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@Jaythaking ping the closers in a comment and explain your case as to why you don't think it should be marked as a dupe
And/or go to a relevant chat and ask their opinion. Though, they may disagree with you also
@Jaythaking Also, edit your question to show what you tried and explain how what you are asking is different than the proposed duplicate. Be sure to show and explain. Don't just state that you tried what was in a particular webpage. Show exactly what you did.
Isn't he actually in a monkey suit eating a banana?
Hey, don't look at me. Look at Giphy
Or, did NASA switch bananas and monkeys around when they started deciding what is and isn't planets?
Didn't you make giphy?
I'm the creator of Giphy, yes.
I also created Reddit and the internet.
That's amazing!
@codeMagic FYI, it wasn't NASA that declared Pluto not a planet =p
Oh. Who did?
And my joke is still funny :P
Some international group of astronomers...can't remember the exact name.
Hey, heard about Pluto? That's messed up right?
It actually makes a lot of sense to me.
Have you actually read the arguments for clarifying the definition of "planet"?
The main one is the discovery astronomical objects with similar properties as Pluto.
No, I haven't been that interested. I just feel bad for Pluto
So couldn't we just make those Objects planets too?
There's got to be a simple constructor, right?
I heard an interview with one of the main astronomers that spearheaded the effort. I think it was on NPR.
Well...part of the problem is that the first such object was Ceres, which is in the asteroid belt.
Has anyone used Jake's logger library?
timber...couldn't remember what it was called
I haven't but I think someone was asking about that earlier
Oh, not much was said about it though now that I look back
I just recently learned about timber. Looks really handy just for the fact that you don't have to create TAG variables.
I really want to implement it in my app...but I haven't got around to it yet.
Maybe I'll check it out. I don't really know anything about it
> The DebugTree implementation will automatically figure out from which class it's being called and use that class name as its tag.
which is what I do anyway...I just do it entirely manually
with something like private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getName(); in every class
Timber sounds like a failed Chinese knockoff of Tindr
> There are no Tree implementations installed by default because every time you log in production, a puppy dies.
TIL I'm killing many puppies every day ;-(
bleh...the emulator randomly resets when I'm running tests
C-A, what is happening to you lmao
I don't know!
@TristanWiley they should do that for real before the last debate
@TristanWiley LOL, it would be better if she wasn't so much skinnier than killary
I can't tell
hmmm....my AutoCompleteTextViews are broken ;-(
Now I have an GitHub issue to remind myself to fix this.
The pseudo gayness between @McAdam and myself rose at MHacks 8 for some reason
Tristan, it's a bromance, it's okay.
Dude instead of #repealthe19th let's do #repealthe22nd and get @BarackObama for 4 more years
@TristanWiley The scrolling on that page is horrible for me.
Yeah just skip the BI link and go to the one below
lol the star board is nice right now
It brightens my day whenever I see it
lol does that site mention the email scandal, or the ruining of Libya, a youtube clip of her laughing at a man that was sodomized because of her influence in regime change?
Joking about droning Julian Assange?
The unconfirmed blaming of Russian "hacking" for the DNC leaks to counter what the leaks exposed.
They should mention those things, because it shows how badass she is.
For all the controversies and scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump's are so much worse.
It's really sad that these are our two choices ;-(
Lol I'd just count the volume of blood they've spilled. But I don't think anyone should vote. Have them be the only two that vote for themselves and have a tie.
The email scandal is BS, she made a mistake, it's over with.
Benghazi? That whole deal is annoying. There really wasn't anything her administration could've done in their situation.

Not sure what you're referencing about the other two.
I didn't mention Benghazi.
And I was only suggesting that they should have added those things into the timeline shuffle thing.
It'd make her look badass and trump look like a wuss.
Win over all the trump supporters by making him look weaker than her. That'd be my strategy.
Figured that's what you meant by Libya
Are you in "Hillalove" Tristan?
that was a toad-al interruption mac
No, she definitely has some problems but in all actuality they're not nearly as bad as everyone makes them out to be.
lmao for @Ahmad - i.imgur.com/Z5AdE1c.jpg
1 hour later…
Nice, Google managed to convince Verizon to not be awful with their Pixel phones.
Still has three bloatware apps, but they're delete-able.
@QuentinCheung This room requires 80 reputation for access.
Did you check story page ?
@WarrenFaith Thanks
> "stack overflow in spanish needs your help" -"How about no, gracias?"
does anyone here know java equivalent of this php function? java2s.com/Tutorials/PHP/String_Functions/…
no that function is not just a simple split based on some regex
that function splits a string to array of strings with each item in the array having string of length passed as the 2nd argument
morning cpt
for something like parse db, do i have to use firebase realtime database ?
TGM, Please read the room rules.
why not
i should
but i wont
@TheLittleNaruto did you use firebase ?
Yes I did
me too
for parse database
something like that
what i have to use
firebase realtime database ?
or some other feature of firebase
firebase would have been a really good choice if it were free.
thats so funny
a T shirt with RSA implementation in Perl, cannot be exported outside USA
@TheLittleNaruto If you have worked on parse, where we can create a database tables then insert data or fetching etc
how can it possible in firebase, does it supports ?
No It's not same as Parse
you're looking for substring then, @Bhargav
or a mesh of both
most php methods are obscure c-like functions that make no sense at all unless at ballmer peak
so duplicating them in other languages may be hurting.
@IntelliJAmiya sure thing, but you still need to read the rules when you come back :)
Hey Warren, avm posted a vacancy on stackoverflow
can you share a link? :D
sup warren
ah found it
hey hey Eric!
so another national holiday is over.
we've got more of them than usa.
is that a bad thing ?
yes if they're inherited from darkest times
like Christmas?
to be concrete, from a very specific, not good to remember, 1920-1945 period.
or eastern?
or any other holiday from a mass murderer religion [place nearly any religion here]
Xmas is nice
I like the xmas markets
i like that most of christmas in my region is 80% yule 20% american 1910's merchandising
what's yule?
nordic christmas
btw you are the first one that I hear complain about a payed day off
ancient nords gave food and gifts to the biggest tree of their land after cutting it and placing it near the fireplace, in hope of gifts for the kids and good luck the rest of year
That vacancy description is a pretty fat lie compared to what I experienced in the last 10 month
I know what you mean, Warren. Same experience with my previous job
i don't even know how the fuck did a nordic tradition get to catalonia , but we've been doing it since medieval times
now more kid-friendly
our technical CEO (we have 3 CEOs...) wrote in one of his last mails that we should work on getting our APK smaller because smaller means faster and "fitter"
makes sense
I wish I would have been on that recipient list because I would have called that bullshit
Hello everyone...
@Blackbelt it used to be called "day of our race" before 1979. not very my kind of holiday.
why didn't you work then ?
lol Cpt, You can't just compare with anything.
I have a fundamental problem with how to create some android code, I even do not know what question to ask. Well, I asked some questions on SO, but no useable answers yet. I can try to describe my issue here ...
lol cpt just enjoy the holiday
not complain
Ok, I have some android projects inside AndroidStudio. Lets call them project 'A', project 'B' and project 'C'. In order to examine the long-time behavior I need to write out log messages to a file. I therefore created a Project 'X' which contains a wrapper of the Logger class, writing content to a file. This works so far. Projects A-C do have a main activity, project X does not
But I want the log calls from project A to write into a file 'A.log', from project B into a different file project 'B.log' etc
But the code in project X does not 'know' where it is called from. I could, however, reqrite every log method to something to 'log.d(MYLOGFILE_A, "text", "more text")' but this does not look like good programming...
What are the options? Shouldn't this be something very basic to handle in android?
Alex , Do you get class over there ?
so you can get something like class.getName()
No, the code in project X does not know anything about the classes in project 'A'.
project X is handled as a library
With changes to be made in settings.gradle,build.gradle, so projects A,B,C are able to use the clases in project X
Okay.You need to pass something a String (class name) to it can identify that you are calling it from A,B,C...
What I was thinking to do is something like a Singleton for X, a wrapper class in project 'A' calling project 'X' (inserting the output filename)...
init Singleton class in application class
So you suggest, that when application 'A' is started, it creates a singleton class of the class defined in 'X'?
@WarrenFaith Sir indeed indeed .
set Logger as Singleton
No need for "Sir" here
"Sir" :P
"Sir" always reminds me of Full Metal Jacket
and then call something like Logger.init(filename), set the variable in the class, and I can go ahead using the log calls as log.d("","")?
Ok thanks for the suggestion, I will try it... Might take some time, never coded a singleton in the realms of android...
@Blackbelt national holidays are enforced
I know. You could have worked all the same tho.
some did, but got a judicial requirement to stop doing so unless emergency services
three city halls that i know of.
@Alex AS has a template for singleton
Ah AndroidStudio....
sup graeme
Sup Eric
sup eric and graeme
Sup Sup Tim?
> europe wakes up
I wouldn't say awake :P
are you training your sorry's , graeme?
More "animated"
Training my sorries?
Actually I woke up 2,5 hours ago. But then some guy invented the snooze button
as a future canadian you should train different polite ways of saying "sorry".
sup graeme and Tim
sup CF how was your holiday
Nah, the English already apologise for everything :) we match it that regard.
I need training in how to not to be an absolute **** to people I work with.
Sup Sup Sup ColdFire
Here is a intro to RxJava video tutorial if anyone is interested. I haven't watched it yet but am about to
@TimCastelijns it was great
disclaimer: it's a realm talk
@Graeme eveyrtime you want to punch someone in the face, grab your Larp sword and hit a dummy bwehind your desk.
@TimCastelijns no not again
@Graeme hehe sup*4 graeme
I'm not even taking my LARP sword :(
I'm taking 0 LARP stuff with me boohoo
It's hard enough taking the cats. Got quotes £650 a few days ago for their transfer - I tripple checked with them that that was right, so booked my Flights based on that quote and when I said "I accept" they changed the proce to £850 ¬.¬
come on, mail it to yourself in royal air mail
the 4-week logn one is barely 15 pounds
Pretty sure that wouldn't work :P
for overseas < 5kg
i did that because i didn't have enough space for all the games i bought on sales discount on ireland
worked for me, will work for ya.
just make sure to pick the slowest service possible with track number
else it'll get there before you do.
Need to get myself an address over there first o.o
i've also done that with clothes from primark.
send it to your parents on murcia -> get address -> make them send it to you with postage on recieval.
because we do have primarks on spain, but not with t-shirts at 0.5€ and 10 scarfs for 2 pounds.
and i entered discount frenzy.
My Parents live in Spain
i know
morning o/
Oh, I see what you mean
Anyone know any tools for auto-documenting your code?
no idea graeme :(
What is the difference between 'onStartCommand' and 'onCreate' for a Service class?
@trevor-e whaaa why that? works perfect for me :)
granted they could improve it UI wise
but I usually only use the quick add to add something
and that's it
i'd love to have auto documenting tools lol
Well, the IDE knows the exact linkages of almost all of the code - there's got to be a tool that'll at least give a diagram right?
If you find a class diagram tool, please share!
I found only crappy solutions
@Alex onstartcommand is called everytime you call startService on it, oncreate is only called if it has to be created before starting
both class diagram and auto comment generator would be lovely
there's already the generate comment AS instruction. now i just need a project-wide tool that executes it
so onCreate is only called once, the other method at least once (and maybe more often...)?
initially yes
but when you stop the service and then start it again, it gets recreated
because it got destroyed when you stopped it
hm ok. Maybe I understand, thanks!
I think the documentation explains it better than I just did
No you did better...
Tim you did nice :)
testing one right now @Graeme
Cool - Just added "PlantUML" and "CodeIris" to see what they get upto as they've both UML plugins in the default repositories
PlantUML is more like UML to code or so, right?
Code Iris looks good
codeIris works
plantUML hasn't been updated in 6 years
wait it isn't that
it's another UMl
just tried codeIris
works preeetty nice
i'd love it if it looked less like some 1980's tool tho
with package filtering and class visualization you see a lot of stuff
but does the job
CodeIris seems to create a Square labeled "App" (the name of my module) in a window. That's it.
Ah, Module View.
square?? Where can I download this thing?
move the slider
code iris for what?
plus diagram tree exporter in JSON
Cf you have experience with retrofit calladapters?
now i just need... a viewer.
that's not weirdly embedded.
Let me know if you find a UML editor before me Eric :P
@TimCastelijns what you want to know?
I have this gist by jake github.com/square/retrofit/blob/… but it's not complete
I would love to have jpg export support for code iris
why you need calladapter i am asking , you need customization?
yup same here
or pdf export atleast
we could make tristan do this as hackaton project :I
@ColdFire let's say I have 100 different requests, for each one I have to check if it was successful and if not what type of error there was. It's like 15 lines of code that is the same for all requests
o/ long time no see
has anyone done any zendesk integration in their app?

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