud..
hm, yea.
and not many people have the jtag cable to edit the files.
the only way I've seen that handled is for the device to create its own network during configuration, like chromecast/wifi printers do
I really doubt there is a solution that is pretty, I'm just hoping
@ssube ugh, that would be a lot of work for me
primarily because I have no clue how to do that
@ssube so you jsut go to a pre-defined IP to configure it? your router will route to that?
you ship with a configuration such that the device is running dhcp and a web server (cgi, probably) to produce the network scripts
plug a laptop into it (via ethernet) and it acts as the router, temporarily, but only routing to itself
then yeah, hit and you get the config page
many laptos don't have wired connectiosn these days, but yea.. that's not a bad way..
it's how ASUS' nicer wifi adapters work, how all routers work, wifi printers, etc
it's heavy, but user-friendly
lighter, you can just run DHCP by default and have them ssh in and run a script
or SSH in as a user that has the script set up as their shell?
I had my personal laptop at work one day, plugged into the company network, looking at something with the network admin and I said "ohh yea.. i might have a dhcp server running on here".. He yanked the cable so fast..
multiple dhcp servers is kinda not good
I didn't. It was stopped, so no harm, but it was funny.
His reaction time apon hearing "dhcp server" was excellent.
There was the time I was using office internet and having issues so I switched over to Google Public DNS. Couple hours later network admin walks in and casually asks me about my network configuration.
Plug into network, TRY dhcp, if there is not, start dhcp?
get in trouble?
This is why network configuration for the office network is part of our group policies
When I left my last job I have some cisco thing just to connect to the network and all traffic when through this "ironport" thing that did deep packet inspection.
and broke fucking everything
so many apps auto-update and such were broken by that damn security appliance.
Sometimes my DNS randomly switches to my VPN, causing a mess if I want to access blocked websites when my personal computer is logged into the VPN.
At least you get split tunnel, it sounds like. We lost that, too.
I guess technically it's not a personal computer
Alright, I may just make a Stack Overflow post, but I was seeing if I could get a quick answer here. I should've mentioned previously that I'm trying to see if an instance array contains a certain element that is within another instance array. So var playerCards = [new KingCard(), new QueenCard(), new JackCard()]; and then the second variable would be var enemyCards = [new AceCard(), new KingCard()];
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
For the sake of the project
And then my function is:
Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {
    return this.indexOf(obj) > -1;
So I want to be able to say:
your function is useless bloat
just use the indexOf method
I agree, but let him finish.
enemyCards(playerCards[0]) === true
as a conditional statement
Now that line makes no sense. that's using a function called enemyCards() where you said you have an array.
Describe in plain english what you are trying to do.
if I have a banana, is my favourite colour blue?
Alright I just want to test an instance array if it has a certain-indexed element of another instance array inside of it and return true or false based on that.
oh sry that last statement should have been enemyCards.contains(playerCards[0]) === true;
"is the first playerCard listed in the array of enemyCards?" ?
@KingCodeFish no
if you were to go with your method, which you shouldn't, the '=== true' is redundant
so No
jQuery.post('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/ignorelist/add', fkey({id: 1408759}))
ok, that makes more sense and looks about right. and yea, the === true is redundant but not harmful.
In the end, you should just ditch your function and use the indexOf method that already exists
@Nick as a conditional statement in an if
you don;t need the '=== true'
ifs already test for true, that's their job.
but still, listen to us, you are creating excess bloat by creating this function
oh yeah, nevermind. Forgot I could just use it and the ! unary operator
just use indexOf
and move on
kk I'll try that thnx
I can't help but feel that attacking redundant code wasn't helpful for someone with a loose grasp of ifs and arrays.
Not as the first thing, at least.
Do you need another napkin?
No I understand ifs and arrays. I just was trying to convert my code to something more generalized with names and I made a few mistakes. Sorry about that.
I so clever
hmm? Who does that ignore?
you obviously didn't run that code :)
You can actually ignore yourself...
var fid = 1;
(function fuckyouall() {
  jQuery.post('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/ignorelist/add', fkey({id: fid++})).done(fuckyouall);
oh, funny
I'm afraid to run it
someone see if that blocks everyone
I'll do it
it's nick.
it will probably take a long time
hover over his name to see his id
Just ignore yourself. It's weird
Nah, it died after a few
jQuery.post('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/ignorelist/add', fkey({id: CHAT.CURRENT_USER_ID}))
it worked up through 5, then it failed with a 404
someone has an Aperture Sciences logo in rainbow colors lol.
typical @Jeremy
Oh no boss is here
/me approves your vacation time
that makes me bosslike.
does $.ajax return a promise?
plus I took a shit on Deborahs desk.
yea. it returns a promise or promise-like.
you can .then it and/or feed it to bluebird, that's good enough
jq 3.0 is fully complaint
Ohh, I thought they weren't going fully-compliant for compatibility reasons.
crazy how little fan fair jq 3.0 received. Makes me warm inside.
crap I can't even find the release notes now
maybe it wasn't a full release
maybe it's $.when() that'll never be compliant..
var promises = [];
	promises.push(jQuery.ajax('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/ignorelist/add', {
		data: fkey(id: user.id)
$.when.apply($, promises).then(function() {
     console.log('fuck everyone!');
}, function(e) {
     console.log('rlemon sucks');
probably doesn't work
forgot to make them post requests
> Removed special-case Deferred methods in jQuery.ajax

jqXHR object is a Promise, but also has extra methods like .abort() so that you can stop a request after it has been made.

As users increasingly embrace the Promise pattern for asynchronous work like AJAX, the idea of having special cases for the Promise returned by jQuery.ajax is an increasingly bad idea.
> jQuery.Deferred is now Promises/A+ compatible
var promises = [];
	promises.push(jQuery.ajax('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/ignorelist/add', {
		method: 'POST',
		data: fkey({id: user.id})
$.when.apply($, promises).then(() => {
     console.log('fuck everyone!');
}, e => {
     console.log('rlemon sucks');
why is it failing on get
if(ebCards.indexOf(playerCards[0]) >= 0) {
            correctGuess = true;
        } else if(ebCards.indexOf(playerCards[0]) < 0) {
            correctGuess = false;
that's an upgrade from the old Promises/C- implementation they had.
for some reason that code doesn't work
ebCards and playerCards are both instance arrays
The else if can be a plain else, but define 'doesn't work'.
I have other code in there
They always make the boolean correctGuess equal to true
omg it worked.
so see what ebCards.indexOf(playerCards[0]) returns. Is it right?
dammit, I just ignored everyone in the room
'use strict';

var promises = [];
CHAT.RoomUsers.allPresent().forEach(function (user) {
     promises.push(jQuery.post('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/ignorelist/add', fkey({ id: user.id })));
$.when.apply($, promises).then(function () {
     console.log('fuck everyone!');
}, function (e) {
     console.log('rlemon sucks');
quick, everyone ping @rlemon
@rlemon You stink.
haha lol
@Luggage it always returns 0 when I console.log
Then there is your problem.
lucky cap, thief, and neo
@rlemon You're a combustible lemon
@KendallFrey because they are all deferred I didn't see it still working and F5'd the page because it was laggy
now I know why
!!tell rlemon echo hey there we can still ping yoiu
now my other page is locked trying to undo this crap
@rlemon hey there we can still ping yoiu
@Abhishrek shut up porntab
@CapricaSix you shut up poop slide
@Abhishrek That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Abhishrek Your mother is a hamster.
omg, who did that?!
must be rlemon
nah, she got a new AI
holy crap that stacked 195 requests
no wonder Chrome is taking a shit
@Luggage Why can't I compare Object instances? Is it because it actually creates an instance?
Chrome is always taking a shit
are they the SAME instance?
or two instances of the same class?
rlemon is AFK: going the F home
two instances of the same class. Wait do you think I should use variables to store the instance?
Then make both arrays use that variable?
That, or compare differently.
If you want to see how it's used but I'll try that
like give all cards a comparable name. It depends on if you really do want two similar instances or not. If this represents a similar card in two hands, then two instances make sense.
if this was the real world, woudl they be two cards or one?
A: Mutual recursion in Regex

PuragUnfortunately, Javascript doesn't have support for recursive regular expressions. You can implement a basic recursive function with checks for the first and last letter (to ensure they're a and b respectively) and a recursive call for the interior string (the $0 in your example). For one, you r...

this dude admits in the comments that he knew it couldn't be done with regex...
I'm outy. good luck.
Hey guys, I am having some problems with require.js
@JimmyScray Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Module is coming up as Null
@KingCodeFish Hold up, you're having people help you create a contest entry? That's not unethical at all.
I have an issue I need help to solve. Khan Academy has their own help requests system. But most of them don't know what they're talking about. I'm still writing all the code, I just needed some advice to get past this stumbling block. I had another yesterday, took me hours to fix.
@Purag lol
Q: require.js is not loading my module

Jimmy ScrayI am using require.js and a library. Unfortunately it looks like when the library is loaded the result comes back as null. Sorry I may be a noob when it comes to using require.js postmonger.js (function(root, factory){ if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('...

@KingCodeFish That sounds like you learned a lot
@JimmyScray Did you checked the browser to see if the actual script gets downloaded? (just asking)
For people that agree with this "Javascript is a piece of shit." message on the right. Try google dart, 50+ google engineers are daily working on it to make it the most awesome language ever existed :) For web/server and native desktop/ native mobile apps.
Try compiling OCaml to JavaScript using js_of_ocaml
They've got a ways to go to beat Haskell
@copy Are you being sarcastic :D
i don't think many people agree with it...
@Purag I think they do
at least not wholly
JavaScript is a piece of shit. It happens to be a very useful and fun piece of shit.
@KendallFrey lol XD
@KingCodeFish Figuring things out by yourself is great
is "piece of shit" really the right way to describe that?
You'll need those problem solving skills later
@copy Absolutely, which is why I was so resistant to asking here, but I couldn't figure it out. It was hurting my brain lol! :D
!!> [] == ""
anyways, i'm out
@KendallFrey true
@Purag Yes
@Purag Yep
huh, well. i'm in the wrong room then. lol
but yeah, later. good luck @KingCodeFish
@Purag thank you! :D
I think it is indeed a piece of shit, but so many people have been trying to fix it, that you can pretty productive in javascript today.

I rather work with a language that is kind of nicely designed from the ground up. This makes that everybody kind of writes its dart code in the same way. With javascript everybody has find its own way to fix the language. Too many choices in javascript land.
Just my point of view ;)
When I did javascript, I was constantly trying to figure out what to use. Gulp or grund ? npm or browser ? how do I make my tests ? using jquery, or maybe not ? shall I use underscore ? blabla

with dart, you have just one package manager, one way to write tests, one task manager, things like underscore are not needed as the dart language is already nice enough by default.
@Kasper isnt that just sort of the state of web tech in general?
Given the mouse can interact with elements in a browser, the browser must be storing the location of the mouse in the website window. So why can we not access properties of the mouse pointer without using an event listener first? For example, i want the position of the mouse in x,y - but i need a mouse move first. How come there is no standard way to just call mouse properties without the event from the browser?
@DanieClawson I think so, but we got this state of the web, because javascript is just a mess, and everybody feels like it must be fixed, and everybody fixes it in his own way. With dart you are not trying to write patches upon javascript, as dart is complete ecosystem that can work independent of javascript

although to run it in a production browser, you have to compile it to javascript (you can run it without compiling in development, a fork of chromium called dartium)
@Abhishrek :D hai
@Kasper i would have to argue that the current state of the web, and javascript, is more due to device/platform fragmentation.... and im not arguing against dart at all, but its a response to a problem that exists now, not when javascript was created...and also, i haven't looked into it so this is just opinion but it sounds like currently it's just a glorified package manager
dart a glorified package manager? why do you think that ?
@Kasper poor choice of words i guess. what i meant was it's far from a complete solution. was referring to where you said "although to run it in a production browser, you have to compile it to javascript"
you mean that you have to compile it, makes it not a complete solution (not independent of javascript) ?
@Kasper right. I don't see how, if you have to compile it to javascript, it's any different from typescript or similar, or really that different from using a library
well typescript, coffeescript, are basicly just javascript
at least that is there mantra
with dart, I never have to look a second in javascript code
I mean, the javascript it generates is not even readable javascript
you just develop in dart only
@Kasper yeah but still, fols from google choosed to develop angular 2.0 with typescript.

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