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yeh...But cant we make it hard
It's already hard that way, it's just that it isn't unbreakable
Each site says they prevent
You could try with encoding in b64 or that sort though I never tried
I have tried that too
Ummm.. Add a digest to your code that nobody is going to know except you, and then b64 encode it
Ok ..Will try that
Alternative scrambler: utf-8.jp/public/aaencode.html
@neil Looks great
Atleast code with emoticons is better
>>> base64.b64encode('hello world' + 'randomdigest')
I like that emoticons one
Atleast person decoding it will be happy
If you feel like it..:)
Where ...? I cannnot understand you clearly...My english is poor
really ... scrambling js code is not that advantageous.
1) file size becomes larger
2) it can be reverse engineered
3) you have to convert it that js compiler *can* use it anyways. That converter *is* client side.
@MADTerry I meant: "If you want to use it, do it. But it isn't that safe against code introspection"
a smart move is to have a js file which creates a js function on an other file. That file is not passed in the URL
@KarelG ..In this age i dont think few KB would matter...

How would you reverse enginner :D ..Now i want to know :D Any guide ...

Yes...i agree to your 3rd point ....They create issue in jquery
o/ guys
@inek ...If i use multiple obfuscator ?
pass only the base file. Write a 2nd file with sensible code
@Zinglish Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and access these functions from base file. nobody can see the 2nd file
unless they guess its name :p
@KarelG Something like adding script tag & removing it ?
no ...
Then ?
file1.js / file2.js

in dom, only `<script src=".../file1.js"></script>`

access file2.js from file1.js
Why would anyone try to hide JavaScript code...
MADTerry want to obuscate his js files ...
To protect intellectual property
Ok...But obfuscation & scrbling are better than refrencing
@Zinglish Then don't chose a language that is interpreted client-side.
No nothing like that ....I am just ineterested in knowing
minimal effort vs obfuscation and scrambling ?

my choice is made
if you have heard about PHP obfuscators
>>> shortuuid.uuid(hashlib.md5('hello world').hexdigest())
This is the shortest way to encode a text without an introspection risk
Trying to obfuscate JavaScript code is just a really dumb idea.
meh, that's more useless
@dievardump We have no choice if you want to code web applications
They all can be decoded
@Zinglish Then be good enough to get your clients come back to you and not going to guy that copy what you do
You could minify the javascript
yes..I am using that
@dievardump Point made
i can read minified files :p
If it renames the variables into a, b, c, while you could reverse engineer it, the amount of difficulty wouldn't be worth your time to try imho
You don't keep people by having fear of your competitors. You keep them by being the best in what you do.
@Neil : i don't have problems with short variable names
@KarelG .. that means you are not human
@KarelG That's not entirely true. I can't possibly believe that
Anything like handshakes ?
Somthing used in Https
Q: Angular js - resolving promises in routeProvider

sbaaaangI'm just trying resolving promises from a factory like this: .config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', '$httpProvider', 'SoundRTCProvider', function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $httpProvider, SoundRTCProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/',{ templateUrl:'views/home/...

Well, if I was the bad guy and the code works, why would I care if it's obfuscated or not? I would justcopy it and everything would work.
If someone handed you jQuery minified without the header, and someone asked you if it supports localization, you may indeed have a "problem" over dealing with the non-minified version :P
@dievardump If you want to modify ?
https provides only secure connection between you and the server.
Why would I modify it. If I steal your code it's because it please me. And if you do a better version then I will steal it again
@dievardump If only a feature of code pleases you
rest is garbage
Then I unminify it and try things. You can not protect any code theclient is able to run and see.
@KarelG Cant we make ...a client ..in js ,,,that does handsake with server..Transfer some sort of ...Assembly like code...Executes it ....
If you are going to go that far to protect your code, you're better off learning C or C++...
You will definitely have ids, class or anything that can lead me to "what does what"
at least it's harder to tamper with
@Zinglish ....Developing a desktop client is better ...But portability matters
@dievardump not entirely you can pass in an algorithm in order to hide the class's name for instance
Or bring AJAX in the game..
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wait what, Feeds is an actual person?
@Zinglish I wonder how. If you can hide it, I can unhide it.
@inek.... Ajax will do nothing good....
man, people is making things complicated for just clientside codes
$('cl' + 'ass' + 'na' + 'me')
for instance
it will take you longer to find that ;D
well I already know what your classname is.
When you steal, you don't care how much time you pass to find a className.
@Zinglish & then encoding strings
@BenjaminGruenbaum imho op is looking for a code coverage tool
i hide my other files with sensible codes. Works for me.
Now /work
@dievardump I think you are being overly critical and deconstructive to what MADTerry is asking...
Hello everyone. I need to update a piece of jQuery in a plugin I'd like to use - $.browser.mozilla || $.browser.msie . I know that $.browser is unsupported now, and I'd like to do this with feature detection. So, does anyone know if msie or ff have unique properties or methods I can check for to see if that's the browser in use?
Seriously, spending time to try to find a way, which does not exists, to hide your front end code to the world, is lost time to improve your product and keep your clients.
@dievardump same thing goes for every bit if clientside code, including C and C++ desktop clientside applications...what's your point???
32 secs ago, by dievardump
Seriously, spending time to try to find a way, which does not exists, to hide your front end code to the world, is lost time to improve your product and keep your clients.
+ 1
@FlorianMargaine yeah, and I wrote one, op makes a module out of it, requires it and it'll spit the coverage. (given OP already has a coverage tool for outside of promises code)
@Zinglish I think we have had, here, this discussion enough time to know that what he is trying to do is : dumb and unefficient.
@Dan why do you care what browser they're in?
@dievardump I think everything is relevant, he knows it is inefficient and semi-pointless but you are being overly critical, imho
rlemon is not awake already, I need to do his job.
@Zinglish I don't hide my frontend C/C++ code, I'm not a code monkey, I get paid to build stuff not to hide it. Security through obscurity isn't security at all.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it looks like a scroll event listener is attached to either the body or html tag depending on whether or not msie/ff is being used.
I'm just speaking my mind :D
ah....now i give up the idea ...I don't think ..Any reallly efficient method really exist ..
Was waiting for one of you to : beat me or help me
will think
@Dan check if you can attach a scroll event listener to the body, if you can do it, otherwise attach to HTML - that's feature detection.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Off the top of your head, does attaching a scroll event usually require different code in ff & msie to other mainstream browsers?
Can we like... downvote okok to oblivion for asking stupid questions over and over?
Q: Angular js - resolving promises in routeProvider

sbaaaangI'm just trying resolving promises from a factory like this: .config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', '$httpProvider', 'SoundRTCProvider', function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $httpProvider, SoundRTCProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/',{ templateUrl:'views/home/...

Durr... I didn't read the docs again...
> It should be: return deferred.promise; instead of: return deferred.promise;.
what's the difference?
^ question of the day
oh, found it
edited the answer
@FlorianMargaine ()
Who upvoted this -_- ?
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
edited the answer
Seriosuly, people who are upvoting these answers are undermining Stack Overflow :/
He puts a huge code dump, and won't read the documentation, for the 100th time.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Probably he has another id in Stackoverflow
No, I think some people just don't get it.
So someone curious to vote ...
No, some people think abusing the system is fine :/
It will be deleted by the end of a day for typo, but this is still frustrating.
Does anyone in stackoverflow has right to see who upvoted & downvoted ?
@MADTerry maybe moderators
definitely SE employees :)
@FlorianMargaine also:
Also, your code is full of the deferred anti pattern and promise abuse... I didn't downvote this answer because it is trivial. I downvoted it because it provides bad advice, if you follow it, you'll accumulate technical debt. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 10 secs ago
@FlorianMargaine nope, only SE employees
@FlorianMargaine They would not notice this questions...They would not have time to find the culprit & hang him
@trunks175 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi any one ask me What is the use of angular js and Node js
@NathanSrivi What is the use of angular js and Node js?
@NathanSrivi what is the use of angular js and Node js?
Hi any one ask me What is the use of angular js and Node js
@jAndy Hi any one tell me What is the use of angular js and Node js (source)
don't mistake me. i want to know the details. so please any one tel me
@NathanSrivi so youre wanting to know the differences?
Yes i want know the diff about Normal Js and (angular js and Node js)
@NathanSrivi : never heard of www dot google dot com ?
There are 2 links that search it for you on Google ^^^^
you're a bad pirate inek :p
Haha come on.. is doing your due research on Google so difficult Karel? :)
@NathanSrivi Node.js is clients side server...works on chromium js compiler...Executes JS code....& angular.js is framework in node.js
It was directed to Nathan Srivi but it was a response to you
@inek...http colon // www dot wikipedia dot com will explain better
Node.js is a software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js runtime on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with no changes. Node.js applications are designed to maximize throughput and efficiency, using non-blocking I/O and asynchronous events. Node.js applications run single-threaded, although Node.js uses multiple threads for file and network events. Node.js is commonly used for real time applications due to its asynchronous nature. Node.js internally uses the Google V8 JavaScript eng...
That's also why there are crap questions..
Wikipedia is communist
@MADTerry Thanks for the good explanation.
Oh...So you are not in favour of wikipedia
Stop using Google...
There are 10000 of people working in Google
MADTerry. I do my own research on Wikipedia but then I compare them against other sources as well
Well.. Wikipedia is pushing to be the last resort ultimately :)
Oh, I'm already doing that :)
@inek ...then i think you are going to develop your own search engine
I'm using Bing. But as there's no lmbtfy.com I gave lmgtfy instead
@İnekŞaban make one
For that trivial query is enough
Yes it should be easy enough!
I gave a thought to it but I'm still busy with my actual project :)
But who needs another search engine :P
@inek Everysearch engine is communist
Bing is good enough for now
you should have your own private
@MADTerry i preferred the unedited version!
Maybe MADTerry. But Bing doesn't push relevant results on the bottom of the page as Google does
@inek...Woo...never tried
I will try
Try it. You'll see the difference :)
Better if you try with controversial queries
@Inek this has been around for ages: letmebingthatforyou.com
@MattFrear great tool :D...
@MattFrear they just havent got a short URL it would seem
@MattFrear Cool!
Oh, just pass it to an url shortener :P
@MattFrear actually they have got
add anything in q paramter
isn't that short enough ?
@MADTerry I think he was referring to letmebingthatforyou.com
@İnekŞaban +1
is better
this teaches ...letmebingthatforyou.com
justfuckinggoogleit.com teaches
It teaches to use your gray (or should it be grey? :P) matter :)
which was unused ?
or he used it
in moving in a chat session
& asking that damn good question
Great people in this earth...
This is why aliens don't show their existance
MADTerry. There are good enough answer in the net to that. If you have no time/will to research something yourself, you're not worth spending the time with such things anyway
@inek Great learning ..This is reason i dont have any question...
Me neither. And that shows that you're doing your own research before asking. It's ok if you ask, but show that you moved the gears too.
Sup guys
Otherwise read the docs.
Hello Nat
You have two arms?
Don't you? I thought everybody had two arms?
Haha I meant 3 arms sorry xD
As always I'm coding and writing at the same time
I get confused as heck
i have a stupid qustion
Should i begin ?
@MADTerry Begin
Soleve this
cube using JS
Oh man, not now! I'm coding
The fastest time it has taken for a human to solve the puzzle is 5.55 seconds.
We can break the record
I am eating a starbucks sandwich
Uh I can't play it? Apparently I need chrome... which I am using..
My cousin does that as fast as that
with WebGL
it's based on ThreeJS, mrdoob tweeted about it
I'll tell it to him :)
@BartekBanachewicz Ty for threejs ...
uses the three.js DOM renderer (i presume)
@inek I think js will be faster :D
@ChinthakaDharmasiri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MADTerry I think jQuery is faster than js
@BartekBanachewicz Really ?..But jquery is based on JS
How it can be faster ?
that's what people say
its jquery language
No. Machine code will always be faster.
what you say ?
yes asm js is faster than jquery
isit faster
jQuery is a library written in JS. So how come we measure which one is faster?
Also, the V8 Javascript Engine is not a joke
Many factors contribute to Javascript performance
@ChinthakaDharmasiri Probabaly by doing same thing using both
@ChinthakaDharmasiri ^
@ChinthakaDharmasiri jQuery uses high-performance hardware techniques and cloud-positioning in order to improve performance beyond that of js
Yesh....I ran test
Jquery id selector is fater than js
You see? :)
In all machines
@MADTerry told ya
'cept it's labeled wrongly but who cares
jquery language best language
@MADTerry only in chrome
@BartekBanachewicz ....Now i need to do Research how ..:D
@DrogoNevets I tested on Firefox
I'm finding that with people becoming more technological, where people would have used "Internet" to describe something they don't understand, now they use the term "cloud". Example: "Our software talks to the server through the cloud"
@MADTerry just rewrite all your code from javascript to jquery
@DrogoNevets Really ? ....Ia m going to run on ie & firefox too
@Neil also "we are moving x to the cloud"
@BartekBanachewicz Oh yeah, classic :D
@MADTerry my firefox v31 yea (i just ran)
@BartekBanachewicz I already use Jquery
But nver had big space in my heart for it
In 10 years, it'll be nanonet
So can we say Chromium engine is better than webkit ?
Isn't that because jQuery caches selectors results ?
@dievardump So jquery isn't memory efficient
But who cares about memory if it is not in gigs
in gigs? In the browser?
@MADTerry mobile users
@DrogoNevets Browserscope thinks you are using Firefox 29.0 .....
Ressults are same in chrome
@MADTerry nope 31
As for performance and efficience, there is not a lot of people, here, that would stand up by jQuery.
@BartekBanachewicz I have 2gig in my mobile
@DrogoNevets 31 is wasted ? ...
@MADTerry which is pretty damn low if you think about it
also my code sucks
i am infact using FF aurora
sucks utterly, terribly, and is beyond repair
var $el = $('#hello');
JavaScript ID Selector
var $el = document.querySelector('#hello');
I just HOPE that jQuery won't use querySelector when it comes to select an ID
@barket Time to upgarde your pC
And that it will use "document.getElementById()"
(if ById is still faster than querySelector)
As you can see Firefox (26.0) shows faster result for JQuery
@MADTerry why now
31 is messed up
okey how do I module
@İnekŞaban isn't the one you called jQuery the JavaScript one? jQuery you put .className and JavaScript you put $(this).attr('class')
@BartekBanachewicz youtube
@inek ...i am not fan of webkit
I counted "jQuery" at least 4 times over the past 60 seconds
jQuery alert - jQuery alert
brace yourself, $ is coming for you
It's like talking Php in a C++ room
test cases names are false :(
You tried to fool us, and I ran into it.
I know :)
okey I probably should switch to lazy js at this point
I think it' time to eat. Indian oder African food ?
!!>choose indian african
Here is result
@dievardump That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: whoosh
@dievardump "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
I don't know how this thing works.
@dievardump That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
The thing is, use what you find comfortable unless it's a project where you need extreme performance
!!tell dievardump sandbox
@dievardump You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
I went to the sandbox. I was not playing at the beginning.
Ah, that was where the message of yesterday came from

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