@Jaythaking Also, edit your question to show what you tried and explain how what you are asking is different than the proposed duplicate. Be sure to show and explain. Don't just state that you tried what was in a particular webpage. Show exactly what you did.
lol does that site mention the email scandal, or the ruining of Libya, a youtube clip of her laughing at a man that was sodomized because of her influence in regime change?
Joking about droning Julian Assange?
The unconfirmed blaming of Russian "hacking" for the DNC leaks to counter what the leaks exposed.
They should mention those things, because it shows how badass she is.
Lol I'd just count the volume of blood they've spilled. But I don't think anyone should vote. Have them be the only two that vote for themselves and have a tie.
The email scandal is BS, she made a mistake, it's over with. Benghazi? That whole deal is annoying. There really wasn't anything her administration could've done in their situation.
Not sure what you're referencing about the other two.
ancient nords gave food and gifts to the biggest tree of their land after cutting it and placing it near the fireplace, in hope of gifts for the kids and good luck the rest of year
our technical CEO (we have 3 CEOs...) wrote in one of his last mails that we should work on getting our APK smaller because smaller means faster and "fitter"
I have a fundamental problem with how to create some android code, I even do not know what question to ask. Well, I asked some questions on SO, but no useable answers yet. I can try to describe my issue here ...
Ok, I have some android projects inside AndroidStudio. Lets call them project 'A', project 'B' and project 'C'. In order to examine the long-time behavior I need to write out log messages to a file. I therefore created a Project 'X' which contains a wrapper of the Logger class, writing content to a file. This works so far. Projects A-C do have a main activity, project X does not
But I want the log calls from project A to write into a file 'A.log', from project B into a different file project 'B.log' etc
But the code in project X does not 'know' where it is called from. I could, however, reqrite every log method to something to 'log.d(MYLOGFILE_A, "text", "more text")' but this does not look like good programming...
What are the options? Shouldn't this be something very basic to handle in android?
It's hard enough taking the cats. Got quotes £650 a few days ago for their transfer - I tripple checked with them that that was right, so booked my Flights based on that quote and when I said "I accept" they changed the proce to £850 ¬.¬
@ColdFire let's say I have 100 different requests, for each one I have to check if it was successful and if not what type of error there was. It's like 15 lines of code that is the same for all requests