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I did that experiment with the Angular team once.
We figured doing it magically would be too confusing for other devs anyways - they'd look up stuff online and it wouldn't work
@phenomnomnominal that makes sense
Yeah, we're focussing on developer experience
Is it possible to see if a question has been closed then reopened ?
There's a question I voted to close but I don't see any close vote count. Maybe it's because it's my own question. Can somebody tell me if you see a close vote count ?
Q: Array-like objects and arrays not logged like arrays if the console is closed

dystroySee this jsbin where, to answer another question, I build an array-like object : function myCollection() { var items = [], r = {} function myPush(value){ value += 'bar' r[items.length]=value; items.push(value) } Object.defineProperty(r, "splice", {value:[].splice});...

@rlemon "You are entered into todays draw with 15 other players!" shouldn't it be "You have entered..."?
@FlorianMargaine can you tell me if you see a close vote count on my question ?
@dystroy I don't see it
So this probably means it has been closed then reopened, right ?
uuuh no idea
@Cerbrus you're #2 now...
and far behind #1
I know
That guy has gotten a gold badge
And somehow, my selfie hat isn't arriving...
And he has naruto
@FlorianMargaine Could be either, though the latter implies someone did it for you (not necessarily)
Was that a serious question?
Hm, I also posted my selfie question / answer from the iPhone app, but didn't get "use the app" credit ont SO
@JustSteveKing Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Already read before joining :)
Does anybody have experience using Backbone.js ? I have been suggested it for a web app I am creating - and have never used it (let alone any other JavaScript MVC)
@JustSteveKing I've used backbone a lot
@phenomnomnominal Do you know of any good tutorials etc where I can get to grips with it? I am trying to build something but I need a static object to remain in the DOM :/
@phenomnomnominal Basically an audio player which will remain constant
Hmm, not really off the top of my head. It's not that complex, you'll just need to define your views so that the static one is rendered in one element and everything else is renderered in another
@phenomnomnominal Do you know of any tutorials at all? None specific .. just Backbone related?
@JustSteveKing i learnt it by reading the source, so no sorry I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending one
@phenomnomnominal Darn - I guess I'm not as comfortable with JavaScript as you ;)
isn't backbone source like 500 lines?
Yeah it is
1700 lines
@JustSteveKing maybe start with the source, it's very well documented, and pop back if you have trouble
the event listener is 200 lines
@phenomnomnominal I will have a go! I am just having a look now - trying to understand when do what and where atm. I am more used to creating my own micro plugin to do a job
g'day everybody
@JustSteveKing github.com/jashkenas/backbone/blob/master/backbone.js all you need to read is there
@FlorianMargaine Its worth a go :P
@FlorianMargaine I am more of a PHP developer - learning JavaScript
@JustSteveKing you made a fatal mistake there with @FlorianMargaine you admitted you did PHP
@DrogoNevets I know I know - now I have actually used JavaScript I see what a pig language it can be - but for getting data quickly from my database and outputting as JSON it will do
ig-pay anguage-lay ocument-day.etElementById-gay('id-ay')
@Neil why are you writing JS in pig latin?
@DrogoNevets the real question is why aren't we all!
@DrogoNevets He said that he sees how Javascript is a pig language
@phenomnomnominal because we like readable code?!
Plus I understand that you get a performance boost of 2% if you write it in pig latin
@Neil no, he said php is a pig language after seeing js
@Neil for free?!
@FlorianMargaine At the expense of readability
As usually these things go
meh there is so much unreadable code out there, who cares about readability really?
@FlorianMargaine Misinterpreting things is my specialty (sadly)
@Neil PHP is a pig language :P JavaScript is actually really nice - just trying to get better at it before trying something like Node.js
@JustSteveKing id start client side tbh, far easier to get to grips with IMO
PHP is BASIC for the web
@JustSteveKing Good for you that you see that then :)
@DrogoNevets I have started with jQuery and moved onto others now. Only been using JavaScript properly for about 3-4 months
@rlemon Will the 12days source be made available in the future? There's still this thing: github.com/rlemon/12days
@Neil It has it's uses - if I could connect to MySQL easily with JavaScript I would properly drop PHP
@JustSteveKing It is good to familiarize yourself with jQuery, just don't become dependent on it
@JustSteveKing Who says you couldn't?
@SecondRikudo Wait, wut?
The Node way of connecting to MySQL is only a bit more verbose than the PHP way
Ah, through node
And it's 100 times more powerful
@Neil I am familiar and could do what I need - however when it comes to building a JavaScript application I think it gets in the way more than anything.
Though if you're going to learn how to connect to MySql using node, might as well learn mongoose and No SQL type databases
Is there still someone randomly starring shit in here?
@JustSteveKing jQuery is great when you need cross browser support
I am not a fan of NoSQL - I need my data to be relational
@JustSteveKing He learns quick. :) He'll be after your jobs next, fellas
If you need IE8+ support jQuery is invaluable.
@SecondRikudo That is true
If you don't care for IE10 and below, jQuery is not needed at all.
Anything that jQuery does, native JS and CSS do better.
IE8 is dead for me
TBH what I am building at the moment is primarily for my use - so IE can suck it completely if you ask me
I only acknowledge IE9 and above nowadays
@JustSteveKing Yey, take it as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with things like flexbox, localStorage, even web workers if you need 'em
@SecondRikudo flexbox as in the layout mode? I am familiar with this - just havent used it extensively
localStorage can be very useful indeed
@JustSteveKing Give it a shot, you'll never look back.
Simulate a sophisticated web application and it is (almost) all client-side
And then you'll curse lower IE users for not upgrading because you can't use it for apps that require IE support.
@SecondRikudo I have built a little layout that I frequently use for my personal projects using it - it is quite nice
I haven't honestly needed to use web workers yet
I've used them to experiment with, but I can't really think of a practical use for them
@Neil I honestly don't even know what they are >.<
@JustSteveKing You know what threads are? It's threading for javascript
@JustSteveKing At the very basic level, they're a way to multithread JavaScript.
@Neil Ahh! I get ya :)
@Neil I know, the event loop async model works just fine for almost every conceivable use I've encountered.
@SecondRikudo They designed it well.. you can't create deadlock that way
But I'm sure @BenjaminGruenbaum will come and find us 5 examples where web workers are the only thing that makes sense.
I'm sure. I mean I can imagine that having a canvas renderer would be very useful web worker to have
The only real use case I can imagine is if you have a table array of 100,000 rows, and you want to sort it with some function.
Yeah, that I can see
Otherwise everything would slow down to a crawl
It would still be slow, but you don't want it to freeze the rendering thread.
can i a function call like this ?
dueDateAndInsRoalBack is function in success callback
ajax is async: false
@underscore Yes, sure you can.
ajax function is within the loop
@underscore Yeah, we can read the code :P
you can, I'm not sure it's going to behave as you expect though.
This should work, it won't run concurrently, so it might take a while depending on the size of your data, but it should work.
Any particular reason you don't want it to run async?
no no no wait
But the problem is it's dueDateAndInsRoalBack is not calling
it will work as you expect, since you don't run it async.
don't do that.
you block the browser when you do that
@underscore I it adding entries to the array as expected?
@people who want stars hat: use the sandbox chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/1
it doen't work when async true @FlorianMargaine
Whoever is starring those messages, please stop it.
@SecondRikudo no
@underscore Then it sounds to me like the success: callback isn't being invoked.
what is the reason ?
@underscore I know.
@rlemon Noice, needs moar <title>
@SecondRikudo you there?
@underscore ?
can you check this full code
@underscore That's too long for me to review right now.
If you're looking for a pure code review, try Code Review
(You post working code and they tell you how to improve it)
@SecondRikudo Dankeshön
plz tell me some one...
@Maggi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
that how to add js file in wordpress..
@SecondRikudo WebWorkers make sense
!!> 'wordpress' + 'js file'
@AwalGarg "wordpressjs file"
Not sure if should kick or tell to read the room rules.
me or maggi?
@Neil There are SO many
@AwalGarg Why would I kick you o_0?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did that 'wordpress' + 'js file' thing :(
also, someone blew up the star queue again :(
@AwalGarg Ah, no, I don't think that's very problematic. I don't like people asking questions they did not research without reading the room rules. Especially when they do it using words like plz.
@AwalGarg it's that damn hat.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ahh ok
@BenjaminGruenbaum They do :)
For the star hat, you can go to the transcript and randomly star old messages, they won't appear in the star queue, and you get the hat faster. This is what I did yesterday.
@rlemon your doctype is a proper tag :O
this is probably the first time I am seeing such a thing, could it have a bad effect on the page?
lol it is so badly parsed by chrome
<div id="lights">
    <div class="led"></div>
    <div class="led"></div> ...
should probably be a <ul> :)
Actually probably a <ol> seeing as how they're connected
or they can be canvas, or gif, or js code.... why so much markup? :(
@AwalGarg I think you'll find that's because they're pure CSS
Hello, I don't want to make a question in the forum because I'm lost and don't know where to start programming. I'd like to develop a script to download a torrent file... I'd like to use Python or C++... But can't find any good library, and don't know where to start... Could somebody point me into good direction ??
srry ! Thought that one was empty
@phenomnomnominal lol.
Subtle huh?
@Liarez the C++ room are very nice, if you ask enough times they'll answer.
We're all pretty much noobs here, we don't know how to work with torrents.
@rlemon Nice job on the site dude, I love the snow! :D
@AwalGarg nope.
@AwalGarg too late! EVERYONE CAN SEE
@BenjaminGruenbaum they're actually helpful.
Guys, if a bootstrap modal is being fucking annoying and won't position correctly, should I place the element higher in the DOM or override the CSS?
@Sippy depends why it wont shift position
bootstrap is pretty solid framework, so its likely a mistake you have made rather then them
@DrogoNevets Yeah it's in a parent div, and because of that, the modal renders way off the top of the screen which is just irritating.
@Sippy then move the modal, i tend to put all those kind of things at the upper most parent of the thing it might be related to
does firefox have a problem with .setAttribute ?
As its working fine on IE
but showing undefined on Firefox
@Chets if it is working on IE but not on FF, then your code is wrong.
@FlorianMargaine that's what I said
!!MDN setAttribute
@BenjaminGruenbaum come on, that was sarcasm
surely you jest.
@DrogoNevets Yeah I figured, thanks
I mean is there any other option which works on all the browsers?
what should i use insted of .setAttribute to work in all the browsers?
@BenjaminGruenbaum my new phone is here :D
@SecondRikudo what phone is it?
OnePlus One
Is it an iPhone or a horrible barely functioning phone that is inherently poor?
Oh cool ^_^ congrats.
I should totally kick you
How are you enjoying it?
(I knew it was a OnePlus One)
It's pretty sweet
It's probably not made of cheese, unlike the iPhone 6, so it's got that going for it
Ginormous screen, makes my Galaxy S3 look tiny
Battery life seems good too
That's important
@SecondRikudo \o/ pics or it didn't happen :D
@AwalGarg Will have to get another camera first XD
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have it for less than 24 hours now, so I can't really judge yet.
But will it blend?
@SecondRikudo dat teeny tiny galaxy s3 might have its last chance to take a pic :D
The trip home on the bus would serve a good indicator. Lots of changing antennas and signal finding, should make a good stress checking on the battery.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It probably will.
@SecondRikudo Proof, please.
@SomeGuy No.
@BenjaminGruenbaum for some reason, I read it as "bend" at first xD
@SecondRikudo ahaha
@BenjaminGruenbaum read the alt XD
@SecondRikudo headdesk
@SecondRikudo @AwalGarg Indian Academia : I don't get it, Can we advertise this and lure more students ?
does iphone 6 still have the Beckham syndrome?
@argentum47 no
nothing is funny anymore :(
@darkyen00 And also double the school fees :P
@AwalGarg oh yeah.
Right this moment I am making my teachers thesis for M.Tech -_-
Wait, why did I just CV that...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why not?
@GeorgeGarchagudashvili stop starring random things
@SecondRikudo Why does it have 7 upvotes?
I already flagged the ridiculously obvious sockpuppeting
Kill the crap question.
WTB CV permissions
IF YOU STAR RANDOM THINGS WE WILL REPORT YOU and we will make them take your hats away.
Also your first born.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ALL YOUR HATS AWAY!
Starring: For stuff that's funny, or does it have to be more relevant than that?
Including the ones of those who haven't taken a bath for half a month, and they are stinking atm
hi sis
@TomW The star sidebar to the right should include the gist of the conversation, important, notable, funny messages are all acceptable for starring
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm just going to kick them indiscriminately from now on.
@SecondRikudo You can only kick people who have spoken.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, but they usually speak too for some reason.
@BenjaminGruenbaum not really
Q: The Sumo Judge hat is disruptive

tereskoCould the responsible person(s) remove the Sumo Judge hat from the list? Or is this intentional and the SE leadership wants the regulars to stop using chat? This hat is causing a starfest in various chat rooms.

That star bug still hasn't been fixed
@SecondRikudo which reminds me of what happened yesterday in the ink spot room :p
@darkyen00 Star bug?
@FlorianMargaine I didn't ask that they remove the hat - I'm going to report individuals.
@AwalGarg Yeah, but we all agreed to make the room into a star farm.
No one was disrupted
"we will make them take your hats away" means "ask that they remove the hat" to me.
Same message 2 different states
haha I loled so much at you pinning the message "POST SO THAT WE CAN STAR YOU", roflmao!
@FlorianMargaine maybe I should have italicized your.
is it possible
My major project report was submitted with screenshots of my browser and I forgot to close the porn tab before taking screenshots. I guess that makes it certified as made by me.
@SecondRikudo boom headshot
@codemania Everything is possible.
@SecondRikudo: yeah
@darkyen00 Haaaaaahahahahaha
This question was removed from Stack Overflow for reasons of moderation.
This should be
This question was removed from Stack Overflow for reasons.
or rather, in this santa season.
We don't want you in list of bad children, hence removed !
@darkyen00 what is the star bug?
@christiansr85 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@christiansr85 stop starring those messages.
@SecondRikudo thanks for kicking him
And if he joins I kick him again
Also, it is VVK
@VVK stop starring you too
@SecondRikudo user VVK, he starred a lot of crap
Can't kick someone who hasn't spoken.
@VVK speak
Jul 1 at 4:21, by VVK
hi there!
here are the tinker bells spreading stars in echange for silly hats
would that not work?
what is this new thing?
Do you notice the links ? Maybe they explain things...
@argentum47 It is a bug
@argentum47 Browser (couldn't resist, sorry)
@argentum47 It's a silly hat winter special store. Win hats just like you do with badges. Just complete the stated requirements. You can place the hats on top of your profile pic after you earn them.
There should be a hat for an unexpected helpful comment
@Neil A browser is a bug.
ah I c. I would be happier if they gave me a real one
user image
I think Don Hertzfeldt gave the best explanation before it even happened ...
Q: Extend room owner kicking capabilities

Second RikudoI think that the (relatively) new room owner kicking capabilities are an invaluable moderation tool to replace flagging rings in most cases. The current limitations say that a room owner cannot kick another user unless that user has spoken recently in the room. I would like to extend the limitat...

on somebody
Thanks for that
@SecondRikudo Why do you add "while being in the room." on your bulleted points ?
@dystroy Because you can star messages from the transcript without being in the room.
And don't you want to be able to kick in that case ?
@dystroy How do you kick someone who was never in the room to begin with?
by asking him to get out
@SecondRikudo da absolute fuck with the user?
and there is another way
@SecondRikudo I don't even know how to kick (and I'm probably not allowed to). I still don't see why this precision is necessary. But that's a detail.
downvote the user until he has 18 reps. He can't be in the chat unless there is 20 rep
@argentum47 I don't know if that prevents you from starring.
@dystroy User menu, kick-mute this user
@AwalGarg Can you come and play a few games in the TWC ? Currently only 3 users have played enough games and I'd like to have more users in the rankings at the end
@dystroy sure... but I won't win :( ask darkyen to come and play too so that I get a chance of winning :D
I'll ask @darkyen00 too if I catch him
The fun is in the participation, not in winning
@AwalGarg whatsup with the profile picture. once there is a red label then there is an yellow label
@argentum47 hats (t-shirts)
@AwalGarg ok thanks bro
@SecondRikudo Why? We can see who starred things technically too, no?
@AwalGarg No, that exploit was fixed.
@SecondRikudo not for me, I can see it.
@AwalGarg Eh?
How are you seeing it?
@SecondRikudo clear some stars or kick or star whatever, and don't tell me. Then I will tell you.
@SecondRikudo I keep the dev tools open
and record all json data in localstorage
@dystroy starred my message
yeah, I confirm, that was a test
You review the WebSocket stream?
@SecondRikudo yeah
There was another way ? I only knew this one
It means that the exploit was still not removed.
@dystroy That specific exploit was removed at least 3 times.
badly removed, then...
For having implemented a websocket based message voting scheme I know it's hard to do it really anonymously and fast enough
There is not much merit in keeping the anonymity, either.
@AwalGarg My badge is better than yours :D
@Sippy I have yours too :D
what's the name for animating a series of elements serially and in sequence?

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