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okay I have another question for you guys. In JS, is there some sort of method to say "wait for something to be part of the page, and then do this function"?
So, the COO of my company is doing this thing where he monitors our goals for the day and the interruptions that keep us from accomplishing those goals.
@RUJordan there's nothing to clear. You should have no interval.
@Crowz you should always know where that something is coming from
then action where you add it
Yesterday, he asked me about my goal for the day, and literally said "So, what, like 1000 lines of code?"
if you are talking about 'wait for resources to download' then that is another story all together.
I had to explain to him that LoC is not a good measure of what a programmer gets done.
@rlemon well, it seems like what is happening is my table is being added to the page too late for it to execute a slide down to that element
ahh see now we have the actual problem
> 6:30-6:45 brewing coffee; 6:45-6:46 drinking coffee; 6:46-7:46 visit to ER
never present an XY problem. it never helps.
@JanDvorak Yeah, in addition, we are actually tracking time... but in 15 minute intervals. And it's the whole company, not just IT.
@RyanKinal if Lines of Code were a factor for productivity
> 6:30 - 6:45 - walking from the toilet (rounding rollover; actually just a few seconds)
@rlemon well here's what happens: I have an EJS template that is loaded and added to the page using a JSON retrieved from my flask app. Right now, it has a static id and is called upon clicking a bar in a highcharts chart. The problem is; the first time it does not slide down. If I click another chart, it will slide to the previously rendered div (because of the static id). Therefore I think that it just doesn't register that the thing is on the page
@JanDvorak lol, yep... rounding accounts for a significant amount of my time spent in chat.
> 9:45 - 11:15 - thinking about buying a boat...
"Well, that took me five minutes... might as well chat for 10"
@Crowz 'taking too much time' probably isn't the case - you are likely selecting the element at the wrong time
but if you had a live example or some code it might be more helpful
@rlemon I will provide you an example
!!> var π = 3.14;
@Jhawins "undefined"
Crap. .NET date strings seem to be incompatible with JavaScript date strings.
Never knew the pi symbol was valid for variable names.
@Jhawins any letter is
@JanDvorak It's not a letter though?
@Jhawins sure it is
!!google greek_lowercase_letter_pi
!!> var é
@Jhawins "undefined"
most all unicode is valid as a variable name
Well.. Interesting. I never knew.
!!> var ಠ_ಠ = 'unimpressed'; ಠ_ಠ;
@rlemon "unimpressed"
!!> var ƒ = function(){return 1;}; ƒ();
@eazimmerman 1
var ಠ_ಠ = 'some error message';
throw ಠ_ಠ;
that could be fun
Here it is, rlemon... a brief example: gist.github.com/DarkCrowz/332b752889cc76a189cc
try {
  // stuff
} catch ( ಠ_ಠ ) {
that might just sneak its way into much of my code
!!> var  = "apple";
@eazimmerman "SyntaxError: illegal character"
@Crowz please tell me you are not selecting an element like this: $(element.attr('id'))
well not in the ACTUAL code, I just query for the ordinary id. $('#table') which will have to be fixed later. The template always has that as an id
ok well in that code you just gave me I fail to see the issue
@eazimmerman Ha
you have a reference to the element, the json call doesn't mutate that element (or so it seems) and then you slide it around
@Crowz How is line 9 even valid??
You're missing a ) after your terrible selector.
!!> ({'(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻':'FLIPS TABLE!'})
@rlemon {"(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻":"FLIPS TABLE!"}
look better in chrome
!!awsm (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻":"FLIPS TABLE!
@Jhawins (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"S TABLE!
@rlemon The arms changed when she said it back?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Haha, the code markup changes the characters.
did I break something again?
Italics broke the table
@Jhawins as I said right now it's set at $('#table') but that's dumb and has to change eventually
OSX Mavericks is free?
@Crowz Ah, because that code isn't even functional right now. I wondered if this was a botched copy/paste job...
OS X Dallas Mavericks
I guess I may aswell update my other HDD.
@Jhawins it's too complicated to put in 10 lines so I simplified it a lot to the root of the problem
What's the problem?
@RyanKinal My boss did that for a week so he had a legitimate excuse to fire one of the office girls.
Hi everyone
Any chance someone has a free minute to have a look at an angular app I've written?
How bad is it that I run a directive from a controller on route change?
Okay... I fixed it with some really stupidly simple solution of just adding another div
@Jhawins Yeah... that's what I'm worried about. I mean, I'm fairly certain I'm safe, but who knows.
Mostly, I just think it's ridiculous

Arrived at work. Considered staying home in bed but, with Simon being away this week, there is no real reason to be absent. Checked production schedule. Completed my work for the week.
Cleaned my mouse.
Left for the day.
@RyanKinal .. just consider it okay?
omfg yes
@ryan just don't change your habits too much now that they're watching.
If he sees you go into super-hyper-overdrive mode he'll expect it forever haha
I don't think I've changed my habits. I still take breaks (and record them). I still socialize. I still chat :-P
Also, he (personally) doesn't really pay attention at any other time.
> No, I have decided not to do time-sheets anymore. I'm not a robot. As your new token responsibility as time-sheet collector is essentially the office equivalent of placing an OCD child in charge of equally spaced fridge-magnet distribution to keep it occupied while The View is on, this saves you from having to bother with the whole embarrassing process.
Hi guys, I'm passing a closure|callable|function into a class via a setter. Can the code in this function interact with a method that the class I'm passing it into has?
by the way why are we making a chat again ? didn't raynos had one ?
@FlorianMargaine How do I access it? this.method is the wrong way
code plz
code pls
and holy fuck raynos did a whole chat using discovery network without a central server !
@Raynos how on earth did you do that without reliable socket ?
@JanDvorak this is the context (sorry I was in a meeting) codepen.io/RUJordan/pen/dcwLC I could a couple interval timers running, so if I for some reason needed interval ajax calls, I would clear those intervals and restart them
Do upvoted questions affect your tag score? (If I get 5 upvotes in a question tagged JS, what will my new tag score be?)
can anyone explain how using require.js compiler to bundle/concat your modules and dependencies is different from just namespacing stuff off the global scope?
since you aren't using the async loading functionality
sort of drops the a from amd ?
If trying to download Mavericks through the App Store didn't crash my machine I would update...
The second I press "install app" I'm frozen.
Something in my office sounds like the brontosaurus from the OG Jurassic Park...
@FlorianMargaine / @AbhishekHingnikar Code example
It's a quick rudimentary example instead of giving you all my code, sorry about that!
I want to pass in a callable, and that callable to call a method within the class I'm passing it into. That's it. Here's me wanting to try this.notify
@theporchrat Modularization is for development, not for production. Using the compiler to bundle means a faster application (due to less HTTP requests, and better caching)
right but why write amd modules in the first place? could do something none async (common/js?) or just attach the "module" to My.NameSpace.Module
seems like i would gain the same dev benefit
i'm all for modules, but in this case is it about a shared interface?
so someone elses code could understand mine?
Any D3 peeps here"?
I need some splainen
D3 is dead to me. :|
Neil, why?
You can change your skillset on the fly with no drawbacks
I might need one of those for D#
YAY 300 rep :-)
@qwertynl meaningless ^^
Just sitting here clicking "refresh" over and over again on this captcha until it turns into actual letters instead of a black blob.
It's true, I've seen users with 15 rep make me look like an idiot
@Loktar @rlemon what has happened here is comedy gold:
Q: HTML5/Canvas Mouse Position off when placed in actual Site

jondavidjohnI'm capturing mouse position like this mouse_move: function(e) { mousePos.x = e.pageX - vr.o.context.canvas.offsetLeft; mousePos.y = e.pageY - vr.o.context.canvas.offsetTop; }, and it has worked like a dream in all modern browsers while in development, Even tested W...

can I put dualing .onclick functions in an if for the same element? or do I have to put the if inside the onclick?
I answered in 2011, then in 2012 someone answers with the code that in 2011 I was going to get around to writing!
I am going to write low level graphics algorithms for exams hurrah
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh...
well i thought it was cool
@SimonSarris Nice!!
@SimonSarris Hahahaha
what are you studying abhi? @AbhishekHingnikar
Hahaha that's nuts.
@DD. 3rd Year Computer Science
you know Computer Graphics Management
BE ? @AbhishekHingnikar
Yeah sadly
Btw room, Do you guys think I should quit my job as a developer and become a teacher ?
u still school goin kid ah :DDDD @AbhishekHingnikar
@DD. -_- how old are u ?
very elder than u :D
> "Those who can't do, teach. And those who can't teach, teach gym." -Jack Black
@DD. I am 20
considering you completed high school in 2005 which i did in 2009 you must be 24 ?
Very elder indeed.
yes ofcourse
@DD. nah i'd still call you by name :P
@RUJordan That has nothing to do with Jack Black... That is a very old saying.
at MetaRain my boss was 25 :P and i counted em as friends .. in this room we have 31's and 31+'saswell :$
It has everything to do with Jack Black, he said it in a movie. He might not have said it first, but he said it.
and we still are all friends !
no issues chhotu :) @AbhishekHingnikar
@AbhishekHingnikar lord knows @rlemon is like 79. (kidding <3)
@RUJordan no hes 28 iirc
@DD. SHTAP calling me chotu
you should call @SomeGuy that
@AbhishekHingnikar that's why I said kidding, his age is on his profile. :P
@AbhishekHingnikar One day, I'll change my name and my profile picture, and I won't tell you.
@SomeGuy hahahahahahahah
you know something ? I actually use YOU as an EXAMPLE :P (in a good way) of how age is just a number and you don't need to be a graduate just to innovate :P
what does chotu mean?
@FlorianMargaine kiddo
Oh. Ok chotu.
what have I done!
i just realize florian can also call me kid
My friend is actually skipping college because he wouldn't learn anything new from it. He's an incredible python developer (not ONLY just python though) but he spends most of his time fiddling with his minecraft server.
well lets do something, let me just write a small userscript
which will do absolutely nothing but change" !" to "!"
no that could go so damn wrong while posting code ... idea crashed
@RUJordan the thing is, going to college is usually a good idea because you learn stuff that you didn't know existed.
For example, Abhishek would've learnt what LDAP is
@OctavianDamiean Oye!
Where the hell are you?
@FlorianMargaine I tried to get him to go but he's quite adamant about it. Rather unfortunate, but he'll still do well I believe.
Does somebody like my Github contributions? :-)
@FlorianMargaine nope
@イオニカビザウ Whoa. How did you do that?
> Pushed 101 commits to IonicaBizau/I-love-Github Dec 31
Lots and lots of that. Blank pushes
Even if studied everything at college i wouldn't know what LDAP is
@DD. without using google do you know what LDAP is ?
Still kinda cool I guess
@イオニカビザウ pretty cool
@Jhawins Yes, exactly. All commits have "Dummy" message. Pull requests are welcome!
Ugh, there's a wicked sharp pain in my stomach
@イオニカビザウ awesome
@FlorianMargaine Thanks for the star! :-)
You can see who starred your messages?
@RUJordan Everyone sees all of the stars
curl raw.github.com/IonicaBizau/gh-contributions/master/installer.sh -o install.sh; chmod +x install.sh;./install.sh; rm -rf install.sh
# can be replaced with
curl raw.github.com/IonicaBizau/gh-contributions/master/installer.sh | sh
Q: Chat room stars, personal vs. room

Dan LuggUpdate This just happened. I waltzed into the PHP room, and sure enough: If this isn't evidence that we need a room star creation reputation minimum, I don't know what is. Alternative While I believe functionality in this proposal would be optimal, it is perfectly understandable that such a...

21 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
curl https://raw.github.com/IonicaBizau/gh-contributions/master/installer.sh -o install.sh; chmod +x install.sh;./install.sh; rm -rf install.sh
# can be replaced with
curl https://raw.github.com/IonicaBizau/gh-contributions/master/installer.sh | sh
@RUJordan No, I meant the star on the repository. :-)
@FlorianMargaine Yes, sure! If you want, please make a pull request, even I can edit this easily. I like to collaborate with other programmers.
Oh, sorry I thought you mean chat stars
And who follows me I will follow back on Github! :-) I like making friends on Github.
no idea @AbhishekHingnikar
@FlorianMargaine Add you on package.json contributors array. ;-)
not really
that's not a contribution
that's barely... a typo fix
@FlorianMargaine see i proved my point :P
1 min ago, by DD.
no idea @AbhishekHingnikar
you are BE right @DD. ?
mca @AbhishekHingnikar
@イオニカビザウ That took some dedication
O_O wow!
you are a masters degree holder :-(
@AbhishekHingnikar Thank you for the follow! ;-)
Room Question : Should I quit my Job and Become a Teacher ?
@Neil Yes, there was some work on that. :-)
am serious about this :P
what are you interested in? @AbhishekHingnikar
Hi, anyone have any experience using $.when and $.done with an $.each? I am using an each loop to iterate through the urls stored as values in an array of objects . The urls are then used to make ajax calls. When all the ajax calls are done I would like to return a promise.
@AbhishekHingnikar without knowing anything about your job, I would say no, because teachers are infamously paid very low salaries
Don't be a union man :(
@AbhishekHingnikar In Romania the teachers get very low salaries... My brother (who is 25 year old) was a teacher and I (who am 18 year old) was getting a higher salary than him working as 50% web developer... I don't know the situation of teachers in your country...

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