I just tried to work on an unanswered question from myself: stackoverflow.com/questions/39601474/… by replacing 'FrameLayout' by 'ScrollView'. The result is crap...
Like, RX allows you to create Observables which are Streams which Emit data, You can add Maps to transform the Emited data and Filters to reduce some of the Emitted data and you can perform actions based on the Emissions on different threads.
It helps me to remember 90% of Android developers are creating simple easy apps which are just a few Activities strung together. Simple Rx would be great for them.
Alex - Part of being an Android developer is learning how to debug when you have a problem and work through the solution step by step. This also includes breaking your problem down into small parts so you can find answers on Google. If we give you the answer we're not helping you in the long run, we're actually disabling.
you're tring to learn to drive by punching the driver, throwing it out of the door and taking the car's controls in the middle of a highway distribution knot.
get a "how to make my first app?" tutorial step by step and with a cup of relaxation and calm.
I want to have some text and an input box on the same line. So would it be wise to put a LinearLayout (for the horizontal structure, i.e. the text and the input box) into a different LinearLayout (to place many text+input elements vertically)? Would that make sense?
@Alex don't think so, I just removed it and seems to not have affected anything. I originally had it in before I put in the ScrollView and then remembered I could put the weight into the ScrollView instead. (so you can remove that LinearLayout I think)