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My Dad was selected for the jury for an obscenity trial many years ago, before I was born. Censors were stricter then
The prosecution objected to the number of young men on the jury, so he was disqualified. D'oh!
Opportunity to watch porn for several days instead of going to work lost
@TomW There a tons of examples like that. In most of the US, you can legally have sex under 18, but if you take pictures of it (even of yourself), you can be listed as a sex offender and have your life ruined forever.
That is to say, you can go out and legally produce dozens of children for the state to care for, but if you photograph yourself, your life is done.
I believe the law here usually has discretion to give benefit of the doubt to e.g. teenagers taking pictures of themselves without being encouraged to do so, but I believe that only because I've never heard of anyone getting busted for it despite so many of them doing it
if someone over 18 asked you to, well now. They're going down. You'll probably be stuck with counselling
I can't have sex for money.... unless its being filmed and sold.
^ that is so backwards imo
We definitely have precedent for kids being charged for taking them and sending them to friends. There was a case a while back where that happened with 3 or 4 kids, all friends (two couples maybe) and they were all charged.
Arguably images of yourself are inalienably your property and you can do what you like with them
damn, my mom has pictures of me in the tub when I was like 2 years old. better tell her to hide those
@rlemon right? Those are all technically illegal, especially if she ever shows them to someone.
Stupid inconsistencies like that devalue the whole system.
@rlemon pics or you never grew up
@Klors unless try/catch is your bottleneck, perfs like that don't tell me anything :P
unless it's a bottleneck, it's fast enough ™
you'd have to have a whole lot of properties before it's worthwhile from a performance point of view
Does anyone here have a RoR side project they don't mind sharing with me?
I prefer the 'it luls you into a false sense of security' opinion
hi guys
what does?
@Klors try/catch
there are many caveats if you expect it to be a catch-all (which so many people think)
@ssube @SterlingArcher does the U.S. hold that Constitutional rights apply to minors? For example the 1st, which for anybody else IIRC gives them considerable latitude to communicate any information in any manner they see fit to anybody
note that the performance major loss is there only if an exception is actually thrown.
i have script , that uses typehead js and i have select input that changes the request
Fuck if I know lol
so it's a dynamic ajax query
@AwalGarg and again, it isn't slow. it is just slower than the alternative
try a DOM update and see the perf that gets
@rlemon and that
but no one cares about their 100000000 dom updates
the main opinion I hold is that if you are expecting the object to be structured in a certain way and it's an exception to your program if it's not then catch the exception, if you're dealing with a more general use case just test the thing first
my problem is that the select values is not changing depending on what i select , in Ajax
@Rizerzero this is a common problem with typeahead and dealing with the selected values
problem is that jQuery abstracts it all away
A: Get selected items value for Bootstrap's typeahead

kendaleivIf you only had 1 on the page you could try $('ul.typeahead li.active').data('value'); but you may have have issues if there's more than 1 on a page. I wonder if there's a reason why the input value is not set?

@TomW I think so. You could probably challenge children photographing themselves as unconstitutional, at least the other federal laws against it.
Not sure what would happen.
@ssube i even tried the .onchage function but it does not work
If you made that legal, you'd have to be very careful about making sure they were never sent to anyone over 18, else you could use the 16+ labor laws to pay kids for it.
@ssube I don't even want to look up the article because it will make me mad, but a couple years ago a kid (like 6) was being charged with sexual assault because him and a little girl friend (I think 4?) were playing 'doctor' and had their pants down looking at each others respective doo dads
THAT was fucked. the parents of the girl were fucked.
We already have some laws along those lines, so that wouldn't be hard to sell, but getting rid of any child-related laws is essentially impossible.
(already getting angry remembering it)
People love the "but, the children!" excuse for doing stupid shit.
"We have to spy on the [nationality], otherwise they might blow up THE CHILDREN"
I suppose you'd have to have minors themselves bring a constitutional case
a lot of parents use their kids as a personal shield from responsibility. not all, but a lot that make the news at least.
@TomW Curtailing children's rights for their own protection is a well established constitutional precedent.
"If we don't enforce mandatory minimums on drugs, all of THE CHILDREN WILL DIE"
@AwalGarg what?
"Cell phone radiation will break THE CHILDREN"
@Klors run
i did
@TomW Their guardians might be able to, but who exactly does it might not matter.
i.imgur.com/DEIqPwl.jpg damn this is cute
and that's where it gets creepy
teach it aurora beam
We really just need an exception saying that if kids can legally do something in real life, they ought to be able to online.
cam2gif.io/cam2gif people with webcams. does this work in FF for you?
Laws are dumb.
ah, 44 minutes later and this SQL query has finally finished for the second time after erroring after 47 minutes the first time and I should have gone home over an hour ago.... don't worry about performance people, YAGNI
I stopped voting because I realized that regardless of who is elected and what they pass, I'm going to keep doing the same stuff, making the whole process essentially futile.
worry about performance, when it is a problem
otherwise you'll be chasing your tail for the rest of your life
things can always be more performant
@rlemon no work in ff dev edition latest update
They're not dumb, it's just a really difficult problem of how you write legislation that prevents the things you want prevented without making illegal the things you don't want to be illegal, given that every case is different, every citizen has different ideas of what should be illegal, not all the facts are ever known...
@AwalGarg does it prompt you for a camera?
or learn a few simple techniques to minimise the incidence of issues
@rlemon no. I had to manually enable it from a button just before the address bar.
of course I mean this with a grain of salt. I'm going to always attempt to write the most performant code I can. but if a line isn't causing issues and I know it will take 4-5X the time to write it slightly better? LOW priority issue
@Retsam They desperately need to be refactored every so often, because they suffer rot more than any code. However, that's never ever going to happen.
@AwalGarg that is browser restrictions
once the camera is enabled, do you see yourself on the screen?
@ssube Yeah; except when we refactor laws it's called "revolution".
@rlemon nope
my friends laptop prompted him for the camera, and never worked past that
@Retsam a revolution is so called because after a while you end up back where you started
@Retsam Eh, I'd argue that's when we change who maintains them, and how. Actually going through and, say, combining a law with all the precedent that has built up on top of it over the years, seems more tame.
@TomW nahh man, do like my people did, revolt and lose. oppression for life.
I am having little problem in my browser
@rlemon on the assumption that I am representative of the oppressor; hey, at least we gave you railways and vaccines and shit
whenever i am loading any page browser is making request to superfish.com, but i dont have any link for that
@ssube Eh, sounds much easier in principle than in actuality.
@rlemon ^ in case that helps
repeat for every culture in the world
@AwalGarg kk will look into it when I get a camera ;)
have you guys ever played unfiar mario?
@TomW I'm native american. we gave the white man the ability to survive, he gave us the 'gift' of taking our women
@Retsam Yeah. It sounds dead simple, and would take a lot of time, but wouldn't be impossible. It would also save a lot of people a lot of time and effort.
yes, but if you know that something isn't a certainty and you have a fallback you can supply, test for the error and route around it, it's not a hard concept that's going to cost you time, it's going to save you time finding that bug in two days time... if it shouldn't fail but has the potential to, then try/catch
@rlemon I would posit that you could have solved that by having less attractive women. Or no women.
How come errythin just works in chrome and...? :/
@rlemon [insert native american variant of the 'take my wife....please...' joke]
how come chrome js execution is so slow compared to firefox
legitimately annoyed
@rwollr it isn't and it is
And that wasn't the only "gift" by any means.
depends on what you're doing
@rwollr tis no plausible :/
anyway how do you manually define code folding regions in sublime text
@AwalGarg developed in chrome
@rlemon "gave the white man the ability to survive", dude, we were surviving for thousands of years before we met you
@SterlingArcher Thanks! It's not a religious thing - Hanukkah is actually not a religious religion.
@Klors to borrow from Raynos's answer (see next message from me)
yeah, chrome is the reference impl for most devs
try catch however is used in situation where host objects or ECMAScript may throw errors.
@SomeKittens pong.
@BenjaminGruenbaum need promises halp
@Retsam not here you weren't
i thought everyone in here used sublime
someone should know how to do code folding in css
@rwollr lol no
majority at least
Btw, @GorgiKosev can probably help you with promise questions too if I'm not around :D
Why does this work:
15 hours ago, by rlemon
1 hour ago, by rlemon
module.exports = function(fn) {
    return pg.connectAsync(connString).bind({}).spread(function(client, close) {
        this.close = close;
        return fn(client);
    }).finally(function() {
but this breaks?
15 hours ago, by rlemon
1 hour ago, by rlemon
module.exports = function(fn) {
    var closeDb;
    return pg.connectAsync(connString).bind({}).spread(function(client, close) {
        closeDb = close;
        return fn(client);
and by "Break" I mean "Not close db connection
@rlemon Eh, we would have figured it out eventually
@rlemon i'm not even sure what you're trying to say
@rwollr I do. And if by code folding you mean clicking that arrow beside blocks which collapses those blocks, it is done manually, no?
@rwollr ctrl + shift + [ and ctrl + shift + ]
@SomeKittens Doesn't have to do with promises
@SomeKittens impossibru.
i know how to mark regions for code folding but
i'm looking for something more collaboratively minded
@Retsam not the first winter. you were ill equipped
@rlemon the vikings did well enough until they killed everybody and then everybody killed them and stuff.
like teaching sublime to recognize custom comments as folding regions
@SomeKittens It's just asynchronous vs synchronous behaviour
White people were dicks to Native Americans. Including but far from limited to early forms of biological warfare. That's the point. But it's probably nothing they wouldn't do to each other given the means
@ssube so, I'm not saying no people could. I'm saying the settlers who came here couldn't
@SakhalTurkaystan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
.finally is called immediately after .spread and later the function inside of .spread is called
was actually hoping there was some kind of way you could get sublime to recognize the regions
like some string i mean
All cultures have attacked and brutalised their neighbours without involvement from colonising powers
@rlemon right. Western european imperialists weren't having a great time.
like vs cpp regions
@copy no that's not it. Both pass a function and not invoke it and both will wait for the promise.
They were doing about as well as france in russia.
But the vikings just had too much fun and screwed themselves over.
@rwollr regions are bad mmk.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But undefined is passed to .finally
1. please dont meme me 2. why
@copy oh wow, you're absolutely right. cc @SomeKittens
FWIW the 'working code' I got from an example Benji wrote last year ;)
@SomeKittens you need to wrap that closeDb in a lambda in the second version - it's passed before it is defined.
If that's the case, why doesn't finally error?
module.exports = function(fn) {
    var closeDb;
    return pg.connectAsync(connString).bind({}).spread(function(client, close) {
        closeDb = close;
        return fn(client);
    }).finally(function(){ closeDb });
large parts of the LESS are divided into very nice areas analogous to screen real estate
so if i'm not working on that part itd be cool to have folding regions that would go whichever computer i'm working on
but it doesn't seem to be that easy
ah - that makes sense - it's not being passed by reference?
@SomeKittens the promises spec dictates that when promise methods are passed non-promises they ignore them, this is so you can .then(null, function(){}) for instance. It's a bad default but it's how promises work.
@rwollr if a file has enough stuff to be worth hiding regions, split the file and combine it during your build process.
The Imperial powers had a nasty shock when they encountered the Maori. Most of the cultures they encountered in that area of the world had no hope in hell. But the Maori were kind of the hegemonising big bad of the region
inodes are cheap, large files are just confusing.
it's like 100 loc
@SomeKittens just like everything else in JS - it's passed by reference value and not by reference.
it's just nice
being ~organized~
@BenjaminGruenbaum you got the pirate hat :O
@rwollr Can you not complain when people use memes in here?
@rwollr regions don't organize, they hide. It's like stuffing shit into your closet so your room is "clean"
@AwalGarg so it seems
some people are legitimately amused by things they've read thousands of times, that's fine, not calling you out
just saying when addressing me it doesn't add value
@rwollr So ignore it.
I want one too...
@ssube sorry , think that you miss understood my problem
But this is at least the third time you've complained about people using memes when trying to help you.
@Retsam please don't complain about me complaining about memes in here
@ssube it's more like i'm interested in quickly scrolling past this chunk that isn't relevant to what i'm focusing on right now
then just put it in a different file.
@rwollr in that case ^^
and use a build system to merge them back together
@rwollr I'm just saying, you're the one asking for help; maybe you should consider being less particular about the exact form that help comes in. It comes off as really petulant.
(or less includes)
@rlemon I've started my own notification script now. github.com/ndugger/Herald.js
it's a bit like begging in the street and complaining when people call you "mate" as they hand over the cash
@ssube it's that i can not get the selected values in an other input ,
@NickDugger why not just fork and expand mine?
@Retsam i'm sorry can you phrase this in the form of an image macro i'm having a hard time understanding you
@rlemon because I tend to like reinventing the wheel
stackoverflow.com/help/badges/62/populist I can get this badge easiest, which can get me the pirate hat xD
@Klors speaking literally in this instance, it's like telling a homeless person "yeah, but you don't actually NEED money in this case", and doing it in the form of an image macro
there we go
@rlemon Wow you're fast.
you don't make your own meme generator and then be slow at it ;)
which is weird considering it was less "please censor what i see when i come in here" and more a personal request when talking to me
strong delineation between meme and image macro which is another topic
if you try to differentiate between types of memes, you're gonna have a bad time
@rwollr you seem to be ignoring the fact that we are giving you advice. you can look for a package to do exactly what you want, fold like we've explained (and you already know how) or split the files up.
@rwollr It's "please adjust your speaking pattern when speaking to me, to better suite my whims"
if only 15 people upvoted my answer... I would get the thing :(
@Retsam yeah? exactly
if i was annoyed by people swearing at me in ~~jest~~ ~~jovial~~ ~~joking~~ humor i'd say that too. oh my god what is strikethrough syntax
so i use ajax , and a select menu , and when i do an ajax requests the value of the select is always the first one , it's not updating ;(
@rwollr Okay, well, as a personal favor to me, please don't use the letter "j" in your messages. It just doesn't do anything for me. It's fine if you use it for other people.
when addressing a community, never expect the community to cater to you, it is you who must cater to the community. This is just how things work
@Retsam i respect your preferences
which actually probably should have chosen a different letter because i'm having a hard time actually using that one
I had a roommate who commented that we swear too much in the house one night, and then her idiot boyfriend made the (huge) mistake of telling someone to stop.
We already didn't like him, but the poor little shit almost died that night.
that's legitimately disturbing
i hope that was an actual anecdote and not some bizarre roundabout way of threatening internet violence for not being a memelord
@rwollr actual anecdote.
On the topic of whoever commented on swearing
well javascript is undoubtedly the most bohemian of languages so i doubt you get many types in here that would care
I couldn't care less whether you like memes, it's just a situation that annoys me to this day.
but if someone was like "yeah i'd appreciate if you didn't swear at me" i doubt everyone would jump on him as he just committed cultural blasphemy
that was not the issue. It was some kid walking into our house, disrespecting everyone, then trying to tell us what to do. Folks were not pleased.
hahaha is this still an anecdote
not liking memes is the same principal, maybe, but insignificant
i'm sorry Memefather please let me kiss your hand
Remember that guy who came in, said that JS was a "lower language" and then got ticked off when we corrected him?
please don't ice me in the night
there is no point arguing. you can tell people you don't like memes but no one will care.
they are not attacking or harassing you
so ignore them and move on
it's the internet, people use memes to poorly express themselves, and that's unlikely to change.
@rwollr no no, if someone is actually swearing at you or abusing you let me or another room owner know and they won't be from that point on.
@SomeKittens remember the guy who argued cells are not alive.
@rlemon LOL
I remember that.
@rlemon i wouldn't really care if people were attacking or harassing me because ~internet feelings~
remember the guy who thought the bot runs in the cloud :(
It does!
@AwalGarg everything runs in the cloud
@rwollr but you care if people use pop culture references to answer you?
Canada => Cloud
but having 2x as many direct responses to my stated dislike of memes compared to my question was a little
I remember when Shea (then AndrewJackson) told me proofs in math are as real as intuition.
@SomeKittens ahahaha!
a little much
remember the indian guy who thought the cloud goes down when it rains?
@rwollr we spent like 15 minutes discussing regions in sublime, then an extra 20 on how memes are good and that time I got pissed at somebody
if you recall there were like 7 discussions going on during the sublime talk
Is there any polyfill (1:1 ) for webWorkers ?
something about The White Man
that's normal
then when i talked about memes you could hear a pin drop
Remember that porizm guy who was a douche and tried to harass @BadgerGirl out of nowhere?
all the memesters came out the woodworks
@rwollr you didn't talk about memes, you complained at someone responding to you with a pop culture reference
@BenjaminGruenbaum Were you there for the guy who tried to doxx me so he could hit on my wife?
@RoyiNamir There's single threaded implementations of the API, but you can't polyfill them.
pop culture literally is made of memes
image macro is different
lol, creepy dude.
please , need help on this on guys
@rlemon And someone called him clueless and he said something like "Remember guys I program objective-c and you're calling me clueless" lol
@SomeKittens No, I actually don't remember that.
if a license advertises "GitLab CI support", would you expect that license to a) enable gitlab ci integration? or b) provide email/phone technical support for use of gitlab ci?
Remember that Nexxpresso guy who was always angry at stuff?
"My God, it's full of memes" is on Kubrick's cutting room floor
@someDoge nahh this was brandon (some kid, overall a good kid, but that argument he was misguided by a shitty science teacher)
The C stands for Clue
cause apparently it's #B, despite the phrasing
@rlemon Yeah I know lol same guy same conversation
ahh I missed the objective c bit then
@BenjaminGruenbaum aren't you supposed to always be angry about something on the internet? I thought it was where you went to care a ton about things that have never really mattered and aren't always real.
Oh, I remember when I told Brendan if he misbehaves I'd email the room chat to his mom and that actually got him to stop. That was hilarious.
@Rizerzero did you read the link I posted
If you're not angry everyday on the internet you're not internetting right!
i'm too happy in real life, if i'm not at least this angry on the internet i start having hormonal imbalances
it is literally a medical issue for me
@Loktar sup crabman?
me is angry about Valve removing a game from Steam
@ssube duty calls.
@BenjaminGruenbaum wat
@rlemon yes
@Rizerzero and?
@Loktar what, paranautical?
no, Hatred
If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.
yeah no one wants to defend the paranautical guy
which is disappointing
@rlemon it was not my issue
@rwollr yeah that dude was kind of crazy though
make a demo of your issue then and provide your code
otherwise you'll probably be buried in the convo
@AwalGarg yup, pretty funny.
Remember that one time @rlemon told us he pooped on a slide?
@rlemon my issue is that my Ajax query i have data that is taken from Select input
yes, so you've told me - and without code how am I supposed to debug it?
I was in the middle of an inspirational speech about how being young you can still accomplish things on the internet.
problem is it not updated when the value chagnes
Well then...
@BenjaminGruenbaum sounds like a ted talk
How Tom Fulp started newgrounds at 13 and all that and rlemon had to say this:
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@Rizerzero listen, I'm going to stop you right here. MAKE A DEMO! then we'll talk.
@rlemon ok
@rlemon thankyou
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign , Dec 11 at 15:24, by rlemon
Attention people seeking help: If you have a question and you have code to go along with your question already, post that first. Don't make us ask for it please and thankyou. We are not mind readers and we do not know what you've accomplished so far. Help us help you! Pancakes.
@Loktar threatening to kill someone really ruins your public support, unless it's hitler or someone
@rlemon Dammit, now I'm hungry.
remember that guy who came here and caprica welcomed him?
Nov 17 at 20:44, by Caprica Six
@JesusChrist Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ssube haha yea
For some reason, people get nervous when you're killing someone who's not a robotic nazi zombie terrorist.
I feel bad for his team honestly
@phenomnomnominal my master plan is now one step closer to fruition
@Loktar if he's freaking out on twitter about what sounds more-or-less like a typo/press mistake, I can't imagine he's a great boss.
1) Poop on slide
2) Make nomnoms hungrys
3) ...
4) $$$ PROFIT $$$
I'd be very surprised if they'd gone to steam with a "hey, you should change that, the game is done and we want to make (you) money" and hadn't gotten it resolved.
@ssube no I agree, however his whole team is screwed out of revenue
iirc he worked with two others on the game
he was just part of the dev team
yeah, it's super shitty for the others.
I got screwed out of revenue a few times myself.
@Loktar @ssube what drama am I missing?
One more reason why you have to be very careful who you side with publicly.
@rlemon oh thats old drama
Especially in a business setting.
like a month or longer idk
the new drama I was referring to was Valve removing a game from Steam greenlight
because its "too bad"
but Valve fails to realize I don't need a dad
they pulled grapple hero didn't they
greenlight games are generally... mediocre, at best.
those sons of bitches!
I think GamersGate is all bad people that are chauvinistic and hate and are scared of women because they're all fat virgins. runs from Loktar and hides
I'm kind of ok with them pulling the really bad ones.
o...k. A guy is thanking me because I copy pasted to him an error from the console.

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