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also, @towc, multitasking is pretty cool in vim. but you have gvim so you have tabs
@Purag I didn't say it wasn't a good tool. but out of the box it is not that fantastic.
default everything is like.. ugh.
oh yeah some of the defaults are just weird
set fo+=2 is really nice because it continues multiline comments when you hit enter.
hands down one of the simplest, best options you can enable
hey, I first need to make sure I understand how to use it
@towc how to learn vim: 1) start it on the command line.. 2) figure out how to close it
it certainly is fast and not too intricated in functionality, but I hate those 90's style icons
if they're even 90's
I have to imagine gvim is not their main focus
plain vim doesn't have any icons :3
it is just a windows solution
@Purag What does that do?
@towc what terminal editor do you use?
@rlemon I don't think I know what that even is 0.o
I just downloaded an executable from the website and it just ran...
the MS-Windows self installing executable thing
that is gvim (graphical vim)
@towc drive.google.com/… get terminator (terminal emulator)
@copy I think he means when having comments such as /**
(which you don't have in python.)
@rlemon! @ʞɔᴉN is bullying me! Just because I didn't install the correct thing :'(
@rlemon I have that...
okay, that is a terminal emulator
open it
and I'd have to install a vim package?
vim is 20 years old since a few months iirc
just open it dammit :P
so... 1995 is a pretty good guess.
@FlorianMargaine Yes, but what does it do
@copy hit enter, it adds a new star for you
@rlemon now?
type vim
@FlorianMargaine Hmm, it already does that
I'm kind of suprised there's isn't a very easy tutorial on how to install gvim on windows
@towc you need some experience working with a shell. do you do it often, or mostly for github or something?
@Purag I have never used a shell before :'(
perfect! what a good time to get into it!
Idunno how others feel but I'd suggest getting cygwin or unxutils...it lets you use a few unix commands in windows command prompt
@rlemon aand?
@Purag I have cygwin
sweet, are you familiar with any unix commands? or you have never, ever used command prompt/terminal before?
If I create an object like foo = function(pants){\\stuff goes here} is it a good idea to inherit the initialisation function (which I've marked with \\stuff goes here) from foo by doing bar = foo?
@rlemon fun fact: my down key is broken, so it's almost completely unusable for me
aha! but with vim, you use hjkl to navigate
h is left, l is right, j is down, and k is up
@Purag that's the weirdest movement keyset I've ever seen
It doesn't get better
@towc you get used to it; vim's been doing that since the start :P
I used to like vim
used it for many years
still use it actually for anything I don't open up in webstorm/pycharm/intellij
plus, you will rarely use up and down...you'll probably use :20 or 20G to go to line 20 as opposed to just going up and down
@Purag that's interesting... where do I input that stuff in gvim?
20 mins ago, by copy
@copy it's 2am, way to late for me to read some stuff without falling asleep
I have bookmarked it though
the basic, basic explanation is that vim has 2 modes that you are initially interested in
input, and command (or normal) mode
when you start the editor, it starts in command mode
thanks for the stuff, I really appreciate it, but I'm pretty sure that from now on everything I'll hear will be forgotten tomorrow, so I might aswell just go to sleep
(after putting on some nightcore of course)
lol, sounds good. tomorrow, go through the guide that @copy gave you, and you'll be set. it takes a lot of using to get into vim but it will make you more productive, i guarantee it
it's not like I lack productivity anyway :P
All I care is to look like a hacker in front of my friends probably
vim seems legit XD
I also need a very fast editor because I hate laggy stuff
i use sublime for webdev, never found it to be laggy. but definitely vim for C. just cause it's so fast to go open file, edit, save, compile, run, repeat
how can i get npmjs.com/package/request to parse JSON for me automatically
@towc sublime's pretty fast
faster than brackets/atom for sure
@vamsiampolu why?
@ʞɔᴉN you know what was pretty fast? You :/
@towc I'm working on that! jesus
it's been years! Wake up!
Careers read-only test will be happening in a few moments - we’re testing the Denver data center for about 10-15 minutes.
haha Lounge
night guys
@catgocat I love how you just come in, insult the name, and leave :(
not fair brah
y'all, what's the proper stack to use for developing an audiobook site with paid membership, large audio file delivery (and playback), and reliably storing covers, titles, synopses, and user reviews of books?
I'm looking at MEAN, but Mongo doesn't seem like a good fit, and I hear search engine indexing is funky with Angular
I think a relational DB might be better for your situation
postgres node react
why? because
that's why
@ʞɔᴉN yes, definitely agree there.
unfortunately...I haven't spent much of my time outside of LAMP/WAMP -.-
I can try postgres, long as it's reliable and can efficiently get me all the book details
never used it before though
it is a shit tonne better than mysql
nginx node express postgres is what I normally goto
PENN is a decent acronym haha
everything doesn't need an acronym
i know man. mostly poking fun at startup buzzwords
@Abhishrek Rejoice!
@Purag Only if it has a counterpart TELLER
@JasonYang Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey and every so often, something disappears!
@CapricaSix Got that.
and all the logs just say "Fooled you, huh?"
Gays, I want to write a function name plus() and it can be called like this: plus(1)(2)(3) and return 1 + 2 + 3, plus(2)(3) return 5, I can solve this problem when the parameter's length is a fix value, But If I can not write a function which suit different size of parameters, any ideas
@JasonYang Can you use ES6?
oh, wait, nvm
you can't use variable length arguments
because if plus(1)(2) returns 3, you can't call 3(3) to get 6
Some dirt at the bottom of a river says, "this river is the best". A nearby rock replies, "I agree with that sediment".
@JasonYang Probably your best bet is plus(1,2,3)
That's a easy:), I just trying to find out if anyone could solve this. Looks like you got the same answer with me. thanks
wait wait wait
you can't return both the sum and the function to make it callable again
Is undefined a value of primitive type or property? developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… window['undefined']
Great point.
@Purag you might be able to abuse .toString on the function to get something working
but overall it is a bad idea
yeah was just doing that
still writing
How do I understand this code?
undefined = 2;
!!> var a = undefined = 2; a;
@rlemon "TypeError: \"undefined\" is read-only"
in strict it isn't possible
otherwise it passes through
pretty sure that is to stay compatible with earlier stupider code
@rlemon On one side window has one property by name undefined and on the other there is a primitive type Undefined whose sole value is undefined. How do I understand this?
because window.undefined === undefined;
you're just seeing it in two places
here undefined as value in that dictionary for key undefined this value is the value of that Undefined type ok ok
why was six afraid of seven? because seven was odd...
@JasonYang I think I'm onto something. It probably won't meet your rules, but still...
@KendallFrey if you could use Object.defineProperty to define a function and still use getters... idk.
I'm drunk.
Object.defineProperty(window, 'plus', {
i have this so far
function plus () {
    var self = this instanceof plus ? this : Object.create(plus.prototype);
    self.sum = (self.sum ? self.sum : 0) + arguments[0];

    return Object.assign(plus.bind(self), self);
plus.prototype.toString = function () {
    return this.sum;

var sum = plus(5)(5);
console.log("sum = " + sum);
yay toString abuse!
I was helpful?
it's printing a function though
On LHS undefined becomes variable, on RHS undefined becomes value.. wow new to such stuff
function bound plus () { [native code] }
why tf is this.sum a function? mmmm
well duh cause toString is not getting overridden.
@Purag Uncaught TypeError: Object.assign is not a function
that's es6 actually
function plus () {
    var self = this instanceof plus ? this : Object.create(plus.prototype);
    self.sum = (self.sum ? self.sum : 0) + arguments[0];
    self.toString = function () {
        return self.sum;

    return Object.assign(plus.bind(self), self);

var sum = plus(5)(5);
console.log("sum = " + sum);
oooh! this works!
@KendallFrey ^^
toString? that's... kind of weird
considering you're using numbers
Number.prototype.plus = function(){}
@KendallFrey but console calls toString!
No. not this way
this actually works, wtf not completely sure why
function plus (x) {
    var self = this instanceof plus ? this : Object.create(plus.prototype);
    self.sum = (self.sum || 0) + x;
    self.toString = () => self.sum;

    return Object.assign(plus.bind(self), self);

console.log( plus(5)(13)(4) );
console.log( plus(5)(13)(4) + 8 );
I found an elegant solution
No toString needed
function add(x) { var add_ = function(y) { return x + y; }; add_.valueOf = function() { return x }; return add_ }
function add(x) { var add_ = function(y) { return add(x + y); }; add_.valueOf = function() { return x }; return add_ }
@overexchange Hope you got my message with links on number starts with int. I want to amend that, numbers were indeed all doubles around 20 years ago.
@Purag plus() always returns plus(), binded to a context object containing current sum, so you can chain up the calls.
@Sheepy yes I got those links, currently am looking into type system of javascript. yet to read those links
I am thinking, JavaScript is like black magic. Like VB. Well specified and open source, sure, but it is as good as black magic to most.
@KendallFrey lmao, nice try
@Sheepy that I got, but why can I do arithmetic with it?
@Purag When you try to cast an object to value, JS calls the object's valueOf method. Failing that, or in case JS want a string, JS will try toString next. The toString method of self is assigned to plus's return value, so it will be called and it will return the current sum.
The code can be made simpler, it looks like a first working attempt.
Hello everyone!
@user5115790 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Sheepy Hmm, interesting that it doesn't fall back onto Object's valueOf()
This is a great community, a greeting from Colombia
@Purag Ah. Black magic, you see? Object's valueOf() were indeed called, then discarded because the result is not a primitive. So it fallbacks to toString().
and so it wouldn't work at all if toString returned an object?
ah. that is the case. The results are NaN
none of this is really magic. you realize it never was once you know it
@Sheepy from wiki: Some programming languages make it easy to use a value of one type as if it were a value of another type. This is sometimes described as "weak typing". for example, In C, void * to int. python does not allow to use value of one type as value of another type. what about JS?
we're basically discussing that right now
we were just able to make a function behave as a number
by defining it's valueOf member function to return a number
oh I did not go thru the msgs.
It doesn't behave like a number, so it's pretty useless
however, standard C will complain a lot if you try to do stupid casts
@Purag those are level 3 warnings that can be ignored
right, but it's invalid
undefined behavior when you cast to an incompatible type
createThread api returns void *, our code stores it in int. app crashes when you compile such code in x64 native mode and run on x64 arch
right...that's not guaranteed to work by the C spec. that it does is unrelated
that's just a stupid compiler customization. pointers, ints, and longs should be the same size in general
:24917264 Here is a simpler code that does not use prototype or unnecessary object:

function plus (x) { 'use strict';
x += ( this || 0 );
var result = plus.bind( x );
result.toString = () => x;
return result;
@Sheepy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
that depends on LP32 LLP32 kind of stuff I dont remember exactly. linux/windows follow their own
@Sheepy wonderful. uses the fact that in any subsequent call, this will evaluate to the previous sum. :)
@overexchange JS is more like lots and lots of auto boxing, rather than real weak type. In C, types (beyond byte size) is an illusion and an convenience. JS, type is real.
@user5115790 yes people are cool here, unlike C++ lounge
@Sheepy where you say auto boxing, you mean..
c o n s o l e . log (8 * null )
// ! 0
c o n s o l e . log ("5" - 1)
// ! 4
c o n s o l e . log ("5" + 1)
// ! 51
c o n s o l e . log (" five " * 2)
// ! NaN
c o n s o l e . log ( false == 0)
// ! true
@overexchange that's just implicit type conversion
autoboxing is what you showed yesterday
var str = "str";
// "s"
I mean all the type jugglings in the 12 MB specifications, including but not limited to your examples.
I think, JS being weakly typed has something to do with such above examples. autoboxing is not related to weak/strong typing
hola! un saludo desde colombia!.. - greetings from Colombia
function.bind( number ), a line of my code a few minutes ago, also involves type change - from a number to an object (because this must be an object or undefined).
@overexchange And this would be your Java autoboxing.
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
map.put("key", 4);
JS does not have a well defined term for all these conversions. They are spread around in each individual operations. So use whatever term you like.
@user5115790 OK have a good day!!!
here, the int 4 gets autoboxed into an Integer object for placement in the hashmap
thank youu!
even as simple as Integer age = 18. age is actually an instance of the Integer class
friends, wanted to know if I can help with cartogram algorithm ..?
!!should I get another beer
@rlemon Nuh-uh Absolutely!
thanks Cap
help please...!
is very important for me....i need help
who is the moderator for this chat room?
there are a few room owners.
we're glorified garbage men
can you help me with my problem for heaven's sake? I need a logic ... it is necessary to stay in my current job
@user5115790 Don't ask to ask. Just ask your question.
You might have more luck on StackOverflow though.
please don't flag random crap
@Lalaland jeje thank you
I do not speak good English, so please bear with me. I need to apply a cartogram in Three.js, but do not understand the logic of the algorithm, someone can help me to understand it and then apply it to my project that I have been far ahead?
if no one has answered by now, I doubt it
there is no point in continuing to ask over and over. try again in a few hours at the earliest.
there might be different users on then
I'm asking right now, I have faith that someone can help me ..
someone probably can, but clearly they are not here right now.
or else they would have spoken up
@user5115790 Must you use three.js? Google Chart supports map chart out of box if I recall correctly.
@Sheepy if I use Three.js, I have everything ready, but the last detail is to make the cartogram ... and do not understand the logic, I would need help with this
@user5115790 please calm down and place a query on SO, with your existing research and the missing part that you are stuck with. If you did a good research, definitely somebody would help you.
@user5115790 Ah, sorry. Map chart is not cartogram. Here are two cartogram examples that you can try to copy: prag.ma/code/d3-cartogram th-mayer.de/cartogram
@KendallFrey dark side of the moon
@overexchange friend, maybe there was a misunderstanding, and I am calm, but so far have not helped me as quisiera..eso without being ungrateful, unlike what I am.
yes yes!
@Sheepy that's what I need to do exactly but Three.js, need to apply the same algorithm but do not get it, download files and have tried to study it and understand it but I failed, so I would like if someone understands the algorithm explain it to me please
@user5115790 for algo stuff, please prefer cs.stackexchange, this has nothing to do with JS. there are many experts who can help you in understanding the algo. Once you are clear with algo, then seek help in JS(if required)
thank you
@Sheepy null to 0 or string type primitive to String type object all are type conversions. autoboxing is specific about converting primitive to wrapper type. So, Is it not incomplete to say that weak typing has something to do with autoboxing?
@overexchange Like I said, JS does not have the term "autoboxing". We are using it only because of our conversion yesterday.
I'll be 'that guy'
js is untyped (dynamically typed)
strong and weak types are undefined terms.
yes, they are undefined terms in JS(may be), but from PLT perspective, one has to use such terms when learning a new lang
or you could use static and dynamic types
Does typeof operand provide runtime type of operand? Because JS is weakly typed so..
@rlemon Most people seem to differentiate strong and weak typing by the amount of automatic conversions performed. JS does tend to do quite a bit of automatic type conversions.
@overexchange I think what rlemon mean is strong and weak types are not properly defined, and are better suited for discussing traditional languages. JavaScript is not traditional.
@overexchange typeof is really limited
@Sheepy What do you mean "JavaScript is not traditional"?
!!!!mdn typeof
@Purag That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: mdn
!!mdn typeof
been a while with this bot. heh
!!tell overexchange mdn typeof
@Sheepy how does using undefined terms which are themselves debated on meaning help move the discussion? regardless of language?
@overexchange typeof
@Lalaland Just look at the confusion at js type. Does js have types, or does it have no types? Is it object oriented or not?
@rlemon As long as the discussion does not go into those terms' grey area, the terms do help. Which is why I also won't say JS is strong or weak typed.
@CapricaSix I had been thru this MDN page, which is incomplete for me.
It's not very hard. JS has types, but they are loosely enforced
@overexchange I think our js type is on this page: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures
JS has types. Dynamic types.
And JS does support object oriented programming quite well.
(It also supports other styles, but it supports OO as well)
Many people would argue that. Try adding JavaScript to wikipedia's oop page.
Let's just say I tried.
On the other hand, few would argue that Java is not OO or not strongly typed.
@Sheepy It is on Wikipedia's oop page.
And OOP list.
@Sheepy yes that is the better page to read, but it says: The type will get determined automatically while the program is being processed. processed mean at run time. But in runtime JS is loosely typed. So, what exactly is typeof trying to do? Because operand is passed in multiple functions and the type may get changed as per JS rules, how do you decide whether typeof x == y when you write the code?
typeof returns the only type, Object, or the values primitive (number, string, symbol, boolean, etc)
I can't remember the rules exactly, but the spec tells you it
For objects, you can check the prototype to see they are the same.
@Lalaland am yet to learn proto and prototype, am new to JS. I think this concept has something to do with prototypical inheritance
@overexchange The logic of == decide the result. And the logic includes lots and lots and lots of type casting. JS variables/reference do not have type, but variable/reference values are strictly typed.
x instanceof y.constructor && y instanceof x.constructor
another potential way
or uh
x.constructor == y.constructor
explains it better
well, explains it complete
wow Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
@overexchange Make sure you read the steps first. The table is only for step 5.
ooh, there is a context free grammar hidden within this spec!
If anyone's interested in generating an es6 parser...let me know haha
@Sheepy ECMAScript2015 spec looks better than MDN kind of JLS in quality aspect
well, it's the spec...it precisely and explicitly defines all behaviors
@Purag Thanks for Java who started the trend of language spec, now even PHP (7) has these goodies.
JavascriptLanguageSpec ):
@overexchange Perhaps. But spec is not intended for the average programmer. Have you clicked into GetValue and ReturnIfAbrupt? Do you understand them? The spec does not have a section called 'closure' or 'inheritance' - they are the result of applying the spec.
ya it is going recursive
Granted, this is exactly the same for source code. You deduce meta logic from logic. But this is the hard way, compared with reading plain english documentations.
plain english doc like MDN?
MDN. Or MSDN. Or blogs. Or books. Or stackoverflow! How could I forget it!
one general question
one general answer
@Sheepy For your point, JS variables/reference do not have type, but variable/reference values are strictly typed.### var str = 'abc'; here str does not refer something that str has some address, str has string abc. So, what does it mean to say JS variables do not have type at runtime? For reference, things are different
@yeppe Thanks for adding me here
can anyone help me in this....
Q: Upload file with Azure Mobile Storage using SAS

iDroid ExplorerI know that there is library available for uploading the file using AzureMobileStoragee. I have refer this for same. But, They have not give information for how to use SAS with that. I have account name, and sas url for access and upload file there. But i don't know how to use that for uploading...

any help with why my tab arrow is not displaying ?codepen.io/Feners4/pen/EjONEe
@overexchange 'var str' creates a Reference (section 6.2.3). Reference is not a Type and has no type, it only has a value. It is the value that (may) have a Type.
In plain English, what I mean is you cannot specify a type for variables. It is the variable's current value that have a type.
same with python but not C/java?
I do not know Python well enough to be certain, but to my knowledge yes, like Python.
A Reference is a resolved name or property binding. A Reference consists of three components, the base value, the referenced name and the Boolean valued strict reference flag. The base value is either undefined, an Object, a Boolean, a String, a Symbol, a Number, or an Environment Record.
Indeed. Do you understand it? Value can be certain types. But why not Null type, we always reference null do we not? And what is Environment Record? Does it mean window? Is window not an Object?
JS spec is very good quality. Got every corner covered for you, there.
I mean, that is exactly how Java behaves
and C
declare a void *, it can point to anything...it could point to an int, a long, a struct blah...etc
in Java, Object myObj = new Integer()
Integer is the actual type of myObj
the difference is that Javascript is interpreted, so there is no static typing...Java and C do type-checking at compile time. Javascript doesn't afford you that. in some ways it's great, in others it's not
Java, C, and Javascript all have this notion of dynamic typing. C does it explicitly with void pointers, Java does it more implicitly with inheritance, and Javascript does it by default.
some people are trying to change the fact that Javascript doesn't have static typing. :)
In Java you can declare boolean, which is not a pointer and cannot be anything else, and as a primitive cannot be pointed to by object pointer. In JavaScript you cannot declare boolean, only pointers that can point to a (primitive) boolean or anything else.
right. Java has dynamic typing of objects, not primitives.
@Purag Which is great. Should make it much easier to do json in Java.
but you can even simulate dynamic typing of booleans with the Boolean class. you're restricted by inheritance hierarchy though. a typed variable can reference an object of a different type only if that object inherits from the static type.
spec says: Instead **objects** may be created in various ways including via a **literal notation** or via constructors which create objects and then execute code that initializes all or part of them by assigning initial values to their properties. So, here is decimal number literal notation var = 2; but 2 is not an object.
it means object literal notation.
var obj = {key: "value"};
and now you can do obj.key or obj["key"] to retrieve "value"
@Sheepy For your point: JS variables do not have type, For var a; Can't I say, variable a is Undefined type?
@Purag Type system is not limited to variables. Try true == new Object in Java. Should be syntax error. Type system is an integral part of a language. JS type system is hardly like Java.
@Purag this is like window['obj']['key']. Thank you, i think this is JS specific terminology object literal notation
Variable is not by itself a data, so data type does not apply to it. It is a concept that covers multiple concept/logic/"specification type" in the specification.
In plain English, variable is just a type of bucket that holds data. (The other type is object property.)
@Sheepy actually spec talks the same as what you said: JS variables/references do not have type. In section it says Let val be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.
@overexchange Beware that UnaryExpression is not necessary a variable. It is literally an expression. I can say typeof( null ).
yes yes typeof(1 + 2.0)
A "variable" usually means a specific form of Environment Record. Which is a "specification type".
@Sheepy i think it is same in python type(1+2.0) gives <class 'float'>
Can you typeof( object.method ) or typeof( None ) in Python?
>>> def f():

>>> type(f)
<class 'function'>
>>> type(None)
<class 'NoneType'>
Great! Much closer to JS than I previously thought.
>>> type(f)
<class 'function'>
>>> type(None)
<class 'NoneType'>
>>> import operator
>>> type(operator.add)
<class 'builtin_function_or_method'>
>>> type(operator)
<class 'module'>
there are no primitive types in python.
>>> type(2)
<class 'int'>
Yes, proudly full OO.
class based OO.
hey guys
I heard another theory about why windows went straight to version 10, someone on twitter said it was becase 7 8 9
@ivarni I don't get it, but a MS dev has confirmed that "Windows 9" caused problem in app compatibility test. Some programs assume it is "Windows 9x".
7 ate 9...
it's a joke
I think
@Sheepy memory model of python is same as JS. in JS everything sits in window dictionary. In python also everything sits in dictionary. It is dictionaries of dictionaries
Oct 1 '14 at 19:59, by taco
http://www.infoworld.com/article/2613504/microsoft-windows/microsoft-windows-mic‌​rosoft-skips-too-good-windows-9-jumps-to-windows-10.html "Microsoft skips 'too good' Windows 9, jumps to Windows 10" (april fools joke from last year)

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