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@Loktar your codepen is more impressive than my diploma
@rlemon He graduated at the bottom of his class in Pet Disciplinary School
haha thanks
what you've done is always better than paper
I think they are way overrated
that paper cost me...
yeah Id still like a degree though
Im sooo close..
I have learned so much more being out of school then in
like 8 credits away
@Loktar from a degree of a Diploma
@rlemon i hate you
45K/year, I got my degree in 3.5 years
for those of you who have yet to experience it.. wait until you have to do your masters thesis
thanks to scholarships and Bank of Dad my total cost was waaaaaay less
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/UtX97/2 @stewbydoo there was a small bug in the first one
@rlemon degree, but Ill need a GED to get the degree
it doesn't sound so bad now, but it is the definition of dread
@stewbydoo dont just copy his though
@Loktar didn't finish HS?
(i'm not judging, just asking)
I know I don't want to but you guys make these things so damn easy
no, was a weird situation
@stewbydoo its easy once you do it once :p
(Anyone else, please read/comment)
once you have yours done itll be easier to make a new one
@rlemon I went to homeschool from 10th-12th
truth but I want to understand vs copy
but.. went to the HS for all computer classes
@stewbydoo exactly why I said dont copy his
@Loktar you want strange, I'm one credit short - but I thought I graduated. I fucked up somewhere and didn't notice I was one credit short - funny thing was they called my name at commencement. I didn't go, but still, what would they have given me
fire alarm!!1
wasn't until 2 years later when someone asked if I got it in the mail that I went back to my HS and found out
@copy any ideas?
@Shmiddty It's been 20 years. You can't just waltz back into my life like this.
@Esailija I know what the issue is
i' hopefully will be back lol
and I know how to change it now
I'll just return Promise.cast(ret)
@stewbydoo I tried to write that one to be as readable as possible
and the issue is that I don't put ret where I should btw, in terms of logic
@Shmiddty Yes, but not quite sure
@Esailija but what do you have to say?
@copy want to see my current solution?
No, later when I'm more desperate
@FlorianMargaine never mind :D
@Esailija tell me ;_;
Instant survey : who here uses or used Eclipse to develop node.js applications ? If so why ?
haha damnit
I think Im going first tonight
for lightning talks
I was hoping to be in the middle somewhere
if (isFirst(includesEndIdx, indexes)) {
    var modulePath = currentModule[currentModule.length - 1].name.split(identifiers.sep);
    return fs.readFileAsync(
        path.join(basepath, modulePath.join(path.sep)),
        { encoding: 'utf8' }
        return parse(content, fullpath, basepath, currentModule.pop().puts)
        ret += v;
        return parse(ret, data.slice(includesEndIdx + includesEndMatch[0].length), fullpath, basepath);
I still have to change everything else
but now it returns a promise, not a string
but I realized that this won't work
@Loktar what is the topic?
My jsbin entry
the cool one
which one
yes parse needs to return promise
the sun and 3d shit ?
@Loktar nah it's better to be first
I hate speaking in public though dreading it
excited, yet nervous, hopefully my body doesnt do a weird twitch or something nutty
> wow did you see how he freaked out randomly?
just think about those guys watching you, pooping
> Why is he straining so hard.. he needs more fiber
man you guys see the plane collision video?
they all lived
heh the one plane that exploded was loaded with sky divers
the pilot even had an emergency chute
holy crap
that's intense
^ why every plane needs chutes for people
@AaronBenjamin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi all
noob here :D
any query UI experts here?
i'm having a case of the struggles
@rlemon Thanks for linking instead of including
this i will include! what a prank!
What's wrong with your mouse?
clearly it isn't my mouse
how is that clear?
@Shmiddty That's the lemon mouse :
omg so want
new super website: margaine.com/ua
Hu ?
lol why'd I click that
Why a website for that ?
@dystroy for customers
That's one of those cases where document.write would appear legitimate
s/would appear/is
@copy Thanks. I'm still struggling to adapt to this strange direct language that is English.
I guess.
just changed it :)
@dystroy anyway, some customers are testing a website with lot of different devices (mobiles, tablets, etc), so I need to know their user agent.
and whatsmyuseragent.com is too full of stuff
And they manage to copy-paste the text and mail it to you ? You might need to log it instead.
nah they copy paste on our redmine
it's ok, they can do it
In fact... adding a button in redmine might be useful here. Yes, I try to make it simple
the client is tech-savvy here, it's ok
but yeah, adding a button on redmine would be the simplest indeed :)
however, I do not have access to redmine codebase.
I hope he's tech-savvy if he can directly enter requests in redmine. I wouldn't dare let my customers do so...
most of our customers do it
and they do it fine
we educate them
we're a big company, so maybe that helps
and they can see the advantage
they're also big companies, they usually require this kind of stuff too
@tcoulson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
our worst customers are from smaller companies tbh...
found my new 404 page
user image
It's beautiful tears
@rlemon I laughed.
So that I can stop looking at the user agent to detect if the link must be fat enough for a finger
@dystroy are those seriously coming or is that just "I want this and that and that and that"?
@dystroy awesome
@FlorianMargaine @media(pointer:Fine)
@dystroy oooh nice
:past !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and OMG FINALLY parent selector
@rlemon matches might make the life more complex for less/sass parsers....
yea i'm not concerned about them
they will figure it out
The luminosity sounds nifty
all I see is rich goodie conditional logic in my css negating a need for basic javascript
exile all of the js!
@RUJordan I do have different versions of my current web application for different luminosity (some users work in a special room in a plant) but it's a setting.
“-Mr. CEO, would you please view your new website on your phone?”
“-Looks good right?”
“-Now, flip that light switch over there..”
Wait for applauds.
High five someone.
@FlorianMargaine This usually would end in "Do we pay him for that ?"
How does that work? Does the device detect low level lighting and apply new values based on the dimness?
@dystroy you don't know the right people.
@ZohiabAhmad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine I'm still waiting for you to present me to the right people...
@SebastianEkström Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy you don't want to leave anymore anyway :P
oh btw @BenjaminGruenbaum ends up I'm not going to dotjs :(
We have add one that cost almost nothing. We did charge for them but then people asked for deals if we didn't include it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm really disappointed, trust me...
So they all added up now make like 2% of the overall cost
It's ok, I might not be going too.
@FlorianMargaine why ?
:12767567 You don't have to be ashamed of that - they should do a better job :)
room owners can see deleted messages, so it's ok
@dystroy because my company ended up waiting too long, and still hasn't bought the tickets. Despite my frequent bumps. And the tickets are sold out now.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
sweet error message bro.
awww still didnt been able to find the last "bug" :\
any one have solution for this.
I have a wild guess - let's see how leet I am
@ZohiabAhmad You're decoding an object as if it was JSON. No need to JSON.parse it, it's already an object.
@Govan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ZohiabAhmad remove the unexpected character, or correct it
> Specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)
@BenjaminGruenbaum how did you get that from just the error message?
This error apparently is SQL Server's way of telling me that i'm trying to restore a backup from a more recent version of SQL Server
Thanks, Obama!
@rlemon A true master never reveals his secrets but I'm just a n00b so it's a wild guess XD
too late, so sad. much majestic.
:12767643 Your code is bad and you should feel bad about it :/
Also, read "how to ask" and visit the Stack Overflow help center
reads question title, runs
@BenjaminGruenbaum Microsoft denies you reply
How do you "quote" something here?
> text
Damn... Where is displayed the version of Ubuntu on Ubuntu 12.04 ?
> text
Thanks boss
@rlemon It doesn't work
> umm, well then you are doing it wrong
Can anyone hint me what could be wrong here: pastebin.com/dhsVdQr0 - line 8-9 gives three elements both - but if I run it with removeChild only 1 and 3 are removed - hrmpfg?
@rlemon I find it on more recent versions but not on 12.04
Click on the "cog" in the upper-right portion of the screen.
Select the option: About This Computer
should work on 12.04 and later
@rlemon I think I was imitating you too well
yea I was using the code block so you didn't get the formatting
> "Penis is great" - rlemon
Me too, it was meant to be a joke
@dystroy command line is lsb_release -a
Say I don't want to go through the hassle of quoting myself. "I don't want to go through the hassle of quoting myself."
@rlemon this works, thanks
@dystroy looks like cat /etc/issue also does the trick.
It tells me I'm on 12.04
anyone? :D
> what is true -user2932511
..What is true..
> What is love. Baby don't hurt me.. don't hurt me.. no more.
> quote ~someone

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