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In the meanwhile everybody who've managed to cross the European borders (with or without force) gets a lot of stuff handed out for free. They have to finance that somewhere... oh wait, they do from people like my parents.
Cringes me hard.
Don't get me wrong - I totally agree on helping out our fellow humans, doesn't matter where you come from but crossing a border illegally shouldn't give you any rights.
i mean indian PM fucked up in srilanka we had good intention but fuck up happen and the situation got fucked up we took up our responsibility and even took refugees
the PM even got killed for his fuck up
oh your country fucked up and went bankrupt? No problem buddy we will pay for it. Tax payers won't mind
oh half the country's pensions vanished? Sorry man not our problem
and people still wander why i have such a anti immigration stance you made people become heartless because when you had the chance to fix stuff you fucked up and you didnt even accepted the mistake
Our military forces aren't even walking around in proper gear but in the meanwhile our goverment did supply Al Nusra (a jihadi organization) with food, gear and even cars,
CF previous pp was better
bfx what?
And you know how our goverment responded to it?
Jordy where are you from?
Support to Syrian rebels "could've gone better"
I'm from The Netherlands
isnt the NL ruled by right wing?
Liberal right, yes.
or did i messed that up?
CF your previous profile picture was better...
oh there is liberal right nice
bfx it had watermarks
oh fuck there is
This party is more for the upper class than for the actual civilians
a liberal right is a perfect word to identify myself
or wait progressive right i would prefer
every party is for the upper class
businessman run the countries
Here in Holland we only have 2 "right" parties when it comes to immigration although I have to say, they also have some left things on their agenda.
we dont have a economical right wing party here :(
so sad what we need the most is what no party offers
Vote on them and you will get labelled racist, xenophobe, homophobic or redneck
I can come to India and start a party :D
oh you can win in urban areas since white privilege exist in india use it while it exist i guess
in rural areas you wont even get a single vote since not indian
Haha I don't want people to vote on me because I'm white
I want people to share my thoughts and political views, much more important
but they will
But hey, a vote is a vote!
oh wait i didnt clarify it you wont get vote because you are white but white is perceived as rich is why you will get vote
essentially white tho
a white -> potential rich guy
This might be the most positive stereotype I've ever heard
believe me visit India and you will be celebrity
I might be one of the tallest aswell
Imagine me walking around on a Indian market
lol i remember we met a dutch in jaipur holy shit he was tall when taking a selfie he couldnt get his own face in that selfie
that was a lol moment :D
What is the average height in India anyway?
very small dont ask
for girls its even shorter
In Dutchland: 183cm for male
i thought japanese were smaller but their avg is even higher than us
male : 164.7 cm
yay i guess i am taller than the average
@Jordy the reason i am so pro india is because if at all i am in trouble the only government who is going to come to my rescue is India
the Indian government will always stand behind my back whether i like my country or not
I am facing strange issue
I have to develop such type of layout
While adding row in this, getting error.
what is the best way of saving kotlin data class models, can I store them to files and retrieve them when necessary
Against the Column number 5, there is blank space,
row is not visible
@kirankumar many options. Read documentation how to store data
shane, no clue what your error is
@TimCastelijns Sharing screenshot
WHO ON EARTH DECIDED that it would be OK to make the QUERY randomly encode symbols as WHITE GODDAMN SPACES?
Error is = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.TextView.setText(java.lang.CharSequence)' on a null object reference


((MyListHolder) holder).txt_strip_pro_name.setText(name);
at this it gives error
txt_strip_pro_name is null.
A: What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?

Vincent RamdhanieWhen you declare a reference variable (i.e. an object) you are really creating a pointer to an object. Consider the following code where you declare a variable of primitive type int: int x; x = 10; In this example, the variable x is an int and Java will initialize it to 0 for you. When you ass...

there it is.
send nobel prize in programming to c\ Cal bernet 12, Lleida, Spain. the mailman knows me, say it's for eric.
@CptEric What%27s%20the%20problem$3F?
@CptEric what happened?
@ColdFire -----------------------------^that one of these %20 got transformed into the unicode white space
not into the ASCII encoded whitespace
I know the error of null pointer but all the view are define in Viewholder
because the string encoder went full idiot
@Shane no need for pinging dude he is online already -_-
Either your hold is null, or your txt_strip_pro_name is null
Stacktraces don't lie
> Remember that this is a chat room, not a helpdesk.
Any idea or suggestion to solve this?
make sure it's casted during the viewholder creation
roll a D20+6 against dexterity
casting jokes. haha. eric is so nerd.
rolls dice oh boy
i got... 7!
hands a new character sheet and a pen soooo.... you didn't like you halfling rogue, didn't you?
my little halfling TT^TT
can I play with her twin (also rogue) sister?
i have no idea what you 2 just said
@W0MP3R but she now has -2 charisma and rolls 1d6 psycho conditions
until she visits a theraphyst
also she died her hair black and prefers to be called "Mo".
Gandalf Wise wizard help me please
sorry, the grey clothed wizard date service hotline is full. try again in 4 fantasy universes.
@Mark Khabib or Connor? :D
Rico Verhoeven
Badr Hari in that category (even though I dislike him as a person)
Figli della memoria, pirati a Saint Pauli....
damn this chat is getting weird
looks womp and eric is playing some weird game
mehdi and jordy are saying random names no idea why
google them, first 2 are fighters in MMA, the last 2 are fighters in K1
i know mohammed ali was the greatest fighter but that is all
yes, but he was on a different category
boxing has a lot of branches
i miss zuccbot. it was so precise.
:44143738 Unexpected token '}' on line 2
i think i had watched one match of his , he is damn good
where is zuccbot?
@TimCastelijns where is the bot?
@ColdFire Online since 02-10-2018 12:33 (UTC). Running version 1.6.2 on master@6f501e7
@CptEric the bot is here^
what are you talking?
not that part of the bot.
just kidding
we're having RPG P&P talk
you never played Pen & Paper RPG?
@MehdiB. ah
it's like part of a geek's life to do so once
hmm interesting game
@MehdiB. MMA is different you should watch some indian movies. one punch will throw the opponent miles away.
raghu have you seen the fan ad when a lady uses the fan to go to space
that was rofl
made my day
Erigo~~ i need some P&P RPG
@ColdFire what the fuck is that
an ad
of a fan
it's stupid
space tour in 1$
when did i say its a smart ad?
it's not even funny
@W0MP3R wish i had time :(
@DimaRostopira well its funny for me
I seem to have misplaced 5 ETH
To be fair, I know exactly where it is
I just don't know how to get to it
I've recently set subscription trial period for in-app subscription for year instead of 3 days
lost about 3500$
So if you want "Looser of the year award", welcome to the queue
I dunno
I'd say my crypto "losses" since january have that beat by an order of magnitude or so
Hi guys. How are you doing? Does anyone have experience of working with Doze mode? Does Foreground service override Doze mode?
yes it does, if it was started before doze was activated
@MehdiB. easy Conor
@TimCastelijns I also thought it should. But I cannot see that. The tasks which I create in foreground service are suspended when a device goes into doze mode. I used foreground service from github github.com/JimSeker/service/tree/master/ForegroundServiceDemo
@TimCastelijns an operation which is occurring repeatedly. For example, checking battery level every 5 mins
how do you know they are suspended
and where are those tasks running
because only the service is not affected by doze. If you use jobscheduler or something for the task, it does not work
@TimCastelijns by seeing that task is implemented much later than 5 mins. and this delay is increasing gradually.
@TimCastelijns in foreground service
why do you feel the need to ping me every time you say something
I am right here
@TimCastelijns Hey x
:) ok, I thought it is more correct
Tim, I miss Realm tho
every time you @ me I hear a loud beep. It's annoying if you do it every time. I'm sure you understand
sorry for that.
I am so tired of Android's layout problems
@mauker PR on chatse
it's ok Sa just remember it in the future
Tim, you said that even using Jobscheduler will not work in Foreground Service. But what can work? If there is a thread running, can it work and dont stop in Doze mode?
I tried to use a Timer, but this is also not working in Doze mode
doze is there for a reason. Your app is not supposed to keep doing whatever it wants
@SaQada just accept it, not everyone wants your app to be their priority
Tim, then why it is said Foreground Service can override Doze mode if it cannot do this?
maybe we should create chrome plugin to replace that beep with something else?
because a foreground service actively indicates to the user that it is active
Foreground = app is active in the foreground
Mark, it is not about accepting or not. I want to understand how Foreground service works with doze mode.
why would your app need to check the battery every 5 mins
Background, app is no longer visible
@TimCastelijns Neat!
it's near useless xD but an essential first step towards test coverage
Nice one Tim :)
I need to do some open source stuff tonight
Tim, I just gave an example. I don't have any requirement to build an app checking battery level every 5 mins. It can also be a mediaplayer, or radia, gps navigator, anything which should run in background in doze mode
Hiya Mauker!!!!!! :D
Lunch time~~
yeah you see that is simply not possible
background services are no longer a thing
therefore I was asking about foreground service, which I supposed to be working without delay in doze mode. But it looks it doesnt
@MarkO'Sullivan yeah I was checking the source earlier.. there are areas of improvement
@Mauker @MarkO'Sullivan @AdamMc331^
Mine looks like this too :o
dude see the arrow
@TimCastelijns Lots of them
I saw the arrow, that's what I'm talking about, it also shows on mine
I will help out, small steps
had to go to a birthday party so couldn't do anything yesterday gonna do some improvement today
@ColdFire COOL :D
@Mauker forgot about this! Nice one :) I need to get back to doing more with it lol
yeah he forget you too tho
i had to remind him mark is the one pushing for flutter
@mauker can you go through the open issues when you have time for it? Close obsolete ones etc, I put comments on some of them
@TimCastelijns Doing that now
@MarkO'Sullivan I went through the first two code labs yesterday, so far so good haha
@Mauker great, let's clean up 👏
@MarkO'Sullivan gonna be a tough match :D
@Mauker I tried pasting it in local.properties it didnt work -_-'
It's gradle.properties
you have to create that file
oh ok
didnt work
... This is weird
Can I see a screenshot?
where did you create the file inside the :app module or outside it
in the root folder bro
just like it says
aka one level above app
ok looks like something is going on
well atleast a different error i guess
are you using AS 1.5.1?
I fucking love Android
MediaPlayerNative error(1, -19)
you reminded me of the dark times Dima, when no error code of the media player makes sense
to fix the error you must become the error
its still doesnt make sense mehdi
It's reminds me Hithchiking universe
failed to resolve support v4 yay thanks android
What's the meaning of life? 42
Why you crashed? -19
works for everyone but not for you CF hmmm what could be the problem in this equation hmm
@Mauker you mauker why is compile version and build tool version different :/
he's probably using the jdk 1.6
Update for everyone. We were planning on launching the alpha/beta whatever of ChatSE this week, but we ran into some issues logging in in production. I'm unfortunately too stressed/busy this week to be able to work on it at all. So it's being postponed. <3
Back to crying and school work now <3
kids crying
hiya tristan
@TristanWiley Thanks for the update, that was a professional move 👍
Back~~~ :3
setup of the day...
Worse than MediaPlayer only AudioTrack
On iOS AVAudioPlayer and even AudioQueue (which is basically wrapper around raw C) doesn't suffer from such issues
normal android day
Nov 30 '17 at 20:32, by trevor-e
much happier as an iOS dev overall
I'm playing AudioTrack just after MediaPlayer finishes, so what if I convert mp3 file to raw pcm, hardcode result into array and then just prepend it? xD
@tristan buying write access
still not working
I saw it on reddit last night and wanted to share with mehdi, but I did not have an app that could upload images to SO chat
@AdamMc331 This is how we beat Raghav
or we can just move to california :)
@ColdFire Dude wtf O.o What's the issue?
16 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
> California Law Bans Bots From Pretending to Be Human
i have no clue
@AdamMc331 lmao
@TimCastelijns hahahahaha
android studio 3.2 is pita
how come
I'm upgrading as we speak
cannot resolve symbol 'R', also not being able to resolve id's in layouts
be sure to import R :P
adam since midterms are coming up^
remember every $ is important xD
Reminds me of:
Sep 25 at 21:00, by Mauker
Adam is broken
find a candidate like raegan^
everytime there is a major political event
there's a major political event???
midterm elections in US
that could shape the 2018-2020
I personally expired 95% of my yearly quota of political comments, I'll have to choose wisely on how to spend the remaining 5%
what 95%?
i thought you didnt like politics at all?
That's why he has a quota
~(-.-~) migrating (~-.-)~ migrating
@Mauker i just checked my politics group no message sigh no liberals to troll
it's my migration dance
oh right you were doing some migrating stuff
i guess i will just watch the world documentary for my entertainment today :D
no work?
today is free
oh history nostalgia for folks mahatma gandhiji was born on 2nd october
yesterday that is
we have a national holiday
nice!! :D
There was a famous pker in runescape named after mahatma
that's another game
i mean i didn't agree on stuff with him but what he could do no other human being could do
also another note :- mahatma is also a title
it means a very respected person (rough translation)
@Mauker PR. update build.gradle file.
I'll check later
Got busy now
i am still not able to run the project
no problem mau.
cf what's the issue?
Failed to resolve: support-v4
that is all
@MehdiB. very tough though I thought the same about the Aldo match up
@Mauker back in my day there was no code labs
Glad to see you like it so far
CF i had the same problem. i updated build.gradle file to have the latest versions
Sep 21 at 20:36, by Mauker
Feb 28 '17 at 15:56, by Raghav Sood
Heh old people
@MarkO'Sullivan too busy dude very less online
@Raghunandan like you pulled from the repo latest?
yes. by forking it
@ColdFire do you have the SDK manager deps installed
oh ofcourse
this is the solution to that btw stackoverflow.com/a/45342389/1843331
I tried in the past and this works
isn't this google() enough?
oh yeah I guess it does the same
@TimCastelijns nope
i am aware of the version 26 changes
i already checked
good job
maybe i should try forking it
@mauker pr
@netpork working correctly for me
     |  |
Here's a fork for those who need it
lol what
@TimCastelijns Good idea
lol what
@Mauker do you know what does it look like?
Pls tell me you know
That's a fork
Or a rocket
       ________  .====
      [________>< :===
Here's another fork
it looks like an arrow going downwards actually
CF are you on mobile?
Anyone else going to Droidcon London?
@MehdiB. most of the time for me as well
I'm a big fan of quartz obsession newsletters qz.com/emails/quartz-obsession/1410080
They make pretty unusual but interesting topics
any proguard nerds here?
@TimCastelijns yes
What is the issue?
Proguard yes

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