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hi o/
I bet BB does personal approaches on appliments
lol raghav
ohh applications
How do you handle class cohesion?
I have a class that has few members that are used by a few functions, nothing is cohesive in the class. I don't understand if splitting them to various classes makes sense
split it into difference classes
what is the class name
The class has one 'major' goal, it binds data to views
Generic name, "ViewHolder"
extends MajorGoal
Suppose if I have two strings to bind to a view, they are largely unique in characteristic. Should I create a class for each string binding?
what does it mean to bind 2 strings to a view
Don't judge the code :P It's legacy
Applications for what @mw ? Jobs?
I definitely do not do those in person
You see, "noteTitle" and "noteText", that's what I mean
I used to for like shitty jobs like mcdonalds and stuff, but for corporations I don't
Should I create separate classes for each view binding?
Legacy code: Exists
SRP: Am I a joke to you?
getPreparedIntent this is not the viewholder's job
also don't use that UIJob thing
just assign immediately
use {} for if else, no exceptions
fun View.showIf(predicate: () -> Boolean) {
    visibility = if (predicate.invoke()) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
Yes, I figured it out, this code was written about 8/9 months ago when I started Android
use this
yeah what tim said
i also have similar extension methods for view
@MehdiB. Are you in on Monday?
@Graeme o/
Hi Hi
Hot one today
Yeah, fml
My drive home is going to kill me
I think it's going to get up to 40C with the humidex
@TimCastelijns But what about my original question? What should I do since class variables are not cohesive and technically I should make a separate class?
Heat Waves
I am happy! I fixed my memory leak!
People kept saying this summer has been cold and they're retards
this summer was cold? what ttttttttttttt it was one of the hottest
Yeah idk people here are dumb
I really need to get my car AC fixed
The spring was a little late in getting hot, but once it got hot it's got really hot, it's been like 30C for a month lol
@Graeme yeah me too T_T
30-40 min drives in a car w/ no AC in +30C is brutal
I might just buy a portable battery powered AC thingy
I did that for six years
Damn it, it crashed my server again :(. Looks like I'm taking a field trip.
(You would think I would learn by now not to test software on my server, but you would think wrong)
@MuratKaragöz yes
Is there a studio around your place?
a studio as in small apartment? or music studio?
I'm aware I'm going to sell my car at some point so I want to sell it working well
@ballBreaker Yeah :/ Gives you a nice lopsided tan though I've found :D
@MuratKaragöz ah yes, google.com/maps/place/McFit+gym+Berlin+Wedding/… around 20min walking from my place
hm, it's like the other side of the city for me
Is your workplace also there?
no, my workplace is close to Alexanderplatz (ostbanhof)
oh then you could use the Ringbahn
@TaseerAhmad "class variables are not cohesive" wtf does this mean
yeah first and 2nd time is cool, because the return to my place is like 50min :D
ok for the place 👍
let me see
You know what, we can to your gym
just for you
@Mauker Truth
@MuratKaragöz hahaha are you cool with it? 😂
@ColdFire No.
I was there once at midnight for a session, it was fine
@Mauker Yes
I think you have to say that you want to do a Probetraining (introduction)
just say that you do not need a trainer, then you can go whenever
Alright that sounds good, we can re-arrange the plan anytime later anyway :D
when will you be there?
Would need 30min with the car
@Mauker Nokay
so around 6:15 pm
@ColdFire SQL
boooo you lose
deal! I will be there! I'm already pumped up :D
flexing with the flexer
Towel to put underneath you, bottle, shoes, jogging pants and tshirt and if you want to take a shower there you can do so too
so you use pants not shorts
I like pants more
but shorts are fine too
@Graeme hahahah yeah I try to even it out with my sunroof for my right arm
wear pants until your calves no longer fit
We will be doing chest day
chest day best day
perfect! :D
I think I gotta go with back/bicep being the best day, sorry tim
wear a tank top for dominance
for extra dominance cut the sleeves off a normal shirt
could have the opposite effect, Tim XD
Something to sweat in
I have some random puma ones
but they are already tearing apart <.<
XD I have one with a hole on the knee, so gonna buy a new one to use for the next 10y :D
I wear basketball shorts at the gym like a true pleb
the key to gym attire is to not give a fuck
I cut T shirts that are too small, cut the collar off and the sleeves off.. pretty baller
the homeless you look the more gym points you get I heard
I just want to be mentally involved in the preparation so I take it seriously and commit to it :D
inb4 you spend tons of money on clothes and never join anyways
It's hotter than africa in my office right now
think this might be a human rights violation
don't worry, I don't have tons of money Raghav :D
@ballBreaker Definitely, no one should be forced to work with you
@RaghavSood wow, flagged
You guys are talking while I'm looking for a bunch of androidx packages for this guy whos still using the legacy versions xD
How do I report Raghav to my company HR
you show them the entire chat transcript
and you claim to be Raghav and Raghav to be bb :D
But then I'd have to explain why I've taken on a corporeal form
(realized what I meant as a jovial joke might have been taken as really mean (sorry rag))
You're good, I'm difficult to offend
Just not keeping as close an eye on chat as I usually do since I only have one display while travelling, so multitasking tends to hide other stuff
nice ^_^
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon Everyone!!!!!! :D
wow such a powerful article
I wish it would onebox this
in the train, forgot earphones
mfw it's a 3.5 hrs trip
mfw downloaded black mirror cant see it
that's actually quite tragic bro
Maybe dub over it yourself and share the experience with other train goers
@TimCastelijns Knowing the cohesion concept(strong integration of anything) in the class is the key to breaking down certain blocks of code inside the class into their very own separate classes. Suppose there are 5 methods in a class, out of 5, only 2 methods are using a specific class member. This means that there is a lack of cohesion inside the class
@MwBakker if you were coming to berlin i'd have given you my earphones
could probably change the route to pick them up at my place then go back to your trip :D
@MwBakker Lol ask some other passenger?
it's not very hygienic
@MehdiB. you're the best, but I couldnt make it to berlin
@W0MP3R It's not noon yet at my place ;)
17:08 here :3
@ColdFire what? you would put on a strangers' earphones?
hmm sorry west i forgot
@ColdFire they wont do that xD
hygiene has nothing to do with east or west CF
so unhygienic i see
so a personal approach to application is creepy, but asking for stranger's earphones is ok
@MwBakker you won't know until you try :D
what if I'd mail the guy next to me
@ColdFire come to think of it, my ex girlfriend once was a stranger and I'd ask to borrow her tongue. Weirder things happen
so now whatsapp and R15 have to entertain me
any drama?
join discord for that
discord works well on mobile?
yes they have mobile app
it has an app, and it's quite nice
murat is not in there to catalyse drama
bring murat along with you
@MwBakker you've actually missed telling us any drama episode for 5 weeks now. What are you hiding?
70mb bye bye databundel
tell us your wild train tours now mwb
tell us how you wanted to ask for earphones and ended up getting tongue :D
CF went from -1 to 200
@ColdFire maybe hes just grumpy about not having earbuds
If I put on CFs headphones will I taste curry?
@InsurgentPointerException lol
Did you know actually, that there are taste receptors all over the body
@MehdiB. well the polish friend was here, took her with my job to Germany but once arrived it was a national holiday (not a dutch one) so we stranded in Sollinge
@ballBreaker xD
@ballBreaker fun...!
yeah quite fun
lol b4 the edit xD
@ballBreaker how does sarcasm taste for you?
@MwBakker quite salty
there will be upcoming drama prob
@TaseerAhmad don't worry about that
I'll be here for it >:D
@MwBakker From you? or in general
from my side
I hung out with Paige last night, the girl that I was dating briefly back in the winter
She left for Denmark on an exchange and got back over the weekend
Was kind of a weird experience
Turn the Paige and move on
oh I'm onto a new book don't worry
I actually don't really care all that much to date anyone right now for once in my life
Life is pretty simple atm being single, and I'm pretty happy with it
Im going to a classic componist tomorrow called Andre Rieu, I want to try mdma for the first time there, hopefully it will not turn out disasterous
@MwBakker nice, metallica?
@MwBakker I've rarely ever heard of mdma turning disasterous tbh
I've done it ~50 times probably and no issues
@MwBakker You will not be disapontent, i've been to his concert a month ago
It was beautifull
True and real emotions
But doing it for a concert like that might be... interesting
@TimCastelijns metallica would be awesome, but I dont have the money to visit them and the other
Not sure if right kind of music for trying mdma
Yeah you might have too much energy for something like that
it makes you get up and wanna dance and shit
And its something you really want to remember for a long time
@IvanMilisavljevic yes seen him on tv and he gets every type of crowd going. He is great!
Every bit of it
I've cried like 2 times during the concert
@IvanMilisavljevic nor am I, nor do I have much experience in mdma
@MwBakker mdma?
@IvanMilisavljevic I can imagine, he is also personally a really nice guy if I can believe the stories they tell about him
@MwBakker i would suggest you to skip the opportunity, not because of mdma, but because of Andre
@MwBakker And yeah, he is, the orchestra prepared some of our national songs
You should go to the concert and then do it after if you want to do it that night
They do it for every country
It'll keep you up late though depending on when the concert is done
But like in original language, its insane
Concert is usually 3hr long
@IvanMilisavljevic well I am not sure if I can even get it in time. Its more like I dont do such drugs but if ever it would be nice to do it at an unusual event
There will be another opportunity, im sure
the best times I've had on M was going on adventures outside in the sun
climbing trees and going through the forest and such
gotta make sure when you do it (Especially if outside) that you drink lots of water though
yes, true
and no alcohol
@TimCastelijns why?
@ballBreaker How did the date go with that horse girl? :D
I heared bb ended up with the horse instead
horse girl o_0
lmao mwb
Yeah, he said himself, "horse girl"
@RaymondArteaga !Ribbit
Why does this happen despite my nested scrollview has only one child?
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ScrollView can host only one direct child
i've finally received the package today
@IvanMilisavljevic make sure to hide it well from cops
@Curio post some code
@TaseerAhmad makes sense :D
im preparing for germany
But it isn't working
The nested scrollview is inside a coordinatorlayout
@Curio do you manually inflate your layout maybe?
That could be the case, that kind of implementation is pretty straightforward
I'm doing it only via xml
And it's the layout of an activity
can you make a private gist of a entire layout?
How do you fill this linear layout?
@IvanMilisavljevic not sure if you are preparing for going inside or outside germany xD
But it crashes even only with the linear layout
@Curio strange
I've joined the mechanical keyboard club
The whole layout represents the whatsapp profile scrollview
You know, the image which you can scroll
But I can't put nothing in the scrollview
@ColdFire in, if they let me :) Thats the Rammstein merch
Is it a problem of androidX?
there is something wrong on your part
i cant really tell what, but check that scrollview again
or even maybe its throwing that exception in another place
maybe is not related to that particular activity
@Curio and fyi this is called parallax effect
@RaymondArteaga !Ribbit
Too bad ;)
@IvanMilisavljevic I'm really confused
you were right
@Curio as always
All those who used ribbit should pay copyright taxes
@TaseerAhmad because it gives you headaches and it means nothing
cohesion of class members is the last thing people think about when writing code
I recently finished Clean code by Martin, I am confused
So those SOLID principles are useless in the real world?
it depends on the usecase
Some stuff is really hard to apply to android
All because sdk is not following any of these principles
@Curio you need to set the flag on nested scrollview
How can I make follow the scroll "Prova 1" and "Prova 2"?
It scrolls, but not the 2 textviews
I need something like this youtu.be/_IF1vJF7Xb8
Which string?
@MwBakker lmfao
damn dude
What string should I write?
just copy this line
appbar_scrolling_view_behavior is from android sdk
you guys should start posting some questions on SO, i need to bust my reps :D
You already got 1000+ rep
You need to make it at least 15k
those are rookie numbers
cough cough ouch
Only n00bs rely upon answering new questions for rep
Sometimes if I don't know answers to a question I do a quick google search and post the answer
true, thats why i cant be bothered to work on reps
@IvanMilisavljevic it gives me error
The only motivation behind gaining reps is that I learn
I mean, there is no creative questions anymore i could help with
just open the :andorid tag on SO
Yeah also people just don't have answers/are really negative/downvote "intelligent" questions
15 minute goolgle solves each every one of them
Most general answers were already posted in '10,'11
Now they are specific that most of the time only help OP
Hence making reps is hard these days
Except there is this dude who overwrote his Projects installing Ubuntu :P
yeah, and im not really that literal to write good answers
Vote up if you guys can answer this :P
Q: Is there a way to recover my applications from Genymotion virtual machine?

Khaled AbdraboI was working on an Android application and the project files got accidentally deleted from my computer but I still have the application on more than one virtual machine (Genymotion). Is there any way to restore these files (code, images, ...)? I tried finding the data stored on the virtual mac...

Poor guy lol
The almost same thing happened to me when I accidentally deleted the wrong partition while installing Ubuntu
Hope posting it here's ok with you guys
I just recovered the files using a recovery software
@IvanMilisavljevic it was red but it compiles...OOOK
Then I learnt to lesson to keep my projects on online too
@TaseerAhmad The projects probably got overwritten...
its 2019, use git people
I know
But what can you expect from a guy with 1 rep
I intentionally tested shit way to develop Android before moving on so I could stay humble xd
Compared to 1st generation development, current generation is nothing, it's a childs play
Most of the major stuff is already done for you
@InsurgentPointerException imho rep has nothing to do with good/bad questions or brain farts
@IvanMilisavljevic Also, talking about SOLID principle, there is nothing wrong with applying them right? Even to Android
Once i did rm -rf /*
@TaseerAhmad it makes a lot of sense, but its really hard to achieve on android
Yeah well... I remeber a dude ask a question called "How to save my project to zip format every day"
For the 1 rep part
Since you have all of those GOD objects (like Context) needed for every publicly exposed api
What if I am writing a class that does not makes use of external contexts, I should apply those principles there. I am just confused because Martin explained a clean code in his book and when I tried to apply them it felt like whole world fell aprt
There is a semantical trap in "architectural patterns" vs "design patterns", and everyone should really understand the difference between the two
* Architectural patterns (like mvp,mvvmp, mvc etc, etc) usually try do solve broader problems and to generify the solution
* design patterns (like factories, builders etc etc) usually try to solve smaller issues, isolated to certain context (usecase)

If you decide to go with certain architectural pattern, you stick with it through your entire project. If you try to combine multiple architectural patterns you will fail miserably.
Hey guys are you expieriencing not being able to view your /build.gradle files in Android Project View > Gradle Scripts in AS 3.4.1?
To better understand SOLID, try approaching it from another angle. Take each of the acronyms and try to understand why you should use them, what will be better if you use t hem, and compare them with other aprroaches
Im not sure if anything i just wrote, makes any sense , its kinda hard to explain things in couple of lines ;)
and this is my opinion and i might be wrong
@InsurgentPointerException this is intentional, switch to project view
and yeah this all falls into place when you gain more experience, and when you try different approaches for the common problem
@IvanMilisavljevic Why is it intentional? Also because I can see it in AS 3.6. Also how do you know it is intentional, do you have proof?

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