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8:00 PM
That approach is not going to be a walk in the park for sure, but you can do pretty much anything
if he does it in C that will actually make his code not really portable :D
the JVM is the one supposed to make portability easily doable
true, but as i sad, depends on the stuff he wants to pull
or if you want to go python
I believe I will not need to go C level (I hope :) The tool I build will mostly for collecting info for processes, services, memory etc. Also will have utilities like taking screenshot, or send email which are very high level I believe.
what is this nerd talk
can I see your permits
@TimCastelijns XD
alright boiz, support desk is closing for the day
im going off
nice ivan
8:06 PM
thanks for the help @IvanMilisavljevic I will start checking with that JavaFX
and let see where it will drive me
to an NPE most probably :D
probably to the deepest part of the internet, and to partial insanity
Issues with AS. Can you guys help?
Q: Android Studio AVD Manager tells me to "Repair Device" but it works fine

InsurgentPointerExceptionIn Android Studio, I created some AVDs with custom skins. Worked fine, no errors for a week or so. But now I get a warning telling me I need to "Repair" the custom skin devices. But when I set a run configuration and click the run button it works as expected (before any warnings/errors). What ca...

8:08 PM
once you go JavaFx, you're never coming back
Be warned
Much love :*
Be ready to read lots of JavaFX tagged questions. by me! coming soon.
I'll try it too
8:33 PM
@taseer some music for you this time
Bobby Axe requested access. Rep: 532 - Questions: 7 - Answers: 33 (ratio 4:18.9)
@BobbyAxe welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
thanks you
@TimCastelijns Nice :D
8:36 PM
i really need help having a lot of issues with firebase
I really need you to read the rules first
my job is kind of at stake
your chatting privilege is also at stake
sorry let me read the rules
I have read and understood the rules
thanks :thumbs-up:
8:39 PM
sorry about my skipping the rules, was a bit desperate
i think i have calmed down now
good, can't fix a bug without a cool head :D
@TimCastelijns it's pretty good!
not quite ghost love score but still
what are you not convinced of? maybe I can help
@TimCastelijns its not that bad
8:50 PM
I agree
now listen to ghost love score
also bye bye beautiful, probably my favorite of them
this started after having multiple request for real time connection with Geofire. The major issue is that the geofire call back is never triggered after adding the goequeryeventlistener which was actually working before.The callbacks am using are OnkeyEntered,OnGeoqueryReady etc.The firebase sdk version is 10.2.4.
oops he is here
i need your advice
8:52 PM
are you using the latest version?
did you know bye bye beautiful was written as a "cya later" song to their previous lead singer, who was sent away due to lack of passion? She sings the song btw
I didn't know that
firebase is on v18.0.0 already btw
Being let go for lack of passion must be pretty harsh
idk :P I read it on wikipedia last week or so
I upgraded to version 17.0.0 .The connection works for some time but stops working when people are actively using the app.It seams as if there was connection lock for none of the callback function to be triggered.
Ha I gained 120 rep yesterday but only gained 2 today :P Fun. Also karma
9:00 PM
no idea man I never used geofire
mehdi do you have time for a question
when a function in an sdk can trigger an exception, is it the job of the sdk to transform the exception in to an Error model, or is it the job of the consuming app to catch the exception and transform it
altho i wouldn't really disagree if you leave it upto the app
9:06 PM
imo, depends on the said exception, if it's something internal of the sdk that shouldn't normally happen, it's the sdk job to catch it and handle it by returning an error model for ex, whereas if it's something that can normally happen such as an IOException or Authentication exception the client has control over, its the clients job to handle it in which case it must be a checked exception on the method signature
why not?
i mean basically depends on the exception and the condition imo
well mehdi put it in words better
the sdk is not returning an errors as i also wrapped the sets of codes in try catch to log out any errors but i get nothing
sorry, the sdk maps errors to custom exceptions. Like login can throw AuthenticationFailedException
e.g: streaming sdk tries to cache chunks of videos, but something on the file system happens, must be handled by the sdk, client plays an url the sdk is unable to download because it's an unsupported format or there is no security token attached: the play method would be like this: void play(url) throws AuthException, UnknownFormatException and must be handled by the client
9:11 PM
in kotlin exceptions are unchecked, so the client doesn't know what exceptions might be thrown
@TimCastelijns yes those are what you throw and has to be handled by client
kotlin doesn't have checked exceptions at all?
ya the customs exception still inherits Exception parent.Thou i use plain java not kotlin.
like you enter a invalid input which is not acc to spec of lib than you throw a exception and that has to be handled by client
while chatting I realise the sdk should not throw exceptions, rather return Error objects
thanks rubber ducks
9:13 PM
damned i didn't notice
@TimCastelijns that's convenient for the client not to be polluted by catches, but that also means you only have to return Error objects
imo generally when coding for a app you are supposed to handle exception and when coding a lib you are supposed to do reverse throw exception and only handle those exception internal to the lib
but you don't catch exceptions on Kotlin with pattern matching?
what matching?
@TimCastelijns you could also pass a listener , if the listener is passed you return object otherwise you throw exception
just saying
if you want to keep both approaches /shrug
9:15 PM
sdk uses coroutines, listeners are redundant
observers then?
that's a thing of the past
i dont use coroutines so can't say
9:16 PM
:) try it
case e:NumberFormatException => ...
case ex: AuthException => ...
rxjava seems to work perfectly currently
scala handles exceptions this way, thought Kotlin was the same on that regard
try/catch is not a commonly used construct in kotlin
we use this stuff
as a general approach you let the exception causer to handle the exception
9:18 PM
sealed class Result<out T> {
    data class Success<out T>(val data: T): Result<T>()
    data class Error(val exception: Exception): Result<Nothing>()
i use something similar
with mvvm stuff seems pretty sorted
how? You cannot mimic this in java
i use kotlin
o ok
forgive my ignorance
@TimCastelijns I like it, this is clean
and it already closes the inconsistencies of sdks that follow the checked exceptions philosophy and others that don't
is that something you do yourself or a general Kotlin pattern ?
9:22 PM
you do yourself
but yeah only possible with kotlin
this is a common thing in kotlin, but not in the stdlib
people are still discovering best practices
I am altering it so Error does not contain an exception, rather Error has subclasses
meh looks like a common thing with people using clean arch pattern
so the client can handle when(result) { is Result.Error.AuthenthicationFailed -> etc} rather than worrying about exceptions
subclasses like exceptions?
what about errors you dont expect?
else block?
that's very clean, so like an enum approach, Type + Message
9:25 PM
you can use that for ui also
gn o/
yes however sealed classes can hold data and behavior, and enums are just dumb fucks that can do nothing
so Result.Success will hold the logged in user
sorry I mean sealed class subclasses can define themselves irrelevant of their siblings
Success will hold a User, Error will do something else
I understand, but how do you catch IOExceptions for example?
catch(e: IOException)
only because it's from the Java sdk?
so you can't have methods throwing checked exceptions in kotlin but still need to handle java methods throwing them
9:33 PM
try catch works the same as in java, most of the exceptions are 1:1 proxy to the java counterpart
oh like that
I think kotlin code doesn't complain when you call a java function and don't handle the possible throws
however kotlin has @Throws(blabla) annotation for java interop, so java can be forced to handle them
you can try and verify it
anyway, in the sdk I catch nothing, the rxjava chain collects everything in onError. I am making some extension to map my custom exceptions to Result.Error subclasses
what is the rationale behind exception not being checked?
TimmyMapper.mapFrom(T t): F f
to avoid client code pollution with catches
@TimCastelijns that's pretty interesting
9:36 PM
well checked exception are the ones which have more chance of being thrown so i kinda like the java way
the same rationale behind nullability and avoiding != null checks
hmm i already prefer a default nullable and option to make it non nullable
which is kinda the reverse of what kotlin does currently
do you like code full of null checks?
kotlin already has ?. for it
and ?:
that's not the same issue, that is the solution
9:42 PM
with those operators why you need null checks?
you don't /shrug that is the point
i am not sure what you are trying to say
you prefer default nullable
I don't
oh that is fine
that is just my preference
and with that i am sleeping o/
9:58 PM
but not sleeping
but also not sleeping
what keeps you up at this hour
it only being 6 in the evening keeps me up
and I just woke up from a nap
question stands :) I am usually ready for bed at 6
ooooooo nice, a nap
how is life? We spoke like 2 times in the past year
10:16 PM
Rough and busy but surviving
I know, I haven't been in much for awhile. And, when I do, no one is around
ah yeah same, I'm not here that often
are you two still bffs?
it's not really rough. just trying to quit smoking again so it has been a rough couple of days. lol
good good :)
10:18 PM
nah, Tim found someone better, Mehdi
oooo, who did I find?
i dunno. probably someone :D
we finally hired someone on my team who is worth a shit. so now I don't have to do everything which is nice
cool! Send me one of those
@RaymondArteaga we have some new members, can you collect their payments tomorrow? Thanks
haha...took me long enough to get one but I will try
you can take your usual cut
@MehdiB. the Result.Error.LoginFailed etc works nicely :)
the file that does all the mapping is ugly af but I pressed (x) on it so who cares
10:21 PM
do you have a default Error fallback? for internal sdk crashes
no, I wrote this sdk, it doesn't crash
@TimCastelijns ok Tim, I will
But now I'm in a capitalist country
how is the job so far ray? 2 weeks in now right
does that mean you have to pay taxes?
I don't have as much time as I used to
Everything's great till now
10:24 PM
ok... we can hire a junior accountant to assist you
Also, I'm supposed to work over legacy code :(
I'm afraid
you'll get used to the code base after a few weeks
that's what I'm currently doing, ray ray
so I feel your pain
Also kotlin has @Throws annotation, to make every : Exception checked
xD look at the rep gain from yesterday vs. today
10:53 PM
@IvanMilisavljevic what is that abomination
imho, libs should catch and process exception caused by the library implementation itself. Everything that comes from the outside should be thrown
this is nicer way to handle multiple states
its original implementation comes from scala
this is the actual docs
I don't want to throw anything, client app doesn't care what sdk is doing, so it also doesn't care what exceptions that might throw
But what if your trying to pass incorrect values for example? You cant just silently ignore the exception
10:58 PM
no I map it to an Error
using his pattern of returning an error object, all those unexpected exceptions could fall on a generic one
i get your point
maybe it sucks :P but it works and I like it
It kinda makes sense, but i feel its not descriptive enough
You cant rely on implementations to catch all of the exceptions library cant throw
11:01 PM
I can, the rx chain catches them all
What's going on guys
thats what im saying, your approach is better when it comes to that
oh ok
well then this was my last commit for today
yeah but whats going to happen outside of rx scope?
hm i have mixed feelings now
nothing, just passing the result through the coroutine
11:03 PM
<L,R> result?
hm il have to try this
Yeah, is it framework making?? Chat
fx I sent some links with android studying material
@TimCastelijns bro thanks...I have watched cliefnode when I have started but it is useful..thanks 😁
I worked 60 hours this week, but, great progress 💪
tight deadline?
or just everyone's on vacations
11:10 PM
5 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
all I can think of doing is work
Wow 😂🤣
ah :D
3 hours ago, by InsurgentPointerException
Issues with AS. Can you guys help?
2 days ago, by InsurgentPointerException
@InsurgentPointerException Helpdesk is closed, ping us tommorow from 9 - 5
11:14 PM
oook then
Can you guys answer a question on SO tho?
not sure who's paying rent, me or the damn mosquito who's stung me 3 times already
you should split the bill
Q: Android Studio AVD Manager tells me to "Repair Device" but it works fine

InsurgentPointerExceptionIn Android Studio, I created some AVDs with custom skins. Worked fine, no errors for a week or so. But now I get a warning telling me I need to "Repair" the custom skin devices. But when I set a run configuration and click the run button it works as expected (before any warnings/errors). What ca...

@MehdiB. xD No mosquitos here xD
11:17 PM
north pole?
siberia or alaska?
south pole?
Lol theres no land down there
@IvanMilisavljevic anything?
11:19 PM
yeah, just a big wall of ice so the oceans don't spill outside the earth
No AMD I should add that
Don't post your question over and over. We don't know the answer. File a bug report with Google if it bothers you
is your processor amd or intel?
ah you're using custom images for those devices
11:21 PM
And yes
They are pretty nice actually
but made by samsung, not google
so yeah
Yeah remember my S10+ problem xD
so not 100% compatible with AS Emulators
Samsung made it for them
32 or 64 bits?
11:24 PM
both one of each @IvanMilisavljevic
@IvanMilisavljevic So what do you think happened?
maybe you filled your storage
i dont know tbh
never used these custom skins
i test on real devices
if i had the same setup in front of me i could help
but i cant like this
and dont use emulators for testing
11:29 PM
Obviously I haven't filled my storage I still have 400GB left
for the device
you have 3.8 gb assigned to each one?
One of the others have 11GB
Its not custom skin tho
what does it say when you click on reparir device?
It just opens up the edit popup
yeah but somethign should be selectet, indicating the error
11:30 PM
Nope nothing selected so I have no idea
besides I had these made a week ago
i dont know man
try creating them again
Ok thanks anyway
Alright boys, I'm off to sleep, always nice to spend an evening with nerds :D
cya boiz
11:35 PM
Cya @MehdiB.
And @IvanMilisavljevic if you are on I just created a new one and that broke too T_T

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