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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

My cat is losing his balls tomorrow
WTF your cat needs to be able to SEE TIM
el gatito ciego :(
Please use English or cM will ban you
Let's be completely honest, cM might ban you anyway
¿Oh no por qué?
I got asked by my "teammate" today what something like this means (probably pseudocode to follow
var myDog = (!cat && !ferret);
depends on what cat and ferret are defined as
hmm...to used to slack syntax, I guess
in javascript that could be functions that reassign the global myDog so who knows
it could 5
typescript but you get the idea, ass
can't remember if that was before or after he took 3 days to resolve merge conflicts that I decided to finally do myself in 10 miuntes
@DaveS because he hates you
If it helps your curious mind, he said he'd never seen that syntax before. So the language is kind of irrelevant
lo siento
ah ok, well, then yeah he sucks
I looked at his commands for the failed merge...
cM please use english when speaking in this chat, por favor
cries in toothless
after using mergetool and trying some other commands (since that obviously didn't work) he did a git stash and couldn't figure out why the merge didn't "take" on BB
Mauker, I read that as "cries in bluetooth" fml
I know a few developers in China you could hire
he is awful. And I've tried to be so helpful. I talked to him about looking into mergetools since he was going to just delete that remote branch and create a new one which obvisouly wouldn't work. I gave him the advice about creating a personal GH account if he didn't have one to play around with...
he said, "I think you proposed I do that 2 years ago and I never did. smh
ok, rant over. Thanks, had to get that all out
We are actually hiring :)
@codeMagic Poor you
I really like the github app and visual studio code
what's really sad isn't I haven't even dealt much with BT in a year or so but it still haunts me. lol
I can review all my commits in a GUI and manage everything without the command line
i used vs code for a little while. it's not bad
and merge conflicts easily open and are reviewable in VS Code
maybe I will suggest that to him
Our whole web app team uses it so when I hop on I just use their tools and don't ask questions
I didn't use the git plugins at all for what little I used it
but using the command line for simple git tasks shouldn't be that difficult
there's an auto formatter that detects the merge file inserts and gives you a gui to click old, new or manually change
I just use the app for that
but he doesn't understand how git works at all
you press Sync and it works
How many yrs experience does he have?
sure, but he doesn't seem to even understand what a merge is
at this point, supposedly at least 9 ~:O
9yrs in and still a jr
slow learner I guess
is he stubborn? unadaptable?
I suggested against hiring him after our interview but I was told "he's cheap" even though the other guy agreed that he didn't know what he should
all 3
that's rough
plus I'm fairly certain he doesn't put in the effort/time to understand new things
We give those guys menial tasks like PHP plugins until they walk
Yes. And my team is me and...him
no sense of urgency
"But we have 5 days until the spring is over". Yes, 5 days to finish and test everything then get it built into dev then prod. And you take 3 days to resolve merge conflicts
Oh wow.
Somehow I feel better even if we're past due on our project
Jk, that was low.
I'm in pain, don't judge me
I wouldn't use 2 week sprints with 1 jr and 1 real dev
that's a lot of overhead for the hours you're managing
but I would do pull requests only
if he's that bad
are you his superior or equal?
in the company
I know the answer generally speaking =p
our first was 3 weeks but 2 week sprints now. All have been carry overs from the previous :( plus I have needed to take on the dev ops part of our tools
everything does get a PR
technically, equal probably. I'm a senior. Don't know what he technically is
sounds like a pickle
annoying that you don't have a coding team lead
Our manager understands though. He's out of Boston but we had a talk to let him know my concerns when he wanted my opinion on us being on a team. After stating my concerns, he did say, " Ya, after talking to him, I walked away knowing just how junior he was"
I've got more years in and I'm assuming he isn't technically labeled a "senior"
I'm unofficially the team lead which I think is understood
yeah but unofficially that means you have no real power or recourse to adjust processes to suit your team
no, our boss is really good and allows me to make changes as long as they make sense
thats good
unless I don't understand what "processes" you are talking about
for instance a programmer like that should be assigned boiler plate work and kept away from sensitive systems, but do you have any official power to tell him what he needs to be working on?
but, yeah, he's real good about not micro-managing. Except he wouldn't let me get a "tech debt" issue type in JIRA. but that's alright. lol
I guess not any "official" power but I have plenty of unofficial power there.
that's good then
Before our team split up into multiples a month or so ago, our then team lead would actually ask what things this guy could/should work on and he would listen to my suggestions on that
How much longer on this project? is it a long term deal or will you rotate away from him eventually?
But I gave him a fairly simple bug fix to take that I think I'm going to end up doing because I'll have it done in like 20 minutes where it will take him days. Documentation type things I give him. But there's obviously only so much of that
We are the internal tools team so we build tools to support our internal users
well in that case it may be worth investing time to improve his abilities
things that help them manage settings and such for multiple accounts/devices/etc
maybe request to pair program where you drive
so you can improve his abilities
I've been trying and it's not working. Like I said, we're hiring multiple engineers so just waiting it out until we get more people and I get at least one more dev
ah yeah that's good
trust me, I work closely with him on things. But it's just obvious sometimes when there's no hope :(
yeah, its tough too because the market is so thin, people will hire a warm body with any programming experience
The real pisser is things like I mentioned before. I suggested two years ago to create a private GH account to play around on and he hasn't done that. He's been a dev for 9 years and doesn't even have an account
yeah and if you were his direct supervisor you could sit down and watch him make an account
and this area is pretty bad as far as prospects
sure but that's frustrating that it is even needed. GO HOME AND CREATE A FUCKING ACCOUNT
yeah I know
Oh wow, who doesn't have a GH account?
you should offer Tristan a summer internship and show management how cat boy runs circles around him
really, Mauker
they are open to remote but I'm not sure they'd be down with a remote intern or I would suggest it
night all o/
Night Dave
Good night, Mr. Dave
thanks for listening to my rant :)
you guys might get to see me more over the next couple days
WFH at least tomorrow since we're expecting a -50 wind chill
probably Thursday too
yeah, a little
got about 6 inches of that white stuff yesterday. Almost all schools announced last night that they are closed today through Thursday and a lot of businesses are planning on being closed
It's crazy that here's is this hot while you have 6 inches of snow.
fuck you
It's the opposite side of the spectrum
you would think after 39 years of it I'd be used to it but...nope
Everyone who lives in a cold area will be like "fuck cold I want the sun", while the others will be like "fuck heat, I want snow"
What's the sweet spot?
I was in Florida in June or July years back and it was awful. So I can understand
I think probably the east coast. I haven't visited yet but that seems like it would be the sweet spot
How hot does it get there in the summer?
In my city it can get as high as 95 F
But I live in an island, so take that into account
Outside the island it can get as hot as 104
I assume being on an island (which I didn't know you did) makes it a little cooler?
It reduces the temperature amplitude
It won't get too low or too high
oh, so you aren't too much worse than here. It gets up to high 90's here. Sometimes a little warmer
But my city reaches 100+ every once in a while
95 is the mean.
oh, so a more steady hot than here probably
On my father's city it gets around 108
@MehdiB. Did you resolve this?
I already sent a LinkedIn invitation to bearded kotlin flag holder and grumpy turbaned shadow
Who else can I invite?
Some names please
linkedin is useless
Can confirm, linkedin is useless
lol not at all
I've heard it's useless only if you have a job you like
my linkedin messages
we both used the auto suggestions lmao
I got a few interviews from linkedin, and my present job got my "CV" from there
LinkedIn is mostly sketchy recruiters trying to pay me cents for building pointless apps/next Uber/hype stuff
All the actually useful people I know I've met outside of linkedin
twitter is what linkedin should have been but i'm glad isn't
I dunno, don't like twitter much too
twitter is the best
nobody uses hashtags anymore
except if it's ironic
raghav i've met like 20 people off twitter irl
i can attest it's great
The noise vs. signal ratio of twitter is quite terrible
Same for facebook
I've given up on social media as a whole
Chat rooms/irc/gitter work well enough for me to meet useful people
depends on who you follow
it used to be like that for me but nowadays it's p good
but i do see your point
Yeah, same.
I love when bots refer to people as "useful" :')
Hi, Good morning everyone
How are you bro?
Tired, what about you?
Morning? Are you on the other side of this flat Earth?
Just now reached office. You should sleep now
laughs in work from anywhere
@RaymondArteaga I'm not, but I'm not going to answer "morning" with "night"
@RakeshKumar Can't...
Why not?
I always do it
But it's ok, I guess I'm a little weird
I don't know why generated activities with AS 3.3 are using deprecated stuff...
One would guess new ide -> new templates
@RaymondArteaga Got to finish something first
Debug also doesnt work properly in AS 3.3
@Mauker bro, What are you working?
@RakeshKumar Yes
laughs in slave work
Well I guess is time to sleep
Should I say night or morning?
Now I'm confused
@RaymondArteaga , Night
I guess we should say: Mornight
It will always work, we can use multiple inheritance from morning and night
I am getting an same issue from last few days on XMPP in Android
@RaghavSood Socean
Then implement goodbye interface
We can do it with LISP
Mornight everybody!
Do we have anyone worked on XMPP here?
@RakeshKumar on Android?
What is the best way to show recycleView or listView without using ArrayList
I have worked on XMPP. But i cannot recall anything about it right now
@RaymondArteaga , Yes in Android
without list what are you trying to achieve
@RakeshKumar and what's the problem?
@RakeshKumar The data holder type shouldn't matter much depending on what you're trying to do.
You can use a plain array
It depends on what you are trying to achieve
If you are running your app on a calculator, you should definitely use plain arrays
@RaymondArteaga , On XMPP getting this error XMPPTCPConnection[not-authenticated] (0) closed with error
@Mauker , Want to implement recyclerView without any kind of ArrayList
Use an array of primitive types
I guess the "not-authenticated" error can give you some hints
Try authenticating and see what happens
So that I cannot have a delay like putting all the data into ArrayList and then on OnBindHolder again have to get data from list will cause a delay that what I want to reduce actually
@RaymondArteaga , XMPP getting connected but not being authenticated.
That delay is not appreciated by the user
It remains connected and authenticate just for few mins like 5
then It not being authenticated
I guess it depends on the server
Maybe it's dropping you and you need to authenticate again every 5 mins
XMPPConnection closed due to an exception org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: undefined prefix: stream (position:START_TAG <{null}stream:error>@1:534 in org.jivesoftware.smack.util.ObservableReader@7d1a839)
I am using a service which gets called after particular interval of time
But like I said already; It's getting connected but not getting authenticate. Which actually prevent to send a message.
XMPPConnection closed due to an exception java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
@RaymondArteaga , putting the data into ArrayList and then getting that on recyclerView not consume time and delay?
Are you sure you are connecting to a XMPP server?
The adapter retrieve data on the onBind call
I always use recycler view
So... I don't know much about ListView
@Raymond Arteaga, Let me take an example, I have 20k amount of data. According to traditional way what we do exactly simply put all the data into ArrayList and then populate it on RecyclerView. Where on RecyclerView we just get that from ArrayList from position.
While putting 20k amount of data into ArrayList will not take time?
you should not fetch 20k data at one time
It doesn't matter if you are loading your data from an infinite stream
load more when user scrolls and if you use recyclerview it recycles views that's more efficient
Recyclerview is not the problem
As @Raghunandan said
Use paging
I'm currently using a 3K list of coins with asynclistdiffer and recyclerview
Suppose an API end did not have implemented that functionality like giving data 50 amount at every request. They are giving bulk amount of data at once.
yup paging there is a paging lib available in the new architecture components which you can use
And it's super smooth
Then, it'd be good to put that into ArrayList?
you definitely need to change the api to support pagination
@RakeshKumar I'm pretty sure you won't get extra large data from a XMPP server
You are not going to face performance issues of that kind for sure
@RaymondArteaga , XMPP issue has different concern and not a link with recyclerView that I am not talking about.
XMPP has a different issue
Oh sorry
@RaymondArteaga , No need to say sorry. :)
But for extra large amounts of data you will need pagination for sure
You can implement it your own way
You can persist your data to disk and load only the chunks you need
@RaymondArteaga , Yes that'd be a good way to put that data into database.
I recommend room
You can paginate your queries... So... Problem solved
I think about XMPP issue, there might be a problem with an XMPP service that I have in app.
Either service not well way implemented or connection not stable in XMPP could be
May be
My eyes are closing
Mornight everybody!
Do you have XMPP service ?
@RaymondArteaga , :D :D
@RaymondArteaga , You should sleep and take care
Thanks :)
@RaymondArteaga , Thanks a lot for quick reply. Good night bro.
@Raghunandan, @Mauker , Thanks bro. :)
You're welcome
@Mauker, @Raghunandan, bro, What are you working on these days? Where @RaymondArteaga went to sleep
native android dev
React native?
@RakeshKumar Get this dirty bullshit out of my face
True native man
Kotlin and shit
It's not stable actually like java or Kotlin
@RakeshKumar The same as Mauker, except for the stool
Now I'm truly going to sleep
Mornight everybody!
@Raymond Arteaga, :D :D. Gnight
Afternoon, ray o/
Mornightnoon everybody!
I'm just messing with you
Good night man
GN ray.
Oh... Right... Jokes again
Mornight then
I'll take a nap too, been working on this thing for... almost 24 hours now.
My brain is not working properly
Good Morning
morning guys
Morning Ronak, Shailesh,Raymond,Mauker,Raghunandan,Rakesh,etc
Greeting Everyone!
morning o/
2 hours later…
is AlarmManager works in android-9.0? are there any constraint I need to bother?

actually a method to be performed every morning 9AM.
exactly at 9?
You can use JobScheduler, but it wont be exactly
Is there other alternative?
Why you need it to be exactly?
same like reminder.
to reminder user for activity to do at 9am, 6pm, etc...
Did you look into the calendar api?
Yes but AFAIK calendar API doesn't provide repetitive(like every morning 9AM) and background function.

I looked AlarmManager, Service.
Well then why does it need to be exactly?
because exactly 9AM, user should get notification to do some activity bro.

seeking good solution for android-pie. because it seems some constraints with oreo and pie.
Then add reminders for every day
What seems?
@TimCastelijns, using service is restricted i think.
I mean in background.
What does service have to do with this
I found solutions and Service was one of them sir.
getting me now?
In short notification should be generate every morning 9AM in android pie.
Don't use service = no restrictions. Seems simple
Then could you please provide solution?
Profile description checks out
It really did
I've sent this a while ago, my net was dead lol
@TimCastelijns at least he is honest and on point :D
It's something lol
star worthy comment
@MuratKaragöz ⭐
There you go
lol that starred comment
lol really starworthy comment.
@TimCastelijns "profile description checks out" means?
Patience @RumitPatel I think he's working on providing the first solution
Mark o/
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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