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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

I dont know who you are, where you are, what you are. But i will find you and i will get the code from you :P — Arjun 4 hours ago
about whether or not someone's answer sucks, basically
not just "give me teh codez" but "give me teh codez OR ELSE!"
that is a pretty funny conversation CA :p
> Just edit your answer with the change in my code. so that i can reuse it directly.
back~~ :D
thanks BB
same look has my cat (ginger) when she wants some specific food
That kitty is very very pretty :D
^ ginger
that eyes :O
direct sunlight makes miracles
Did ever show you my Maurice ?
oh, she he is so elegant
It's a boy
french cat, what else can you expect
pretty :O
how old is he? 2 years?
I like how he seems like he disdains you everytime he shows up, haha
damn, he's at least 12yo by now
picture's from 2013
is he mostly an outdoor cat?
It's a heart cat
he is since he lives at my parent's house, ~2010
Maurice is a beauty :)
huhu, nice
I've always had cats as pets or neighbours cats who came to us and we acted like their adopted 2nd family
never had a dog
The cat who visits my parents house (and more often when I come to visit cause it loves me): scontent-lhr3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/…
Well then
I guess it's technically a gif
My cat is just like her daddies. A total hussy.
That's better
Nice, Graeme
onward to find a pic of m cat
this is my asshole pet
@AndroidBot has a lot of cats
hobbies: waking me up at midnight.
begging for food
and begging for hugs.
and biting after each of those three items.
mine was waking me up because he didn't support that I close the door of my bedroom with him outside
mine has similar protests, aye
for example mine rams me with the head when he wants to sneak inside my bedclothes on cold nights
like if i was a city wall or osmething
mine protests if any doors are closed in appartment
so he wakes me up
i slightly open the bedclothes
and he slythers in
how do you guys feed them when you're at work? or going somewhere on weekends?
Mine waited until I woke up this morning, then sprinted downstairs to beg to be let into the basement o.o
My cats are generally broken.
for more than one day of not being at home, usually neighbors helps
I like cat and dog but I don't have :(
they have a full plate of cat cereals.
Thinking of having a cat, they apparently help reduce stress
when it empties, i fill it
they indeed do
throw a ball of aluminium paper at 'em, fun for 5 minutes and no stress during those 5 minutes
unless theyre like my cat and hit themselves with every damn furniture
Haha! then I'll have one! :D
also each cat is a universe
mine eats cabagges
but only when they're round
ginger likes ping pong balls to play with
-eats cabages and fingers
lol neat
mine's too big or too fat to jump like that
i mean, he does jump a lot
like.. 1.5 to 2m when he wants to
but not gracely
it's like throwing a mortar
whenever he jumps to, an earthquare erupts
like an elephant in a glass shop?
"cats are gracefully and ellegant". "my cat enters the room running, proceeds to try to brake, stomps into wall".
is that yours?
bc yeah that's how my cat works
nope it is not mine
looks like a spider
that one is like a rolling bush
obviously a 'murican cat...
short legs
I thought it was a corgi at first
i thought it was a hairy alligator
it's a glorious mount from a RPG
or a very strange hamster
my gf's hamster is a kamikaze
when freed from teh cage, tries to run and jump away
My friend had a couple of hamsters that walked off a second floor balcony
Didn't end well
I'm glad you friend didn't do that - that's what I read at first :P
my cat triend to meet Cathalla once or twice
lucky bastard didn't die
Maybe she did. Now she has 7 lives left.
I dunno
If I were a cat, and my owner had the opportunity to buy a tank and submarine, and didn't, I'd probably try to reach Cathalla too
Lol Juliette - there is this myth here as well, that cats have 8 lives :D
How could I go and meet other cats with a straight face if my owner can't be evil right?
Absolutely right XD
You guys think Graeme moved to Canada for kicks? Not at all. He's moved their to extend his cat's empire
it took me a confidence-crushing amount of time to realize what cathalla is
Right now it feels like Graeme moved to Canada to see how much stress the blood vessels in his brain can take before he has a stroke.
sounds like me ATM
man, relax. nothing is worth that kind of stress.
why is the US so fucking weird
I can't open up a bank account anywhere without being a US citizen
because they use fahrenheit
look at santander ahmad
gray: Countries which have not officially adopted the metric system (United States, Myanmar, and Liberia)
@CptEric omg it looks like they do!
you might have saved me some serious monies rn
no problem
as far as we know, we're the only one in the entire universe to use the metric system ; maybe the USA are on the right side...
they're assholes as fuck when it comes to spain's poltiics but overseas is a good bank
anyone know a bit of scss?
@Ahmad What happened to your existing account?
@RaghavSood chase closed it because I moved overseas
the founder and former president (now dead) was an ashole corrupt. his daughter is the one in command now and seems decent ,she's the responsible of the new US delegations and the bank opening outisde of europe
and simple bank doesn't let resident aliens open up an account
just called them
the lady told me no
Hmm, never gave me any issues
@TimCastelijns shoot
it's so weird
I mean how do they want to determine my residency status though?
I have an SSN
what does @media only screen and (max-width: 992px) {} mean? Specifically the "only screen" part
@Ahmad I can just imagine the response on the phone "You are alien. No moneys for you!"
so they actually can't tell right?
Lol mark
Probably not
if Santander fails I'm just going to open up a simple bank account and just pretend
> resident alien
Are you Superman?
@MarkO'Sullivan not sure why but I read that with a japanese accent
/i didn't just say that/
Only is a query
screen means screen. visualization. convenience import, means to only process if the viewer is a web renderer
AND means "and".
logical operator.
but.. isn't everything a screen?
theres terminal browsers too
and shit like that
but who uses that nonsense
> The media queries specification also provides the keyword only, which is intended to hide media queries from older browsers. Like not, the keyword must come at the beginning of the declaration. For example:
anyway thanks
> Browsers that don't recognize media queries expect a comma-separated list of media types, and the specification says they should truncate each value immediately before the first nonalphanumeric character that isn't a hyphen. So, an old browser should interpret the preceding example as this:
Q: What is the difference between "screen" and "only screen" in media queries?

Jitendra VyasWhat is the difference between "screen" and "only screen" in media queries? <link media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" rel="stylesheet" href="m.css" /> <link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" rel="stylesheet" href="m.css" /> Why are we required to use 'Only'. Does scree...

Every time a story linking Trump to Russia is uncovered there's another one inside. Can't think of a good metaphor for it though.
i dont get it
@CptEric matryoshka doll
also if you haven't watched it, jeff and some aliens is a new show I really like
thanks eric, was helpful
Time to home :D
cya mr D
Time to go~~
cya people!! :D
later womps
bye WOMP
@Mauker Mauker plz
woah, WWDC is in San Jose this year...?
@Ahmad US & Canada. And I know right?
I just want this to be easier
I just to file taxes and get my tax returns
@jlindenbaum are you going?
Hello, Android!
@Ahmad I think you a word
Did not know banking was so difficult for non US citizens
@Ahmad probably not me, hoping the ios senior guy can go. but his wife's having a baby right around then.
I wanted to apply for the scholarship but I totally forgot
oh wait they haven't opened yet
nah, you got time, registration/lottery isn't until march 27
I might do the challenge they always do for the scholarship
but I'd rather go to google io tbh
user image
How to do bug fixing
idk, io last year was in a hot parking lot. Also no freebies. But the food was pretty great. Best talk I went to was about how they make 3D Video by mapping video to projections of spheres, cubes, and pyramids + a hls-like playlist
@Reno lmao that poor kid
at the end you can see him deleting his keystore
@Ahmad I totally feel your pain - everything is just so difficult, seems like there are barriers in the way to just about everything right?
ikr, why would they even make all this so complicated?
there is just so much bureaucracy
I swear it's just so business people have job security
and a meaning in life
chase closed down my account the minute I changed my address
like come on I had money on that account, give me a warning first at least
now they sent all of the remaining money with a check to me, but caching it in in euros is probably going to cost me :/
I'd say it's worse in Canada, but it's probably the same. My current theory is that Canadians are so laid back and polite they've let their institutions evolve into monsters without any challenge.
Did you make that screenshot in paint? :D
I just took a existing library and customize to get a range slider with a pointer. But its not fully material. Any suggestion where i can improve the same
Nope its a screen shot from my phone
Weird, font looks pixely.
Add a shadow to your grey blob
yeah that looks horrible
You've got shadow'ed "Points"
Perhaps make those solid but give the finger pressed section a shadow
i really don't see that in the app. don't know if its just in the screen shot i see
The bottom one looks relatively similar
that looks much better also i need to fill those circles when i slide the slider
fyi @Raghunandan on your profile "Serial Upvoting and Downvoting will be revered in time" is incorrect. Revered means to worship, you probably mean to use "revealed"
Yeah, that'd be cool
@DaveS thanks typo erros. will fix it
I hope I am revered in time
took it from studio and the screen shot is much better. any way i need to customize lot of things here before i get this into production
I would certainly move away from the grey and green
maybe an orange border, white fill, black text
i agree color choice is bad here. will change it
^ me trying to jump in and help out on a javascript project without a day or two of orientation with the code
I would also center the text in the circle, it looks high and to the right
yup text must be centered.
it looks like it needs antialiasing
A skybox is a method of creating backgrounds to make a computer and video games level look bigger than it really is. When a skybox is used, the level is enclosed in a cuboid. The sky, distant mountains, distant buildings, and other unreachable objects are projected onto the cube's faces (using a technique called cube mapping), thus creating the illusion of distant three-dimensional surroundings. A skydome employs the same concept but uses either a sphere or a hemisphere instead of a cube. Processing of 3D graphics is computationally expensive, especially in real-time games, and poses multiple limits...
@Pinki sorry but you are using chat only to get tech support. Help vampires are not allowed here
Patapon Dave
it's a Zalgo O which happens to make a great waving guy
@Bart Kiers If you parse HTML with regex you are giving in to Them and their blasphemous ways which doom us all to inhuman toil for the One whose Name cannot be expressed in the Basic Multilingual Plane, H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ‌​. — Zenadix Oct 29 '15 at 15:32
Yeah I know, it just reminded me of Patapon
oh ok
^ an army
Is it true that iran is strict about their data capturing or data confidentiality?
"Data protection is a new field under the Iranian legal regime and currently is not subject to
extensive regulation. In Iran, there is no specific law on data privacy and the subject has
been sporadically dealt with by other laws and regulations. Most of the legislation is fairly
recent and further development of these laws is expected."
centered the text. silly mistakes due to tiredness. Way past 1:30 am here. got to rest. Cya guys
posted on February 16, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Matteo Vallone, Google Play Games Business Development Today, at Saatchi Gallery in London, we hosted the final event of the first Google Play Indie Games Contest in Europe. The 20 finalists, selected from nearly 1000 submissions, came from 12 countries to showcase their games to an excited room of gamers, industry experts and press. Selected based on the votes of the attende

As it turns out, there's a higher than anticipated number of good scope creep images
you are actually here
Not really. Just had to share that with someone :D
long time sir
I know. Been super busy
alright alright
Dave you here?
got a minute?
let me create a room .... I almost said get a room
careful Een, you barely know me
I bear-ly know you
slowly walking out of this conversation
Yay! Another thing done
Think Monday release is more and more likely
you'll know for sure tomorrow :D
2 hours later…
@MarkO'Sullivan marcus! what are you doing working at 9pm!
@TimCastelijns was in the middle of doing a feature when I left wanted to finish it off before I went to the gym :D
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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