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I feel like total answers would be harder, because 25% of all answers must have a 0 score acceptance > 10?
Dang, I didn't know it was that rare.
Q: When exactly does the Unsung Hero badge get awarded?

Bryan Possible Duplicate: List of all badges with full descriptions A while ago, I spotted the gold badge, Unsung Hero, which carries the description, Zero score accepted answers: more than 10 and 25% of total. The way I interpret that is that you need more than 10 zero score accepted answe...

Ninja'd ;-)
How is it marked as a duplicate without a link to the duplicate?
@RUJordan The question is tagged jQuery implying that they are already using jQuery, it's absolutely reasonable to use it in the answer. Adding a bunch of ugly native DOM code when it is not needed would be silly. — Useless Code 10 hours ago
Ugly native DOM code?
ugly native dom code? the nerve!
@rlemon nice, I have all of those games I believe, but idk if I've played any of them lol
@nderscore gotta admit he's got a point, though
@nderscore Well... A reason of the success of jQuery is that native DOM manipulation functions are really really ugly
Sorry @m59
and yeah... if you're using jQuery, use jQuery.
document.body is okay, but document.getElementById is WTF long.
@JanDvorak but so many people just throw it at everything
@JanDvorak it's 3 lines shorter and doesn't need a library to do it
$(selector).each(function() {
  $(this).prop('id'); // is the bane of my existence.
@rlemon wtf. People still do that?
@RUJordan yet the library will be present in any case
@qwertynl a lot
@rlemon They deserve a rlemon smash.
and 6 lines instead of 9 isn't a win if the count of bytes actually increases at the same time
That's true I guess
there was a regular user in here a while ago. I think his name was Neal or something - he did stupid shit like this ALL the time.
> The government computers do not give me the permissions to enable javascript in Chrome.

This must by why folks in the government use IE as their browser instead.
Yay government...
@rlemon Yea, I have heard a lot about him. ;-)
Have fun doing animations without Javascript in IE
better wish for a fast line
Don't trust IE Edge's version rollback. I fixed an IE7 issue last night, but apparently the emulated version is not exact
Stupid IE
@JanDvorak flash
@rlemon in the eyes, and a litttle bit of hypnosis?
I really wanna get back into Swish
my banners are so plain
I'm gonna bring back the intro screen
Holy crap, using Node & Express to make APIs is easy.
!!doge swish,swiss,wiss,siss
very swish
            so swiss
                             such wiss
many siss
@rlemon I have an idea :D
The listeners we have now looking for "stop" "sistite" etc. . . could be modified to, under certain conditions, run /doge using the words in said message.
Because /doge isn't all that funny when you have to invoke it and already know what the result will be..
They'd have to be pretty restrictive conditions. We don't want another eyes/thighs situation.
Not that restrictive. We just need a method of "rolling the dice" when a message triggers it. One where we can reuse it and set our own odds, she needs it for other things as well.
If the odds are 1/20 that she will doge it I doubt it would often be annoying. But if it was the odds could just be decreased in a pull request. The rarer the funnier to an extent.
Seems reasonable
does anyone know if i can use this to communicate between processes in node? github.com/hij1nx/EventEmitter2
!!tell RyanKinal nudge 1 doge timer,fun,work
@rlemon Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@RyanKinal Nudge #1 registered.
I hope this works.
Guy didn't get the answer he wanted and said "I don't like the community here. I'll just ask my web host"
If you could just ask your web host why didn't you do that first..
@RyanKinal nudge doge timer,fun,work
And then @m59 goes "good never come back" hahaha
@Jhawins link?
> Page Not Found
This question was voluntarily removed by its author.
Hi EveryonE
I see deleted stuff
@mikedidthis Other question : do you have an idea why in messages the username isn't perfectly vertically aligned with the message content ?
how is this valid js?
var ProcessMessanger = require("process-messenger")v
var fork = require("child_process").fork
var child = fork("./sample/child.js")
Did anyone worked extensively with $.getJSON method in here ?
@connorspiracist I get a syntax error
@connorspiracist It shouldn't be.
looks like a typo
They've done it twice in that page though
@connorspiracist looks like a typo
@rlemon yeah, a ctrl-v
@connorspiracist require("process-messenger") v ?
I've copied and pasted a typo all over a project before
in the end it made it to multiple files and just ended up being in the production code :(
This one wouldn't, as it doesn't compile
@dystroy no vertical align :(
permisions gets used a lot in some of my client software
@mikedidthis do you have a solution ?
I tend to type "informatoin"
@dystroy for the user name, yes, the others I am working on now.
@connorspiracist That bug isn't on github: github.com/suisho/node-process-messenger
It's annoying
@connorspiracist github.com/suisho/node-process-messenger/blob/master/sample/… at least it didn't make it into the repo
@qwertynl damn, didn't see you post that
change your pic back
@mikedidthis it seems to be aligned if I set "vertical-align" not to the .message but to both the .user and the .content. I'm no good at css :(
F*ck it, looks like it's what i need, so it's all good :)
@dystroy its ok, I will grab it
@rlemon I asked earlier, so I guess that is one for "change back"
@BenjaminGruenbaum you around?
I got used to identifying the other image
@rlemon Makes sense. I thought I should regenerate a bit more, but I guess not?
The other one was just the reset
you were outed, but that is cool so long as you don't revert back
and for identity purposes. the old gravatar was better
@mikedidthis everyone was arguing with @Cicada3301 again
@rlemon I do not plan to. Ok I am in repeat mode, look back earlier today to what I posted :-P
so I moved to gallery as a warning not to fuck around
@rlemon uh
@rlemon k I am changing back :-D
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
good call though
we seem to get the same kinda user, but under a different name.
Cicada was one of the problem users from our past, right?
I think he is OKOK
@rlemon trust me, I won't answer any provocatory questions next time
lol some people...
Every troll is okok
I changed back @rlemon :-)
@rlemon I'd buy it
> this chat hates me, better make a different username so I can hang out with them
I wonder how long it takes to switch here.
@Cicada3301 takes two sides to argue. I wasn't putting all of the blame on you
@rlemon I don't think so
OKOK was plain stupid
@rlemon don't worry... you're a good administrator and I'll never say anything wrong about you again
you are not convincing me..
@dystroy Yeah I don't think so either.
I think it could possibly be Deep, who may have been OkOk.
that is just my inkling.
I don't think deep and okok are the same
deep was around for a while before okok and just didn't come online for a bit
It's hard to remember but I think Deep and OKOK were the same (they got automatically ignored when they changed name as I had ignored OKOK)
> This user has been temporarily suspended by a moderator and cannot chat for 361067 days.
holy crap.
Deep was a fan of adf.ly links. And this other guy is using AdF.ly as a popup-take-over-window type deal.
sorry guys... what does okok mean? I thought it was a compliment
@rlemon Hahahaha
temporarely :
@rlemon Yea, That is a lot of days.
> for 361067 days.
lotta days
Anyone else notice CSS 3d perspective not working anymore in chrome?
on linux
in 1000 years if SO is still running... he will be unbanned.
I think IE7 compliant CSS is harder than JS
@twiz I have chrome and linux but I don't know what's "CSS 3d perspective" so I can't help you
Using what y'all know about a class for making a div into a column, is there any CSS I should be aware of that does not work in IE7?
only thing I've noticed that's messed up in chrome is my right click context menus are keep disappearing on me and turning transparent when I mouse over them (windowz)
@Cicada3301 we've had lots of users in and out of this room (over 6K since we started using access control) - you remind us (or at least me) of another user who has since been banned from the site.
@rlemon 989 years... that guy has been banned for 11 years...
@rlemon if so I'm really sorry...
!!> 361067/365
@rlemon 989.2246575342466
damn, in my console I just noticed I did
Read it
!!> 361067/356
@rlemon 1014.2331460674158
@rlemon Lunar year?
@Jhawins why ?
Do you get a square instead of a cube too?
@dystroy Don't read it then
@Jhawins whaaaaa?
I've never laughed so hard at a product review..
@twiz I get an ugly rotating cube. And a square is outlined behind
tested on chrome and chromium
hmmm how did I break chrome ha
@twiz Did you fell over it ? I broke my nexus 7 this way.
yea, the other day I got sucked into my screen and tripped over chrome. That must be it.
@twiz My Chrome is always breaking itself randomly. Multiple times a week I shit you not. Currently I have an error for updating and can't update without actually replacing it, along with my sources tab not letting me edit things live.
> Those smart men in marketing have come up with a pen that my lady parts can really identify with.
@Jhawins one more, FOR SCIENCE! :-) amazon.com/review/R2XKMDXZHQ26YX/…
Oh... I have chrome 30... isn't that really old? haha
hey y'all I got a question. Let's say I have a form, and when you fill it out and press "submit", I want javascript to grab the "filled out" page and manipulate the dom. How would this be achieved?
There are so many funny reviews on amazon :-P
@twiz Only like 3 versions back?
@Crowz Wha...What?
@Crowz Check the submit event and then do stuff :-)
I get the feeling chrome auto-un-updated itself....
@qwertynl that doesn't seem to be working.
@Crowz Well
form.addEventListener('onsubmit', function() {
@Jhawins DOM.manipulate() is my favorite js command :-)
@Jhawins oh... der I'm an idiot, thank you
@Jhawins addEventListener wouldn't use 'onsubmit'
The event would be 'submit'
@SomeGuy it was a joke.
!!> DOM.manipulate()
@Jhawins "ReferenceError: DOM is not defined"
Looks like I made 2 mistakes her der derp
Haha, didn't read his question
Thought you were using that as a placeholder
Nah I was just being sarcastic. But apparently in some way it helped.
@Shmiddty I'm just leaving, but you can ping ,me
Getting sick of this inconsistent micro-managing. Don't do chat, you can do chat, don't do chat.
So, cake.
I haven't eaten cake in a long time.
@Zirak What kind
@Zirak You really know how to make conversation
!!/doge cake cake cake cake cake cake
such cake cake cake cake cake cake
Q: Not able to open pdf data in IE

PaRsHI have same problem. Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript I'm able to open it in Chrome and firefox, but in IF its not working. Please suggest.

> Insert philosophical question here. What's your opinion? - Zirak
He links to the question his is a duplicate of.
"Hey guys I'm asking a duplicate question"
@Jhawins then when you point out that it is a dupe they argue with you
usually I just say something along the lines of "just because you can't implement the answers, does not make them wrong"
Hey I am creating drop down list with options. Of the list one options opens new web page. Can any one help me to fix this issue? Here is my code jsfiddle.net/PZVcM
@copy Any kind, really.
For instance, waffle cake. Never eaten one.
wtf is a waffle cake?
@Jhawins To be fair, the other question didn't have any complete answer (I know, I'm the one who tried to answer it)
Exactly, I don't even know.
... seriously, just a cake made out of waffles?

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