I believe I will not need to go C level (I hope :) The tool I build will mostly for collecting info for processes, services, memory etc. Also will have utilities like taking screenshot, or send email which are very high level I believe.
In Android Studio, I created some AVDs with custom skins. Worked fine, no errors for a week or so. But now I get a warning telling me I need to "Repair" the custom skin devices. But when I set a run configuration and click the run button it works as expected (before any warnings/errors).
What ca...
this started after having multiple request for real time connection with Geofire. The major issue is that the geofire call back is never triggered after adding the goequeryeventlistener which was actually working before.The callbacks am using are OnkeyEntered,OnGeoqueryReady etc.The firebase sdk version is 10.2.4.
did you know bye bye beautiful was written as a "cya later" song to their previous lead singer, who was sent away due to lack of passion? She sings the song btw
I upgraded to version 17.0.0 .The connection works for some time but stops working when people are actively using the app.It seams as if there was connection lock for none of the callback function to be triggered.
when a function in an sdk can trigger an exception, is it the job of the sdk to transform the exception in to an Error model, or is it the job of the consuming app to catch the exception and transform it
imo, depends on the said exception, if it's something internal of the sdk that shouldn't normally happen, it's the sdk job to catch it and handle it by returning an error model for ex, whereas if it's something that can normally happen such as an IOException or Authentication exception the client has control over, its the clients job to handle it in which case it must be a checked exception on the method signature
e.g: streaming sdk tries to cache chunks of videos, but something on the file system happens, must be handled by the sdk, client plays an url the sdk is unable to download because it's an unsupported format or there is no security token attached: the play method would be like this: void play(url) throws AuthException, UnknownFormatException and must be handled by the client
imo generally when coding for a app you are supposed to handle exception and when coding a lib you are supposed to do reverse throw exception and only handle those exception internal to the lib
anyway, in the sdk I catch nothing, the rxjava chain collects everything in onError. I am making some extension to map my custom exceptions to Result.Error subclasses
In Android Studio, I created some AVDs with custom skins. Worked fine, no errors for a week or so. But now I get a warning telling me I need to "Repair" the custom skin devices. But when I set a run configuration and click the run button it works as expected (before any warnings/errors).
What ca...