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@TimCastelijns aaah i see
@ColdFire custom call adapter can do this right?
@TimCastelijns yes if it doesnt, no other thing can do it in retrofit
do you know of any examples? retrofit documentation like doesn't exist
Eric - Found anything? I tried Visual Paradigm but it can't open it
didn't found any
as i said, we should convince any of this room's hackaton addicted's to run a project about that :P
the filtering in Code Iris is pretty useless :( You can't filter by using regex so generated classes are always included
that means: clean before using Code Iris
and you have to "delete" the test classes as they are there as well (because of same package)
and sadly there is no export to image :(
but it still gives some useful insights
So, creator of PHP just landed in our country for a php conference
We still use php =(
I mean I now can point to it and just scream SPAGHETTI! without someone doubting my reasons
I hate php
ill never want to work in that language
i hate java too, but its much better compared to php
I dont hate Java that much
i wonder how the new Php version 7's doing though
Have not touched PHP for 3 years
haven't touched php since version 5.0
apparently has the same performance as Facebook's "HACK"
lol, my company's back end is written in php
PHP crushed my soul
It is the devil
Time to rewrite your backend I see
so my full stack developer colleagues are on about it all day
Anyone here using rxandroid in their projects?
What is rxandroid?
RxAndroid? What about RxJava?
@LawGimenez that was my first suggestion xD
ruby would've been a much better choice imo
Everybody's migrating their backend to Node
As far as I can tell, rxandroid is an android specific version of rxjava
rxandroid just gives you extra schedulers
people use that mainly for the Schedulers.mainThread() method
I dont mind typing findViewById()
me neither
Tim , Yes me
yeah, because replacing php with javascript is such a great improvement on language quality </sarcasm>
What kind of stuff do you use it for?
What does that even mean Eric?
porting php backends to node
our client is on that MEAN stack
Tim, Making Schedulers call and nested observable.
played with Node, still much better than PHP
I am just going through some noob tutorials, and it seems to me that you could use Observable.from(array) to loop over arrays
I would say add RX Android only when your app is full of complexity
@CptEric haha Yea I never understood the reasoning behind Nodejs's popularity
extensions and libraries everywhere
I use Observable.just(Subscription)
@RonakMehta why would you want that? Isn't rx meant for different purposes mainly?
Tim, RX word is attached with lots of things...
RX Android , RX Java , RX Location ......
RX camera , RX Permission
I heard of RX binding too :P
Oh didn't know, thanks
there's a xkcd of it i think
I am trying to find out if it's worth the time to learn it, but I can't tell right now if I need it
No it is not worth it
Add it if your app involves complexity
Please, Android SDK has too much bugs in it already, dont add more
You're saying that because android sdk has bugs, rx has bugs as well?
We are surrounded by Bugs.
None of the gradle is bug free :P
now try to pronounce that
I like it, RXException, RxEx for short
I need to try out node
It's like a character of star wars or pop punk band
with a shortbread
My life is a good without RX
@TimCastelijns sorry was away, wait let me check example
just using rx to replace async tasks is doing yourself a favor
why wouldn't you use rx?
Getting mixed opinions here guys. Let's vote. Star what you agree with
Rx is good
Rx is bad
Rx is bad
Where's the I have no opinion on Rx option
Rx is good
Rx is bad
RX none
Tim just wanted to get stars , that is all
This is some serious matter, no opinions are not cut out
Ronak you cheeky so and so
Totally in it for the stars, all 3 options in the one post
2 vs 1. It has been decided. Rx is not good. We have a 66% majority of the votes here
Read carefully.
Tim , I would not hesitate to go with RX if my project involve great complexity
I add a dependency and AS keeps complaining that it can't find it BUT it compiles it
That is my phrase when I encounter PHP
Warren , Restart AS || Clean
@WarrenFaith restart
That is some serious AS bug
and say fuck google
We are not in the Eclipse era, we should not clean anymore
I had a weird error yesterday where it said my layout wasn't using AppCompat and it was
restarted AS and all was well in my world
@RonakMehta I will definitely try it out. It's just not completely clear right now what it is good for (and what it is not good for)
Law , Still sometime clean fixes many problem.
blame caching of IntellIj
I have not clean my AS projects in awhile
still that is just one of my issues :(
@TimCastelijns well depends on your requirement
when I run tests it complains about empty testsuite :/
I know CF
Rxandroid is one of the most starred github repos. It's gotta be good for something
I just tried to work on an unanswered question from myself: stackoverflow.com/questions/39601474/… by replacing 'FrameLayout' by 'ScrollView'. The result is crap...
restart/invalidate cache did nothing... absolutely nothing
I only see the OK and CANCEL button...
re there some rules how to combine the different android layouts?
depends on the case
warren guess blame google
Just finished that RX talk
@Graeme any good?
I'm half way, no spoilers :D
Uhm. I guess. It wasn't until 2/3 of the way through I understand what she was on about in the first third
RxJohn dies in the end
lol eric
Like, RX allows you to create Observables which are Streams which Emit data, You can add Maps to transform the Emited data and Filters to reduce some of the Emitted data and you can perform actions based on the Emissions on different threads.
Which is all super simple*
only the word Map makes sense to me
How can I create a ScrollView in android?
* When you're doing something advanced, this will all balls up due to "backflow" or other gotchas which will F you in the A.
@Alex you need a goat, a trumpet and do three times this:
Any solution where doing something Advanced breaks the technology means I'm not going to use it :P
Isn't it supposed to simplify the advanced stuff
Alex , "How can I create a ScrollView in android?"
Google it.
It helps me to remember 90% of Android developers are creating simple easy apps which are just a few Activities strung together. Simple Rx would be great for them.
But I don't do simple :P
I did google it and did as it says, but my content of the view is not shown anymore on the screen...
Paste your code in pastee
So it does not seem so simple like 'wrap everything inside a scrollview', because this does not work for me...
Replaced FrameLayout by ScrollView
Why? they do not do the same
Alex - Part of being an Android developer is learning how to debug when you have a problem and work through the solution step by step. This also includes breaking your problem down into small parts so you can find answers on Google. If we give you the answer we're not helping you in the long run, we're actually disabling.
how to change not selected listview item value ?
(Did someone mass accept room requests?)
Just give him clues, that will be good enough. Helping is good too
lol graeme
I'm gonna test out his layout
tried adding a scrollView unsuccessfully :D
I never use GridLayout tbf
Maybe there are some hidden secret rules how to combine these layouts and views...
no, it's all very simple. But you gotta know what you're dealing with
I dont see ScrollView
So far I experienced android as anything but simple...
Bottom line: scrollview if you have more content than you can place on 1 screen, framelayout if you need to place elements on top of eachother
I have replaced the FrameLayout by Scrollview in the example code
It doesn't work like that
Now I am confused, again
GridLayout is pretty messy
don't copy paste code from the internets¶
Alex - Read through this - developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/declaring-layout.html, Then lookup ScrollView documentation and read through that. Once you've done that you should understand what you need to do.
I prefer LinearLayout with weights
So many newlines on your XML
awww LL with weight shit
anyway, tip here: [linear layout vertical] [scrollview] [linearlayout vertical] [content /] [/linear] [/scroll] [/linear] is the structure to go
Using a relative layout as only child of a framelayout makes no sense
You can add the XML views and view groups gradually if you like, start small and run
thanks for the hints so far
CF - What's wrong with weighting? Apart from their inherent inefficiency? :)
It's the only way to make layouts with dynamic content not go a bit mad in some situations ;)
efficiency is the problem
once you start nesting LL with weights problems starts from there
Nearly got this fixed for you @Alex
Was a bigger problem 5 years ago than it is now :) Just avoid them in lists if you can :)
Just fixing up the buttons on the bottom
Mark - Don't you dare give him the solution!
You monster
monster ROFL
I am still struggling to start with anything
imagines Mark breaking Alex's legs with a crowbar :P
well i dont use LL with weight except when i have no other solution
I am now trying LinearLayout in the innermost layer; but so far I see crap
Use Relative layout and leftOf and rightOf together?
what about constraint layout?
no that crap
Alex - Give your layouts different background colours and then look at the design view :)
hey fu bhargav
fu too :)
i don't like RL's
So many fu's
What do you use Eric? Weights?
i don't like LL's
depends on the situation
RL >>>>>>>>>>> LL
so empty test suite was the result of the a wrong test runner.... obviously you can't use the multidexrunner for multidex projects anymore
mostly weights , sometimes RL's, sometimes framlayouts.
I can see the LinearLayout inside the FrameLayout, but it is empty
In lots of situations I feel I can either choose RL or LL with weights only.
but i'm not a RL fanatic. mantaining some RL layouts that i've seen is not only complicated but tedious
No its not empty. But I can see only One single TextBox
Alex - Play with it and figure it out
one TextView, I mean
(Have you checked the orientation value?)
So android is about try and error.
sometimes i just drop a FL with 0 width and 1 weight so it pushes things away accordingly in lists.
you have to RTFM
to understand
one TV only? Definitively what Graeme said: change orientation
and play around to figure other stuff
In most cases I do not understand TFM...
join some course then to learn
you're tring to learn to drive by punching the driver, throwing it out of the door and taking the car's controls in the middle of a highway distribution knot.
get a "how to make my first app?" tutorial step by step and with a cup of relaxation and calm.
^ starts from the basics
I want to have some text and an input box on the same line. So would it be wise to put a LinearLayout (for the horizontal structure, i.e. the text and the input box) into a different LinearLayout (to place many text+input elements vertically)? Would that make sense?
nope, it wouldn't
you'd have to use a listview or a recyclerview
to take control of that item's life cycle and not clutter your device's ram
ListView should be deprecated
no it still has its uses
unless RV adds all things supported in ListView
even you don't know how to solve this problem
No, because new devs forget to implement the ViewHolder pattern on ListView
then that is their issue
Viewholder is pretty basic
alex, we've seen things you can't imagine.
yours is not a problem at all. it's just, that you don't know how to drive. follow that tutorial step by step
I feel still lost. Not sure how to start
What's in ListView btw compared to Recycler?
go to developer.android.com
Yes I did I guess...
follow every step, understand every step
describes trivial things, but when you want to do something else- boom. Lost
fast scroller , empty view , selectable modes
but all can be done with RV
@Alex got it
but to use a lib just to get fast scroller is shit
then you did not understood it, but just copied the cod.e
That was more painful that it should have been
RV should give it inside
LV's onItemClickListener is convenient, I forgot if it is in RV
no not in RV
that also is pain
a interface everytime for RV
meh just make a baseAdapter :P
How long does it take to go through the whole tutorial. I have not done all of it? Do you have any sense on how lojg it will take to do all of it?
Yes that could do
i already have a baseadapter eric for that :)
it will take as much as you need it to take.
@Ramees sorry but you need at least 80 reputation to get access here
@ParthaChakraborty welcome to the room. Please read the room rules before you participate: room-15.github.io
@WarrenFaith, thanks
drum roll
bagpipe team puts on kilts
they take air
@Alex let me know if that works
Wow looks like it works. But I have questions...
Why do you have two LinearLayouts on the top layer. What is the purpose of them?
Works in the emulator?
yes also on the phone!
Probably could remove one Alex, I was just doing a rushed job :p
I got my own work to be doing so didn't want to spend too much time on this
but I know layouts can be frustrating at times to work with
Plus I hadn't answered a question on SO in a while :p
RelativeLayout came from heaven
God's gift
Is there a reason why you have the GridLayout inside the LinearLayout in the middle?
I knew some of you guys would comment about RelativeLayouts instead of LinearLayouts
Just want to let you guys know, RX neither and bad are now tied at 2
@netpork yes
nowadays LL's doesnt have performance issues like in the past
it's just lame to not use them at all for some crappy android 2.3 and 3.0 bugs
Worry about performance when you experience issues
@Alex don't think so, I just removed it and seems to not have affected anything. I originally had it in before I put in the ScrollView and then remembered I could put the weight into the ScrollView instead. (so you can remove that LinearLayout I think)
oh ok...
constraintLayout sucks a lot for what i've seen
I will play with it, thank you very much...
as bad as apple's
yes eric
and the new UI designer interface on as 2.2 is weird
my layout are complex so i always have to end up using RL
What I don't like about CL is you add one view and suddenly there are 50 extra lines in your xml
Hello, Android!
Hello code
cod mw?
CL is good but i will use it when it become stable
Damn autocorrect
Is there any way to do floating buttons without CL?
coordinator layout
Got any links explaining how? Everything I've seen from google uses CL.
CL constraint or coordinator you mean?
Oh... Maybe it was coordinator layout not constraint layout
yes coordinator it was
google uses that
I was just starting to look into it. Don't have my code handy right now.
coordinator it is for FAB?s
but we're talking constraint layour here
just create everything programatically and you should be fine
@CptEric yeah I had the two CBS mixed up.
i think jake wharton secretly wants to get into master chef.
butterknife, spoon, dagger ...

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