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02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

2:29 AM
3 hours later…
5:25 AM
posted on March 08, 2021 by shows

In this episode, we talk to acclaimed Android developer Joaquim Verges. He recently embarked on a journey of making is laptop not burn like a furnace when using Android Studio. He landed up on this unknown effort by Jetbrains called Projector and seems to have found programmer Nirvana. Listen to his adventures. Shownotes How to Run Android Studio on ANY Device With JetBrains ProjectorMirakle Gr

4 hours later…
9:41 AM
Synced starred message data. Took 107113 ms.
10:39 AM
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Mar 8 '20 at 16:49, by Raghav Sood
You can bunk with MwB, just pay him in hedgehogs
11:10 AM
@asim ViewBinding
registerReceiver(smsVerificationReceiver, SmsRetriever.SEND_PERMISSION, intentFilter)
Does this function really exist?
My situation right now: *banging my head*
I think I found the correct api
registerReceiver(smsVerificationReceiver, intentFilter, SmsRetriever.SEND_PERMISSION, scheduler)
Have disliked and reported code issue here
12:07 PM
@asim anything I spot in my closet of snacks (usually nothing)
I have snacks for guests, I don't eat much snacks
12:41 PM
happy international women's day to our one and only @W0MP3R
Yeah, Happy womens day @Womp
@grrigore sent you a message on disco
12:57 PM
just a second
1:15 PM
Does wonper became a girl 😳?
@RaymondArteaga only on mondays
1:45 PM
Word up
Wait, W0mper is a what?! They aren't allowed in here...
@grrigore Thanks!!!! :D
@MwBakker xD
TLN - Yeah... I'm having one of those mornings
I have a listener which is like... onClicked(ListItem) and I want to feed this Listener into a list item and have it feed itself into the onClicked... and I don't know how >.<
2:04 PM
In a list you have a loop that creates the onclick along with generating the listitem template you made
I create a data class between my Presenters and my Views
Still not getting the question here, sorry
So my view get's given the data class, on clicking the view it uses the ListItem to feed the click event to the Presenter
im trying to wrap my brain around this statement

    fun bind(listItem : ListItem) {
2:08 PM
so you want to generate a listitem with an onClick on this listitem attached?
and in the presenter it gets:

    onClick(listItem: ListItem)
ok yeah so I understand
@Graeme this seems kinda like how I would do it in generating the list
But my mind just can't make that happen >.<
attach the onClick along with creation of the object
2:10 PM
why not? I assume all the onClicks refer to the same interface class for the view
For example having an OnClick for going to the itemDetail which is a view that presents the content coming from the interface object Item
This is as good as it gets:
    fun getOnClickListener() : OnViewHolderClickListener<BonusListItem> {
        return onClickListener.get(this)
With this in the OnClickListener:
fun get(listItem: T) : OnViewHolderClickListener<T> {
    this.listItem = listItem
    return this
2:33 PM
graeme how about a simple higher order function? You don't need the typical java interface construction for doing what you want to do
2:56 PM
higher order function?
3:09 PM
I agree
higher order function?
higher order function -> function that accepts other function as a value parameter or returns a function
fun hf (action : () -> Unit) : Unit {
//or action.invoke()
I need to be better at Kotlin :/
@Graeme im here for whatever you need ;)
Kotlin is mindblowing once you get used to it
3:13 PM
Right now I'm in a time crunch refactoring something so I'll do it the wrong way now and fix it later :/
I keep seeing () -> Unit in errors
No idea what it means
thats a lambda that returns nothing
: Unit is simmilar to Void from java
if we take a look at the example i posted above,

Thats a function that takes lamba as parameter. Lambda that returns nothing
so calling this function would look like:
hf(action = {


or shorter (because its a trailing labmda - lambda on a last position)
hf {

So... I could say
ListItem(val onClickListener : (ListItem) -> Unit)
but i presume this is a recyclerview adapter
if thats the case you dont have to set click listener for each and every item
@IvanMilisavljevic oh I thought visual basic lol
you can have a global one like this:

var clickListener : (ListItem) -> Unit
view.onClick {

adapter.clickListener = { item: ListItem ->

3:25 PM
I occasionally do some quick vba coding, feels stupid and boring
I occasionally do some android coding, feels stupid and boring
The drop of the word "quick" is so subtle. But so good.
Sorry if it offended you but i find office stuff and sheets boring not the language and I code all kind of stuff apart from android
github.com/rajaasim/ESP32-Battery-Capacity-Tester/blob/main/… being latest example of it which I coded half asleep
no worries, if I was offended I would have flagged it
Thanks Ivan, that's super useful :D
3:34 PM
Sometimes i feel like they(docs or scientists) are intentionally not doing anything about cold and flu
@Graeme hey no probs, I enjoy talking kotlin
3:56 PM
hows your mondays going?
it's ending
Flutter decided it's a good idea not to use brackets for if/for statements/loops
took me a while to figure that
sounds good. I hate typing parentheses for those
it may sound good, but the output in syntax is horrible
4:05 PM
return Row(
  children: [
    CalenderStack(height: 72.5, date: event.dateFrom),
    if (dateFrom.difference(dateTo).inDays > 0)
       Center(child: Text("Tot", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8), fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'sans serif'))),
it now looks like the if-statement belongs to the ']' that indicates children of the Row
I thought you meant the ( ) brackets actually
if they decide to remove those I will write a personal letter to Google
but this can easily be solved by not inlining the if statement lol
I am working on this code, there will be more code between the supposed to be brackets of the if-statement
otherwise I would simply use the javascript version ? :
sounds like more reasons to not inline it
4:07 PM
@Tim now I don't know what you mean with inline anylonger
this is a seperated function in the Widget.build section
@MwBakker inline roller skates obviously, bro
All I want are brackets
const a = if (dateFrom.difference(dateTo).inDays > 0)
    Center(child: Text("Tot", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8), fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'sans serif'))),
return Row(
    children: [
        CalenderStack(height: 72.5, date: event.dateFrom),
but that is still an if-statement without brackets
4:10 PM
but the reason you gave for not liking it doesn't apply anymore
i'll use the constants way
you can just put brackets around it if you want, maybe
sounds like flutter 2 doesn't want you to
@ballBreaker which is what I thought, but I had red lines which I couldn't figure to what it was related to, untill I removed the brackets
that's why I said maybe
4:12 PM
@CarlAnderson oh no what are you up to?
maybe you can't
maybe you can!
@CarlAnderson SO GOOD
I have to cook for my possible gf tonight, but she is a cook
@Ahmad he discovered the path to happiness sounds like
and all I know are student type of meals. I can cook, surely but I don't have much inspiration
4:13 PM
not doing android is definitely part of the path to happiness
Oh btw now I all have you here: I took the job at Podo-IT. I'm starting the 22nd
congrats mw!!
to new beginnings
Thank you!
congrats on being chained to a desk for 45 years, make the best of it
4:14 PM
@Tim I already have my suicide note ready
congrats to never seeing the light of day ever again~
that got dark fast
yeah literally dark
make sure to get a good chair so you can live life to the fullest
say goodbye sunlight
4:14 PM
it's a year contract
is he moving to sweden
and I get to keep my transport job
or why the darkness jokes
hahahah no he was just sad about not being outside anymore
make sure to get a will, so at least your soon to be girlfriend can get something out of the relationship when you're gone
4:15 PM
take up smoking mwb
@Tim xD
@MwBakker lmao
so did you end up seeing her over the weekend
@ballBreaker I already am a bit, I started smoking cigars since the Nijmeegse 4 daagse (200km walking event) so I would get light in my head and not feel my feet hurt
that's very smart
4:16 PM
I didnt really quit that habit after the event
you discovered the secret for why people really smoke
I remember asking for a lighter at the "we don't smoke, we walk" group and got nearly lynched for it
the light headed effect makes it so that your head literally floats and takes som eof the pressure off your feet
podo-it is all about feet after all
I wanted to ask if my salary increases if I list to have a feet fetish but I kept that question to myself
cause I dont have that fetish and I am horrible at lying
The salary part was kinda funny I got a call from the recrutement company "congrats blah blah oh and I set your salary to 'x'" I responded such topics should be discussed with me and I wouldn't go for their first offer. One hour later I earned 100 euro more monthly and had an apology
lmao so if I'm a podophile do I get a raise?
hahah "conggrats and here is your money"
4:20 PM
yeah I was very surprised about that
"eehm, shouldn't we negociate ??"
nice man at least you got a nice lil raise
"I set your salary to x" lmao what
it were those exact words Tim
4:21 PM
should have responsed with "nice, while you were busy doing that I set my working hours from 13h-14h"
are you happy with the current salary? You can negotiate up until you sign the contract
the salary wasn't bad though, it was normal for a junior but that was the moment to show that I am not some push around
why is my g key being difficult to press
fuckin ay
conggrats on the new job though
4:22 PM
@MwBakker did they say that or is it something you know
it's something I know
yeah salary negotiation is always smart tbh
@Tim I was already happy with their first offer actually, but I don't go for the first offer
even if it's a good number lol
or her number
4:23 PM
you may also discuss kind of a roadmap of how they expect you to progress and how your salary will progress with it
the roadmap is a year contract under their flag and the company taking me over after that year (if I want to)
in that take over, new negociations form
roadmap: I decrease by 5% skill each year but my salary increases by 5%
personal progress is not discussed tbh
yeah i never had anything like that at any of my other jobs
kinda feel like i should have though
@Tim in the end I can't use this cause there is another widget depending on the outcome of that if statement, means I have to write two constants
@ballBreaker the recrutement company has the tools for it, they will check up on me and have people ready if I feel like I need support or such
4:28 PM
just use a twice
'a twice'?
but the second widget is a different one
just use a twice
well then you would have had to write the same if statement twice as well, no?
4:29 PM
I would?
return Row(
  children: [
    CalenderStack(height: 72.5, date: event.dateFrom),
    if (dateFrom.difference(dateTo).inDays > 0)
      Center(child: Text("Tot", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8), fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'sans serif'))),
    CalenderStack(height: 72.5, date: event.dateTo),
look how it aligns the codelines, I think Flutter 2 will give me a seizure someday soon
this is even ctr+alt+L 'ed
got into another school, very happy but also makes decision harder
and @ballBreaker you'll be happy to hear they have great sports
is it blue mountain state?
@MwBakker yes or I don't understand you at all
@MwBakker also don't expect anything here. Sounds like nice talk to get you to sign with them and after that they forget you exist
Maybe the coffee is out of my system but I fail to see how
4:34 PM
Random question but did any of you actually had corona virus?
well how would you use it in another widget currently?
@Tim the function is being called on in the build tree
Row calenderRow(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo) {
@JBis I meant other than the feeling that you might have it
children: [
                height: screenHeight * 0.175,
                child: Text(event.description, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8), fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'sans serif'))),
            calenderRow(event.dateFrom, event.dateTo),
@asim pretty sure I did, but it was pre-testing
4:38 PM
it works, it's fine I just miss brackets
I had all the symptoms though and the timing made sense for a coworkers china trip
it's all python/javascript-ish these days
@MwBakker I don't understand why this means you cannot use the const inside the calenderRow function
I can, but I would need a const for each widget that is now in between the supposed to be brackets?
@ballBreaker i have a cold and i am sure its just that but the odds are high because there is no lockdown anywhere
4:41 PM
damn man, that would suck. I thought mine was a cold at first too
no, but it is usually good practice to extract if/else expressions from within a function call. Especially in your sitation where inlining it makes it unreadable
was just a sore throat and such at first, and then kinda went away, and then came back like 5x as strong with cough, fever, loss of taste/smell, small rash under my eye
I'm 95% sure i had the rona
I just have a runny nose, nothing else
frickin chinese girl
4:42 PM
go get tested if you're worried
@Tim well how else must I have the creation of 3 widgets depend on one same if in the most efficient way
I also have a runny nose and some other stuff, but I have big case of the hayfever so it's probably just that. I haven't been anywhere except the supermarket in over 6 months so
which 3? they are all in the if are they not?
@ballBreaker do tell, details plox
:51739728 if (dateFrom.difference(dateTo).inDays > 0) {
      SizedBox(width: 25),
      Center(child: Text("Tot", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.8), fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'sans serif'))),
      SizedBox(width: 25),
      CalenderStack(height: 72.5, date: event.dateTo)
4, actually
This corona thing made things so much complicated, its spring season probably thats why i am not so worried
wrap it in another widget? I don't know how flutter works, but inlining the if cannot be the ideal solution
4:46 PM
@MwBakker not many details really, some chinese girl went to china during the christmas break last year (December 2019-Jan 2020) and came back really sick, came into the office and gave me whatever she had
and by "whatever" she had, I mean covid19
I must have been like one of the first 10 people to get it
can someone explain that me
Sad xD
even pre covid, why would you come to work if super sick
@Tim I'll look for the most efficient way, gotta say I wasnt used to doing this working with Flutter so far
i had it before there were really cases being announced
@JBis i unno, she's an idiot, I think she came in inbetween tbh
4:47 PM
I had it before it was cool
in my case there were like 2-3 days where I felt 100% better before it came back way worse
I'm pretty sure she was off, and then came in during those days when she felt better
I gotta clean my room and start cooking
@JBis sometimes you have to
then went back on sick days after
@asim not if you are not blue collar
4:48 PM
which is kind of fair, can't blame her for that
in 2 days I will not have called in sick for work in a whole year
@ballBreaker oh ok
@JBis because garbage will always be present, wether I was present or not
almost called in sick today but I have a streak to continue
yeah, she definitely gave me whatever she had as I had the exact same symptoms, and I think 3 other people got it in the office
@Tim haha jeeze eh, I have scheduled times I use my sick days regardless if I'm sick or not
I use a sick day every 1-2 months just so I use them all inside a year
you should just use them as "mental health days"
or "personal days"
4:50 PM
how will the Russians hacking into this stuff respond to this chat, I sometimes wonder
What makes you think russians would hack it
Because of Raghav
The girl im cooking for is lactose intolerant and she is a chef. I have never been so nervous
what exactly did raghav do to make your girl lactose intolerant?
So i made a battery capacity tester which means the longer it takes more the capacity but when it starts taking too long (current battery is on 2h 40min) on a battery makes me happy and sad at the same time
@Tim lol
@Tim More roads lead to Raghav than to Rome
4:55 PM
yeah I imagine something like this
I said she was lucky I am tolerant to lactose intolerant people
But I dk, maybe I am racist after all
is she going to invite her boyfriend to the dinner as well
She is gonna test if the food is worthy of her bf first
hahaha sorry
5:01 PM
Me too
@ballBreaker no worries, I had a good laugh at it
Context: she has male friends and I am not used to males having actual female friends
I asked our predator BB here about it
Which is why the joke about bringing her bf
that's good
My perspective of having a relationship is like your pet that you really get attached to and it suddenly dies
Yeah its complicated don't pay much attention
5:10 PM
Hello, Android!
Wrong room bro
which room is this?
a glass box of emotions
@Code-Apprentice if you have any gf related issues our experts will help you
5:25 PM
@Tim Fixed it
May 21 '19 at 15:35, by MwBakker
user image
posted on March 08, 2021 by Neal Eckard

Android Studio Arctic Fox Canary 9 (2020.3.1.9) is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here. For information on new features and change

Sorry bout that
don't say sorry to me, say sorry to the 60 trees amazon chopped down to make space for servers to store your message
5:37 PM
@asim my only gf related issue rn is finding one
do we have any match makers here?
I think so
who was is that introduced adam and tristan :thinking:
are they finally a couple?
I think so, a few days ago adam was talking about how he is moving in with his partner soon
@Tim baptiser, matchmaker and coder
@Code-Apprentice I brought some of my friends into happy relationships
Some are with the devil, but still
@Tim His partner?
5:46 PM
Feb 22 at 19:21, by AdamMc331
I mean at the end of the day no corporation is a good corporation lmao but I think Match does some cool stuff.
Feb 22 at 19:22, by AdamMc331
But I'm also biased - it's where I met my partner, so I'm a success story haha
I take that as a partner other than Tristan
I mean... we don't know that for sure
maybe Tristan and Adam met on match
I wouldn't mind a gf right now either
but then she'd take away from my weed and video game time... so idk if it's worth it
also yeah idk if I'm bias or not, but whenever someone says "partner" i always think they're gay
food for thought
@asim lol
Lol what, did you just say you smoke weed?
yea man
blaze the ganja
420 blaze it
6:04 PM
Hey BB
@ballBreaker come home, dutchman
hey graeme!
@asim it's legal in Canada, my government is my drug dealer
@MwBakker I'm a flying dutchman when I'm hiiiigh
@ballBreaker they give it to you to prevent new members for ISIS
yeah pretty much
@IvanMilisavljevic You sexy beast, functional references are awesome now I know what the hell they are
@JBis lol this is jokes
@Graeme awesome now you can start with infix, extension, function literals with receivers and operator functions
what is all this android talk
... er
6:28 PM
as i said kotlin is awesome once you get used to it
I think I did an extension function already
@JBis i really miss tech talk
the last couple of month I barely had any time to code, and i miss it so much
Android? In this chat room?
6:46 PM
@JBis saw that, goddamn hilarious
@IvanMilisavljevic so is Flutter but I dont get paid telling this stuff
tbh i tried flutter once, and syntax was killing me
i dont see it as a viable future once compose gets it Ios backend
I have returned
02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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