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find another mirror in your house for the love of god. you don't need to be taking selfies in the bathroom
The others are selfies and one shirtless
aight. home time
Don't lie, I'm gorgeous.
10/10 would do
Haha later man
Uhm, "Initialize this repository with a README" Should I do that? And do I want a .gitignore and license??
@RUJordan yes and yes
readme is the front page of your repo
hey all
whats up
@RUJordan Yeah, you definitely want the readme
Probably the license as well
What kind of license and .gitignore? I don't see javascript in the list and I don't know any of the licenses
choose MIT
simple and permissive
^ that
MIT is generally the most sane one, yeah
@RUJordan Don't bother with .gitignore yet
That's for files you don't want to include in your repo
Plus credit if some one forks and makes something with your stuff
Usually, that ends up being the compiled executables
The default .gitignore should be enough
Ok, thanks!
is it possible to dynamically increment the <form> name Attribute
How's everyone's day going?
Trying it would be a brilliant way to find out.
if ( userName !== 'Zirak' && demAFKs.hasOwnProperty(userName) && !invokeRe.test(body) )
@benlevywebdesign yes
I don't think @Zirak likes the auto return
@Shea Zirak is afk: learning to fly
hey Im here!
Ok I'll see what I can find
@RUJordan lol just got done reading the pings
been busy all day leaving my job man :)
@Loktar Took you long enough!
feels good
er shit haha meant @rlemon
Don't lie, you meant it <3
Shit, I gotta install git when I get home. That should be fun.
Gives me time to split my JS and CSS into non-inline-in-file shit
Oh, thank you. Please do that
It may be interesting to read up on separation of concerns as well
@mikedidthis Into philosophy?
@RUJordan all the examples I am finding are way over complicated for what I'm am trying to do...
@SomeGuy into is a little strong. What you got?
I've excluded most of the philosophy articles, I think
The most interesting in general would be this
hold on a sec...I might have found something...
After that, Nihilism and stuff
@benlevywebdesign that might insinuate it might not be an easy fix ;)
hmm maybe
Q: How to add transition animations?

doctorowI have a website that uses a lot of the CSS3 animations and like the look of an animated layout. The only problem is that when you click the arrow to go to the next page it acts like a normal link and loads you there instantly. Since the arrow is so Windows 8 looking is there a way to have it sli...

@mikedidthis I'm assuming you know about Schrodinger's experiments?
I only know about that from the Big Bang Theory
Are there any better git tutorials than what the site has? I don't see any mention of making a develop branch from the master
@mikedidthis Borderline spam, but this course was lots of fun: oyc.yale.edu/psychology/psyc-110#sessions
If you have free time when traveling or something
@SomeGuy nope. Take your knowledge, halve it, divide it by ten. That's mine.
Halve it* :P
And thanks! It's not true, but I appreciate it
@SomeGuy underlines my point :D
@SomeGuy thank you
@mikedidthis If you think I'm well-read, you'll hate Zirak
(When he starts talking about all he's read)
@SomeGuy I enjoy listening to well-read people.
@RUJordan use the drop down? 'branch:master' -> 'development'?
@SomeGuy Zirak is afk: learning to fly
@Zirak might be irregular with being on chat for a long time, though :/
Well, technically, he's regular
guys how would u prove : floor of ceiling of x is equal to ceiling of x ?
hes on flight simulator 2009 :P
@mikedidthis I enjoy reading to well-quiet listeners
@mikedidthis dropdown from terminal?
(I like the terminal)
@monners Hahaha
@kiasy Interesting question
@SomeGuy ah! So I would do git branch develop and then git checkout develop to work on the non-master, then I can push it to the origin?
@SomeGuy I know, trying to figure it out now... any idead ?
@kiasy Math.floor(Math.celi(x)) === Math.celi(x);
R.I.P @kiasy
@SomeKittens Lazy copy-paster
how would you prove it on paper though ?
@SomeGuy You ever get around to readin' that Kahneman book?
@monners I did!
I didn't finish it, though :/
What did you think?
I enjoyed it
I didn't enjoy the way he wrote, I think
Don't remember what it was
He's a little dry, but he cuts to the point so it didn't bother me
Or maybe I just had a more interesting book to read instead
@monners I don't remember much, but I do remember that you called me old-school for reading about Skinner's work.
@monners they are good too.
@RUJordan oh, no I mean the actual site.
@SomeKittens Hahaha
@SomeKittens is that paper and pen aint seen that since 1999
@SomeKittens would it kill you to put your coffee in the same spot? That's an OCD nightmare!
@RUJordan Notice the symmetry.
A Venn Diagram of course!
@mikedidthis Do you think you'll manage to watch the Yale course videos?
Maybe he is trying to say he paid for the coffee with mastercard lol
@SomeGuy I will listen whilst I work.
The development of thought sounds interesting having a two year old in the house and all.
Yeah, it's really awesome. Gets you thinking
@SomeKittens I fixed it, not how do I update the PR?
Paul Bloom's a great professor too
I think I might go through the course lectures again
@Shea Push to that branch
@mikedidthis Also, this is where I learned about Cotard's and Capgras!
(Talking about that reminded me of the course)
anyone got a comment?
We link only our custom override CSS file <someproject>-ui.css in the page and @import url("jquery-ui.css") as the first thing in our ui stylesheet. Never have to worry about the order or that you got both. — Stephen P 1 hour ago
Can I git from any computer?
@RUJordan As a side note, that's fairly offensive to people who actually suffer from OCD. It's a real mental disorder, not mild irritation when things don't align.
@RUJordan Yeah, it's a distributed system.
E.g. my work computer and my home computer?
@SomeKittens sorry, I'll remove that
Err.. I guess I can't
mental illness doesn't get the respect it deserves
Thanks. Normally I try not to be annoying like that, but I've got several friends who suffer from OCD and hate it when people treat it lightly.
Broken leg? Cancer? Oh, how horrible!

Bipolar disorder? Quit crying and get over it!
@connor.js after the import, any CSS with the same selectors would override the import ones?
Which is mainly due to over-generalization and people who aren't actually diagnosed using TLA's as an excuse for their own laziness or to get attention.
Don't worry about it, I don't ever like to be offensive, despite my jokes.
@mikedidthis basically, i said you must include your custom <link> after everything else to guarentee over-ride, apparently I'm wrong
arranges pencils on desk "LOL IM SO OCD GUYZ"
@connor.js edit the answer to include @import url("jquery-ui.css") at the top. Anything underneath will override what is in jquery-ui.css?
@mikedidthis no, @import has nothing to do with the question.
hey guys does anyone know why theres so much "xx in 30 lines of js" stuff out there atm?
@connor.js I was referring to his comment.
Do I login to my github account via the terminal or do I clone my repo, push to it, and send a pull request? I'm kinda confused, despite that helpful tutorial
@kiasy because ceil always returns an integer, and the floor of an integer is itself?
@mikedidthis yeah..... He's just popped up out of the blue after months.....
@connor.js but I think your answer is correct.
you don't need a PR to update a repo where you have commit access
just push to it directly
@mikedidthis He didn't ask the question, me don't know him
@monners Are you still in Australia?
@ThiefMaster so I just clone it and push it, and it knows it's me?
@connor.js oh, right. Damn that is confusing. Just mention that the OP has a different set up.
well, you need to add your ssh key to your github account and clone via ssh
Oh jeez, gotta google that one
@mikedidthis regardless of the setup though, to over-ride it must be after
or you could clone via https and enter username+password or an oauth token - but that's ugly
@RUJordan: really easy. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
@connor.js yeah on re-reading the comment, that is what he is saying.
and add the output from that command to your github account
if the file doesn't exist: ssh-keygen -t rsa and press enter on each prompt (i.e. leave the defaults)
@connor.js as he does the import on line one, anything underneath overrides.
@connor.js its kinda like, look at me smart, kinda comment.
github.com/settings/ssh <- this is where you add the key to your account
@mikedidthis > Never have to worry about the order or that you got both.
@connor.js yeah, makes sense.
"Never have to worry about the order they are both in" - Basically (doesn't make sense)
Ok, I did that
I titled it "Work Computer"
Never have to worry about the order they are both in = I don't need to make sure that the jQuery UI CSS is before my custom css.
@RUJordan: usually it's fine to leave the default, which is username@hostname. i think it's taken automatically when left empty
@monners Heh, I was looking for a fun conversation we'd had. Found it!
Nov 26 '12 at 7:20, by monners
that looks perfectly scaleable...
@ThiefMaster ok, and when I have all that done?
Hey, does anyone have much experience with mobile website development? Specifically select boxes?
!!tell mikedidthis wiki Baader-meinhof
Bet you didn't know it was called this!
Hahaha, hilarious that I knew this name, and not the simpler to remember, "frequency illusion"
@SomeGuy lol, that was a fun conversation
@mikedidthis A site to teach you all about fallacies: youarenotsosmart.com
@SomeGuy I feel like I need a tinfoil hat.
@RUJordan then you can clone the repo using the SSH url shown in the githup repo
and push to it
@mikedidthis I'm done for today: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impossible_color
my peoples!
I love it!
phonically there is no difference
@rlemon Do you remember who it was that hated me posting Wikipedia links in here?
umm wasn't it mikedidthis because he never has time to read them?
Heh, no. Whoever it was kept asking me to stop posting them.
also shame on all of you
I see conversation but no one welcomed @OliverHyde
@OliverHyde Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ThiefMaster you rock, I think I got it!
@mikedidthis Turns out I'm not done: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-not-B_error
You'll see all of this if you go through the Yale course, though
Does anyone know of a way to allow select boxes on mobile browsers to be selectable by touching the item [ <option></option> ] as well as by click 'done'?
Or is this an operating system wide configuration?
Fcuk I don't like my project right now
Holy shit
That's amazing
that is cool as tits
Oh...shit. It's 4:30am.
@SomeGuy Time for coffee
holy hell I need to get into webgl
@SomeGuy Last saturday, me: Shit, it's 10 am, I forgot to sleep
@copy Hahahaha
Okay, that's never happened to me
Actually, I was working on a challenge with a prize, so I had to stay and win it
Oh, good lord.
!!tell mikedidthis wiki Lucid dreaming
Okay, I'm going to go to bed now. See y'all
@SomeGuy I will catch up, see ya man!
!!afk good night
@BenjaminGruenbaum There goes the neighbourhood.
@Shea 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick, stackoverflow (page 0/4)
@AndrewJackson !!undo
@AndrewJackson !!die
You named your bot after yourself?
Yeah, because no one else would
!!> time = (-> { @hours, @minutes, @seconds }).call date
@phenomnomnominal "SyntaxError: syntax error"
Question about chrome notification. What i understand is when the tab is not open you wont get any notification. Does chrome provide something like native push notification? Means it runs in background even your browser is not open
It is a sad sad day when the reformed Andrew Jackson is the most active not maintainer.
@vzhen that doesn't exist yet
Sad day indeed
!!c> time = (-> { @hours, @minutes, @seconds }).call date
@phenomnomnominal "ReferenceError: date is not defined"
On a side note: why does my phone correct bot to not
@vzhen depending on what youre doing, safari 7 now supports it developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/…
@rlemon nah, was looking at this:
Q: Cherry picking properties in coffee script

TusharIs there a way in CoffeeScript, to reduce the code size but still have the same effect as - {hours, seconds, minutes} = data x = {hours, seconds, minutes}

@ginman got it. what about chrome.pushMessaging? any idea what is that?
@Loktar thats what she said
she did?
@vzhen not sure, thats new to me. Looks promising though.
@Shea your last idea is bad and you should feel bad
also see: lets put her memory online so she can be hosted from anyone with her login
then see why your idea is bad
What if I want to run your memory with my own flavor of bot?
too bad. it is her memory and hers alone
Caprica Six is too girly for my bot's name
you are missing the point.
He sounds little funny, the things he says
I would like to see a memory store online with a thin API so any bot with a key can have their own slice of online memory and server commands.
So would I be on Caprica's account, if she goes down, and I feel the need to replace her?
so if Caprica goes down on my PC someone else who has her creds can login and just host her
so basically. she will never be down.
so you bot would run along side her, not replace her
Okay, so what happens when you come back, and it's time to get the CapricaSix account going again?
(no one puts Zirak's baby in a corner... no one)
I don't until the person who is currently hosting her comes back and stops
but to the end user there would be no difference
her memory is the same, her name is the same. no difference
I understand that, but we like Caprica better
Why not just kill the temp bot right away, and get her name back on the screen?
Try killing that without addressing him lol
TIL india has deployed more space crafts than Canada
@Loktar see this yet?
hah nice
thats a decent collection
dude has sim ant!
so do I
I have almost all of those pc games
I loved sim ant
just not all the boxes :(
sim earth and sim farm also
sim farm was actually quite a nice sim game
actually pretty sure I have more
my jewel case collection is rather large
yeah I have all the sim games, my fav is sim life
I think sim farm and sim tower were my biggest time sinks
sim life man.. its so cool
still fun today
you make an eco system
SO MANY stats its nuts
like you create your own creatures/plants, etc
I think I played it a few times
never owned it
looks similar to sim earth
Sim tower!
@rlemon remember having to change the price of each hotel room individually? My brother and I used to take shifts just doing that
But we got our Tower rating so it was all worth it in the end
yea that was a pain
And the bomb attacks. Ugh!
or letting it run overnight just to have a VIP visit ten minutes after you afk
Holy shit, I totally forgot about the VIPs
> ohh yea! just leave that blocking popup there....

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