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Did you try just targeting an earlier SDK?
I would rather work with China team to develop animations for JMR that uses cM's fragments all while being managed by Carl's starbucks' leadership on a phone that has less battery than Tristan's, than work on this project right now.
It's not that, it's that it looks for the .so file in the jniLibs folder that doesn't exist for 7.0
You should just accept a pay cut and come work for Fyresite
Then you could fulfill your dream of cleaning up after China team instead
adam which mediaplayer are you using then?
and why not framework one?
Uplynk, and because the client asked us to use that over the default Android one
does it work good?
tell the client they should go fuck themselves out of all Android 7 devices or listen to you
Fire the client
tell client to use note 7 while using this app then surely he will be on fire soon
Actually, maybe there's a good reason for all this
If they keep Adam busy with all this crap, he can't go around deleting important files like last time.
btw even indian airport have warning not to use note 7 while in flight
you know what happens when you try charging that samsung device?
lol I saved this good one yesterday
@Eenvincible I don't know when this is from but I think the guy at 6:07 is the same one who did my shave almost 20 years ago :)
lol really?
The yelling
@codeMagic 20 year you remembered some guy from 20 years back?
Some things are hard to forget :P
how old are you cM?
Very old
wait, did you try to join the marines?
he is >35
dropped out of high school to join marines and after being shaved, ran back home
dishonorable discharge?
I did join but they found out about my bad knees during the medical exam in San Diego
oh sorry about that
so you chose code?
No, ELS (entry level separation) because I didn't tell them and they didn't catch it before
that is why you are doing this android shit
Thanks, it sucks but oh well
Yeah, eventually
Yep, could have been working on airplanes instead
well atleast BLE could have one less ranter
I originally wanted to do some IT security stuff but I scored just a couple points too low on my exam
Lol, CF
Okay, does a binary search for text input make sense?
cM, Snowden also got pushed out of active duty due to bad legs
Just saying, in case you feel like leaking stuff and don't know why
Look where he is now
Russia hiding
binary search makes sense
binary search is for time saving
Yes, and I have only two buttons
unless you cant arrange data in any order
So I can get to my desired letter in seven clicks
Or less
cM, I have convinced myself that I would never make it through the training
well if you can arrange data in a order then you can have binary search
but otherwise no
Yes, it's just text entry with numbers
so a-z0-9
then sure you can do
Plus @ and .
No other characters in a username, right? Or am I forgetting something?
# % $ &?
! ?
probably & is allowed
Allowed, sure, but who honestly puts $ and & in a username
well right i was talking about those stupid 0.00001 % user who do
Don't care, this is personal use only
They can fuck right off
haha ok
just give them a number to all
and arrange them
so that you can do a binary search
Eh, I can just work through an array
search through array?
Have them presorted in an array
Or hell, I can just keep halving a string
yes that can do
both works
Actually, I have three buttons
I can do this faster
Trinary input
Like those old phones
i see
password maker you making?
aah i see
@Eenvincible I was convinced that I could because, believe it or not, I felt the school that I wrestled at had trained us pretty well for some of it. Unfortunately I didn't get to find out. But it was definitely a shock once you get there
I would probably love to be a marine - travel the world in a submarine lol, see how it is
That's the Navy :P
Currently testing something on this boy is it different
crappy brand
crappy product
i.e blasted product
no need to purchase a bomb when you can get a note 7 so cheap
It's what we used to send to our original customers. Lol
And there are still quite a few using them :/
2 buttons gives me five clicks
Morse code would be faster
And I'd have a third button for suggestions
Because usernames are repetitive
So I can check old ones to guess what the next letter will be
Nah, this works better
Our new VP of tech told me today that he's working on getting me out from under my current boss. So I'm either just going to be under him directly or out the door. Either way, win/win
For anyone who doesn't understand how wonderful that is, You can read up more on my boss here
that's great news
well, except for us here, we'll lose on the storytime/drama
I'm sure I'll still have great stories about him. Except it will be more comical for me instead of me just bitching :)
You should have seen my face when he told me. I just lit up. ha
o/ TGM, how are you
I am good, thanks
you say
Hello, Android!
Gah, I'm being an idiot
Usernames are heavily recycles
I can just predict the whole thing instead of predicting next letters
Sorted by length
so raghav matches a prediction for raghavsood, which will in turn match for raghavsood97
Saves me so many clicks
@Phantomazi you're a little under what we like for a A:Q ratio but you don't smell like a help vampire. You have access but please read our room rules before participating room-15.github.io
@codeMagic thank you! I will! I wanted to join as I am passionate about Android and will be doing a little project for the next months, so this seemed like a good environment to be in :)
and yes, I am deffo not a help vampire :)
Not a problem. Just read the rules quickly first, then follow them, then enjoy :)
And since you are passionate about Android, I guess you haven't been doing it long
@RaghavSood haha nice
@codeMagic lol
lol cM
@WarrenFaith "image not found"
That us some entertaining reading about your boss, cM.
there is going to be fire everytime
interesting fact of the day
the 5th digit of an ascii character determines if it's upper case or lower case
you can just toggle them by shifting them by 5
Ahmad you seem to be in the wrong room, this is the Android room. The Python room is here
Your missing out, Carl. It is an amazon listing for a Note/ fire extinguisher combo
you actually went ahead and looked up the link to the python room :0
it did add 10 seconds to my reply, I must admit
it was still very fast
it's like old man strength
old man touch typing
more like - back in my day you had to type out all your variable names, you didn't have this fancy auto-complete, thus you learned to type faster.
"Generate getters/setters"? Pfft. We did that all by hand.
@codeMagic haha, yeah, I am learning at the moment, but I will try NOT to take this as advice and stay passionate for longer :D
@Ahmad 5th bit you mean?
lol yah
not sure why I said digit
Welcome, Phantomazi
Phantom, good. But did you take a minute to read the rules before we go any further? Thanks
carl, apparently google does their interview in google docs
Tableau does as well
they do their phone interview coding challenges in google docs
so I'll know how it feels like coding in 1970
or at least they did for me
yeah they do for everybody
Meeting time, someone cover me
it's retarded tbh
My Pi has bread all over it :/
are you interviewing with Google?
throws camo tarp over cM
they just got back to me
oh man this google docs this is freaking me out :s
What if your code starts capitalising automatically? :O
I applied two days ago and they already got back to me
everybody said they are slow
iirc the phone question they gave me was coding a class that accepted a List<Iterator> and would have a method get() that returns the earliest next element of all the iterators
Public class Ahmad {
Int a;
Char b:
It hurts to look at
I have read and understood the rules.
Great, how much do you know about Raspberry Pis?
oh I've never implemented an iterator
would have no idea how to do that
that's really java focused tho, I thought they only do general CS stuff in their first two interviews
I interviewed for an Android dev position
so Java was the focus lol
might be different for you
aaah okay
yeah I think I'm getting interviewed by random googlers
you should be fine :)
interview for what position ahmad?
fingers crossed, would be neat if it would work out :)
wow ahmad avg is 53 almost thrice as CM
53? for what?
avg rep/ answers
To be fair, Ahmad is a cheater
@Ahmad that date
cheater how?
I don't know how. I just wanted to make myself feel better
haha CM
Ok, I'm out for awhile.
You boys and girls play nice together
there is literally no girl here who are you talking to
GIRLS where
is there any girl in android room?
apart from adam
"I'm a science geek. I'm a nerd, and I don't make any apologies for it." —@POTUS #WHFrontiers http://snpy.tv/2e0cWmK
this book of CTCI is so thick
600 pages
cracking the coding interview
i see
night all
seriously where in the real world would you ever track the frequency of characters with an int[128]
these suggested solutions are just so out of touch with the real world
is it using the ascii code as an array index?
of course they are efficient, but that's because they are leaving out all the edge cases of the real world
this ones very interesting nonetheless
and I actually could apply the lower case thingy on it that I learned an hour ago!
espresso is driving me nuts
in what way?
take a few more shots of espresso and up the ante
it thinks the IdlingResource isn't idle even though it is
the callback comes back, and I set it to idle, but the next action is still stalled and eventually I get an error like "android.support.test.espresso.AppNotIdleException: Looped for 7100 iterations over 60 SECONDS. The following Idle Conditions failed ."
Maybe your phone feels like it's been idle for too long and has been working hard to impress you
do you have an infinite animation running eski?
that could be it since I'm testing gifs
like a loading icon
I guess it would be keep the ui thread from going idle since it's looped
I'll have to try stopping the gif after a delay tomorrow
Anderson Cooper is fricking hilarious lmao
Youtube started recommending videos of him to me for some reason...
I've managed to get a decent amount done tonight :D github.com/RaghavSood/PiPass
Buttons work, screen works
Now to actually make the menu do stuff
Good to hear that :)
so is there any other students here, i'm trying not to feel the stupidest person around :)
There's a wide variety of people here, students, adults, mid range.
I believe I'm the youngest.
I think @Dsafds beat you recently
But yeah, there's a few students here
There's also some really, really old people
Youngest, most active person? :}
how young is that? :D
Tristan's 10 I believe
well does it really matter how old you are, as long as you are sane it's all good haha
Wrong place then
Most of us went crazy long ago
Yeah... I don't think any of us are sane
i think i got warned about going crazy
but that's 3 warning already
i'll take it into account
@MaartenWachters You need at least 80 rep, and a better q:a ratio to get access here: room-15.github.io
@RaghavSood No? Im 99 years old ;)
I'm a potato
First changes will be pushed soon to BoneOS!! github.com/Bone-Project/BoneOS soon!
oh, Maarten, this guy just spammed one of the other Android rooms few hours ago with ridiculous questions and the self-explanatory "i dont understand java"
Ask Ken Bone to sponsor you
Phantomazi, this is the only Android room.
well, the only "android-only" room, i suppose
This is the only Android room.
haha, okay :D
Tristan is over zealous
and a fanboi
Who wants to hear a Calculus joke?
On that note, I should be able to take input from those three buttons any minute now
Why didn't the derivative of sec(x) go to the beach?

Because secant tan.
thats a trig joke
Why didn't Tristan get into college? He was punished for having too many puns in his application
Actually nvm.. i need to add some major documentation on the installation
Can you capitalize the "i" in your readme Dsafds? It's bothering me.
@TristanWiley Haha.. It will be all changed today. What you are seeing right now will be completely changed
And my name is Amanuel :) look at my stacoverflow acc .. dosent update i know :( .
Okay, it's just bugging me
ugh, that's creepy!
Yay, my text input works!
Raghav you are awfully excited about making a UI today
oh it's all in python, that's why
I'm doing a Raspberry Pi project
And keeping it as minimal as possible
So I have a 0.96" OLED as my only display
And three GPIO push buttons
To run a password manager
nice, we're talking about doing a raspberry pi controller as a v2 of the grills so we can finally remove China team's code from the entire process
So now I have a binary search-esque input
In which two buttons choose which side of the array
And the last one ends the input
Essentially like the 12 button keypads on old phones
if you have a left right and enter, how do you set chars?
You enter them one at a time
oh I see
It loops through the process until you have your desired word/username
And then you press enter to finish
It's basically a tiny on screen keyboard
I'd get a video, but my camera doesn't like the refresh rate
like some of the old arcade's system of writing names on scores?

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