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It's almost like trying to run a server client side
I can see how it's powerful, but after all this time of "inline scripting is bad, mmkay?" it just doesn't feel right to me
But ofc I see the benefits in some cases.
I especially hate ng-include='"contentInBothQuotes.html"'
I just think of angular as an extension of html
Not as a javascript framework
I thought the ' " was a typo in the docs or something and tried to find the problem elsewhere when it didn't work :D
@someDoge Have you tried knockout?
Not yet. Next on the list
<noscript>This site requires JavaScript to work properly. Please use a JavaScript enabled browser to view this site.</noscript>
does that sound good enough?
It has some of the same "inline-scripting" bits; but I think it's neat.
@AwalGarg You should add "By the way, 1995 called and they want their web browser back" to the end.
@AwalGarg s/JavaScript enabled/enable JavaScript in your/
Unless the user is like using cURL or something lol
@Retsam Also call them a neckbeard because only neckbeards use noscript
@Retsam :p
just did an interview, asked the guy to iterate some object properties..
@BenjaminGruenbaum ping?
@SomeKittens BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: Hanukkah
he used $.each :(
it made me sad
moses christ
It's that time of year!
> Why jquery?
> Because its easier
^@sterling if (!mobile) would star
bah humbug.
gubmuh hab.
@someDoge lol
@Loktar did he at least load jquery into his interview? D:
@Loktar he's right for object ITER though
Adblock plus should block jQuery.
Isn't a foreach loop enough to iterate objects?
@AwalGarg This chat uses jQuery.
for..in + hasOwnProperty... Vs $.each
@Retsam bad chat
Or Object.keys().for each...
Object.keys ftw
Arguably, $.each is "easier", than Object.keys(obj).forEach
@SterlingArcher ...arrays?
And better supported
Most of us still support ie8
I might be confusing me loops
Which loops ISNT for iterating an array?
for in or for each?
for in makes sense on objects.
For each isn't a loop
It's forEach
For-of is the ES6 array iteration loop
But I'm on mobile, so auto correct hit me earlier
@Retsam errr you mean generators
Arrays too?
@FlorianMargaine I think he means for of
6 hours ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
IF YOU STAR RANDOM THINGS WE WILL REPORT YOU and we will make them take your hats away.
@9205892 stop it right now
> The for...of statement creates a loop Iterating over iterable objects (including Array, Map, Set, arguments object and so on), invoking a custom iteration hook with statements to be executed for the value of each distinct property.
^bad bad bady guy
@FlorianMargaine Oh god your hat
I love it
for of looks interesting because it works on NodeList too
quick question, anyone know if there are any browsers that support HTML5 media (audio, video) but don't support media.buffered property?
Have we covered that the Winter Bash site is using @Loktar's snow?
@SomeKittens o_O really?
@Terry caniuse can probably tell you
Google's been letting me down on this one.. couldn't really find anything. caniuse, MDN docs, etc. no dice.
!!caniuse audio
@AwalGarg That won't help.
He means the buffered property specifically. MDN says it starts at IE 9, says "yes" for Chrome and 4.0 for FF. "?" for Opera and Safari
@SomeKittens no they arent
mine is based off of theirs
A: Creating Falling Snow using HTML 5 and JS

LoktarGreat question, I actually wrote a snow plugin a while ago that I continually update see it in action. Also a link to the pure js source I noticed you tagged the question html5 and canvas, however you can do it without using either, and just standard elements with images or different background ...

Where do we see these hats people are talking about?
I wrote the snow as an answer to that question
Steam has used my snow :P
and threadless.com
developers can now supply snow to major websites in christmas
wait, this winterbash thing happened last year too?
"Obama enters coding arena, doesn't contribute to snow supply during holiday season."
@AwalGarg at least last year. I forget if we had it the year before, or if it was only unicorns back then.
If only we can harvest all of Loktar's snow for the winter Olympics to happen thrice! :D
Yeah; more curling.
Nobody watches the winter olympics, and it only happens once every 4 years.
but that looks very very beautiful, really
@som yup and thanks. Was hoping that HTML5 media support goes hand in hand with buffered TimRanges always being available but doesn't seem like it. Opera Dev says they returns empty TimeRanges despite spec grumbles
Curling is a pretty interesting sport
It doesn't snow here in Delhi. Hasn't snowed ever :(
It doesn't snow here either
I feel ya bro :/
As a Canadian, snow might be over-rated.
@AwalGarg Well, if you're ever in Indiana, I'll let you shovel my driveway for me, free of charge
@AwalGarg Yes it has :P
As a Brit, four inches of snow and everybody loses their minds!
If you ever come through Minnesota, you can have all the snow you can carry.
@Retsam \o/ thank you!
Which will be very little, because that shit is heavy.
i shoveled about a foot the other day...
That's why nobody likes it. It's a pain to move and there's always too much.
I made my truck tall enough to not need to shovel it. Problem solved!
@ssube but but but.... it is so beautiful and fun to play with!
Last year it was cold enough that we got ~1m over a week or so, which stuck around for almost 6 months.
Snow looks really pretty
(not that I have experienced so... but it looks like that in videos and stuff)
Except everyone else I live with gets pissed because they expect me to take a turn with the snow blower... But I paid for the ability to drive over it so no snow removal chores for me.
?Something strange with chromes array.sort?
@Meredith Not in the city it doesn't.
@user3470815 chrome doesn't belong to you
==> jsfiddle.net/jyqbh2q3/25 working firefox and IE chrome fails
@ssube dont stomp on my buzz
@ssube "nobody watches the winter olympics" "nobody likes snow".
Actually, it is still pretty while it's snowing.
@Retsam can you not ship some snow to me? :P
Once the plows come out, then it gets ugly.
@ssube There we go
ecmascript compare says a<b -1, a> 1 else return 0
@Retsam Ice hockey is the only sport that matters in all the Olympics
You guys would like curling
@KendallFrey False. Curling is also in the Olympics.
There are lots of attractive curlers
@AwalGarg you can come play at my house i.imgur.com/3eL6YbE.jpg
@Meredith Obligatory "hard" joke.
@someDoge drift time!
But no, seriously, curling is awesome. It's probably the most "pure strategic" sport, and one of the most watchable sports I've ever seen.
The other day I was watching on Discovery channel some guy spinning and playing on the snow... my jaw almost dropped seeing him.
@someDoge Do you have snow there now? We have no snow in our yard anymore
@Retsam Yes, well, if I must run the galaxy...
I plan on going to the beach over winter break
@KendallFrey Oh no no that's from last year. Yesterday it was >50F and today I didn't even bring my coat. It's raining.
Yeah, I knew that was an old pic
@user3470815 last winter, I took the E30 out and blew through so many snowbanks, they just turn into a huge cloud. Dat square front <3
@Retsam I dropped one of the... Uhh... Curling thingys. On an ice rink, it broke broke it up good and they were about to start figure skating practice and got pissed
haha its so fun and congrats for having that e30
$('<p/>').html('foo') generates <p>foo</p> ...any alternative way to do this...
@deostroll yes
@AwalGarg youtu.be/wQXy9pXw5tg :D haha sorry I can't help it I'm so anxious for the snow and ice
Curling + hockey = win
@someDoge Ouch. I got hit in the shin by one of the stones once and it hurt for like 2 weeks.
@KendallFrey is that hurling or cockey?
@KendallFrey HOLY SHIT!!!
@someDoge Do you live in siberia?
Or cockey hurling: the greatest slow-motion ice sport you'll ever see.
@Meredith Indiana, USA
Indiana's not even that far north
@KendallFrey That has to be fake.
It's a faaaaaake
that'd break the stick
@TomW I think there are different weights of those things
yep, quite fake
Yeah; or send the person flying back.
between 38 and 44 lbs apparently
and they're solid granite
I'd say it's feasible to get one to leave the ground... Not at that speed lol
According to google, they're between "38 and 44 pounds (17 and 20 kg) "
Those who are using AngularJs in your projects, are you using jQuery (not JQLite) also?
Hi all. How do I correctly test for the existence of "property" with this structure: object.child.property, when I don't know if "child" is defined?
object.child && object.child.property
Is that the only way..? If this was a large object I could have a lot of && clauses..
@AwalGarg haha.. ! :p I'm not alone
@Dan There's something like: github.com/letsgetrandy/brototype I bet there's even a non-joke version, somewhere.
@Dan may be use a try catch block... not sure.
@jAndy xD
OK, then here is a question that I have been struggling with. We use ASP.NET. some devs use a root address on the site like host/Blah and some use host. How can I get the root address for the site without using Razor (the MVC View building engine) to put it in a hidden input and jquery to retrieve it? We are transitioning to Angular, and I am doing my best to remove all jQuery from the pages as I transition them.
@AwalGarg i'm waiting...
I need to look at the markdown cause those were supposed to be addresses....
is it me or chrome sucks?
you suck.
@user3470815 It's you.
@deostroll You can use vanilla js, or use github.com/awalGarg/dommy // note that I made it, and I would recommend you use it carefully. Or write your own helping function, whatever.
good to know
@Retsam "Bro-oleans" - ha. Thanks for the link. I'll run with the &&, && thing for now. I was just wondering if the way some kind of simple solution I didn't know about. Never hurt to ask!
@Dan did you try a try catch block?
@Dan Yeah; generally I find it's better practice to avoid having such deep and mutable objects that the && syntax gets unwieldy, personally.
@AwalGarg Ehh, that's a really ugly use of try-catch, imo; (and probably not terribly performant, either)
@AwalGarg No, not yet. Just wondering how much of this I should re-write. This script has almost completely changed since I decided to "add a little bit to it" this morning.
@Retsam why is it ugly?
@Dan ok.
looks simple to me, try { to access this } catch (e) { looks like property doesn't exist } what am I missing?
@AwalGarg It's always, in my opinion, better to try to avoid writing code where exceptions will be thrown, rather than catching the exception. Exceptions are meant to be used to communicate between separate parts of the code (e.g. from the callee to the caller), not for "I don't know if this property exists"
Tonight, I am going to do, absolutely not a god-damn thing :D
try catch blocks are for dealing with exceptions
you're just avoiding a problem
there's a subtle distinction
For his specific case, it seems fine to me... but I agree that you should avoid such deeply nested properties, to begin with.
@AwalGarg Ehh it would work; but it's not something I'd suggest someone else use.
I read it like... try to see if we can access this, if it is available, it would go fine, else it will throw an exception, and we can catch that, so we know that thing doesn't exist. Happy ending!
Q: Azure Service Bus public endpoints without authorization?

darkyen00Hey I am using Windows Azure Service Bus, but as soon as I try to connect to my end point it says error 401 (which is http unauthorized) and this end point is going to serve a simple web-page on which the rest of application runs. (Basically the endpoint is streaming my screens live video- i did...

this question will cost me rep :-(
@AwalGarg Again, it works; but it's an abuse of what try-catch means.
see already downvoted -_-

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