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maybe a bit complicated for him
using is forced RAII
@JanDvorak -1 didn't regex with grammar in mind >=(
Also, someone commented on said bad answer, I can see the notification but can't load the comment. Someone post here plz?
@FlorianMargaine also it's not even RAII, it's just block scope
oh perfect! I can set the route only for NODE_ENV === 'development" and use it.. thanks — Agzam 2 mins ago
Florian beat me
@SomeKittensUx2666 ^
wait, let me quote that too
@BartekBanachewicz oooohh
app.get('/thisShouldBeLongAndComplicated', process.exit);
wouldn't that work too @SomeKittensUx2666 ?
@RUJordan now just place "connect" in constructor and "disconnect/close connection" in destructor. Makes sense? :)
Sorta kinda, I gotta translate that to Python but I'm picking up. That last example was a lot clearer
@FlorianMargaine Yep, I'm typically a little more verbose in answers to avoid confusion
Also, Wheatly has just discovered how to find your Facebook profile from StackOverflow. (if you signed in with Facebook)
on its own?
quite a good AI
i am trying to drag and drop
supposedly this works in IE (11)
but it don't seem like it - can someone take a look at that fiddle and tweak it for IE use?
@FlorianMargaine Wheatly is the nickname for my cofounder, who's about the same level as said AI
ah - i fixed it.
guys, I could really use some help with that
Wheatly isn't his real name? :(
is there anyone that would point me in the right direction of debugging use of a javascript library?
I did everything according to the tutorial
@BartekBanachewicz minified?
hm, trolling?
@FlorianMargaine no, I have a dev build
@RUJordan Nope.
@BartekBanachewicz did you use the debugger?
you know that chrome has one of the best debuggers right? :P
@FlorianMargaine Stepping in the source code of said library verifies that indeed it delivered an empty content, which was supposed to be my module code delivered asynchronously. It's es6-module-loader
dunno what kind of help you're looking for
@SecondRikudo Elfen Lied was mortifying
@Zirak It still is. No spoilers please
@BartekBanachewicz code?
asynchronous stuff is hard to debug :/
Made the mistake of starting to watch it at around midnight. Couldn't stop watching. Arose in 7 am a shamble
@SecondRikudo Which episode you at?
@Zirak just like the night you discovered internet porn?
@Zirak Currently at 5
@RUJordan What's internet porn?
@RUJordan this night is still going since a few years
@SecondRikudo Oh yeah is it the one where people die? :P
Last episode #7 was killed.
@Zirak I don't think there's an episode where no one dies really
@FlorianMargaine it's exactly like in tutorial in HTML, traceur.js followed by es6-module-loader.js. Then I have <script type="module"... with a trivial class to load, directly in the file with export clause
is Elfen Lied like battle royale?
..odd. I lost four upvotes in (and thus my silver badge), but I can only find two downvotes in recent history.
It's like an endless stream of death aimed directly at your soul
at least allow me to treat you as a rubber duck
@BartekBanachewicz it may be a simple typo, it's why I'm asking for code
@BartekBanachewicz sure, please do
@SomeKittensUx2666 silver badge? oh dear
He likes it when you treat him like a duck
@FlorianMargaine I'll prepare an SSCCE and see if it persists.
I didn't know one could lose badges
@SomeKittensUx2666 Hahaha that sucks
@FlorianMargaine More like Happy Tree Friends without the cuddly little animals or the humor.
Also, just told Wheatly to cool it with the scraping. He said "Oh, I adjusted my script, it must be someone else in the building"
In other news, all hope for humanity lost again.
BTW, out of curiosity
if you use invalid HTML, does the standard define browser behaviour as undefined?
hm, no
it doesn't say anything
so technically if I forgot <title> everything could happen?
(that's how it is in C++, basically)
yep, the computer could kill your cat
Well, it's still valid html, just not a valid html document
if (!title) {
  exec('sudo rm -rf /');
@Zirak now you got me confused.
that said, you know how most browsers behave on UB (like you know how most compilers behave on such or such UB)
oh but of course.
<p>blah</p> is valid html, but you can't put it in an html file and call it a valid html document
Or page or whatever
Just like int foo; is valid Java, but just putting it in a java file will make everything yell at you
except your computer
your computer won't yell at you for not having a valid java program
There is something defined as "quirks mode"
If you're really interested and have some sanity to spare, you can look at the official parsing spec: whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/…
Most stuff throw a ParseError, but nobody cares
@FlorianMargaine still persists
@Zirak heh
Making a browser is hell
The public identifier starts with: "-//WebTechs//DTD Mozilla HTML 2.0//"
@Zirak you could only support HTML5, that would ease it a bit.
@Zirak jQuery makes a wicked browser I hear
Yeah, everyone also ignores the doctype
But I think IE treats an html 3 doctype as quirks mode
HTML 3? What is that?
What came before html 4.01
I found one website which used that doctype
@Zirak well it explicitely states "Parse error. Ignore the tag" numerous times.
was it using framesets or font tags as well?
@Zirak was it North Korea's .gov pages?
<font color= was the thing
also high school for me
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah but that's not an option if you want to be a major browser. Government websites, like mentioned above, are still stuck in 1997, and a lot of websites are just written horribly
It's nice for an exercise, but not for a product
then again why would you want to write a browser from scratch
@BartekBanachewicz exercise
to support <script type="text/haskell"> I guess
@BartekBanachewicz You learn a lot
And you can do all kinds of shit, like yeah, supporting haskell scripts.
I made a few HTTP requests by hand recently; does that count?
Just by writing an http browser I learned all kinds of crap about networks and so
@BartekBanachewicz but you had a tool that crafted the TCP packets for you, didn't you
Man, I had to actually write an http packet a few times...every single byte. With the lower layers, TCP/IP and ethernet...
@JanDvorak telnet :F
but I can write a telnet client, seriously.
@BartekBanachewicz so, yeah... you didn't have to care about TCP
@Zirak wait you filled TCP frames by hand?
that's pretty hardcore okay
@BartekBanachewicz using TCP drivers, or IP drivers?
Protip: Don't mess with Chinese cameras. The place I used to work for dealt with cameras, and one of them was just insane
I couldn't get it to talk
@JanDvorak every OS and friends has sockets that have TCP
Only by using their weirdo product
@Zirak did you have to craft the physical layer as well? As in, flipping a lever at insane speeds?
Mind you, this was on-site, so I didn't have nice tools...had to write a few packets. Hell.
@JanDvorak Totally bro.
I plugged in the ethernet cable into my right ear
!!undo 16573552
Used my vocal cords as a NIC
eh, I find myself as this guy often enough
that being said
my code still doesn't work
@Zirak Nobody is muted
!!mute zirak
@SomeKittensUx2666 Please give mute duration, see /help mute
Sorry, I just need to test this for a second
beer!mute 1337 1m
@Zirak Muted user 1337 for 1m
Aaannndd it thought we were in gallery...
@Zirak we are
Does python accept import wildcards like Java?
for instance
from flask import Flask
from flask import render_template
Could just be
from flask import *
qualify imports
Well here we go again
you can write that in python but don't
What do you mean qualify imports?
say what you want from modules explicitely
Otherwise I'm just bloating my app?
> It borrows syntax from Python that many Python users do not even recommend using. The import * from mod syntax is dated and highly contentious in the Python community (as is import com.foo.* in Java), because it is a recipe for name collisions. Learning from real implementations is winful; but we should be avoiding their mistakes, not copying them.
that, incidentally, was an article about ES6 modules I was reading
@Zirak That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: mute
@Zirak Nobody is muted
beer!mute 1337 1h
BTW does the bot give new users write access automatically?
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@Zirak Muted user 1337 for 1h
!!s/BOOM/and BOOM goes the dynamite/
beer!unmute 1337
@RUJordan and BOOM goes the dynamite (source)
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
Now let's see if it unlocks automagically
beer!mute 1337 1m
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@Zirak Muted user 1337 for 1m
...why did it decide to not unlock!?
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
Q: Cache result of parse.com promise in angular app

someShmuckI'd like my objects to cache the result of some network requests and answer the cached value instead of doing a new request. This answer here done using angular promises looks a lot like what I'm going for, but I'm not sure how to express it using the Parse.com promise library. Here's what I'm ...

in other news
Your mom is an unsupported java version...
my encrypted VPN is fast enough for gaming
Trying out HTTPSwitchboard for the performance. Anyone tried it?
It's not making me happy so far.
And it killed all my login sessions! Nuked.
Looks meh
That was fast.
It's supposedly much faster than ABP
And technically speaking, if nothing is loaded, it's much faster
None of my minifiers are working >:(
Someone's browsing the same websites as SomeKittens: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/16570978#16570978

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