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function quote(msg, whosaid) {
    console.log(">"+msg+" ~"+whosaid);
@dystroy on any linux, cat /etc/issue
debian, ubuntu, arch, centos, red hat...
oh, rlemon said it.
@Jacta That's a basic logic problem you have here
I often had the occasion to use this one
When you remove the element 0, the element 1 becomes the element 0, and thus as you incremented the counter you skip it.
So if you use .closest to get a certain node, but you want a node beneath that, would you use .find()? For me that works not.
@rlemon hurt my eyes
@user973810 that works. Your code is bad.
Ah, makes sense, actually, but my console.log's seems to give right elements?
To use Monster Truck Madness 2 you need:
Multimedia PC with a Pentium 133 or higher processor
Microsoft® Windows® 95 operating system or Windows NT® Workstation operating system version 4.0 with Service Pack 3
16 MB of RAM; 32MB recommended
30 MB of available hard-disk space; 110 MB recommended
Quad-speed CD-ROM drive; 6x recommended
Super VGA, 16-bit color monitor
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device; joystick or race car controller recommended
Audio board with speakers or headphones
I remember a day when I didn't meet such system requirements
32MB ram? I'm fucked.
@RUJordan don't worry, it isn't required, only recommended
Oh good!
@Jacta It'd probably help if you could give us a version that we could run; it's hard to figure out what's going on just by looking at the code.
Ill try to setup - one second
jsfiddle is better than pastebin, generally.
Can anyone give me a hand with media queries?
!!welcome BillyMathews
@rlemon Well... There were games that couldn't run on my TO7 which had only 8K of RAM and my parents didn't want to buy a computer with 64 K of RAM.
@BillyMathews Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want to remove all the li's where text start with "Ipad"
@Jacta Wasn't my explanation enough for you to fix it ?
@dystroy I don't think you're right, actually, dystroy.
@dystroy because who would ever need that much ram?!
@dystroy I asked you a subquestion also :/
MegaByte?! in my day that is something we did when we were really hungry
The elements array isn't being mutated, so that shouldn't be an issue.
it's in relation to this page, I have used media queries to change the width of the product list div, so that when resizing the browser down and one of the thumbnails is knocked down, the div gets smaller, 'hugging' the thumbnails. This is so that I can center the div with margin correctly.
Hey one doubt can we do image color manipulation using javascrupt/jQuery and with out using canvas?
However, on ipad 2 colums are being displayed when 3 can fit
@DeepuSA You can apply filters
@Retsam also that the console.log is correct - eventhough it removes wrong element :p
@BillyMathews are you sure 3 can fit? did you check the widths/margins/paddings?
@Jacta I'm not sure you can just remove elements from an list generated by angular like this.
Hey @rlemon, have you played with Caprica much?
@Retsam They could be hided instead?
@BillyMathews Nah, three cant fit on iPads width (768px). On that browser width, the container with the items is 730px wide
@FlorianMargaine I checked by commenting out the media queries and 3 fit up there
@BenjaminGruenbaum This is HTML5 right.. i cannot use Html5 can we do it with javascript/jquery or its plug in?
@Kit eh, kinda
@Jacta I'm not sure that's the issue or not; honestly I've never used Angular to know for sure
ok so tickle me this: I have two domains setup identically, one works. one does not :/
@rlemon I'm looking for the part where she joins a room. Do you know where that is?
summon plugin
@DeepuSA No one can use HTML5, the specification is still in draft. It depends on what browsers you have to support. Ask your question in SO.
@rlemon Thank you.
If I have an array that i sorted in ascending order of some "priority" property, is their a method for modifying the priority to re-order an element while ensuring uniqueness? I can't just add or subtract whole numbers, or multiple elements will eventually have the same value; same problem with just adding/subtracting .5. I'm sure this kind of sorting operation has a name, but I don't know it.
@Retsam well, for the fiddle I pasted there's no angular at all, so should be able to hide/remove the items there
!!afk smoke
@FlorianMargaine You are right. The coding was inglorious.
@SebastianEkström that's right, but then how comes if I comment out my media queries, the ipad shows 3 colums?
then you will have to check the adapter code as well for the actual interactions
@Shmiddty Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
@Jacta True, good point.
@rlemon Thanks. I have my own fork.
@BenjaminGruenbaum the problem is that it should be browser compactable for atleat major browsers. can we do it with javascript/jquery
@user973810 I'm always right.
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName lorempizza.com
  ServerAlias lorempizza.com
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/otherdomains/lorempizza"
  <Directory /var/www/lorempizza.com>
    AllowOverride All
    Allow from all

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName rlemon.ca
  ServerAlias rlemon.ca
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/otherdomains/rlemon"
  <Directory /var/www/rlemon.ca>
    AllowOverride All
    Allow from all
sorry for the wall
but why would lorempizza work and rlemon.ca not work :?
@dystroy Actually yes, only that it should hide/remove the li instead of the a - is that possible to modify?
@BillyMathews Yes, because you change the width of the container in the @media query to max-width: 480px;. Try changing it to 768 or something else, and it should work
@Jacta actually, it looks like dystroy is right. The elements array IS being mutated when you remove elements from the DOM.
@Jacta of course it's easy. Instead of looking for a class, look for a tag (li) in findParent
no special reason. But your ServerAlias is pointless in both cases.
the DNS Zone files are setup
@FlorianMargaine yes I know this
also, check the permissions on the folder
both rlemon and lorempizza have the same permissions
If you add a console.log(elements.length) statement in your logging, it decreases each time you remove an DOM element.
aaand the directory should be the documentroot :|
argh, need naming help :O :(
@FlorianMargaine ??
@Retsam oh, kinda makes sense :S
<Directory /var/www/otherdomains/rlemon>
@rlemon ^
lorempizza probably only works because it's the default
Localized error messages are painful... I don't even understand this one :
/var/www/subdomains/ is where I store all of my subdomains
they all work fine
@rlemon did you change the directory?
right now it points to an unknown directory
the directory exists
then why isn't it the documentroot?
@Jacta Super hackish, but you can add i-- after parent.parentNode.removeChild(parent)
@erdimeola Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy Makes sense for that part, didnt know :/ - But the li has that class, aint that alot of rewrite . or is it possible to .parent?
That will work, but there has to be a better way to do it.
@FlorianMargaine was a cheap way to keep people from accessing it from other domains
@rlemon which folder exists?
and by document root I assume you mean /var/www/html/
Don't change the media query. Change the max-width property. So, something like this:

@media screen and (max-width: 780px){
#default_products_page_container .products_list{
max-width: 100%
@Retsam Guess the way dystroy made it should do the trick, eventhough I want it one parent more out
which folder do you want apache to serve for rlemon.ca?
@dystroy when is the recruitement period for your project?
@FlorianMargaine my structure is like this:
/var/www/html <- serves lemonmeme.com
/var/www/subdomains/* <- folders serving all subdomains for lemonmeme.com and other wise
/var/www/otherdomains/* <- folders serving lorempizza and soon rlemon
@FlorianMargaine Not really sure, but it should be open.
@dystroy ah, so they still ignore me.
Hey one doubt can we do image color manipulation using javascrupt/jQuery and with out using canvas?
you can do it with css, or with canvas.
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName rlemon.ca
  ServerAlias rlemon.ca
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/otherdomains/rlemon"
  <Directory /var/www/otherdomains/rlemon>
    AllowOverride All
    Allow from all
@FlorianMargaine They seem to want somebody living in Paris/suburbs
not with jQuery
@rlemon change your vhost to this ^
so why does other sites allow the TLD and that entry wouldnt?
and use dig rlemon.ca to see if the IP is correct
@rlemon the other only works by coincidence, it's just the default picked up by apache
@rlemon can i change color of an image partially usiing css?
but I literally do it for like 8 things
@DeepuSA look on google
@FlorianMargaine the ip is correct
@rlemon this is your vps IP?
@FlorianMargaine i'm just curious how it all works. gist.github.com/rlemon/44b207e2f03dbcbd4924
I did a propagation check
these all work
yes that is my ip
because I assumed it was a dns issue :P
did you try changing now?
I mean, does the change make it work or not?
restarting apache
@Loktar when is your presentation?
Tonight at 6:30 or so
its only 11 am here right now
didn't work
so still a while yet
@Loktar ah k
It's working again!
loading @IvoWetzel
@rlemon what's in the folder?
because it just looks like a timeout or something
Hello just a little thing: regexr.com?372fn (reqex) ^(((beggining|b)(\+([0-9]))?)|((end|e)(-([0-9]))?))$ google say "nothing to repeat"
not necessarily an apache issue
So how can @AOL claim that @creativecommons Attribution License [CC-BY] licensed content can't be used by @PeoplePlus http://wrd.cm/HudPS7
retweet please
I was looking into finding a UI widget and ran across this article: "50 Must-have plugins for extending twitter bootstrap". If you "must have" 50 different UI plugins, I suggest you're doing something wrong.
@FlorianMargaine @Loktar Oh god, I'm so stupid
@FlorianMargaine I just added ahhpics.com in the EXACT same way I added lorempizza and rlemon ahhpics.com
works like a champ
only rlemon.ca doesn't work
the canadian domain doesnt want to be rude and take traffic from the other domains obviously
yea i'm gonna grab some lunch and pull my hair out over it later
polite Canadians
thanks for the help
@rlemon Why are you leaving me!?
I just got told my my boss that my database architecture was.. TOO normalized. Whut?
not for me, but I just remembered that my company's fw blocks >1024 ports
somewhat it's not picking up new players for me when they join, but seems to be a graphical issue only
guess I broke something during my refactoring
forget your milk
@Shmiddty Where's the milk?
@RUJordan shiddty happens
How do you reset the auto increment count in SQL server 2008?
@FlorianMargaine hmm?
it's a joke.
@RUJordan you don't
Don't or can't? Because I was told to do it =x
It's a full table wipe, so there won't be any PK clashes
now this time it is working for real: (if you never call update on the entities, nothing is going to happen, who would have known!)
I control 2
oh god I'm controlling 3 characters
I'm humping someone.
one died :( poor lil guy
@phenomnomnominal that's what I was doing.. xD
you only control the blue one, the others are other players
gonna put the network library I wrote for this on github later this evening
Teabaggin little circle tanks with other little circle tanks. Not bad.
make it really easy to write your own games :)
it's not 100% there yet (lot's of features missing, but it works and is quite clean from a code point of view)
I lost him
@IvoWetzel you should make each dot a distinct color, and show that color to all people
I demand individualism
then you wouldn't know which one you were
@Shmiddty I guess that would be like 10 lines of game code, it's just are bare demo for the underlying networking code (which I'm quite proud of)
gonna do some more cleanup and then you guys can take a look
this day isn't going to waste itself
you can do some really neat things with web sockets
sum := 0
for _, value := range array {
    sum += value
@IntStarFoo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I can't trust any language that uses _ as part of the language
@Neil Why ? How is : better ?
Why does <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> create a whitespace to one side of my site?!!
@EdgarMiranda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
now accepting ideas for ahhpics.com
@rlemon Welcome back!
Anyone, meta viewport? A 100% width div extends about 100px off the screen, extending the page making it horizontally scrollable, despite the html and body elements not being that size
God I hate server admin
@Billy padding and margins
Oh my days this is so fucked
Welcome to JavaScript!
@BillyMathews seriously, this is likely just a padding / margin issue
!!tell BillyMathews mdn box-sizing
Ok so this is dumb, I'm using express & jade on the server, and Ember and Handlebars on the client.....
Writing Handlebars templates in jade templates is almost impossible...
No this is a problem with about a thousand different levels
@DAVD Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
then the solution is clearly unicorns.js
@deep long time no yell
did someone say unicorns?
@connor.js Better question: WHY?!?
Well, not for much longer @rlemon
How you guys been?
apache sucks my bum
that is all
@SomeKittens Have any suggestions?
I love Jade, though it might be better to move to a more HTML-centric templating system like Dust or EJS
just to avoid syntax conflicts.
What is the Relationship between the DOM and the HTML file?
@deep jeepers.
@deep start by asking 'what is the document object model?'
What is the Document Object Model?
not to us, to google
let me google that for you...
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents. Objects in the DOM tree may be addressed and manipulated by using methods on the objects. The public interface of a DOM is specified in its application programming interface (API). The history of the Document Object Model is intertwined with the history of the "browser wars" of the late 1990s between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, as well as with that of JavaScript and JScript, the first scripting lan...
then a bunch of w3schools then quirksmode.org/dom/intro.html
also, wikipedia isn't going to be your guide to learning programming things
Q: Confused by relation between DOM and HTML (APIs)

KarolisCould someone try to explain to me, how are DOM and HTML related? Is one subset of another, is one a more abstract concept than the another? Is HTML an extension of DOM? Or do they describe rather unrelated concepts (related only in that you can transform from HTML into DOM)? How would you draw t...

it is handy, but often doesn't go in depth about teaching you how to use it
@rlemon true
i iz need someone who knows apache and fix problem
var x = document.getElementsByTagName('B')[0]

What does the [0] do?
gets the first node in the nodelist that is returned by getElementsByTagName
like an array
but never forget they are not arrays
just like arrays
Interesting one :
Q: Recalculate Style: why so stuttering?

raina77owLet's say we have a code that injects series of similar elements into the DOM. Something like this: var COUNT = 10000, elements = Object.keys(Array(COUNT).join('|').split('|')); var d = document, root = d.getElementById('root'); function inject() { var count = COUNT, ul ...

so x is an array-like object, and we are selcting the first thing out ouf the semi-array x?
call it a nodeList
that is the actual interface
x should be assigned the value of the first node
!!tell deep mdn nodelist
document.getElementsByTagName('B') returns a nodeList
[0] gets the first node
and then that is assigned to x
You know jQuery UI's .draggable() method? can you access how much its move by via js?
@dystroy you look like a man who knows a thing or two about apache
I can't see what the hell would stop rlemon.ca from working but lemonmeme.com and ahhpics.com work fine
Hoooooly cow. Teaching is hard.
@SomeKittens I know you are a server man!
yes the alias is redundant in all cases
yeah, but I haven't touched Apache in a while
point ahhpics to the rlemon dir
see if it works
and vice versa
will do
Teaching a lot of the basics that I don't know nearly as well as I should since I only work with the abstractions.
@SomeKittens who to?
RocketU bootcamp
so these are beginners and I'm really nervous about saying the wrong things, since they'll believe me.
@Loktar ahhpics now serves the rlemon hello world message correctly.
rlemon fails to serve the ahhpics index
they have the same permissions :/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov  5 10:27 ahhpics
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 26 15:55 lorempizza
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 11 16:21 rlemon
er wait, nm
you said ahhpics can server the rlemon dir
so nm that rules out dir permissions
the zone files for ahhpics AND rlemon are the same
and you can see the VH entry
you sure the a record and everything is correct?
I see it pointing to your server, just weird that for that one domain apache wont serve
Cookies get such a bad wrap. They're not just for fucking ads and tracking.
@Loktar yup - I didn't the EXACT same setup steps for rlemon and ahhpics
woa! I have two ips
didn't even know that
@Bnaya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the only thing I can think of is that godaddy is doing something funky because it is a .ca
but how can that be?!
Q: Saving data when javascript state changes

SsShow to save data using ajax in wordpress when there is a change in javascript variable's value ? Vimeo Video State Change - http://jsfiddle.net/bdougherty/HfwWY/light/ I'm trying to save the (video finished) state for individual user to database

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