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@MehdiB. oh i thought open jdk has almost all of the api excluding a few
@Code-Apprentice yes
I know java 8 has streams and stuff, but no clue at all about java 9 10 or 11
@Mauker he didnt
@Mauker speaking of China team, they just retooled the entire GMG product line with new chips and decided to inform me 1 month before factory production, so thats how long I've got to make the firmware compatible with the app, understanding that the old firmware is incompatible with the new firmware
so the entire update process needs to be revamped
Holy shit.
I thought you weren't working with them anymore
Unknown command '!chinateam'
@DaveS So you didn't even have the time to breath and enjoy the Zinc release
@Mauker they are part owners and married to GMG as their hardware manufacturer
just because I took over all software development doesn't mean they can't find creative ways to fuck me
sounds like a lot of work
sue them
I don't have a case to sue
file a defamation case against them
Tired of your shit, CF
@DaveS You need to go to the next level and become the head of hardware as well
or become head of china 🤔
Prime Minister Dave, leader of the Flat Earth Party
Just realized, it's been a year since I started working with Kotlin
wouldn't it be President tho?
@Mauker You met Adam a year ago?
It's my Kotlinversary
i think xi is President
Looks more like General Secretary
the Presidential position is a puppet position, ceremonial
the real power is as General Secretary
that is in parliamentary form of democracy like ours
@DaveS That was my position on the Archery Federation before I left
where president has no real powers at all
lol did anybody heard some media channel reported Xi name as 11 xD
I like how he's elected on a one candidate ballot
needless to say she was fired
I could say I... called the shots. (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
@ColdFire because roman numerals?
i was like rofl
how can you fuck that up?
it's not his fault his parents gave him that name
I feel the same way about Tristan
lol tim sigh exactly my point how can the journalist fuck up was my point
dave xD
is that kitty :P
no it's kaiba
@Mauker <3
i thought mark was the flutter guy
I thought he was Irish
Just installed it
@ColdFire I had to double check if it wasn't womper
The problem with flutter is that I'm getting old and I don't like change
get young then
Yeah Dave, get young
I don't have time to play with alphas
great point Dave
^ that's actually why i'm not interested
i agree with the alpha point
Not yet
No u
why spend time learning something when you could spend that time not learning something
Video games don't play themselves
wow wtf
mauker is running on a endless loop
But I thought that's why we have streamers
"New AI beats all your games for you, just sit back and collect your achievement points"
@DaveS wow! That's actually cool, but pretty scary if the conscent is removed from the equation
Seeing how old men control america, it's coming soon
Social security tax is now collected in blood
didn't the old men always control america?
yes, I didn't dispute that
I'm saying now that they have access to young blood transfusions, it's gonna become a tax
that transfusion sounds horrific for now
> It answers the question: how do you sleep at night after leeching the blood out of busboys and students? Just fine, thanks.
nice js room has a quality interesting discussion for once :D
are they inventing yet another javascript framework?
lol no
madara is online that guy is just amazing
also always does quality discussion
maybe you should go learn web application development then if we're so boring
I release mauker
lol i didnt say that
Where is madara now
Dead after the end of Naruto
He is a titan
Mauker is a Titan
he is dead
am I?
CF where is madara...
Mauker is just Mauker
Yeah I release a mauker :P
lol reminded me of that Marker joke i pulled on Mauker xD
eeeeek flag
Which one is correct? "Remove from X" or "Remove out of X" ?
Can i up an image?? Layout
1st one
@Mark is the verb form of @Mauker
depends on what is X i guess?
Removed from the equation vs removed out of the equation
@DaveS Yes
@DaveS can you use it in a sentence
removed from the equation is what i think
i guess we have natives here tho
adam and dave is all yours
Once he left a Mark, he was forever known as a Mauker
Uploaded from chatse app
Please remove duplicate copy mage
@Mauker You're his Maukelgänger
Apr 4 at 15:25, by Mauker
I'll also see myself out
also lol that chat
Apr 4 at 15:25, by Mark O'Sullivan
I guess you could say I'm your maker Mauker
@bluetoothfx pls file a bug report on github we will fix it
The duplicated image is SE's fault, not ours lol
doubt it
Guys if possible please share a link..how i can implement the searhcview side by side a cart icon
Mauker fix SE's shit
how it is SE fault tho?
@bluetoothfx use combination of xml layouts, android frameworks and code
It happens in here too
No fault i think i have uploaded 2 times because i didn't see it's uploading
on the browser
good tips dave
Let me test it
No progress bar or progressview
@DaveS and Spring
10$ says tristan made a mistake in the image upload code
@bluetoothfx But yeah, that's an issue
Spring might be overkill
I wanna join in chatse dev
fork it
Okey any guideline for my searchview
I have already got devs instructions
2 mins ago, by Dave S
@bluetoothfx use combination of xml layouts, android frameworks and code
and Spring
what you want to know?
just google how to make tabs and there you go a tab tutorial
I can make that
just google toolbar and there you go
No problem
you should discuss design changes with the other guys before you implement them
But problem is i need to make exact same search bar as on image
style an edittext?
while(searchBarXML != image)(searchBarXML = XML.Random();)
It is 2 am
G2g friends
Most of time i bug you guys
Sorry for that :P
take it 1 step at a time, be more specific, then we can be more help
relax man
gn bfx
if you asked me how to make a rounded background edit text, for instance, I can help there
gn btf
Pizza from me
thanks :D
Only apologize after the day you send someone else a picture of a running chicken in the middle of the night, while they're sleeping
Ok, now that was offensive, apologize for the pizza.
And gimme a slice
why is there a ketchup smile on the plate?
See you guys soon...
Over n out
@DaveS you dont use ketchup with pizza?
gross no
guess we will call this the Indian Pizza Then xD
I cant even eat pizza without ketchup
ketchup is very common here with pizza
it's like a worse form of the pizza sauce that should already be on it
lol trump
idk we are accustomed to eating it that way
it's ok we don't all evolve the right way
your jokes are evolving Tim 😂👍
@DaveS but there is no sauce on it?
I tried pizza with a little bit of Ketchup from someone, and I didn't like it, you basically just taste the ketchup
depends if you take the heavy crust and costly pizza the sauce seems unnecessary
on the other hand the cheaper ones just doesn't taste any good without sauce
posted on October 02, 2018 by Android Developers

Posted by Ben Fried, VP, CIO, & Chief Domains Enthusiast Today we're announcing .page, the newest top-level domain (TLD) from Google Registry. A TLD is the last part of a domain name, like .com in "google.com" or .google in "blog.google". The .page TLD is a new opportunity for anyone to build an online presence. Whether you're writing a blog, getting your business online, or prom

@ColdFire what kind of pizz doesn't have sauce?
wait what sauce are we talking about?
tomato usually
i have never seen tomato sauce on pizza here
atleast all the pizza i have seen
they give you sachet to pour on it pizza as you wish here
Tomato sauce is one of the most common sauces
that's like having a hamburger without the bun
tomato sauce is what makes it pizza
fuck dominoz i guess :D
wtf dominos serves it without sauce in India
they are the shittiest pizza in the US so it makes sense
if you want clean and nice pizzas don't go to fast food chains
I guess they need to adjust for local prices
go to "artisanal" pizzerias
i mean pizza starts at 0.9$ here
They use tomato sauce here
You don't fuck around with pizza sauce
can you post a photo of a US pizza
let me compare
@MehdiB. what is artisanal pizzerians?
is that a food chain?
oh fucking hell our pizza is nowhere close xD
^ NY Style
@DaveS I guess the costliest pizza here is somewhat close to that
@ColdFire no on the contrary, I meant pizzerias where chefs prepare it in an artisanal manner (as opposed to industrial)
don't even get me started right now smh I gotta look away
chicago style
i only like margarita so i order only the cheap ones :D
and the best for last
@AdamMc331 lol on what?
Dave's gonna share detroit style next
@DaveS not my cup of tea, wouldn't be able to eat that
Detroit style isn't worth mentioning
That's a proper margherita CF
oh nowhere close here
fucking dominoz
and pizzahut for that matter
that's just midwestern bar food
You guys are making me hungry
that midwestern bar food is a national treasure
you can get the same thing rural Minnesota
no no no
oh you mean the excessive amount of bread detracting from the toppings?
oh that inspires my next question what do you guys eat apart from pizza /burger and fast food?
Also, pizza is an excellent way to stop a fight
like for lunch and dinner?
or the cloud of depression that hangs over a failed city?
Those two guys were fighting, and the third one stopped the fight by giving them both a slice of pizza
pretty sure it's fake
that is called smart marketing
pizza usually starts fight
because some yahoo like Adam thinks dough cake with cheese on it qualifies as pizza
but it's NOT pizza
it's a crime
I must have taken the detroit bashing too far, Adam left
he is there
atleast shows up in my screen
Eating a not pizza
The last dude who insulted someone from Detroit got this as a gift youtube.com/watch?v=FxQTY-W6GIo
adam is waiting for his chance to attack pheonix
i hope i got the dave's place right
just got this in auto play from youtube xD^
This list ranked Flint Michigan, with it's lead contaminated water as a better place to live than Detroit
I bet their pizza has a lot to do with it
Adam needs to embrace the inner New Yorker he's destined to be become
damn youtube autoplay is brutal one by one videos on detroit
@AdamMc331i'm sorry bby, come back
lol Adam is awesome , Detroit or no Detroit
You can't hold it against him that he was born in a place with such bad pizza
> California Law Bans Bots From Pretending to Be Human
Rip raghav
Tinder's stock about to go up
RIP Match Group
so basically RIP Adam?
Adam will always be relevant <3
You can be dead but still relevant
@MehdiB. interesting
You're terrible, Dave.
You can be terrible and still be Alive
@Mauker but not wrong
I know why Adam isn't responding
he is busy i guess
Yes... But not quite
He's so tired of my shit he's tired of saying it

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