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Morning, is anyone using git-flow?
no, but I plan on using it
What exactly is the mainRegion in Backbone.Marionette? I am having a hard time understanding it.
I am not sure how to handle multiple devs. :(
what do you mean?
@mikedidthis I need a CSS wizard to fix the layout of Miaou for Firefox again. The layout is broken in FF when you have too many search results or pinned messages.
@dystroy sure thing
I tried the same magic you used for the central part, with no success
@FlorianMargaine if both devs create the same branches: develop / hotfix / feature / etc, they will overlap?
@mikedidthis the 1st dev creating the same branch should push it
and it depends on how you work. Does each dev has its specific remote and it goes through PRs? Or everyone working with the same remote?
@FlorianMargaine same remote.
then the 1st guy should push his branch on remote
the remote has two branches. Master and develop.
it can have more, as long as you delete them once they're done
yeah, I am thinking each dev should prefix their development branch. mike-develop dave-develop.
no that's pointless
@mikedidthis should the dev branch be public?
no that's pointless
idk :D
and it removes the point of develop being the branch where every dev's code goes before release
develop is the branch that CI runs on
if developers make things they can't merge fast, they should create their own feature specific branches
branching is fast and cheap
that's what the feature branches are for
ahh that makes sense
if we are both working on a feature, we both create our own feature branch locally.
When finished its merged to the public develop branch?
this sounds like you want a public feature branch
one developer create the feature specific branch and the other one working on the same feature fetches it
@JanDvorak Yes.
6 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@mikedidthis the 1st dev creating the same branch should push it
@mikedidthis both devs are working on the same feature right?
it's not 2 different features?
@FlorianMargaine yes and no.
make up your mind :D
ha. I mean sometimes more than one dev will work on a feature, but for other features they wont.
urm.. For feature a both devs are working on it. Feature b is just one dev.
the branch for a shall be public
the branch for b may be local
awesome, thanks. So no need to prefix. Devs just need to talk to each other. :D
or just make both a and b public
@dystroy is there a room on miaou that shows the css issue?
@mikedidthis Go to the miaou room and search "feature"
@dystroy ta
@BenjaminGruenbaum , @mikedidthis up for a discussion ?
you know how android / iOS opens a drawer following your swipe from edge ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I can try.
I implemented edge swipe in hammer.js
@mikedidthis Do you reproduce the problem ?
Now i am wondering how to do this in a performant way in angular.js
@dystroy yep, just confirming the fix
I mean I have the event data and how much the thing has moved and stuff.
@mikedidthis Ideally the scrolling part would be below the tabs
@AbhishekHingnikar sadly way over my head.
:-( i am unable to get it in angular and i REALLY WANT IT
What if I start using a custom "this question appears to be offtopic because it requests a solution, not explanation" close reason for gimmeregexes and other clear non-broad homeworklike dumps? — Jan Dvorak 2 mins ago
@JanDvorak: I think that works — Lightness Races in Orbit 1 min ago
@dystroy ok, the dirty / quick fix: #searchresults { height: 0px };
@dystroy the proper way require some refactoring. Ok to make a local copy of the html and recreate the layout on jsbin?
@mikedidthis I'm OK but it will take some time (I'm at work). I'll ping you when done.
@dystroy me too. I will make the local copy on my lunch :D
          var transformString = 'translateX(' + scope.view.transform2d.x + 'px)'
                              + 'translateY(' + scope.view.transform2d.y + 'px)'
                              + 'rotate(' + scope.view.transform2d.rotate + 'deg)';

and another directive filling these values... definitely not the solution.
maybe do it using the requestAnimationFrame
how to add footer in UL list in Jquery mobile..??
@FlorianMargaine not woking..
@W00di can you show us some code?
Actually I want to do lazy loading..when the user scroll down to the button of the UL..I want to add a footer to UL which show "Loading message. @mikedidthis @FlorianMargaine
@W00di again, show us what you have tried as it looks like you always want a lazy answer
pastie.org/8635390 @mikedidthis
what is the best place to learn Backbone.Marionette?
I checked various tutorials, I need one for a beginer.
beforeSend : function() {
complete : function() {
wouldn't you be better using the ajax call to append / remove the footer?
guys I love you all
Just saying it. I mean, nvm
Why are you guys wrapping footer?
footer is not getting appended in the UL... and my current logic is that footer will be added when the user scroll down to bottom and remove the footer as soon as I get the response from the web service.. @mikedidthis
@rlemon idk, OP request.
@W00di #today_listview is on the page right?
$("#today_listview").append('<div data-role="footer">Loading</div>').trigger( "pagecreate" );
So it's been 2 months since I stopped playing Awesomenauts. I still feel tempted!
@mikedidthis thanks a ton...Done!
@EnglishMaster wat? How?
Some dude was on a train and it just got de-railed
@W00di google is your friend.
I hv tried.. how ever i could not get that reference ..also i am new in this html stuff..@mikedidthis
In git, when I clone a repo with a sub module, will that sub module automatically be clone too?
@copy yes and no
Q: How to `git clone` including submodules?

MarkI'm trying to put a submodule into a repo. The problem is that when I clone the parent repo, the submodule folder is entirely empty. Is there any way to make it so that 'git clone parent' actually puts data in the submodule folder? example: http://github.com/cwolves/sequelize/tree/master/lib...

Ah, perfect
by default, no. With a cli argument, yes.
I've now made my repository several megabytes large, doh
Need to fix that
subtree might be better though
submodules are not recommended anymore
is this convincing / evil enough? javascript:(function loop(){$(document).load(document.location); setInterval(loop, 500)})()
@JanDvorak It depends on whom you want to piss off ;)
Hi everybody!
:14077888 Always get these messed up :/
who = he, she, it. Whom = him, her, it
heeeey guys
@JanDvorak Okay, now it seems pretty obvious to me o.O
@Miszy hey!
@Cicada3301 o/
@mikedidthis jsbin.com/OQeDaNo/1
When you reduce the height of the window, it's about fine on chrome but the layout is broken on FF
The goal would be to have the scrollbars start below the tabs on both browsers (and no scrollbar if there aren't too many pined messages)
@Cicada3301 hey :]
@Miszy sorry for yesterday... still your padawan, right?
@dystroy I hate debugging FF-only issues.
@Cicada3301 No, I just had to go for a second and one second turned into... almost 24 hours? ;D
@Miszy If that makes it friendlier, it's probably also bugged on IE but I don't care
@Miszy oh :D
btw... today the P.E. teacher was missing... have no idea what's going on...
@dystroy :D Let me start FF
Hey guys, how would you implement a snap view ? or the [side swipe] view in javascript ?
What's a snap view ?
@Miszy yesterday I met one of the main Linux developers in Italy after the basketball session: he was drunk, so I helped him to get to the nearest bus stop, and I told him I can (didn't say 'kinda') code in html css js php and all of that... so he gave me his email and wanted me to make a wikipedia style website for his version of linux, since he didn't know how to code in those...
@Miszy Do you know what miaou is ? In order to tackle that problem, that might help
Old IE won't load css I added dynamically, anyone ever ran into the issue? Two internet points to the one who figures it out.
@dystroy something like that , but i cant use the lib ... I need something the same reveal pattern for my views
@Miszy the problem is I don't know much about PHP, wich I presume is one of the main things used in wikipedia.... will you help me?
but my views can replace the whole current view and also there can be partial views
/cc @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum how many css files are loaded?
cause this is an angular question
@dystroy My first thought: A Pokemon. But it's spelled Meowth.
@Miszy and it's "Miaouss" in french.
@Cicada3301 The software behind wikipedia is mediawiki, it's easy enough to use (but crappy)
@Cicada3301 You can install wiki. Don't have to code anything :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I suppose you've already read this? stackoverflow.com/a/1184960/851498
@dystroy what do you suggest to do? make my way through php or learn mediawiki?
!!google define:french:miaou
@Cicada3301 afk a few minutes
@FlorianMargaine like 10?
@Miszy He wanted it with many changes, and... as of... the official jQuery page, but also being able to easily add and change pages if you're allowed to by him
Yes, I have
@dystroy k
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok, then it's not the 30 css files limit
Perhaps i am on my own :-( , the sinking ship is emitting its last distress call
@Miszy and with a different layout... still have no idea what he exactly wants, maybe he was too drunk to realize I was 13 and that he could find much better people... but I'll update you: I sent him an email
@AbhishekHingnikar Going down with the ship?
@FlorianMargaine :P I'lll try
no, it's the jquery way
let's dig in jquery's code
@Cicada3301 You have to learn the basics first. And I don't think PHP is a good choice for your first programming language. IMHO C++ would be. It would teach you a lot about strict rules and good style - to some extent enforced by the compiler.
@Neil No trying to build an iron man suit and then save the day while on a sinking ship with products from Stark Industries.
I actually have done the guesture part the harder part is the animation.
@FlorianMargaine I need inline <style></style> though.
Wait, do I?
Yeah, I do
Browser extension
The styles are saved locally in files.
@AbhishekHingnikar Hopefully some components of the iron man suit are onboard then
I load the file (from, let's say IE storage) and inject it
you can't have a file in href, I guess?
@Neil most of them are
@Miszy not really my first programming language... and c++ is for operative systems and other tests, not for changing stuff in website, as far as I know... I may be wrong obviously
yeah got it
No, it's saved in the registry
but the arc reactor's power is very low for sustainantial flight
i need to hand optimize the hardware xD or maybe the software cause the stock is unimaginably inefficient
did you try to force a redraw?
@Cicada3301 So what's you first programming language? And C++ is used in all kind of software, from OS, through games up to web servers.
@Miszy javascript even tho you may complain it is not a proper programming languge
Thank god for filezilla or I'd never be able to get this 1.7 Gb file sent to a computer in china
@Cicada3301 That's bad :D
@Miszy glad to see you're happy to see I did somethign bad :D
Oh, I totally got it.. he's a python programmer! It fits because he's anal about what the idea of how a programming language should be

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