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One of my neighbours named their Wifi Youjizz.com
@Racksickle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
over 300 rep today, lol :/
@phenomnomnominal name yours something in retaliation.
I was thinking Wejizz.com
Haha we will see
!!afk fighting the man.
@phenomnomnominal There's the new .sexy tld. Grab phenomnomnominally.sexy
omg i want it
!!afk being sexy
@Zirak help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, live, die, mdn, meme, mustache, moustache, norris, nudge, parse, mute, unmute, spec, stat, stats, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, unonebox, urban, user, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo
@Zirak Nobody is muted
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Your bot is broken
And bot has auto-gallery and auto-ungallery now
@Zirak that's awesome
Great, let's test them
31 mins ago, by Zirak
beer!mute 1337 1h
!!mute Zhegan 10m
@BenjaminGruenbaum User Zhegan not found
He'll forgive me
Wait what :O
hmm... does OKOK happen to be nearby?
You can only use by username if he's in the chat
Just today I downvoted his I can't debug question
Here stackoverflow.com/q/23733921/1348195 absolutely horrible, he learned nothing.
Accepted answer is horrible anyway, I'm waiting 2 days to delete the q and and a.
Because the chat is horrible in its user-id <-> username system...I can't find a decent place for a conversion
make an http request?
to /users/id ?
And username -> id, like what you just did?
And what about cases like duplicate names?
Or partial matches?
For id -> name, the bot requests the user's info for its main room. Contains some interesting info, one of which is the user name
we have a ton of owners, lol.
All the other rooms got shitstormed, php has like 4, c++ has like 6
We have like 30 ^_^
Need to find a reg who is not an owner yet..
Ooh, got one
!!mute Shea 5m
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@BenjaminGruenbaum Muted user 779092 for 5m
Yay Zirak!
!!unmute Shea
!!unmute Shea
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unmuted user 779092
@JoseBrowne Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh, it didn't have time to load yet
Yeah, probably - why are we still in gallery though? Is it because of the long mutes?
Well, by the time you issued the first /unmute
And yeah, it only de-galleries when the list is empty
!!unmute 2372006
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unmuted user 2372006
Enough of this one, looks like he's not coming back
!!unmute 1867842
!!stat 2372006
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unmuted user 1867842
@JanDvorak LeSam (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2372006/lesam) has 338 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 40 questions, gave 12 answers, for a q:a ratio of 10:3.
avg. rep/post: 6.5. Badges: 0g 4s 16b
noob 1992 will just have to be remuted when he enters
!!unmute 2965800
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unmuted user 2965800
I don't like that guy either, but I like fresh lists
@Zirak can the mute list have usernames since they're usually present when they're here?
!!unmute 2999767
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
Like /ban? Sure, open an issue
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unmuted user 2999767
Enjoy your free ride liam
Without an issue open it's a small nagging sensation in my brain which fades away after a day. With an issue it increases some counter, and that counter is inversely proportional to how productive I am with the bot, which makes me feel like a bad person.
So it's more effective with issues
sounds about right
Just 100 more points for promise silver. Although I'm sure Bergi will hit a +100 question and beat me to it :)
hello geezers
Says the guy twice as old as me, sarcastically. :P
can I ask if you weren't using JS, what would be your next choice PL wise?
Haskell, Ruby
Io/Lua (if I knew either better)
Isn't Lua like.. older than me?
@RUJordan yeah, dude. I'm a total BAMF.
@m59 ballliinnnnnn
does coffeescript count?
But for real, it was a narcolepsy accident.
@TonyCronin depends on what I'm building
A house of legos
@BenjaminGruenbaum good answer
@m59 you're narcoleptic?
heh yeah
@jan, coffescript definatley counts
Does this involve mowing the lawn?
I'd assumed the question was "what's your next favourite language"
If so, you're a legend.
I was trimming my hair with the clippers and I guess I fell asleep, took the guard off, and woke up shaving my head, sans guard.
no it's this fucking thesis
I want to learn Funciton though
It's read only, and it's beautiful
And then it was too late, lol
@m59 wow I didn't know that was possible. I always thought narcolepsy was like just passing out and dropping
Oh, and improving LOLCODE.
@Zirak can't beat well-written Piet, though
what about smalltalk
@Zirak I would have named it Functino, but everybody typos differently
@JanDvorak It most certainly does
@TonyCronin Smalltalk and Self are good, but Io/Lua are improvements over them
@RUJordan It's that your mind can't very well differentiate between awake and asleep. aka, horrible fatigue all the time, irresistible sleep attacks, sleep paralysis, automatic behavior (like shaving your head bald), etc
hallucination (I don't do that)
Oh man, that just sounds terrible :(
automatic actions are not all that uncommon
@Zirak a friend builds lua with corona
It's all varying degrees and differing symptoms of stuff like that
How can I add some POST data to this code?

$('<form>', {
method: method,
action: url
@TonyCronin it really depends
data: {'ds', 'ds' } don't works
@RUJordan I'd rather not have it, lol, but I'm happy.
@VarunAgw do you even realize what that piece of code does?
@VarunAgw by setting method = "POST" beforehand
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes
@VarunAgw tell us
@m59 I'd tell you about my sleep issues but I got nothing on you xD
Redirect by creating a form and then submitting it
@VarunAgw yeah, and what are method and action?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, I'm really a noob, but I think mastering anything gives you a methodology for mastering anything else. e.g. a friend of mine is bilingual. on holidays in turkey, she was speaking turkish mid week two.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@TonyCronin I have no idea how that relates to our conversation, but sure.
@JanDvorak whats coffee script like from a standing start?
@VarunAgw in the {} notation.
method is get/post or any other
@TonyCronin it's a language that directly translates to Javascript
action is any url
@TonyCronin with significant indentation and nice function literal syntax
@VarunAgw yeah, but those are attributes
@BenjaminGruenbaum, I was taking your past the stage of sticking to one language. you can move on to others quicker than a noob like me can.
@VarunAgw you want to add an input element as the HTML of the form
@lisek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, but using {}
@TonyCronin languages are almost irrelevant, there are like 3-4 paradigms you have to know and past that it's not really important.
@VarunAgw why? Can't you chain a .html before the .submit?
@JanDvorak I found ruby quick to get dangerous in, JS is much slower for me.
oh look, the internet's back.
to write beautiful code
@m59 How's things?
html looks ugly ;)
@VarunAgw not always
@VarunAgw jQuery is ugly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum come on man, you can t say that without sharing these paradigms?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ugly code predates jQuery
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, I thought JS/jQuery fans are present here. bad guess
@RUJordan I don't think that's necessarily true.
@JanDvorak true
@VarunAgw but an understandable one
Hi. I'm making some charts using nvd3 lib. I added guid lines to line charts. It works good on FF but on chrome/opera when I hook mouse move event it only triggers when I point o chart line (can't point under or over it cuz no tooltip shows). Any ideas? I check hook mouse move in jquery and it won't work...
@SomeKittensUx2666 Great, man. I should be starting a dev job soon :)
@TonyCronin well, you have to know an imperative language like C that makes you have to deal with resources a lot (better yet, C++), you have to know a modern general purpose imperative language like C# or Java, you should probably also know a dynamic language like Python, Ruby or JavaScript, and a functional language like Erlang or Haskell. Then, declarative stuff is useful - knowing SQL is an almost must.
@m59 sweet, where?
@RUJordan Narcolepsy is progressive, so it's been getting worse for years. When it set in about 8 years ago, I could barely handle life. It's so much worse now and I'm a dang happy guy.
So I guess: Resource management, reactive design, functional coding and declarative languages I guess would be the 'paradigms' as well as actually implementing general algorithms in something.
The thing is, we all have a struggle.... it's not worth comparing.
The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the supposed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. According to this theory, as a person makes more money, expectations and desires rise in tandem, which results in no permanent gain in happiness. Brickman and Campbell coined the term in their essay "Hedonic Relativism and Planning the Good Society" (1971). During the late 1990s, the concept was modified by Michael Eysenck, a British psychologist, to become the current "hedonic tread...
@m59 I never thought of it like that
Yeah, if it's hard for you, it's hard. It doesn't matter what it is :)
So, anyway, what's going on?
@BenjaminGruenbaum starred ;)
@m59 Congrats! :D
@SomeKittensUx2666 didn't know it had a name :)
@SomeKittensUx2666 It's just a wealthy guy and his assistant I waited on at Applebees. They had an app idea and ended up contracting me to work on it. Now they want me on fulltime so we can keep plugging away at different ideas.
I've got some other better prospects, but I feel good about this one. The pay is ok and I get to work from home :)
@SomeGuy thanks! I'm still nervous until I really get going with it, ya know...
@Cory Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why is this question closed as "not constructive"? I found it constructive when I googled for it
Q: Single quotes vs. double quotes in Python

ReadonlyAccording to the documentation, they're pretty much interchangeable. Is there a stylistic reason to use one over the other?

@SomeKittensUx2666 @Zirak doesn't the bot bin those?
So is this the Will Ferrel gif room?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Only when posted by the bot
@BDillan No.
@SomeKittensUx2666 ah, ok then
I came to ask - is Node.js a recommended server-side language or can I find something better?
I know JS but not Node.js
@BDillan you'll get a lot of very opinionated answers with that
Depends on what you're building.
I use Node.JS for my game and it's fantastic
I guess I dont have time to explain what Im building..nvm guys
@BDillan that seems like a strange attitude to have.
I feel il flood this chat
Well that is what this chat is for
@BDillan Come on, just tell us.
most of us are just sitting on our hands trying to find a stranger
^ @Zirak mostly
Just type it out in a big message
To store Graphical PS Packet dumps from PyX, from my website running HTML5 onto a server to store implicit user information
@BDillan what else do you know?
The node.js room will be having a 30-min answer session in an hour. We're trying to cut down on the number of questions left unanswered, and you're welcome to join!
Nothing to see here, move along.
@SomeKittensUx2666 half those are probably mine lol
@RUJordan You could probably answer a lot of them.
I'll try, but I get off work in 8 ish minutes
7 minutes now.
Node.js applications are designed to maximize throughput and efficiency, using non-blocking I/O and asynchronous events., perfect what I need
@BDillan could u rephrase that?
@BDillan be careful with that. NodeJS, while awesomely powerful, has a steep learning curve in my opinion. I struggled / am struggling still.
I want to store user information from the packets they send to my server (at my home using a static IP), and use PyX to make graphical representations of the packets to get to know the nature of the users
Hell, it's taken me 3 months to build a login/traversable coordinate grid
i'm building search (ajax-based) functionality and pagination module and everything works fine. But i have problem with sharing search urls. Basically search form is on the home page and when user hit search button most of the content is removed ($('...').remove()) and ajax results are apended. So no mather of search query and page i always have "localhost:9000" url.
Only solution that i have in mind is to keep internally in pagination module query and actual page number and to do something like:
Graphical so I can read it easily
@BDillan wireshark won't suffice?
wireshark cant capture 24/7 and tcdump cant either
@BDillan you can always build a side-app to map w/e it is u want
Dont ask me why, but her voice is beautiful and the guitars work perfectly
Although the grammar of the video is horrid.
Is that Avril Lavine?
Her name is Lacey, from Flyleaf
She's actually freaking gorgeous and tiny
@Infested A Daemom?
I just started listening to Egypt Central yesterday.
@BDillan not sure what that means, but what came to my mind was to have a dedicated db for this mapping you want, and update it according to what u want
@BDillan I love Egypt Central! Check out the song "You Make Me Sick"
Yeah its a good song
lets say u want a graph that shows both page visits and where it was visited from (countries), so the side-app will do that
What Im trying to do is extremely complicated. Not to see where the users come from

But I see what you mean. Il have to look further into it
sorry, i entered the conversation after it started, what do you want to map?
@Infested England
Trace Load Balancing from users, interpret the packets using graphical dumps
Load Balancing from users = how much time it took for each user to load w/e he requested?
Yes - from his location. And the only way I can interpret this is through a Pyx dump I want to use Node.js to store
i may talk nonesense cuz im still learning these things, but u can make the client send to u the time interval
I oughta kick him in the nads.
just got blocked from SO again.
@Infested Im the one talking nonsense,
I apologize
Q: Ajax-search, appending search query and page number to the url

SrleI'm building search (ajax-based) functionality and pagination module and everything works fine. But i have problem with sharing search urls. Basically search form is on the home page and when user hit search button most of the content is removed ($('...').remove()) and ajax results are apended. S...

Q: Promise object for IE8

ChristopheIs there any JavaScript library that implements the Promise object in IE8/9/10/11 according to the EcmaScript specification? I have seen a number of promises implementations, but: either they use a namespace, e.g. Q.promise or they use non-IE8 methods such as forEach

@BDillan so what are u going to do?
Chrome drops namespace in inline onclick function? Really?
That can't be, right?
@Infested Rethink my idea of tracking load balancing and use a wireshark type daemon to track packet information from my users and 'grep' the info specific to the load balancing instead of using a graphical dump on Node.js
@GitaarLAB don't use inline event handlers.
@phenomnomnominal not the question at hand, unless this is actually true (which would break a trunkload of stuff)
It's probably some sort of situation where it's not actually on window, eg wrapped function or jsfiddle or something.
@phenomnomnominal The op states it is not. He claims that Chrome rewrote <button onclick="myObject.myMethod()"> to <button onclick="myMethod()"> I can not believe this is actually true (without reasons like you mentioned).
Did anyone else find today's Google doodle surprisingly terrible?
@Retsam Yep. Doesn't run on Linux
the rubik's cube?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Really? Didn't know that; just struggling a ton with the UI.
Like, rotate a side 95 degrees and it rotates it 180; really hard to rotate a specific side, etc.
I love seeing progress bars for 100KB files
why does linux suck on graphics
@Infested ...I have no trouble with my linux graphics
anyone on koding site?
@phenomnomnominal you had the fiddle set to 'onload'. I know why that wouldn't work, and the OP states (something like) this is not the case. He states that this (updated) fiddle jsfiddle.net/u748z/1 (with script in head): wouldn't work in Crome.
works in chrome for me
and canary
!!learn wheaty '<>http://i.imgur.com/Hw0vk2n.png'
@Shmiddty Command wheaty learned
!!tell SomeKittensUx2666 wheaty
!!tell 16575838 wheaty
!!learn true 'false'
@Infested Command true learned
@Shmiddty Have you played Portal 2?
@bjb568 false
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah
but who will ever use !!true :\
Ok, then you know who Wheatley is. Wheatly (missing second e) is my nickname for the 'technical' cofounder of the company I work for
realy evil ,can i !!learn error '!!learn' ?
!!learn wheaton '<>http://i.imgur.com/vFNdpjG.png'
@Shmiddty Command wheaton learned
!!learn error '!!learn'
@Infested Command error learned
!!tell 16575952 wheaton
oH! i should make it for !!
@Shmiddty The guy who removed his .git folder because github was down
haha. I didn't hear about that one
Just had an idea, probably stupid. !!random commandName1 param param, commandName2 param param, commandName3 param param Picks a command at random to run
!!random wheaton, wheatly, wheaty
@Infested Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
/help learn
!!tell Infested sandbox
@Infested You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
how do i tell the bot to take care of a stgring that starts with X and then all the rest
e.g. aaa*
Monday Answerpalooza has started in node.js. Join us!
@phenomnomnominal (sorry for the late response, got logged out somehow). That's what I figured, the OP's conclusion must be wrong. Just wanted to verify it here, thanks!!! I'll post that back to the question.
@Weavermount Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What is this line. A string? A number?
var color = 0x00ff00;
A number apparently..
Yep, a number in hex
@bjb568 65280
The color green no less
How fast is count with a filter on mongodb?
Ok, good.

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