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@BenBartle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Count pending $q promises in angularjs

iljI'm working on a complex angularjs app. Complex meaning single view can have several different data sources being queried from different places of the code, e.g. page-part controller or directive controller. Sometimes some of these requests can take longer time to resolve, thus leaving the view i...

@SomeKittens Yup.
keen to listen about terribly weird js behaviour in FF?
@Connor Thanks man. :D
@yeerk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
guys please have a look to this
Q: How to set default time and minute

JqueryLearnerIn this fiddle inside the view appointments tab,there is add timing button.When I click on the button then a new row gets added.Now when I click on the calender icon then a pop comes up which shows the current hour and minutes.But I want it to show 00:00.Can any body please tell me how to do? I...

any reason why I wouldnt be able to make a new instance of an object in my code? but i could do it just fine in my console?
'make a new instance'
explain yourself
one sec - am fiddlin
@SomeKittensUx2666 ok i have this constructor jsfiddle.net/bubbas/N39zS
and then i want to pass some data into it from an ajax response
so i am doing var p = new Photos(PList); in that response
but i always get an error of "Type error: object is not a function"
Any Rubik's Cube aficionados around?
but - if i manually type "var p = new Photos(PList);" into my console after the ajax response everything works as planned
@monners no but i saw that on google's page
"var p = new Photos(PList);" only works if i type it in the console after my AJAX
but it gives me error when i put it in my code
@Bubbas Are you trying to interact with the data returned from the AJAX request?
@monners the google thing is pretty sweet aye?
And is var p ... running on document.ready?
ive tried it with and without
but, yea
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, trying to con a friend of mine (who does rubiks) into solving it and telling me what happens :P
@Bubbas well thar's yur problem
haha yeah definitely worth finding out
@monners go on...
You're trying to interact with content that doesn't exist at the time the function is originally called. Hence it working from the console but not at run time
You gotsta put that shiz in a success callback or something similar that'll trigger after your AJAX request has completed
yes ive done that too
its all in here:
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
		if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
			if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
Sorry, I don't read Greek
Woah, Miaou supports video/audio chats now? Holy...
@SomeKittensUx2666 Sorry, I don't read Geek (source)
@monners @SomeKittensUx2666 Sorry, I don't read Wang (source) (source)
Q: Angular JS: Fetching the data from server before the view has been shown to the user

Kamran AhmedMy config looks like the following: app.config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider ... .when('/project/:slug', { templateUrl: 'partials/plaintasks-part.php', controller: 'ProjectCtrl', resolve : { projectDetail : Proj...

@Dnyanesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> Math.random();
@monners 0.2484136424690816
I knew it!
@zerkms Ok… Tho I'm a bit late.
!!Pizza or Alcohol
@monners Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: gives you pizza! <>http://lorempizza.com/$1/$2#.png
!!"pizza" or "alcohol"
@monners "alcohol"
Yep. Good idea.
@abdul Hi.
@bjb568 0.05924562597104255
"alcohol" being in quotation marks, I think I'd clarify first
Is it just me, or do the random numbers get smaller every time?
If some redneck with a slack jaw said it was time to drink "alcohol", I would be a little cautious
Rightly so.
@Neil Whad yoo tryin'a say, boy?
Good morning.
@Duikboot Hi.
@bjb568 0.6320753318748668
Oh, that's better.
I have a small question. Has anyone implemented yet with the net Twitter API a 'latest tweet' post for a website? ( The host is using no PHP ). I am readying the docs but I have not yet found how to render my latest tweet wihout PHP.
who turned SO off on friday then?
Q: What happens when you plug a UPS into itself?

Tim PostUPSey daisy; so we had a little ... incident ... Pretty sure that has power. We're past that now, and things are returning to normal. It's only appropriate that we take a moment to think about the folks that got pulled out of bed and worked their knuckles to the bone to get things back up and...

@link Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
if only i could be bothered to draw a picture!
did we all have good weekends?
There are roughly 7 billion people on this planet. What makes you think there is a possibility that every single one of us had a good weekend?
@DrogoNevets Yup. Except for the ones who didn't.
!! define good
@KarelG [good](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=4562) (of people)
Acting in the interest of good; ethical.
good intentions
1891, Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Ch. 6
When we are happy, we are always good, but when we are good, we are not always happy.

Competent or talented.
a good swimmer
Robert South (1634–1716)
Those are generally good at flattering who are good for nothing else.

1922, Michael Arlen, chapter 3/19/2, “Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days:
Ivor had acquired more than a mile of fishing rights with the house ; he was not at all a good fisherman, but o
So i got a competent weekend ? maybe
thats positive of you
good is better than mine where i attended a funeral, had a huge argument with the mrs....sunday was good though, and we kissed and made up
So the accumulation of actions and intentions over this weekend have not been one of the reflections of following the moral compass that is what it means to be "good"?
@HowlinWulf Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bjb568 "No"
@Neil dafuq?! it 08.43 in the mornign and my coffee hasnt arrived yet! lol
@DrogoNevets Just being a conehead I guess
Too early for that?
@Neil way too early! needs another 3 hours at least!
i only woke up 2 hours ago
I became an uncle
so yeah, had a good week end
@FlorianMargaine awesome! congrats dude!
Weekend, one word. But congratulations :)
@FlorianMargaine give it a year or 2 and you can "Borrow" your neice/nephew and go see all those kiddie films you want to see, but dont want to look like a nonce at the cinema
@DrogoNevets hm, yeah, sure.
@FlorianMargaine no seriously, can you imagine me, a nearly 30 year old sat in the cinema watching "the lego movie" with out having a small child in tow, it would look a little weird!
@FlorianMargaine Congrats :)
Mark my words, one day you'll sneeze and your niece/nephew will have a girlfriend in highschool
Sneeze again, and he'll be married and having his first child
@Neil lol
at least sneezes last longer than blinks!
I'm not that old, but my nephew is now a lanky teenager and it feels so weird
@Neil just sneezed, nephew's still a baby
Sneeze lasts 1.5s. Blink lasts 0.3s. (just looked it up)
@FlorianMargaine Bet you didn't even check ;)
guys, I need your help in trying to explain why js and FF behave in the way it behave. An important note: I'm not crazy and what I will explain actually happens
getElementsByClassName is this supported generally on mobiles? MDN has no data
I have an application that has 2 intervals: 1st is an application session expiration polling. Which just requests some endpoint and if there is "session expired" response - then it just displays a "modal" popup with a single button which forwards user to a logout page. The button handler is a trivial one liner window.location = '/logout';
The second polling interval fetches data and updates the page dynamically
@DrogoNevets Yes, it's supported.
the issue - sometimes in FF user is forwarded not to /logout endpoint but to the data endpoint
@bjb568 woohoo!
HOW is it possible?!
@zerkms Maybe the little spidermonkeys in spidermonkey aren't payed enough.
@bjb568 ?
how to pay them enough so that the behaviour was consistent (and expected)?
Try going inside and negotiating.
that was useful indeed
@RyanKinal wuuutt is gorgeous ?
Maybe the monkey-masters can help. File a bug report, and it should get thru middle-management in less than 10 years.
@zerkms depends of your logic
@KarelG could you please elaborate that?
There is no any logic there - the button handler is a single line function window.location = ...
ok ok even if I don't drink, I have to admit that ad is pretty awesome :P
And the destination is a hardcoded string literal
@jAndy hate that advert
@BenjaminGruenbaum looks like retardness of the type system no less, though I am not sure; TBF I never got to fiddle with TS generics
and while we're talking about languages that compile to JS, Roy really looks cool
haha c'mon, the guy is just cool
I probably said that already but who cares.
@jAndy but when it comes on tv half way through your evening meal, its just not cricket!
Hi guys!
@BartekBanachewicz k
Is there a mod here to determine if a question can be reopened?
@İnekŞaban users can reopen a question.
Also, 3 morning promise questions lol
@İnekŞaban we reopen questions
Ah, ok thank you for the info :)
I just edited a question which had zero details, code and breathed of laziness. Hope the change I made is for the better
Q: Please help to write JavaScript to store content of multiple text box into a single textbox

user3647503I wrote HTML code, and there are 3 textboxes. I want to make the 1st and 2nd textboxes editable, making so that an user can enter any thing. After clicking the Apply button, I want to store the content of the 1st and 2nd text box in the 3rd textbox, and it should not be editable. The structur...

@İnekŞaban title is still horrible
@BenjaminGruenbaum LOL didn't even think to look at the title haha
@İnekŞaban it's not a mere breath of laziness, the OP didn't literally do anything to solve his problem
@İnekŞaban imo don't waste time on it
@BartekBanachewicz I see that :/
OP is new, his other question is equally horrible
and he didn't reply or accept there either
Ah, it's the same type of user I had to do with the other day then...
also, first downvote of the day, woohoo
A: Please help me to write java script for the below code. ie i want to display dropdown value in the input text box

Adam TalIt seems you're new to javascript. I'd suggest you to check out jQuery for such DOM manipulations so you're life will be easier. In jQuery you can do something like this: $('#unit').change(function() { $('#apply').val($(this).val()); });

ooh, @Zirak - your favorite HTML strings thingies stackoverflow.com/q/23711144/1348195
Most questions could be resolved by a quick search on Google, or failing that, a bit of brain-power
"I'm feeling lucky" the question title.
It should be part of the asking process.
Is it appropriate to use an <aside> for an alert pop-out?
@bjb568 A great idea :P
@phenomnomnominal it's not very semantic, but why?
when people is posting a question, there should be a how-to-ask guide. But eh, nobody reads that :|
Maybe as a direct link somewhere in the asking form..
the problem is that Stackoverflow has little and no interest in changing it the way it is
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm looking for the most semantic :P
What would you suggest?
@phenomnomnominal well SO says <aside> but I don't like it :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum :P
Oh wait, what's wrong with a <dialog> ?
> The dialog element represents a part of an application that a user interacts with to perform a task, for example a dialog box, inspector, or window.
@bjb568 ergh aria tags!
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh yeah, that's good as
@İnekŞaban I was recently jumped at because I suggested googling to someone
@bjb568 wth are you talking about?
@KarelG There should be a script that checks that you indeed visited Google before asking :D
It seems @BartekBanachewicz is using google before try stackoverflow in poland. But I am not and i've found so many useful answers from stackoverflow rather than googling as it is a trusted source. So i mean stackoverflow is a trusted source in UK apart from rude answers some of its reputed members. — codeRavi 18 hours ago
I mean trusted source my ass.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah. That's why I try to leave that suggestion at last
@BenjaminGruenbaum interesting
@BenjaminGruenbaum <div id="thing" role="dialog" hidden></div> <button onclick="document.getElementById('thing').hidden = false">Unhide</button>
@BartekBanachewicz Not really, HTML is really boring.
Stack Overflow is a trusted source yes, not a debugging crowdsourcing or a 24/24 help line
@bjb568 really tempted with that m.stupid diagram now.
@İnekŞaban hehe
is role a standard property?
@BartekBanachewicz it's for accessibility and device adaption
hm, so <dialog> would be better anyway in this case.
(which is not at all what Craig was asking about)
yeah I want semantic goodness.
Interesting! Dropped from HTML5, back in in 5.01
(which is pretty much masturbating, but I do it too)
(semantic html that is)
@BartekBanachewicz eh, googling is better because the SO search is not so accurate
or am i misunderstanding what the other has said ?
@KarelG I have no idea what he meant.
@bjb568 don't flag it...
That's not what flags are for at all..
It's NAA.
(not the flag, the concept)
It's an attempt to answer the question, even if an extremely poor one at that.
You know what, maybe you're right.
@BenjaminGruenbaum extremely!
It's crap that you can call an "attempt" to answer every JS question. And more.
I can see how that'd be a comment instead.
Just downvote it to -2 and then delete vote it though.
Also, you stole my about me :(
haha :D
@Feeds why is that starred?
Oh, I didn't notice others had the same. :D
I've had mine since day one, but I'm switching it when the new profile page kicks in
(fished up in the SO question here above )
Actually, it happens pretty much every day.
I would not bet on it (that its real)
I think, if a question is tagged with JQuery answer with JQuery, otherwise don't make assumptions for the asker and answer with the friggin Javascript
I hate the first week after a password change!
Use lastpass.
@bjb568 doesnt work when its your NT login :P
@DrogoNevets I change passwords every week, and use two phase authentication.
It gets easy to remember new passwords if you change them often.
@DrogoNevets Stickynote on forehead. It works :P
dear God.. some people have no concept of paragraphs...
Anyway, G'Night all.
@bjb568 Good night :)
*closes thousands of tabs*
Ok, bai.
@bjb568 right click "close others"
Q: Code coverage for node.js project using Q promises

DamianI'm currently working on a node.js project. We use Q library for promises (https://github.com/kriskowal/q). We are using mocha for tests and code-coverage provided with grunt tasks (https://github.com/pghalliday/grunt-mocha-test) which uses blanket.js for coverage and travis-cov reporter for as...

@Benjamin Oh lord
Right click on any tab - Close Other Tabs in Firefox
fuck firefox
it's communist dictatorship in a nutshell, basically
@Numm3n Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
also it will make your yoghurt age faster
@BartekBanachewicz The browser?
@İnekŞaban yep
refer to the countless "Mozilla accepts DRM we're doomed" posts.
I'd bet Chromium is more communist then :P
Oh, I think there will be someone who revers-engineer it (wait..it's Open Source) and create a "DRM-less" browser or whatever
Ugh.. it's already in there...
Ins doesn't work in MS word... bit silly
i couldn't get what javascriptobfuscator.com
this website does
Any idea ?
turning chars in hex codes
what is \x48\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F\x20\x57\x6F\x72\x6C\x64\x21","\x0A","\x4F\x4B
okso it replaces string with equivalnet hex code ?
I lost the game
well played @MADTerry
@jAndy I din't played anything .
Is there any good obfuscator ?
!!afk class
Does JS have something like ...Native code ?
why would you do obfuckiscating ?
to hake it hard for user to know what it does
@MADTerry Commercial script?
Nothing like that
@Happy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
jsut for curiosity
jsut -> just
Common users don't actually inspect Javascript code to see what it does, but any determined user would be able to decode it anyway, given a specified amount of time

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