after using mergetool and trying some other commands (since that obviously didn't work) he did a git stash and couldn't figure out why the merge didn't "take" on BB
he is awful. And I've tried to be so helpful. I talked to him about looking into mergetools since he was going to just delete that remote branch and create a new one which obvisouly wouldn't work. I gave him the advice about creating a personal GH account if he didn't have one to play around with...
he said, "I think you proposed I do that 2 years ago and I never did. smh
"But we have 5 days until the spring is over". Yes, 5 days to finish and test everything then get it built into dev then prod. And you take 3 days to resolve merge conflicts
our first was 3 weeks but 2 week sprints now. All have been carry overs from the previous :( plus I have needed to take on the dev ops part of our tools
everything does get a PR
technically, equal probably. I'm a senior. Don't know what he technically is
Our manager understands though. He's out of Boston but we had a talk to let him know my concerns when he wanted my opinion on us being on a team. After stating my concerns, he did say, " Ya, after talking to him, I walked away knowing just how junior he was"
I've got more years in and I'm assuming he isn't technically labeled a "senior" I'm unofficially the team lead which I think is understood
for instance a programmer like that should be assigned boiler plate work and kept away from sensitive systems, but do you have any official power to tell him what he needs to be working on?
Before our team split up into multiples a month or so ago, our then team lead would actually ask what things this guy could/should work on and he would listen to my suggestions on that
But I gave him a fairly simple bug fix to take that I think I'm going to end up doing because I'll have it done in like 20 minutes where it will take him days. Documentation type things I give him. But there's obviously only so much of that
We are the internal tools team so we build tools to support our internal users
I've been trying and it's not working. Like I said, we're hiring multiple engineers so just waiting it out until we get more people and I get at least one more dev
The real pisser is things like I mentioned before. I suggested two years ago to create a private GH account to play around on and he hasn't done that. He's been a dev for 9 years and doesn't even have an account
got about 6 inches of that white stuff yesterday. Almost all schools announced last night that they are closed today through Thursday and a lot of businesses are planning on being closed
So that I cannot have a delay like putting all the data into ArrayList and then on OnBindHolder again have to get data from list will cause a delay that what I want to reduce actually
@RaymondArteaga , XMPP getting connected but not being authenticated.
XMPPConnection closed due to an exception org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: undefined prefix: stream (position:START_TAG <{null}stream:error>@1:534 in org.jivesoftware.smack.util.ObservableReader@7d1a839)
I am using a service which gets called after particular interval of time
But like I said already; It's getting connected but not getting authenticate. Which actually prevent to send a message.
XMPPConnection closed due to an exception Connection reset
@RaymondArteaga , putting the data into ArrayList and then getting that on recyclerView not consume time and delay?
@Raymond Arteaga, Let me take an example, I have 20k amount of data. According to traditional way what we do exactly simply put all the data into ArrayList and then populate it on RecyclerView. Where on RecyclerView we just get that from ArrayList from position.
Suppose an API end did not have implemented that functionality like giving data 50 amount at every request. They are giving bulk amount of data at once.