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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

@RaymondArteaga Lmao, I didn't even knew it was about an accident x)
what did you think "car accident" meant
It was a bit out of the blue, so I didn't really expect a serious topic
+ I'm a simple Dutchie, I read 4 + 20, I shout Happy 420.
I never thought a single car would harm 24+ people :(
no, it's a sad event
That why if anyone of you come to cuba for some reason, you should not get a ride on one of those old cars
You Cubans drive in busses bought from The Netherlands. Can't be that bad.
DELF STATION, live from Cuba.
Oh I see
Yep, I apologise in case the government hasn't payed yet
The station's name is not bound to anything so that element recieves no update
It's still Delft
What does "out of the blues" means?
I heard it on a song, but IDK what it means
Out of the blue means "out of nowhere".
"Out of the blue" is an informal English language idiom that describes an event that occurs unexpectedly, without any warning or preparation. It is used as an adverb. The "blue" in the phrase refers to the sky, one from which a sudden thunderstorm is unexpected.
So many dreams swinging out of the blue
My dream is living all alone without internet on Mars
^ Forever Young, Alphaville
Far away from retard humanity.
And I can just set sail to Mars with my boat
One of the perks of being Dutch
Everything bitmap related keeps being null
just leave it. Bitmap optimization is surely out of scope for your delivery
But now I have no images at all
Either that or I have a memory issue due to the size of the images
It's a well known fact that a person can travel to Mars eating a lot of chili and holding breath for some time after take off
How would a bird in space react?
There is no atmosphere, no air to lift on
It just floats
Can it flap its wings?
@Jordy that's hilarious, maybe Elon may picks this up
@MwBakker Farting
Like, I would love to see a dumb pigeon react on no gravity. Pigeons are so stupid xD video incoming
^2 👌
Stupid... yes, but they're also smart
Shit, still searching
@RaymondArteaga they never got suspended or banned
Nice! It surely proves that pigeons are stupid!
And I can see that there are surely at least 4 reasons, right?
Question: the big green button is to agree with the fact of pigeons being stupid?
And your data being collected + sold to large illegal companies
@RaymondArteaga no, everytime you click that button you donate 0.01 Bitcoin to the build of Eurovision in the Netherlands
Wow that button is so smart!
It also shows a video now!
I like the music!
That pigeon is so similar to human pups! They also enjoy carousels!
Only thing, a puppy is smarter than adult pigeons
Disagree... YT proves that a lot of adult homo sapiens enjoys high speed spinning
And also enjoy breaking their skulls by consequence of centrifugal force apparently
@Jordy and adult pigeons are probably smarter than the Stegosaurus dinosaur who had a brain as big as a walnut
I also have a brain as big as a walnut
Did you just assume my intelligence?
no, I already measured it
jk 😂
there is a new teacher here, she is beautiful and from the west
I'll flag this, very inappropriate insult
"mijn vaduhrrrrrrr"
@MwBakker I would like to have princess Florina around in this chat, she is so wise
So bmOptions.inJustDecodeBounds= true; means my bitmap comes out null
I hope that the teacher you're talking about is not a bot, right?
Yes iirc
@RaymondArteaga definitly not. It also has effect I now see teachers I could never reach/reply to their mail suddenly walking around her office many times a day xD
You are supposed to decode the bitmap with the retrieved size after that
@RaymondArteaga I do that
(or at least maintaining the aspect ratio)
you need to send the pictures to me
and I'll decode them for you
Nice bait mate
I see this: [X]
@Jordy that teacher is surely over 18
Can you please send an actual emoji?
I love that emoji
It's not in my keyboard :(
Ajax Amsterdam.
Lmao, obviously fake! The sun is flat.
@Graeme Excel
Dutch police are complaining about budgetcuts etc, but reviece cars like in the link
what cuts?
dutchland should have enough monies for police
@MwBakker Can you one-box the pic of the car?
I can't access that link
@ballBreaker Audi A3 I believe
image not found
ah cool car
yay this one is one boxing
@ColdFire almost €100.000
too much monies $$$
Skoda, Seat Ford is not good enough for them
@MehdiB. That's the A6
And the police actually needs those.
what can this Audi do that a chipped Skoda SuperB can't do?
Toyota cop car > dandy a6 cop car
Since we have a great system with open borders, we're having big issues with people from Eastern Europe and North-Africa demolishing ATM's
@MwBakker Challenge the A6 / RS6 and you'll see
this A6 won't do anything against an RS6 either
A ford Focus RS (~€50.000) actually could mean something
half the price, twice the handling
Yeah but it's not only about top speed and acceleration. It's about a lot more. Safety, handling, grip, durability, reliability, etc.
an a6 wagon does not handle better in chasing scenario's than a Ford Focus RS or a Seat Cupra or such
Besides the Scoda Suberb is 2.5K cheaper than A6
Also, our police doesn't have a standard A6
I know
Audi A6 C7 Avant 3.0 TDI quattro, 300Hp.
But those are too expensive in compare with the current Mercedes
300hp lol I can drop that car in 15 hits with my rune scimmy
How can a Focus RS with 350hp not be a good candidate?
Or a chipped Golf GTI
woah rich police
I just feel like someone spend this much because it's VAG and Audi has "the image"
you guys should just become policemen
Nah my gun would be empty at day one, would get fired immediatly
@Jordy you have a open border with North Africa?\
@MwBakker Not saying it's a shitty candicate, it would be a good candidate. However, it just can't compare vs 300-435HP and 900 Nm of a triturbo-V8
but how would this a6 in that picture?
And don't forget the police cars have to look a bit scary
It has 50hp less and weighs more + less handling cause it's a family wagon type of car
Could be a quatro
that was ~300hp you said
I'm not sure if it's default A6 or quattro.
The 'fattest' versions are up to 272hp in the police right now, costing appr 100.000
There are Quattro A6's engines who reach 480HP
why you need so much speed?
speed racers on the street?
But not in our policeforce
to catch bad guys
Can't have enough speed Cold Fire
Turbo turbo
turbo turbo turbo turbo turbo nanana
I still feel like money could have been spent more efficiently. Just like on cars of politicians: you don't need a 7 serie BMW if you represent the people
our police force cars reminds me of our socialist/communist past :(
@TimCastelijns lmfao
our cop cars here are all tricked out dodge's
Weren't it Crown Vics?
Yee back in the day
The Ford Crown Victoria is a great example of a decent cop car
now they're all suped up dodge chargers
Fast, cheap but could do the trick
Yeah for sure
There are still a good amount of them kicking around
@ballBreaker are they expensive?
@ballBreaker also high durability, one million miles weren't that uncommon right?
Yeah that would sound about right
People still buy them at the auctions
and I'm not sure how expensive they are TBH, I don't pay much attention
the title of this question 😂
> Error installing python package in apartment with wifi
Le what
I just died a little inside
we're living in a clown world
honk honk
Jordy is showing his powerlevels
@Jordy revives with xxxbooje
I might be the real-life honkler
@MwBakker I love this lmao
Time to go~~
Cya later/tomorrow people!!!!! :D
cya wompywomps
bye womper!
cya wompwomp
can I assume that when an adapter with a List<T> is set to a spinner
That the sequence of the list does not change?
Cause I have the following bound
And the result of the object on that position matches with the position in the List<T> in the adapter
But is it coinsidence or does the sequence not change?
I won't see any reason why the sequence of a List<T> would change though...
If this succeeds, there will be tons of opportunities for mobile developers www-nst-com-my.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nst.com.my/node/… to publish apps on a virgin application store
Especially those who missed the Android wave a few years ago
Yes you can assume that
@Mauker Rick roll alert
Good boy
So the newest Android studio disables build button -.-
I cant build now
lmao awesome
the only thing it was supposed to do and cant do it
sounds like google alright
To build you must first know how to destroy - Einstein
Woah, had to restart it and then it got enabled
I got my laptop back with all my old code still intact and the software working
Completely surprised
Thought they would do a re-image but they actually fixed the problem instead \o/
what happened?
my network and wifi adapters were both corrupted
Can I install linux on my android mobile?
Mobile linux version
Kali linux yes
You need to root/flash first
why Kali?
you can even install ubuntu or whatever distro you like
Is it mobile friendly??
Kali is what you may know as "Backtrack", it's mainly used for security research
Parrot os also used for that
Mehdi is there any version in your knowledge have mobile friendly environment like Android..I want to switch..
i don't know, but why would you want to switch?
Feeling insecure with android 😁🤭😂🤣
God, I touched a legacy code and now everything broke ;(
You're only supposed to touch legacy code with gloves on otherwise your fingerprints can damage it with the oil on it
I want to cry
You can also ctrlz it
@TaseerAhmad Do it
Let the sadness flow through you
You guys like to make others cry!
It'll make you well
Its time to chew gum and kick a**. But I am all out of gum.
Why are you kicking all?
What am I kicking?
How can I know unless you tell me
You can't kick a frog, that I know
We stick to your feet
we will oil you
Frogs are already slimy. You would be wasting oil
Sticky slim
1 hour later…
If you look closely you can see Sonic running
oh I see him in the back there!
You can see some rodent of some sort in the back, some black dot lookin thing under a tree
The rodents dead. Get over it
So I got my old laptop back without a re-image \o/
not sure if I mentioned already or not
No lost code or work for meeeeeee
and now I have two fully functioning work laptops lmao
yeah damn it's just like a single scroll up too
My laps battery only works for good 2.5 hours
Should get that checked out, your local robot repair center hospital probably has a replacement
Yeah, it's bad for your nuts if the battery is low on your lap
Also isn't 2.5 hours generally pretty decent?
What brand of laptop?
my old alienware w/ the extended battery only lasted ~1.5 hours
I got no nuts. I am not a squirrel
But obviously that's way different than most use-cases
2.5 hours while keeping Android studio running and disk defrag and firefox in background
My mbps' went from 9 to 4h right after an OS upgrade <Inserts worst deal gif>
I can get anywhere from 5 to 11, depending on how linux is feeling today
Its processor takes tiny power. Just 15W max
@RaghavSood 11h... I'm interested, please tell me it's not a Lenovo
If I put on airplane mode, reduce task to only 1, it usually goes upto 3.5
It is a Lenovo
What's the issue with Lenovo?
Mehdi has trauma related to anything tangentially related to Big Blue
I gotta go and sleep, bye
@ballBreaker I had 3 Lenovo laptops: T440 - T540 - T430, the first 2 were so disappointing (their keyboards broke After a couple of months, over heating etc...) I had to replace them by an old used T430, which run fine for a year before turning into a nightmare as well
@RaghavSood 😂😂😂😂
Office politics look like a joke to me right now :D
You think it's a joke until Eric and Warren invade your office
German companies don't acquire, they conquer
It is known
it is known
@MehdiB. Oof, sounds miserable
All the laptops at my company are Lenovo
they seem fine
The older, pre-Lenovo, Thinkpads were better tho
I have one here set aside for Qubes
Yeah pre-Dell Alienware was better too
tis usually the case
@ballBreaker it was back when you needed to add a dynamo to your laptop for gradle
Doubt the case has too much to do with it
Although, the older ones did have more sturdy cases
So you may be onto something
they were so ugly but so good :D
design budget: 10$
lol who cares about visuals
playing runescape
@TimCastelijns but my joke about transport was too far?
Just be a good boy until Tim's radar isn't on you anymore
Then you can drop all the blitzkrieg jokes you want!
also raghav is my senior, I can't really suspend him
yeah that's you old fart
@TimCastelijns A guy in my current projectgroup earns about 2k euro per month with that game
And if you would see him you'd never expect he'd do that
I'm guessing he makes his money off of scripting?
I know some chick from NL who does that
what's his twitch name
or maybe it was XxX420BlazeIT69XxX
@ballBreaker No mostly fights and sometimes scams
He streams then I guess?
Haha just kiddin' just with fights
No he doesn't stream it
I just know you can make tons of money on RS from building script bots
@TimCastelijns twitch?
What do you mean then?
you can't make 2k on rs by scamming people
@ballBreaker he doesn't use bots as far as I knw
How is he earning money on RS from fights?
@ballBreaker fights, lot at stake and win
Oh, like people are paying to watch him fight other people?
@ballBreaker If I knew I would not be so busy getting a decent phone with all the struggle
on a video game?
I dk
Yeah I have no idea either, sounds like he's lying to me
he's probably bullshitting you
Yeah, I make 2k a month following this quick and easy method that doctors don't want you to know about!
wait you don't know what twitch is :thinking:
@TimCastelijns That is what I thought but he showed me his paypal and such
huh, good for him then
He won't brag about it, he told me after I kept asking why he is RS ing that much
still confused, but I guess I'll move on with my life
He is a really nice guy, we became friends
I'm out for the day, ciao gentlemen :)
@ballBreaker He explained me once but I dk all the terms and such about RS
@ballBreaker no please bb, don't, pleaaaase :'(
@ballBreaker BBBB
sounds like he is RWTing then, which is bannable of course
selling coins for euros
Aah yes also that
but if that was the main thing I dk
it can not be anything else
But it's legal right?
he's probably not bragging about it because they will ban him if they find out, but police doesn't care about this kind of stuff if that's what you mean
what about the taxes? :D
Crime pays, as long as the taxman gets their cut
@TimCastelijns well in general he is not a bragging type of guy at all but if it's not legal I can understand
nah it's no big deal. They just ban you if they find out and leave it at that
also I don't mind it btw. Was just curious
I get it, I just didn't meant to put him in bad light
I find it cool how he earns such in between school and jobs
as long as the study doesn't suffer. He can make a lot more than 2k later
I'm off to sleep now
Good night all
prepare next issue for tomorrow
Haha will do, I have made progress today
Good night!
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

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