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Ah nice. You're good. Maybe she doesn't need it? I thought you needed 3K
Yep,, it's 1k+, bot's got access
I just need to get off my lazy ass and do it
Oh. I can do it so she must be able to lol
So hey, Grooveshark called me last Tuesday. We talked. They said they'd call me Friday for another interview and if that went good, a real interview in FL.
So I coordinate my lunch to the time they wanted to call Friday. Now it's Monday and I've had no call.
@Zirak ^ Sorta nice. Sorta not?
When you get in there, implement reverse-add-from-recent
@Jhawins Less nice
Anyway. Do I call them today? Do I assume they've filled the position? They use jobvite and they actually seem to use the status'. Mine is still "in progress" whereas usually I would have received a "You were not selected" letter or a notification from jobvite when they've filled the position.
So I mean, really what can I lose if I call them today?
well, guess I gtg, best of luck with the canonical stuff/close-voting/everything else guys :P
Thank you for the non-input. I am going to call them on lunch. // Decided myself haha
You're welcome
@Loktar I always ask you these questions because you are secretly a gettin' hired expert
I mean. You have a fucking occulus rift and an Omni. You must know whether or not gs wants me to call them today
How about @SomeKittens? @BenjaminGruenbaum?
Kittens will be on any minute. It's ~9:06 for him
@Benjamin might troll me but it's worth a shot
@BenjaminGruenbaum See above conversation
@Jhawins practice.
@Zirak o/
Call Gshark after 2 business days from when they scheduled to call me and I just never heard anything, or don't call.
Alright I'm heading off. Catch you guys later
It is fine to call them two days after @Jhawins just be polite and professional about it.
!!afk beer
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm. I will practice calling them on rlemon
!!afk Heading off
What are your thoughts about url structure? Would you like to browse a website made of a uuid like: post/34454737657453323/this-is-a-post or an increment id: post/3/this-is-a-post ?
so i am having a problem initializing an object from a constructor class. Is there anything blatantly wrong with my constructor class? jsfiddle.net/bubbas/N39zS
Im trying to change my mind and switch over to NoSQL.. But that uuid thing really bugs me
@Bubbas define "having a problem"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cool. That sounds like a plan.
@Jhawins BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer
@CapricaSix Thank you so much
@İnekŞaban what is the problem with having auto-increment ids in no-sql database again?
@BartekBanachewicz They're a pain in the ass to manage in a distributed environment
I have some dynamically created html/data generated in the reponse of my AJAX request. I want to initialize a new object with the newly received data from the AJAX request each time it gets received. I have tried initializing the object in the ajax callback (this is also where i generate the HTML and append it and refresh it's appended target).

My quess so far is initializing the object in the AJAX callback is wrong because it still isnt "after" the new HTML/data actually gets injected into the DOM. The error I receive is "TypeError: Object is not a function"
while we're at it
how can I import everything from an ES6 module
If you see the first example as ugly I'll find a way to work with inc ids
@Bubbas the error is a meaningless piece of shit rooted in the very intensites of js being terrible
that's for one
yea i figured that
horrible error that tells me nothing haha
do you have a call stack for that?
can you unwind and see what's around?
@BartekBanachewicz with code.
you know I was for real
Traceur example shows infamous import Profile.{firstName, lastName, year};
but this whole module syntax is extremely unintuitive to me
@JoshNoe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
In angularJS when writing a custom directive for let's say a menu with collapsing items what is the best way to keep track of the currently open menu item so I can then close it before opening the next item? At the moment I just keep track of the open menu item in a JS variable which is created in the directive function but before the directive object is returned. Could using a data- attribute be better or even using the controller to keep track of currently open menu item?
@BartekBanachewicz why are you doing modules again?
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait why is that a question?
I know I could store another document in the db that just contains the sequence value, fetch the current value from it, increment and save it. But if the former example is ok I'd rather avoid doing that ;)
@David a scope variable.
why shouldn't I use them?
@BartekBanachewicz ES6 modules, I assume import * doesn't work.
are they broken even before they are released?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've no idea how to express import* in that syntax
No, they just aren't released yet, they're not as ready as promises or generators as ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum You mean a scope variable isolated from the controller or?
Just like that.. although I'm not sure it's allowed, some people were very vocal against it for good reasons.
It pollutes the namespace.
> undefined:2:8: 'string literal' expected
@David I mean a controller variable that you pass to a directive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I had very good hopes up on ES next, and apparently it's no less fucked that the previous versions
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok thanks.
@BartekBanachewicz not sure what that's about... but ok
Why are you importing a whole module into the global namespace? That's horrible practice in languages with native modules anyway.
Awesome. Chrome is back to not letting me use the fucking sources panel
Which is totes non-vital
@BenjaminGruenbaum okey, let me import everything into my object of choice then
@BartekBanachewicz just like you wouldn't use a whole namespace in C++ with using namespace, or from x import * in Python
I can't do that either
import utils into utils;
sure you can, that's import as
@Jhawins is that a known bug??
import "utils" as utils;
^ that should work @BartekBanachewicz
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, js really stinks. Isn't it great?
> undefined:2:16: Semi-colon expected
@kmoe It is for me. I also get ~2 updates before I start getting errors updating and just have to remove every trace of Chrome and re-download.
maybe that's just traceur sucking
Are you on the newest build @BartekBanachewicz ?
@Zirak of course it's not.
Ah, that's where we disagree then
And I can almost never actually live-edit sources. (Yes I know you can't edit inline sources, but I'm unable to edit any)
@BenjaminGruenbaum from like a month or something
@Jhawins interesting, I ask because I have the same thing but only on my work pc, despite same build of Chrome
> Modules are not ready to use yet in Traceur, but they are partially implemented.
@Zirak do you think that JS sucking will stem what "the birth and death of js" proclaimed?
Use square or something.
@BenjaminGruenbaum for god's sake
@kmoe I'm on my OSX machine at my office where I have all the problems. Other machines work just fine haha
@BartekBanachewicz Nope!
@Zirak sooo....?
I'm having other problems too. So I'm just going to reinstall this Mac from scratch. It just is a hassle because I have 3OS on here and the OSX installers are evil and like to destroy everything
it's same as yours oops — Esailija 44 secs ago
It sucks. It won't magically stop sucking overnight.
Either it's drastically changed or replaced altogether.
Slow evolution will be painful as heck.
Gee.. if only the people actually writing web would feel the same way as the ones who don't about JS. Then the people not using the technology could finally be in change of the technology.
I found my lol for the day
why 2chainz lookin like the hardest level in candy crush http://t.co/QBDy4igpip” #AMAs
@BenjaminGruenbaum you know a lot of people don't use javascript because they consider it sucky
I have tears
@Jhawins GS?
@Loktar grooveshark
Did you interview with them?
When was the last time they contacted you?
They called me last tuesday and said they'd call my Friday on my lunch (we coordinated times) and then they never called lol
Last Tuesday
oh wtf
anyway if I'm fucked how can I replace it reasonably
wtf yeah id call them
Yeah. Right?
in Lua I can just create an object
and return it
thats fucked up that they missed an appointment, pretty big red flag imo
but here it won't work.
also they don't value your time or respect you apparently
Yeah I'm about to take lunch. Chrome just cost me 15 minutes of breakthrough code in a crash though so I'm trying to remember what I just did
@Loktar Yeah I think so too. This has happened 3-4 times actually from different companies. More often than not when I actually pursue a company they just seem to disappear and not value my time
But it's fuckin grooveshark man haha
if it wasn't groove shark I wouldnt call them back ever
but idk, for GS I would still
@RobbC Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ocespedes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!weather Denver
@Shmiddty Denver: 65.948F (18.86C, 292.01K), Sky is Clear
It's going to hit 82F today
!!afk sunshine
Yeah I mean, they do free dry cleaning hahaha. It's a company I'd sacrifice convenience on lunch for
!!weather Bellevue Nebraska
@Loktar Bellevue: 70.916F (21.62C, 294.77K), scattered clouds
Not because of that. But that's nuts haha
I know it's a rep-farming answer (i want 6k :( ) but I dislike when people downvote because they have a different way of doing things stackoverflow.com/a/23742864/774078
I cant tell if thats Bellevue WA or NE
ok its bellevue ne
@RUJordan I knew it was burglary, but I needed the 6k
@m59 did you shave your head?!?!
@RUJordan just don't answer such disgusting questions :P. Do what everyone else does and comment with a link to show them in the right direction and move on — Jhawins 43 secs ago
Close voting is optional but usually necessary
usually = always lol
how do i know when i need to use .prototype in my constructor or not? i have methods, and i just recreate the same object over and over with new data, so theres never more than one instance of this class.
do i not need prototyping?
ah json.parse good choice
hahaha dude posted eval
I'm not even that crazy to do it, too many insane zealots.
@SomeGuy Does it go two way?
If not, that's also preferable.
@Loktar lmao
@SomeGuy Also, it says "Computer is offline" for me even though I'm chatting with you through it
@SecondRikudo Recheck the ID?
@SomeGuy Same.
But the server is online. I don't get it
What's your ID?
i have no idea how to use this module loader thing
@SomeGuy ef7121
Could you clear the passphrase?
Sure, hold on
Worked fine for me
Did it open a tab for you?
It did. Let's see now from my phone
@Coomanperson918 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah, it opens.
So it was a passphrase mismatch?
Wow, my regex meta kind of took off
Q: Improving RegExp Answers

RUJordanIs there anything we can do (besides meticulously comment and downvote) to improve answers to regular expression questions? Let's be honest.. they are terrible quality. "How can I blah blah blah?" "Oh, try this regular expression \s\g+\$" (<-- not a real regexp) This is THE MOST COMMON answer ...

Or should it give some other error?
No, a passphrase mismatch has its own error
I think it was just a one-time thing
Let's try that again with the passphrase
Loading forever now...
Clicked on "Send" again and it worked
Q: CouchDB - human readable id

CromonIm using CouchDB with node.js. Right now there is one node involved and even in remote future its not planned to changed that. While I can remove most of the cases where a short and auto-incremental-like (it can be sparse but not like random) ID is required there remains one place where the users...

So probably it was just a one-off thing
I put a bounty worth 50 rep on that question. Give it some attention
Oy vey
Q: How to call a javascript function through AJAX?

Johni know this question is a bit silly, i am building a tool for my assignment.This tool takes the form from a website and its js files etc. My problem is that i have been told to call the javascript function by AJAX, the javascript which does the validation.. <form name="myForm" action="demo_form....

@Zirak Reminds me of The Civil Wars... whom I just started listening to yesterday.
fuck damn it
@BartekBanachewicz I do hope we'll see a cleaner version eventually. One without abominations like func.prototype, but true prototypical inheritance and deep-rooted meta programming abilities (for god's sake, I want to override [[Call]]!). I don't for a second regret its super fluid and dynamic nature
> super fluid and dynamic
You can do Object.prototype.toString = 4 and it works
no, it doesn't
Well yes, that depends on your definition of works
Mine is that the engine says "m'kay"
the fact the line of code is executed doesn't mean it works
and js people often seem to think otherwise
@RyanKinal Will listen
@Zirak yes, and it should not, because what you did is meaningless.
@Zirak - I'm imaging the chaois I could do if I could override [[Call]] -- that could be fun. Just think, set up some hidden code with Object.prototype.[[Call]] that caused it to return null 1/8 of the time, randomly.
@BartekBanachewicz And that's where we disagree
@Zirak elaborate on how setting toString to 4 makes any sense in any scenario.
I dunno
But that's irrelevant
no, that's very relevant
!!> help me
@İnekŞaban "ReferenceError: help is not defined"
@İnekŞaban "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
!!tell İnekŞaban help
@İnekŞaban Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Object.prototype.toString = function() {return 4; /* Number chosen by roll of die */};
@BartekBanachewicz Because if you start disallowing that, you get into "what The Programmer can and can't do"
Can we create new things on Object.prototype?
Can we override Array.prototype.forEach?
extension of objects is one thing
If not, why not? What makes them special?
dynamic typing is the other
Why can I override var obj = {}; obj.toString = 4;, but I can't override Object.prototype.toString ?
Ah, see, I like dynamic typing as well :D
dynamic typing is nonsensical.
it's inferior in every aspect.
Isn't it great!?
and actually, it's static typing.
It allows you to do so many awesome stuff
is there a mix between dynamic typing and defining a strict typing?
it doesn't allow you anything more over static typing
You can return a string or an array or something which looks like something which looks like an array
because it's a subset of static typing.
@Zirak you are confusing duck typing with dynamic typing again
Umm ok.. Going to risk and use increment id.. fingers crossed...
Fine, whatever
oh, boy, is it "argue about subjective things" hour?
Call it Mombo Nunchuck Typing
I like Mombo Nunchuck Typing, where Mombo Nunchuck Typing means that I can do shit like Object.prototype.toString = 4 and the language will say "m'kay"
uh, seriously
why are you refusing to learn what the difference is once and for all
it's not that hard
@BartekBanachewicz Are you talking to me?
C++ templates are static duck typing.
Help understanding OP would be appreciated: stackoverflow.com/a/23730668/1216976
@Zirak why can't you say Object....%PROT0TYPE%.tostring
And we can have a nice argument over whether I mean duck or goose or dynamic or static or strong or weakly linked
@İnekŞaban nope
Or I can go on a walk with my dog
Ok.. I was going on the defensive
@Zirak we can't have an argument until you educate yourself to the point of at least recognizing the terms you're using
no offense
Frankly, since I know I can't move you an inch, and I'm not intending to move an inch, I'd rather have a walk with my dog
you're saying "I like JS" and that's fine
@Zirak I like how you walk with your dog, and not walk your dog. Now THAT is a relationship I can get on board with.
but if you're using "I like dynamic typing" then fucking at least understand what dynamic typing is
Friendly note "fucking at least" is not the best motivational sentence.
!!urban TIA
@RUJordan Tia A cool smart mouthed girl that always has something smart to say to everything. She's also very talkative and can say things people take offensively but she doesn't always mean to be rude. Either way you can't help but love her.
Blah blah, dynamic typing is run-time, static is compile-time, something like that
How wonderfully irrelevant, urban. >=(
But the nice thing is that I'm using Mombo Nunchuck Typing
And you ain't got nothing on Mombo Nunchuck Typing
@Jhawins Any updates?
@Zirak if you turn that M upside down, you can try Wombo Typing. #SpongeBob
@RUJordan still better than Google's "transient ischemic attack"
@Zirak I prefer Mavis Beacon Teaches typing in my code.
I am SO swamped right now
@JanDvorak pardon the irony here but...
Haven't taken lunch yet. I thought it was like noon and it's 1:12 :/
!!google transient ichsemic attack
woohoo, I found an interesting python question, score.
!!tell rujordan google tia
Oh it's medical stuffs
@B.J.Smegma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
dat name tho...
@ThiefMaster might wanna peek at Mr. 13 Year Old ^
@ThiefMaster / @copy can you validate a Python answer I wrote? I'm like 90% sure about it and the Python room seems kind of dead.
@Jhawins Florida is EST, remember
@SomeKittensUx2666 That's what I am :P
Aren't you Wyoming?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I will do my very best
A quick look at your profile reveals I'm an idiot
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol I'm Indiana yo
@BenjaminGruenbaum Looks perfectly fine
ty, appreciated.
Why would a getter call a setter?
Also, @Jhawins I typically get to work at 10ish
Ah nice. Me too but I was early today and it's thrown me off
@SomeKittensUx2666 I don't know about a setter, specifically... but a getter might initialize an underlying field
@canon In response to @BenjaminGruenbaum's answer
@SomeKittensUx2666 bad api, fixed in later v
herp derp
Q: Migrate Q to BlueBird (or Vow)

MichaelI'm current using the Q promise library in a Node/amqp app. I've read that the performance of Q vs libraries like BlueBird or Vow is... not so good. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to use BlueBird (or Vow) to replace my current Q usage patterns. Here's an example: this.Start = Q(ampq.co...

Man I love me some JavaScript variables in PHP
@SomeKittensUx2666 ah
Almost got me a a lvl 4 mortar :3
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nice
Although probably someone who actually knows python will come and say "no no no this is not the problem at all"
@user3062745 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi everyone
@BenjaminGruenbaum Since you've actually looked at the source, I'd say you're cool
Looking at the source/spec is the SO trump card
> * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2
This is my nightmare.
cant sleep
so i will try and get some work done
Have you seen the sources of early jquery? original, packed
it should be a crime to use 1.4.x now
Yeah it's the packer
I stopped using jQuery altogether, about 3 months ago, and spent a whole month just acquainting myslef with native JS, and it was the best thing I ever did for my career.
grats @NickDugger
Does anyone have any experience with both Node.js and Dart? I've been heading down the path of Node, but am wondering if I should get into Dart. Any thoughts?
nodejs is nice. Dart is a bit sad
you will never go wrong with node compared to dart
You should look at Dart just to see what you're escaping
dart is still finding its feet
They're in the trash can, being mowed over by atomic robot T-Rexs
I suppose it's just me being attracted to new, shiny things, lol. I'm pretty far into a personal project of mine--using node, but I am starting a rewrite, and I want to make sure I choose the right language.
Wow, haven't fired up ST yet
@Zirak all I can picture is a t-rex trying to mow the lawn now. Thanks ;D
Q: Problems inherent to jQuery $.Deferred

Brian M. Hunt@Domenic has a very thorough article on the failings of jQuery deferred objects: You're missing the Point of Promises. In it Domenic highlights a few failings of jQuery promises in comparison to others including Q, when.js, RSVP.js and ES6 promises. I walk away from Domenic's article feeling tha...

Hi guys, I am using NodeJS to send some data to a C++ application. I need to send raw bytes, how do I send raw bytes using the net object?
I think I tried one thing: declaring a string then setting the first character of the string to 0x01 but it comes out as 0x05 in the C++ application rofl
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@vrtis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Old, almost as old as @SomeGuy
TIL @SomeGuy is 200 years old
Oh crap
I just noticed why my testing didn't work
I turned this room to gallery...
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
Yay moar Python lessons <3
@RalphWiggum 198, you inconsiderate asshole!
@Zirak And? Yo mama's also old, but still good.
@SomeGuy I use Keep from Google. but very useful.
!!s/Yo mama's/Dr. Strangelove is/
@copy @Zirak And? Dr. Strangelove is also old, but still good. (source)
god I hate jQuery promises
@BenjaminGruenbaum how come?
(I wanted to say "bu still good and funny to share" but I didn't know if it would pass)
@Feeds <- that @RUJordan
@dievardump Yeah? I didn't really like Keep. But that's obviously just a personal preference
I even edit texts in keep. I don't know why but I really like this app.
@Zirak basically types are some shit in the compiler, yo. Yes, let's bring the discussion to that level, that'll certainly help us understand each other. Or maybe let's refer to urbandictionary to settle issues on what static typechecking or duck typing is.
That sounds ok
@Zirak I've no idea what you mean by that. And for the nth time "dynamic" type is one possible type in a statically checked type system, that's characterized by the fact it can hold values of every other type. Woo.
@dievardump Huh, I should really use Keep more
I tend to use Gmail drafts when I want to save notes :p
I don't take notes <.<
and so, the notion of something like "object" in JS is much better presented by a table in Lua, where it's simply a key-value store where both key and value have this "dynamic" type
altough keys are mostly strings. when you think about it.

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